Chapter 17
The first couple of months that Mom and I were together we were like newlyweds, constantly chasing one another and fucking morning, noon and night. We just couldn't get enough of one another. I can't tell you how many times we were late for work because we started teasing one another at breakfast until we couldn't stand it and ended up fucking on the table or running back to our room for a hot fuck.
After a while it settled down and we got more into a routine where we would go off to work, come home and eat dinner and watch some t.v. and then go to bed for a long, hot fuck.
Mom would always stoke my fire by bringing home a new nightgown now and then or greeting me at the door naked. But after a while we were like a regular married couple and we were very happy.
One Saturday an old friend of mine, Pete Castro, called and asked if he could drop by. He was having a problem with his car and wanted me to take a look. Pete and I grew up together and he was a frequent visitor in our home. Mom really liked him and would always comment to me about what a heartbreaker Pete was going to be when he grew up.
Well, Pete grew up all right, to about 6'3" with the body of an athlete, all muscle. He was handsome as the devil too and drove all the girls wild. He got married two months ago to the finest looking babe you could imagine and Mom and I attended the wedding. All Mom could do the whole time was gush about how gorgeous Pete looked and how lucky his bride was.
Pete arrived about mid-morning and we got to work in the driveway. Since Pete knew nothing about cars, all the work fell on me. Pete's job was to keep me amused and the cold beer coming. It was a hot day and we were down to just shorts and sneakers. He was telling me stories about his honeymoon and the wild shit he and his wife did.
Mom had gone out shopping and had come back about an hour after Pete arrived. She greeted him warmly with a big hug and then excused herself and went inside. Soon it was time for another beer, so I sent Pete in to get us a couple. He had no sooner left, when a line snapped, spraying oil everywhere. I didn't have a rag handy so I went into the garage to look for one. When that failed I figured there must be some in the kitchen. I was just about to climb the short steps to the kitchen when I heard voices. Don't ask me why, but I ducked around the corner, then peered around the doorway. I could see Pete with his head buried in the fridge, no doubt looking for something to eat.
"Hey big boy, want to play?" Mom asked!
From what I could figure she thought Pete was me, since all she could see from the open refrigerator door was his but and legs.
"Huh?" Pete replied, standing upright and looking at Mom.
"Oh….Pete! I….I..thought you were someone else!" she explained.
To make matters worse she had changed into a new nightie that left little to the imagination. It was a black, low cut number with see through lace around her tits down to her navel and blue silk everywhere else that clung to her every curve. It was held up by two spaghetti straps and came down to just above her bush, while exposing all of her
back. The lace was straining in its attempt to hold her tits in place and giving Pete quite the skin show.
Mom, who was quite embarrassed, was doing her best to cover up with her hands.
I thought about barging in and rescuing her, but then I thought it might be more fun watching her try to get out of this on her own.
"Yea? Like who?" Pete asked in response to Mom's explanation of thinking he was someone else. He was really giving her the hairy eyeball, looking her up and down.
"Uh….I..uhm…I've been seeing someone and he's supposed to drop by. I thought you were him." she lied.
"Luck guy" Pete said, grinning at her. I could tell he was impressed by the lust in his eyes.
"Uh…well….I better get back to my room." Mom said, slowly backing up.
"Yea, sure Mrs. C." he answered, not able to take his eyes off of her.
I watched him as he stared at Mom as she made her way back to the guestroom, her short nightie bouncing up and down and revealing the matching silk panties. I figured the show was over until I heard Pete whistle under his breath and then quickly look around, as if he were checking to see if I was anywhere near by. When he was satisfied that I was still outside at the car he turned on his heals and started quietly walking towards the guestroom. I decided to keep an eye on him at this point and, keeping a safe distance, started following him.
He made his way to the entrance to the room where Mom was about to get changed. She probably never expected him to follow her, so she didn't close the door. Suddenly I could see the corner of her eye catch his figure in the doorway.
PETE!!!! What Are You Doing Here?!!" Mom screeched, trying to cover up.
"I..uh…just thought we could talk for a bit." he replied, slowly walking into the room.
"PETE CASTRO YOU JUST TURN YOURSELF AROUND AND MARCH OUT OF THIS ROOM!!" Mom ordered as she held her hands up in front of herself, trying to hide from his prying eyes.
"C'mon Mrs. C. Were old friends. There's nothing to be ashamed about." Pete answered, continuing to walk towards her.
"YOU HEARD ME!!" Mom replied.
"Calm down. I just want to talk." he said.
"We can talk after you leave and I change." Mom said in a quieter tone.
"Man, do you know how sexy you look?" Pete asked, ignoring her request.
"Pete…." Mom started.
"No really. I mean all that time I spent at your house I never realized it. I thought you were kind of good looking, but I had no idea how hot you were." he stated.
"That's not the way you should be speaking to me!" she scolded.
"Hey, were all adults now. Its not like I'm still some little kid." he said as he continued to walk towards her until he was standing right next to her.
"That's not the point and you know it!" she said as she held her arms over her bosom.
"God, your hot! You're really getting to me. " Pete whispered as he stroked his fingers up and down her bare arms.
"Stop this right now!" she directed, pulling her arms back and away from his touch.
I couldn't move as I watched this. I felt a combination of jealousy and anger mixed in with excitement. I have to admit I have a lot of voyeurism in me.
"God, your so exciting looking in this, I don't think I could resist you" he groaned, wrapping his hands around her waist and then running them up and down her exposed back.
"Let me go Pete!" Mom ordered, trying to break out of his embrace.
"Ok, ok Mrs. C" he replied, dropping his hands. "You know I would never force myself on anyone. I'm sorry, I saw you like this and I got carried away."
"All right, but please go." she said.
"I will. But you have to answer a question for me first." he said.
"What?" she asked, impatiently.
"Now honestly, have you ever thought about being with me?" he asked.
"Pete….." Mom started to reply.
"No, no really. I need to know." he said.
"Well….uh…people fantasize all the time…." she replied sheepishly.
"I thought so!" Pete grinned.
"I didn't say it was recently….." Mom started.
"You didn't have to" he said, looking her up and down, "God do you know how sexy you are?"
"Pete....." she admonished, clearly flattered by the attention.
"You're making my blood boil!" he said, once again moving his hands up to her waist.
"Pete… promised." Mom said, trying to get his hands off of her waist and, as a result, giving him a real close look at her nearly exposed chest.
"Hmmm!" Pete moaned, looking down at her lace-covered tits.
"Ohhh!" Mom shuddered, following his eyes down her to chest and realizing what he was staring at.
Pete's eyes traveled up from her tits to her face and stopped. Mom's eyes lingered down at her chest in embarrassment before slowly rising to meet his gaze. She froze as he stared at her, like a deer in the headlights. Before she could move Pete quickly leaned in towards her and pressed his lips firmly on hers.
"UHHhhhhhhhppphhh!!!!" Mom protested, her hands coming up to his chest to try and push him away.
Pete didn't budge as he continued to kiss her, his hands holding her waist tightly. Finally he pulled back, breaking off the kiss and staring into her eyes.
"Please….let me go" Mom asked, her hands on his trying to break his grip.
Pete didn't react and just kept staring into her eyes. Mom was now looking into his as if she were trying to read his mind. Suddenly, he started leaning in again, very slowly. Mom's eyes darted from his to his lips and back again, over and over.
"Pete…don't.." she begged, trying to move her head back as his face got close and closer, until their lips touched lightly and then sealed together.
Mmmmmm!" Pete moaned as he kissed her once again.
"Uhhmmmggmmm!!!" Mom groaned as she stood there and half-heartedly tried to get away.
Pete once again leaned back, breaking the seal between their lips and looked into her eyes. She stared back at him with a somewhat bewildered look. He bent forward once again, bringing his lips close to hers.
"Pete….we shouldn't…." Mom whispered as his lips descended on hers.
Again she moved her head back as his came forward, but she couldn't avoid him. He zeroed in on her lips and just as they were about to touch, Mom parted hers and allowed him to kiss her again.
They stood there, Pete moving his lips gently against hers and Mom moaning softly.
The kiss gained momentum as Pete pressed his lips harder into Mom's and she offered no protest.
"Uhhmmmmm!" Mom moaned, her eyes slowly closing and her body going limp as she permitted Pete to kiss her.
Pete finally moved back, breaking the kiss for a moment before slowly moving back in and brushing his lips against hers before backing off. He looked in her eyes and slowly descended towards her once more. Through partly closed eyes, Mom watched as Pete's lips came closer and closer to hers again. Just as he got a nose apart from her, Mom leaned in, meeting him half way in a steamy kiss!
"Mmmmmm!" Mom moaned as Pete fixed his lips firmly onto hers, her hands resting on his arms as she returned his kiss.
They gradually pulled back, pealing their lips apart to catch their breath as they gazed into one another's eyes. Mom hands snaked their way up Pete's well-developed arms and shoulders until they came to rest at the back of his neck, as his caressed her naked back. They stood there staring at one another, breathing raggedly.
"Ohhhh, Pete…..we..can't.." Mom whispered.
"Yea…your right" he replied, running his hands across her naked back.
They both leaned in at the same time, Mom's arms wrapping around his neck as their parted lips slowly came together and sealed in another hot kiss.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Mom moaned as her mouth opened and meshed with Pete's, their heads bobbing in unison as their mouths slid back and forth.
They pressed their bodies together, their open mouths fused together in a deep, soulful kiss. Mom's arms tightened around Pete's neck as his huge arms snugly squeezed her waist, drawing her smaller frame to his. The kiss seemed to go on forever, as if neither wanted to be the first to stop. The room was filled with the sounds of soft, moaning passion and the quiet smacking sound of open, wet kisses.
After a bit, Mom tore her mouth off of his and in a raspy, breathless tone of voice said:
"Ohhhhhh...Pete…we..gottttaaa…sssttoopp thissss!!"
But her actions belied her words as her hands continued to vigorously explore his arms and back. Pete dipped his mouth down onto her neck, sucking it lustfully.
"UUHhhhhhhhhh...nnnnoooo!!!!!!!" Mom moaned, but again reacted in just the opposite way as she tilted her head and exposed more of her neck to Pete's sucking mouth.
"OOOHhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" She groaned again and lifted her left leg, wrapping it around his outer thigh and mashing her groin up against his.
Pete slid his hands down her back and under the short hem of her nightie and grabbed a handful of ass cheek, grinding his crotch into hers. They stood there, Pete sucking on Mom's neck and Mom running her nails across his back as they dry humped against one another.
"OOOHHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Yoouuurrr….ddriiivvviinng….meeeee…ccrraaaazzzyyy!!" Mom groaned, passionately driving her groin up at his.
Pete's hands left Mom's ass and traveled up her back and onto her shoulders where he grabbed a strap in each hand and started pulling them down.
"Ohhh, Pete…Noo….we…can't!!!!" Mom moaned and yet at the same time dropped her arms to her side to allow the straps to fall over her shoulders and off her arms.
The gown followed the same path as the lace clung to her tits for a moment until Pete's urgent tugging forced them over and off her full, heaving breasts and the gown fell to her feet. Pete rushed to capture a tit in each hand and kneaded them, tweaking the nipples between his fingers.
"OOHhhhhhh!!!!!! Ssstttoopp!!!!" Mom moaned as she thrust her breasts into his hands and rubbed them wantonly against his massaging fingers. She reached up, grabbing the back of Pete's head and pulled it down towards her, meshing her open mouth against his.
Pete released her tits and wrapped his arms around her naked waist, pulling her in tight against him as he returned her kiss! Mom snaked her arms around his neck, as she kissed him deeply, her erect nipples scrapping against his chiseled chest.
Pete's hands were running over her back and down across her panty-covered ass. His hands slid down under the waistband of her silk panties, capturing the cheeks of her bare buttocks and kneading them. His hands grabbed the waistband on each side of her hips and began pulling them down.
"NOooo!! We…should……!!" Mom groaned, breaking off their kiss and catching her breath.
But, at the same time her hands were down at Pete's waist, unsnapping his shorts and working them down and off. They both succeeded at the same moment as each of their last stitch of clothing hit the floor. Same old Pete, I thought, no underwear, as his large cock came into full view, stiff as a board and bobbing angrily. He attacked Mom's neck with his mouth again, while he rubbed his swollen dick against her abdomen. Mom, in the heat of passion, glanced down at Pete's equipment and wide eyed at what she saw.
"OOHhhhhh…Pete!!!" she exclaimed, staring at his large dick.
Pete pulled away from her neck and followed her gaze down to his shaft and then looked back up at her, a proud grin on his face. Pulling her back to him, he kissed her firmly, sending his tongue deep inside her mouth. He kissed her so passionately it seemed to make Mom light headed. They continued to kiss for the longest time, arms wrapped around one another, crotches slowly grinding into each other, before Pete turned them towards the bed. Mom went along with his direction until the edge of the bed dug into the back of her legs. Then, as their kiss continued, tongues dueling, he slowly forced her back, down toward the bed. As she leaned back farther and farther as if she might break, Pete finally lifted her up and onto the bed. Then their lips slowly parted as he gently, but forcefully pushed her down onto the mattress. She now lay on her back looking up at him as he kneeled between her splayed legs.
Watching him, her eyes were filled with desire and more than a little apprehension as he reached down and lifted her legs up and out. Mom openly stared down at Pete's throbbing sex organ grotesquely sticking out from his groin. As she gawked at his great one-eyed monster, a look of perverse excitement came over her face. Groaning with desire, Pete quickly slipped his arms under Mom's beautiful legs, hooking them underneath her curvaceous, firm gams. Grunting, he lifted them up, spreading her frothing, drooling pit open even wider as his pulsating staff approached it. Leaning into her, he pushed his considerable prick up to the slobbering opening of her waiting wetness and then ran the engorged head up and down the soft, soaking outer lips of her cunt.
"UUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!" Mom groaned, her head thrown back, as her whole body turned red, obviously from the anticipation of the fuck she was about to receive!
Looking down at the purple-headed shaft sliding up and down the entrance to her waiting womanhood, Mom reached down and took hold of its rigid, bloated hardness. Slowly, apprehensively, she forced it down onto the slippery wet gash of her cunt. Then, as it touched her, she rapidly rubbed the distended cock head up and down her salivating slit. As she did, she spread his viscous, slimy pre-cum around her cuntal opening and quickly coated his hard roundness with her own pre-fuck wetness. Finally, centering the great, round cock head in the burning core of her seething pussy, she gave it a little tug, encouraging him to push it into her!
At this point I was overwhelmed with emotion, torn between the anger of betrayal and jealousy and the excitement of watching these two people, whom I have known all my life, about to fuck their brains out.
Pete slowly moved forward, feeling the hot, clinging flesh of her pussy slowly wrap itself around the head of his bulging cock. Deeper and deeper into the burning, illicit depths went the distended, round head of his cock until it was buried inside of her. Pete grabbed her ass in his two hands as he wallowed in the sensation of his swollen cock head engulfed in the fiery canal of her slit, trying desperately to calm himself down. Unable to fight it any longer, he slowly sent the entire length of his throbbing shaft into the scorching, clinging depths of my Mom's cunt a bit at a time until he had the full length buried deep inside her.
"OOHH MYGODPETE!!!!!!!!" Mom gasped as she felt his cock sink into her, puncturing her womanhood with his largeness and suddenly filling her emptiness almost beyond its limit. Then suddenly his hard belly rested down on hers, confirming that she had taken all of him inside her.
""OOHHHH GOD, PETE!!!!!! NEVER….FELT…SOOOO….FUULLL!!!" Mom moaned, squeezing down on his cock with her powerful cunt muscles.
"DAMN VICKIE, YOU ARE ONE HOT BITCH!!!!" Pete exclaimed as he gently thrust against her, grinding himself into her hot, soft warmness.
None of this did my ego any good as I heard my Mom cry out at the ecstatic feeling Pete's dick was giving her, while my best friend was now fucking the cunt I had come to feel was mine alone. Pete paused for only a moment to savor the tight, clinging wetness of Mom's dripping sheath before he began to fuck her. Within moments he was sawing his immense dick in and out of her with deep, rhythmic thrusts. Suddenly something seemed to snap inside him and he began hammering his large cock into her hot, wet socket like a madman! He seemed no longer able to control himself as he began to grunt and snort like a crazed animal as he pounded his dick into her lathered slit! The bed creaked and groaned as it threatened to collapse at any moment as they fucked like wild animals! The wickedness and depravity of their illicit coupling seemed to be overwhelming both of them! The ferocity and violence of his attack on her quickly drove her to the edge of a cataclysmic orgasm!
"OOOHHHHHHHH GAAAWWWDDDD!!!!!!!!!" she cried out as she felt her body consumed by the fires of an unholy orgasm!
As Pete lost his fight for control, he continued to slam his cock into her violently. Then abruptly, he saw my Mom begin to shake and flounce about on the bed uncontrollably! Unable or unwilling to stop fucking her, he watched as she flailed about so wildly I thought she might hurt herself. He continued to hammer his cock into her as she writhed about underneath him. He bit his lower lip as he seemed to struggle to hold back his own urge to cum. Closing his eyes, he pounded his swollen cock into the convulsing, clutching core of my Mother's cunt. Wheezing and gasping for breath, he was fucking her with such force I was worried he might hurt her even if she didn't hurt herself. But still he didn't stop as he drove his dick in and out of her mercilessly! The bed underneath my Mom's writhing body was creaking and groaning even louder under the punishment of his assault! But even still he pounded into her with abandonment! Suddenly Mom went stiff as a board, her whole body lifting off the bed as another orgasm ripped through her sending sparks of electric current coursing through her, every muscle in her body taut as a rope!
"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHPPPPEEEEEETTTTTTTTEEEEEE!!!!!!" she screamed, her pussy convulsing wildly around his large staff as her legs strained to keep her clenching gash tight up against the root of his cock.
"AWWWWWWWWFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" Pete bellowed, as he thrust himself into her with all his might, his own orgasm triggered by her clutching twat! His prick began spewing its hot load deep inside Mom's seething pit as he held his cock thrust up inside her as it fired again and again and again! With every volley it sent another tidal wave of his boiling cream spurting out into the deep core of her hot, clinging cunt! He held himself inside the fiery, spasming depths of her pussy as tremor after tremor seemed to shake her body, her hands gripping Pete's arms for dear life!
"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHGGAAAAAAWWWWWWWWDDDD!!!! Mom cried, her head flung back, her frame stretched to breaking as an overpowering orgasm wracked her
body sending her reeling into the depths of unconsciousness!
Pete continued to pump his life essence into her, shuddering and moaning, muttering unintelligible animal-like sounds! I could tell by his facial contortions that he was still being consumed by the nerve-wracking passions of his own orgasm as he continued to grind his cock into her pussy! I could see the tense muscles in his back and legs begin to quiver with fatigue as the intensity of his ejaculations began to decline with every spasm that ran through his cock. Finally his dick gave out one last, feeble shudder, unloading its last drop of cum deep inside the drenched core of Mom's pussy.
"Oh, Fuck!" he groaned as his legs gave way and he fell to his knees between Mom's widespread legs, wrenching his cock out of her flooded cunt as he fell.
He looked down at Mom's prone body, passed out cold from the pure pleasure of their act and smiled. He quickly got up and grabbed his shorts, put them on, slipped into his docksides and made his way out of the room. He was shocked to find me standing there just looking at him with a bewildered expression.
"Hey, man, look, I'm sorry, but your Mom is one hot piece of ass. I couldn't resist" he explained.
What could I say? "You just fucked my woman"? As far as Pete was concerned Mom is divorced and unattached and therefore fair game. I couldn't tell him the truth.
"What about your wife?" I asked.
"Hey, that's my business Tom. We've been friends a long time and we never tell each other how to lead our lives. Let's just say I'm a little board at home and leave it at that." he said and then walked away.
He went into the kitchen to grab a beer as I stood there trying to think of something to say, but what? This is what you get when you're fucking your own Mother and can't tell a soul. What was really beginning to bother me was how much Mom enjoyed it and how little fight she put up. I followed Pete into the kitchen and then back out to the car, all the while trying to look like the whole thing didn't bother me. Pete went on about how hot Mom is and what a great fuck it was and how if he had known he would have been after her a long time ago.
"You know, Tom. all this action has worn me out. I think I'll head home." he said.
"We'll finish up another time. Later dude"
"Ya…well….." I started, not knowing what to say.
Chapter 18
Mom didn't come out of the guestroom for nearly an hour and when she did she said she wasn't feeling well. She went to bed and never came out. The next day was Sunday and she was scheduled to work at the hospital and left very early. Around noon she called to tell me she volunteered to work an additional double shift and wouldn't get home until late. I stayed up as late as I could, but finally gave in and went to bed. She arrived some time later and quietly got changed and slid into bed.
I had to work the following day, but Mom was off and she either was sound asleep or pretending to be. I left feeling as if my whole life had come apart after being so happy and I didn't see how we were going to fix it.
I went to work, but couldn't concentrate. I knew Mom and I had to talk this out, so I made some excuse about not feeling well around mid-morning and left. I figured Mom should be up by now. As I was approaching the entrance to the complex I happened to see Pete's car just turning in. I couldn't believe it! He was back for more, no doubt.
I quickly made a turn and wound my way through the complex so that I would arrive in the back of my unit. I parked and quickly cut through my neighbors yard and went in through the garage.
I got inside the kitchen as the doorbell rang and heard Mom making her way out from the bedroom to answer it. She was wearing a wrap-around dress that clung to her nicely and tied at her waist. As she opened the door I could see by the look on her face the surprise to find Pete standing there.
"What…..what do you want..Pete?" Mom asked as she opened the door.
"I want to talk to you." he answered
"Well…it's…uh…not a…good time…I have to…uh….get ready for work soon…" Mom answered.
"It won't take long. I just want to clear things up between us." he said.
"Oh…oh….uh…o.k." she replied as she opened the door, letting him in.
At this point I thought that Pete may have regretted what happened and might be worried about his marriage, should it get out. I could sense that Mom was thinking the same thing. He stepped in and looked around, probably to make sure I wasn't around. Then he looked at Mom and I could see his eyebrow arch as he scanned her entire frame, taking in the way the dress showcased every inch of her figure.
"Well….uh…what…what is it?" Mom asked, looking somewhat annoyed at the once over he was giving her
"I…uh..thought I would come over and clear the air…" he said, trailing off.
"Oh…uh huh…" Mom said softly.
"But…but after seeing you…I think I've changed my mind." he said.
"What…what do you mean?" Mom asked, nervously watching him as he continued to sweep his eyes over her entire length.
I…I…just mean that I guess I wasn't as out of line yesterday as I thought." he replied, as he stepped towards her.
"Pete..I..uh..think you had better go!" Mom insisted as she took a step back.
"I have to see something first" he said as he continued to move towards her.
"Uh..what..what..are you talking about?" she asked nervously, as she tried to step back again, but bumped into a small table, giving her nowhere to go.
"Just this." he said and reached for her waist, gently pulling her towards him.
Mom seemed to resist, but her body glided towards his as he leaned down and placed his lips gently on hers.
"Mmmmmmmmpffhh!!" Mom moaned as he kissed her firmly, her hands up against his chest.
The kiss lingered for a while as Mom didn't seem to be putting up much of a fight, her hands simply resting on Pete's chest. He finally pulled back, peeling their lips apart,
and looking into Mom's eyes. She had a glazed look about her, the kiss obviously getting to her.
"Unless you tell me otherwise, I'm going to kiss you again." Pete said looking for an objection from Mom.
She didn't say anything, she just stood there glancing up to his face and then down to his mouth and then back up again. Pete moved in again, parting his lips and as they got within an inch Mom parted her lips as they sealed again in a steamy kiss!
This one lasted longer and was much firmer as their heads swayed slightly in unison, Mom's eyes shut and her hands gripping his arms.
Finally the kiss was broken as they pulled back a few inches, their noses nearly touching.
"I'm glad I came over." Pete said. "I can see you can't resist this either."
"Oh…I..I..don't know why…but I can't help myself" Mom breathed, running her hands up and down his arms. "Kiss me Pete!!"
With that he pulled her towards him and their lips collided in a passionate, open-mouthed kiss! Mom clutched at him, her arms encircling his neck as her entire frame was pressed against his. Their lips grinded together as their hands, constantly in motion, swept over one another.
Pete quickly reached for the belt at Mom's waist, untying it, and pulling her dress apart. She helped him by lowering her arms allowing him the ability to pull it over her shoulders and down her frame. He immediately reached up for her bra and easily unsnapped it, pulling it off as well, releasing her soft, round tits.
Never missing a beat with their kiss, Mom quickly unbuttoned his shirt, practically ripping it as she desperately worked to get it off him. Meanwhile, Pete had shoved both hands inside the back of her panties, grasping a hand full of ass cheek. I could see him work one hand down and between her legs and cup her bush, sliding two fingers across her gash.
"MMMMMMmmmm!!!!!!!!" Mom moaned into his mouth as his fingers sank into her quickly flooding slit.
He removed his hands and began tugging at the lace panties around her hips, working them down until they fell to the floor. At this point Mom began moving, slowly walking backwards down the hall, pulling Pete with her. As they maneuvered their way into the guest room, Mom broke their kiss and anxiously turned towards the bed. She hopped on, lying on her back and spreading her legs, looking up at Pete with wanton desire. She motioned for him to join her as she caressed her breasts and pulled at her nipples.
Pete stepped out of his shoes and dropped his shorts, his cock sticking straight out, hard and ready once again. He made his way onto the bed and between her scattered legs, taking one in each hand and aligning her gapping hole with his bloated manhood. Her bared femininity was positioned directly in line with his cock. He pushed the head of his dick down, finding the opening of Mom's weeping gash, and pushed forward, his bulbous head knifing its way into the entrance to her dripping slit.
"OOOHhhhhhhhh!!!" Mom moaned, feeling his large, stiff penis slowly penetrate her hot, willing womanhood once again.
Gently, Pete pushed his distended, rigid cock into her inch by inch. As he did you could see her gluttonous pussy devour his aching prick until at last his belly came to rest once more on hers.
He grabbed a cheek of her ass in each hand and lifted it off the bed, burying his shaft farther towards the hilt of her unprotected vagina. She cooperated by spreading her long, tapered legs apart for him as he gently lifted her buttocks farther up in the air. He responded by continuing to force his throbbing manhood even deeper into her pussy. As his cock slid into her, she was already wet and ready for him and raised her knees up and over his hips, pushing back up at him.
"OH MY GOD!!!!" Mom groaned as she felt him pushing his cock into her.
Thrusting herself up against him, she was being filled to the limit by his swollen staff as it slid deeper and deeper into her cunt until his hairy belly softly thud up against hers.
Pressing herself up against him, she seemed to revel in the feel of his thick, heavy love sword penetrating deep into her steaming cunt for a few moments. Then she quickly backed herself off him, letting his dick slither back out of her wet slit. She stopped only when the bulbous head of his cock rested in the opening of her itching slit. Pausing for a second, she suddenly launched herself back up onto him, swallowing his entire length back into her womanhood in one rapid gulp.
"OHH FUCK!!!" Pete grunted as he felt my Mother's burning gash envelope his thrusting maleness in one lightning lunge.
As she rocked away from him a second time, he leaned down over her, reaching under her and taking her soft, round ass in his hands again. This time as she thrust herself back up onto his cock, he hunched himself into her and their bodies crashed together like two battering rams.
"OOOAAAAAAHHH!!! FFFUUUCCKKK!!!! Mom gasped as she felt his cock knife back into her pussy. "YOU'RE SOOO FUCKING BIG!!!!"
"Do you want me to stop?" Pete asked, afraid he was hurting her.
"NNO….OOHHH…NO..DON'T…STOP!!!" Mom blubbered, pushing herself back up against him and wiggling her butt. "FUCK ME!!!! PLEASE FUCK ME, PETE!!!!!
Responding to my Mother's pleading, he immediately began to saw his hardness in and out of her soft, slippery womanhood with a vengeance. As he pounded his cock into her, she arched her back so he would get the clue to fondle her soft, round breasts as he fucked her. Leaning down over her, he teased and pulled on her nice, quivering tits as he thrust in and out of her.
As he hammered his stiff dick into her throbbing cunt, she quickly increased her pace back up at him, a telltale sign of an oncoming orgasm with her. Her whole consciousness seemed to be focused in the flesh that was now wrapped around my best friend's engorged cock. It looked like every nerve ending in her tight, hot channel had been overcharged and was now pulsating with pleasure. Pete's penis was no doubt battering places inside her pussy that had never felt the hardness of a man's cock before. She looked to be on the tottering edge of another cataclysmic orgasm. In and out, in and out, his cock looked like it stimulated the entire length of her drenched love gash. It looked like his cock was growing larger and larger with every stabbing penetration. Then, beginning with a small tremor, a tidal wave of pleasure seemed to gush out of her pussy and wash over her entire body.
"OOOOOHHHHH MMMYYYY GGAAAWWWWDDD!!!!!!!!!!!" she cried as her body was consumed by the unholy flames of another illicit orgasm. She looked like she was being lifted right off the bed as the intense pleasure was boiling up and out of her pussy like lava from a volcano.
Just as before, Pete felt my Mom begin to quake and shake below him as he continued
to slide his cock in and out of her. I could see the muscles of her cunt clenching and clutching at his manhood as it rocked in and out of her. As their bodies smacked together, her wetness coated his thighs and you could hear the wet, lewd sound of their bodies slapping together.
PEEEETTEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" Mom blubbered like a crazy woman as she tossed her head back and forth. "OOHHHHH…..SSHIITTTT…..PETE….NEVER…FELT…..OHH…
Pete never stopped as Mom writhed and groaned beneath him. With steady, rhythmic strokes, he sawed his huge cock in and out of her salivating slit as she climaxed beneath him. At last the throes of her orgasm faded away.
….wond...unnnhh…wond…unnnhh…er…uunnhh….ful!!!" she stammered out between the jarring thuds of his attack as he fucked her.
"Unhuhh" he mumbled, releasing her tits and taking hold of her hips, roughly pulling her pussy into him every time he slammed his cock back into the hot socket of her pussy.
Basking in the warm, fuzzy afterglow of fulfillment, she spread her lovely legs apart wider and wider to accommodate him, taking him into her deeper and deeper. Her excitement was evidenced by the amount of lubricating juice that was flowing out of her cunt. There was so much of it, it was almost embarrassing, as it coated and was even spread out onto the cheeks of her ass by Pete's pounding attack of his balls against her derriere.
ahhhh…good!!" Pete blurted out between thrusts.
beast…..ohhhhh….I…..uunnhhh….love….oohhhh…it!!!!!" Mom echoed him.
Time seemed to be suspended as the incessant sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room. Still looking dazed and reeling from her orgasm, Mom's body once more began to tremble, issuing a warning of another oncoming orgasm. She had already had two by my count and now another one was building inside of her battered and abused pussy.
UHHHHH…..THERE!!!!!!" she gasped as she felt the flames grow higher and higher.
Pete was gripping her hips tighter and tighter, pulling her into him harder and harder with each hammering impalement.
Almost imperceptibly, the rhythm of his attack on her cunt had grown faster and faster. Like a steam locomotive laboring up a long, steep hill, his hips worked back and forth laboriously, driving his stiff dick in and out of her hot box over and over again. He was beginning to sound like a locomotive as he huffed and puffed from the effort of maintaining such a driving rhythm.
On and on they fucked, Pete thrusting himself into my Mother again and again. He seemed to love the feel of his granite hard manhood sliding in and out of her effortlessly, greased by the gusher of her fuck juices exuding from the lining of her cunt. Grunting and straining, they climbed the long, steep grade toward the peek of perverse gratification. Moaning her approval of his efforts, Mom thrust herself back up at him at every time he sent his dick slicing up into her cunt. She was taking the entire length of his bloated cock with every hammering penetration and loving it! Suddenly, she began to tense up, being drawn closer and closer to the fiery conflagration of another climax!
"ALMOST.....Uuhhhhhh…..THERE!!! WANT…..Ughhhhh…TO….Uhhnnnn…..
Uhhhhhhnnn!!!!!" she groaned, trying to hold off her impending orgasm to coincide with his.
She seemed to try as hard as she could to control it, but she was unable to stop herself from reveling in the feeling of Pete's cock plunging in and out of her throbbing cunt! Her whole body turned crimson red as she was consumed by the flames of another blasphemous orgasm. She began to shake as if her pussy had burst into a million points of flame and Pete's engorged staff was creating a burning pulsation of pure pleasure inside her!
UHHNNNN…..OOHHHHHHHH….HONEY…..UNNHHHHH….UUNNNHHHHH!!!" she blubbered, as she dug her toes into his ass and her body shook and trembled.
Mom's tight, hot cunt clamped down around his plunging cock, making penetration of her desperately clenching cunt more and more difficult! But, even as tightly clenched as her pussy was, the abundance of fuck juice flowing from her lubricated the smooth, slippery walls of her cunt enough that he could still drive his cock into her.
Mom slowly regained her senses as she emerged from the stupefying influence of her mind-numbing climax. As she did, the muscles around her cunt began to relax and Pete responded by fucking her faster and faster. His endurance was almost demonic, I thought, as he continued to hammer his cock into her mercilessly. He had been fucking her for a good half hour by now, yet he showed no indication of stopping other than fucking her harder and faster. What great generators of cum his huge, swinging balls must be, I thought, as I heard them slapping up against her ass every time he penetrated her.
Then, astonishingly, I saw Mom's body twitch ever so slightly and knew that telltale sign of another orgasm was beginning inside her pummeled pussy. Had Pete broken something inside of her making her unable to stop having orgasms, I wondered. And, how would I ever be able to satisfy her again after she had experienced such a thorough fucking? Mom's twitching increased as the need for another orgasm grew deep inside her as Pete continued to brutally fuck her.
…..UNHHHHHH...FUUUCCKKMMEEEE!!!!!!!" she begged as he violently fucked her.
Then the tiny tremble exploded across her entire body and she stiffened once again and gripped Pete desperately. Her cunt erupted into another full-blown orgasm as she began to shake and shudder uncontrollably!
SWEETJESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as the pleasure of her orgasm possessed her body once again!
She bucked wildly beneath Pete as she drove her twat tightly up against the root of his shaft as her continued to drive his dick into her with wild abandonment! Then, after several moments when the intensity of her orgasm should be abating, I could see the level of pleasure begin to build again as Pete continued to fuck her! It was growing so strong in her I was sure she would have a heart attack from not being able to handle the strain on her senses! Then, just as it seemed that the intensity of the pleasure would be too much for her to withstand, Pete suddenly hunched into her ferociously, driving his dick into her deeper and harder.
sounding as if he were in pain.
"MMMMMMEEEEEETTTTTTTOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mom cried out, once again her whole body convulsing wildly as her orgasm overwhelmed her!
They were both frozen in place as Pete held his malignancy thrust up inside of her wildly clutching cunt, ridding a huge wave of pure, unadulterated lust! Pete's prick ballooned out so large it looked as if it might split Mom apart as it began firing load after load of his hot cum deep inside her sucking canal. The mammoth spout of scorching cream was so great that it filled to the point of overflowing immediately! It looked like there must have been a gallon of his rich, hot cum gushing out into her milking pussy! It immediately squirted out around his swollen shaft and spilled down her inner thighs!
"OOOOHHHHHHHHHH, YYYYEEESSSSSSSS PETEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT YOUR CUM DEEP INSIDE ME!!!!!!!!!!" Mom howled, as she continued to thrust her clasping cunt up at his throbbing manhood, obviously delirious with desire!
Again and again his fleshy cannon fired, filling her pussy beyond its capacity and again and again her ravenous gash clutched and grabbed at his shaft, sucking more and more cream from his jerking pole. Within moments her pussy was so saturated with his cum that it was coated all over their lower torsos. Still, his great engine of love continued to jump and spurt inside of her drenched, milking pussy! It was unbelievable! No man could produce so much cum! It looked like Mom had a fire hose shoved up her twat and someone had turned it on full force! Still it jerked and bucked deep inside her, slamming round after round of love cream into her wildly sucking cunt!
Just when I thought they were done, Pete erupted inside her seven or eight more times and Mom's twitching cunt responded each time with a clenching reaction of its own!
Then, at last they were through.
"FUCK!!" Pete gasped as he fell back away from her, rudely ripping his cock out of my Mother's flooded cunt.
"OWWW!!!" she yelped as the thick cock departed her pussy abruptly with a loud, lewd slurping sound.
"OhsorryVic!" he mumbled as he flopped on the bed, exhausted.
"That's o.k., hon" she whispered, turning to face him. "Are you all right?"
"Shit, I don't know." he sighed, tiredly.
"God Peter, you must have shot a gallon of sperm into me!" she said, astonished as she crept over to him. "I can't believe how much stuff you had in you!"
"You got me so hot for you, it nearly drove me crazy!" he smiled weekly as he felt Mom lift his softening shaft.
"That was the most incredible sex I've ever had. You are an unbelievable, sexy stud!" she moaned.
This confession just about devastated me, draining any conviction I had about being giving Mom the best sex she ever experienced.
"And you are the hottest fuck I've ever had. Even now I can feel myself getting turned on just by looking at you!" he told her, as they stared at one another in mutual admiration.
"You really are something!" he said and then pulled her to him, kissing her on the lips hard and long! Mom quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with equal desire. Soon they were locked in a long, lustful, open-mouthed kiss, slowly grinding their lips together. The kiss went on and on as they were in no hurry to end it. I saw Pete's cock start to twitch, as if it was struggling to awaken from its self induced slumber.
"MMMmmmmmmmm!!!!!" Mom moaned as their kiss suddenly became more urgent, their tongues coming into play. Like a burst of flame, their kiss exploded into a fiery, wanton, demanding french kiss with them ravishing each other's mouths!
"MMMMMmmmmm!!!! MMMMmmmmmm!!!!!" Mom moaned into Pete's mouth as her hands flew wildly over his frame as their kiss became all consuming, their bodies humping up against one another! Mom broke their kiss and reached down to Pete's crotch.
"Oooohhh, your getting sooo hard again!!!" she groaned in amazement.
"I can't stop it!" Pete said. "Your so hot, you driving me insane!"
They locked lips again, driving their open mouths together in another desperate kiss, arms wrapped tightly around each other. Mom reached back down to his crotch, roughly stroking his cock as it slowly struggled to regain its hardness. She pushed her hand down further between his hairy legs as Pete responded by spreading them apart. She lifted his big, egg shaped balls and rolled them around in her hand, eliciting a deep moan from him.
"UUNNNHHH!!!" he moaned into her mouth as he grew more and more aroused.
Their passion continued to mount as their kiss grew more and more frantic, their bodies rubbing together in a frenzied dance of unbridled lust! I couldn't believe Pete's recuperating powers or how horny he made Mom, but here they were, moments from their last fuck, ready to go again! Mom raised and spread her legs, positioning her salivating twat to rest under Pete's now steel like cock! She humped up at him, his prick sliding up and down her fur-covered slit, drenched with a combination of their sex juices. Her dripping gash was once again lubricating his stiffened cock as it knifed between the outer lips of her weeping cunt. Reaching down, she pulled his twitching cock down, positioning the bulbous head at the entrance to her hot, wet pussy. Holding it in place, she lifted her hips, slowly easing herself toward his rock hard manhood until the thick, meaty lips of her cunt slipped over his angry, distended dick head.
"Ohhhhhh shit Vic, it's soo hot!!" Pete whimpered, breaking their kiss, as he felt her cunt slowly consume his cock as it slid over him.
"Damn, your so fucking big!!!" Mom grunted as she continued to thrust herself over his distended dick. "I can't believe how good this feels!!!!"
She pushed further and further, taking more and more of his dick inside her throbbing cunt. Grunting with effort, she forced herself onto him as he slid deeper and deeper into the hot mushiness of her womanhood. At last the meaty lips of her cunt settled around the hairy base of his cock as she wrapped her legs around his hips, his entire cock buried up inside her. She held him there for several seconds, obviously savoring the feeling of fullness he gave to her. Finally, she began to raise and lower her hips, slowly fucking him as he reached down and toyed with her full, quivering tits. Their senses must have been really stimulated because in moments they went from a nice slow rhythm to a frantic, driving fuck, their bodies slapping together! They thrust and humped at each other in a frenzied tempo.
"OHHH GOD VICKIE!!! MAN I'M SORRY!!! I CAN'T HOLD BACK THIS TIME!!!!! Pete gasped as his cock began to buck, erupting inside of her once again!
as another pleasure evoking orgasm tore through her body, causing her to writhe and twitch beneath him!
Although their orgasms were not of the same intensity as the others, both of them immediately collapsed without even bothering to uncouple. They lied there, Pete still buried deep inside her as their mouths met in another deep, long kiss.
I bolted for the garage, desperate to catch my breath, a ton of emotions reeling through me. Soon after Pete emerged, looking totally drained. With that, he got in his car and left.
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review