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20% RWBY: A mutant in Vale / Chapter 1: Prologue
RWBY: A mutant in Vale RWBY: A mutant in Vale original

RWBY: A mutant in Vale

Author: CODE_Unknown

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

2024, New York.

In the former city that was famed throughout the world, a group of young children can be seen on the rooftop of a highrise building, waiting for a pickup from their allies.

"How long do we have to wait, Alex?" asked a young girl that looked to be around 13 towards a young man who looked to be 14 years old.

"Just hold for a few minutes Lucy, I have already made telepathic contact with Xavier and he had already sent a small team of mutants to extract us from this hell hole" the boy with silver hair and eyes called Alex consoled the frightened girl behind him.

'Humph, no need for flowery words Alexander, we know that we cannot escape the city even of the reinforcements arrive, those sentinels will not allow us to escape that easily, especially two level-4 mutants like you and me, but, if you and I combine our powers together, there is still a chance for Lucy and Rebecca to escape this place with the extraction team, since they are only level 1 mutants, the sentinels will not give much attention to the both if we distract them with our powers' came a telepathic voice as Alex looked towards a young man who was two years younger than himself with black hair and eyes.

'.....very well Ryan, the moment the evacuation team gets Lucy and Rebecca, we will act as distractions, but you do know that it will be a death sentence for the both of us right?' Alex replied through his own telepathy as Ryan nodded without any words.

It had been ten years since Trask industries had developed the inhibition collars and reprogrammed their sentinel robots which served in the world military to hunt down mutants.

Ever since that day, every single mutant, whether they be a man, woman, child, or an old person, were hunted down with prejudice. it was in such a ruined world that these unfortunate group of four mutants was born.

All four of them were orphans who never even knew their parents and only had one old mutant woman who raised them before she was killed, doomed to scavenge in the ruins of the once-great city, they relied on each other for safety and to evade the sentinels to this day.

Alex was the oldest of the group and was the only one who actually remembers the old woman who had raised the four until she was killed by the sentinels when the youngest of them was only four years old.

Ryan was 15 years old this year and was a Level-4 mutant, his powers were Electrokinesis, Geokinesis, and Telepathy.

Alex was 17 years old this year and was also a Level-4 mutant, his powers were Telepathy, Energy absorption, and Technopath. He was the leader of the group.He was the only one who remembered the old woman and had personally witnessed her death when a group of sentinels managed to predict her teleportation locations and ambushed her

Lucy and Rebecca were 13 years old and the youngest of the group, they were twins and were only Level-1 mutants, Lucy had Hydrokinesis while Rebecca had Pyrokinesis.

It was a few weeks ago that Alex had suddenly received a Telepathic contact from another Telepath called as Xavier who offered the children safe heaven for them to stay, at first, the group refused as they did not trust this man who suddenly contacted them out of nowhere, but soon, after a few weeks of persuasions, Ryan and Alex finally agreed to the proposal, only on the conditions that their sisters in all but blood would be given a good life, away from the battlefield, after that, Xavier gave the kids the location of a helipad on top of a still intact skyrise building where he was going to send a squad to extract them, unfortunately, it would seem that someone else had also sensed the presence of Xavier's forces in the vicinity, as a result, the number of sentinels in the city was doubled in the last few days, leading to the current situation.

In the air above the building, a stealth craft suddenly appeared and slowly started to land on the helipad, revealing a group of heavily armored mutants, one of them turned towards the kids and said in a hurry.

"Get in the ship now, we have spotted a big group of sentinels headed our way!!"

Immediately, the two boys forced the two girls into the craft after which Alex gave a telepathic message to the group of mutants in the craft. The mutat's face changed as he heard the plan of the two boys in front of them but then it shifted into that of determination and a small trace of respect can be seen on his face.

"Very well" was all that the mutant said before he signaled for the pilot to take off, by this time, the two girls had already sensed that something was wrong and started to resist as the mutants forcefully took then inside the craft while another mutant used her powers to put the girls to sleep.

Once the ship took off and disappeared thanks to it's cloaking mechanism, the two boys turned towards the army of Sentinels headed towards their location, ignoring the craft flying over them in favor of the two high leveled mutants on the building top.

"Just like last year eh? Ryner" Alex said as Ryner scoffed.

"That incident almost cost us our lives, if it was not for my quick thinking, you would already be 6 feet below the ground," he said arrogantly to which Alex only laughed as he soon fell silent.

"At least the girls no longer have to eat rotten food and drink polluted water, they can now live a somewhat better life than here" he mumbled as Ryan said.

"That is the only thing we can hope for, after all, we will not be there to look after those idiots anymore, big brother," he said as Alex smiled, this was one of the only three times in their entire lives where Ryner called him big brother while putting aside his haughty attitude that he normally had.

Alex looked at the group of Sentinels who were already very close to the building and focused his mind, concentrating on the hidden components of the machines in front of him, even though the sentinels were created in such a way that they could adapt to almost every single mutation in the world by using organic technology, they still failed to create a system that was immune from the effects of a technopath who could literally feel the technology around them, but the creators of the sentinels did not find an alternative against the technopaths because of a single limitation placed on them. A technopath can only control a selected few numbers of the machines at a time, the stronger the mutant, the greater the number, but even then, the strongest of technopaths could only control a hundred machines at a time, this ability could be countered by swarming the mutant with literal waves of the machines at the same time, rendering their power obsolete.

Alex reached out to the machines and forcefully disabled them, causing them to fall to the ground like puppets but was stopped from repeating the process again as he was immediately pressured by the remaining Sentinels who identified him as a Technopath and executed the appropriate protocol to deal with them. But before they could attack, they were intercepted by an entire field of lightning covering the building from all sides, the Sentinels immediately adapted themselves and changed their own electric charge in such a way that the lighting would not affect them, they then charged through the lightning field, only to be stopped by massive spired of rock exploding from the ground and impaling many of them, the Sentinels countered this by using a form of kinetic energy blasts, firing the concentrated energy from their faces and targeting the spires and any other moving parts of the ground.

After an entire hour of continuously assaulting the two mutants, the sentinels finally breached through the defenses put on by Ryan but they were already too late.

Ryan had been using all of his energy in the past hour not only to defend against the Sentinels but also to buy time for his brother to prepare himself. Alex had been using the time to absorb all of the energy attacks from the Sentinels which were being transferred to him through the metal cables that Ryan had synthesized from the ground, by absorbing all of the energy and containing it in his body without using it, Alex was aiming to cause his body to go beyond his limit and break, resulting in an explosive release of all the absorbed power that would undoubtedly destroy all the Sentinels in the vicinity, but would also result in the death of Ryan and himself, this plan was proposed to him by Ryan himself. At first, he refused but after realizing that he and his brother would die anyway, he decided to go out with a bang.

"Alex, I cannot hold any more!!!" Ryan shouted just before he was impaled by a Sentinel who broke through the defenses and used its claws to pierce through his stomach, Alex had a few tears roll down his eyes before he stood in silence, waiting for the sentinels to attack. A few beams of energy hit him at the same time which finally surpassed his body's limit to absorb energy, resulting in a brilliant explosion that engulfed the entire vicinity, destroying the swarm of Sentinels.

Thus, the two brothers succeeded in saving their siblings but perished in their place.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unknown space, unknown time.

'You are an interesting one, mortal' said a being made entirely of green energy with bull-like horns protruding from his head, he had no face or any defining features except for his humanoid body.

Alex looked at the being in front of him and had no words to say, after all, it's not every day that one dies and ends up meeting strange entities whom he cannot even begin to comprehend.

"Who are you?"

'You can call me Balance, and I have been watching you for some time now, Alexander' the being said, slightly creeping the young man out. Being told that he had been stalked without him even realizing can put anyone on the edge.

"And what do you want?"

'I have stopped your soul from passing on to the afterlife to ask for your help, if you accept my proposal I will grant one wish for you, and before you doubt my ability to grant your wish, let me clearly state that I am what is known as a God, so it is perfectly possible for me to fulfill any one of your wish' Balance said as Alex said nothing and looked at the suspicious being that called himself God, but even he was not stupid enough to fall for his tricks.

"No thanks, I have already made sure that my wish will come true and I do not want to go back to that hellhole of a world, the first time was enough" he said as he ignored the God but not for long.

'Oh, I know, the great sacrifice you and your bother made to make sure your younger siblings would have a better life, but sadly, your sacrifice was in vain as they would soon end up as soldiers fighting against the Sentinels of your world' Balance said as Alex instantly turned towards him with rage clear in his eyes.

"You dare threaten me-"

'I was not threatening you Alex, I was simply stating the facts, you and your brother failed, it is as simple as that' he said as Alex started to fall into despair.

'But not everything is lost, if you accept my offer, I will make sure to manipulate the events of your world in such a way that your sisters will not be involved in the war, and my offer for a single wish is separate from this favour, think of it as a gesture of goodwill from me' Balance said as Alex scoffed.

"Says the being who just threatened me with my siblings, anyways, what do you want my help with anyway? even though I am a level-4 mutant, I don't think I can help deal with problems that even a 'God' such as yourselves cannot handle" Alex said while using a mocking tone while saying God, but Balance did not react in anyway and simply said,

'On the contrary, you can help me a lot, there are things that a god cannot do but a mortal can perfectly achieve it, this is one of those situations, as for the task, sorry, but I will only inform you of the task at the time when I require it, for the task to be completed, you will need to be reincarnated into the body of your counterpart in the other world and take on his role for the time being, so , do you accept the deal?' Balance asked as Alex soon agreed.

"But before I go, I want to state my wish, I want you to bring my brother back from the dead and make sure that he reunites with my sisters, also, try to save that world as well, this not a wish but a request" Alex said sincerely as Balance stayed silent for a while before nodding, soon, Alex faded from existence, heading towards the new body which he would be reborn into.

But as soon as Alex disappeared into nothingness, two new being materialized besides Balance, one was made of pure gold energy with reindeer like horns while the other was made from dark purple energy and had goat horns.

'Why do you let the mortal speak to you such a rude manner brother?' Asked the one with goat horns.

'Because, unlike you two idiots, I know that we cannot just do whatever we want, even though we are gods, we are still Class-7 gods, even we must follow the restrictions placed on us by the council, besides, you two should feel happy that this mortal was willing to go to remnant to clean up the mess that you two created all those centuries ago' Balance said as the one with goat horns growled but was interrupted by the golden being.

'putting aside Darkness's childishness, brother, even you who is a Class-6 deity do not have the authority to meddle with a world that is not of your own making, so how are you going to fulfill his wishes?'

'I do not have to do anything to fulfill his wish, Light, the truth is that there is already a group of mortals on his homeworld who are preparing to go back in time and change the future, in this new future, his brother and sisters would be living a happy life until their powers awaken, after which, they will meet each other at a school established for children like them, but unfortunately, I will have to erase the existence of the mortal names Alexander from this world because he has already been removed from the cycle of life and death of this universe'

'But are you sure that he will succeed?' Asked Darkness as he suddenly felt pressured, looking sideways showed him that Light was also suffering the same thing. then, they both heard the frustrated voice from Balance.

'I would not have been forced to do this if you two idiots had not broken one of the fundamental rules of the gods and decided to steal the human genetic template to populate the world of Remnant, conveniently forgetting the fact that the human genetic template is something that only gods of Class-5 and above are allowed to select for populating their worlds, even worse, you decided to decimate the entire race from Remnant because of a childish grudge between you two and a mortal woman of all things, you should be grateful that I intervened at the critical moment and made sure that the news did not reach the immortal council, much less Gaia, you know very well just how protective she is of the race that first evolved naturally on her own world, and you Darkness, you made even greater mistake by taking the primordial pools of darkness and putting them on Remnent, now, because of you, humanity of that world is on the brink of distruction in the hands of those creatures of Grimm, and as if this was not enough, you two went ahead and decided to bless a mortal with reincarnation without even registering him as your champion, if even one of these issues were to be known by the council, they would immediately banish you two to the primal chaos for 10 billion years, although YHWH and Brahma would try to be linient on giving you two a sentence, the rest of the Class-1 gods will definitely call a vote and immediately banish you, not to mention what Gaia and Shiva would do to you two for your transgressions, Gaia may be a Class-2 goddess but even Class-1 gods such as Zeus and Odin still shever in fear when she is angry, she will definitely seek revenge if she finds out that you two cause the extinction of an iteration of the human race on Remnant, and Shiva will definitely open his third eye and obliterate you two if he learns that you took the primordial pools of darkness from his domain. Now, I only hope that the mortal succeeds in the mission and managers to fix Remnant by ending that woman you cursed with immortality while also releasing the poor man from his endless cycle of reincarnation.'

Balance stopped his rant to see his two younger brothers looking away from him as Shame and Regret practically radiated off of them when they were reminded of their stupidity.


Remnant, Atlas.

In a gigantic mansion, a young man with silver hair and an average build opened his silver eyes as he looked around at his surroundings.

"I guess this will be my new home from now" he mumbled as he once more closed his eyes.

Alexander Schnee had been reborn.

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