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Chapter 6: Slow Week/Aftermath/Constantine

Keith finished his work week, keeping most of his late night adventures low-profile.

The public was in a massive panic over Joker's death. Batman wasn't particularly happy with him, but most of the Justice League was relatively ok with his last kill being the Joker, especially considering the evidence Keith sent to Bruce and the track record Joker had of how many times he'd escaped Arkham. Death was really the only way to ever really put away Joker.

The Titans were apprehensive about it, but Keith swore to them that Joker was his last kill and that he was going Straight now.

Eventually, it calmed down. In the meantime, Keith got familiar with the powers afforded to him by the ring. He could make various types of constructs out of red light, including a staff, which Keith liked. He also discovered that he was able to fly, but he very much disliked it if he wasn't using his sight. Only being able to hear when he's literally flying was unsettling, not to mention attempting to speak without sight or hearing. He then experimented with creating platforms for himself, satisfied with how that worked. His limited echolocation was handy for the purposes of making his platforms, allowing him to be sure his platforms and whatever else was going in the right direction. That said, most of his constructs remained centered on himself or on what he was holding so he didn't have to worry about if he aimed the right way. He'd rather be safe than sorry.

Keith kept his Red Lantern-esque abilities hidden for now. Red Lanterns were generally considered evil, and he didn't feel like being super open about it in case people got the wrong idea.

One person did come knocking when Keith got his ring, and that was Mr. Hal Jordan himself. He and Keith spent a long 3 or 4 hours sorting through the specifics of Keith's oath and why his ring was so special. Neither really understood it. Their talk was a good idea though. Hal gave him a small bit of "how-to" with the light constructs and such, and a quick rundown of Lantern history.

Keith wrapped up his practice with his platform steps and went back to Titan Tower. Robin was still trying to find anyone who could kick Trigon from Raven's mind, but he wasn't having much luck so far.

Keith sighed. He himself could make a call, but he really, REALLY didn't want to. He could hardly stand the fucker. Fuckin conman lied through his teeth every other sentence. A good liar, but still a liar with a telltale heart rate. He sighed and walked up to Robin. "Dick, I think I can make a call. But none of us are likely to be very fond of who's gonna come out of that call." Dick looked at him with a raised brow, and Keith replied with just one name.



Keith put away his cell phone and sighed. A literal split second later, the teleporting conman himself stepped into the Teen Titans living room and, in true John Constantine fashion, flopped on the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table. "Blindside, how are ya mate? Not fragile still I hope? You're lucky I still owed you a blasted favor for Blackpool ya bastard."

Keith casually slipped into a prevalent Irish accent, even stronger than before, in the face of the Brit. "You're lucky I helped ya then, ya fucker. You'd have been a goat's arse up the creek without it."

What sounded like mean nonsense to the rest of the Titans was actually Keith and John's version of a formal greeting. After bouncing British and Irish figures of speech back and forth that made zero sense to anyone spectating, they both bursted into fits of laughter and gave each other claps on the back. Quickly, Keith beckoned the other Titans in and filled John in on what was happening with Raven and Trigon's influence.

A bit later, after a bit of thought, John sighed. "I think I have a ritual somewhere for it. But it's gonna take me awhile to get the materials and to prepare for it. The ritual itself might also take quite awhile."

Keith and the other Titans nodded and business went as usual. Constantine left to get the shit he needed (which would actually take like 4 days) and Keith saw him out. When Keith went back to the Tower, he found Raven waiting for him. He smiled, remembering when he teased with her real name that night before the operation. "What's up Raven? Need something?"

She shrugged. "Not really. Just kinda wanted to talk. Let's go to my room though. Less people around to listen to our conversation." He shrugged and followed her.

She sat on her bed and gestured to a cushion-y chair in the corner of her...very emo room. He fit in that aesthetic a bit too well for his liking. Raven spoke up. "I have a sound-dampening spell up, so we can talk without the others hearing." Receiving Keith's nod, she continued. "Why are you so invested in getting me free from my dad?" Her voice was still mono-tone, but Keith could tell it was strained against Trigon's surges whenever she let too much emotion go.

Keith shrugged. "Right thing to do. Plus, I wouldn't be able to call myself a good school counselor if I didn't. Consider yourself to be the only Titan besides Tim to know my identity." He kept in most of the truth of his motivations, but he hadn't completely lied to her at all.

She took a deep breath then, bracing to ask a question that Keith likely wouldn't want to talk about. "I saw your back." Keith visibly tensed. " Who. Who did that to you?"

Keith's lips pursed. No single person that he currently had any relation with, as far as he knew, had a single iota of knowledge about his past. He wasn't about to let that go now. "Nothing you should concern yourself with. You have enough on your plate. Ask me that question again when you think you'd be able just the one story behind that set of scars. Right now would be a bad idea with your dad still messing with you." He stood from his chair. "I think I'm gonna go back to my apartment and sleep. Goodnight, Miss Roth."

He then did as he said he would, and left. When he got back to his apartment, he washed off his facepaint and went through the same motions as always, facing his own stare again before he stormed off to his fridge, yoinking a bottle of well-aged, fine Irish Whiskey and headed to his room to drink himself to sleep. That was the only way he could sleep without nightmares.

Drax152 Drax152

I have so many ideas for how he can create hands in mid-air to do sign language and just mess somebody up with that sign's motion lol.

I'm thinking about upping thr typical word count to 2000-ish, just cus I felt like I had more I wanted to put in this chapter. But Keith drinking himself to sleep felt like a good spot to end.

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