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62.5% Let's Play Seth's Game / Chapter 5: Here's Johnny

Chapter 5: Here's Johnny

It's Monday morning, Seth awakens to the sound of his alarm going off to get up for school. He hurried to get dressed for school and heads down to eat breakfast. He starts to shovel handfuls of food into his mouth.


Slow do Seth, you're going to choke on your food.

Seth let out a little cough, he must of swallowed wrong. Seth let out a little laugh. Not because he almost choked on his food but because he knew that someone else had choked.


Sorry I just don't want to be late.

Seth finishes his food and grabs his book bag and car keys and heads out the door. He hops in his car and drives to school.

Seth turn on the radio and finds a song to listen to. He stop, he finds his song. The song (I'm not okay) By: My Chemical Romance starts playing. It really matches Seth's state of mind these days.


Oh yeah, I love this song.

Seth pulls into the school parking lot. He sees Kitty walking to the door. Seth honks he's horn at her. Kitty looks up and waves to him with a face of worry on her.


I wonder what's bothering her.

Seth heads into homeroom and looks for Kitty.


Hey Kitty, are you okay? You seem upset.


I'm worried, Ashley told me that Jake never got home last night. His parents got home at two in the morning and he wasn't even home. Plus he never even came home in the morning. They call the police to tell them, they said they'll look into it.


Oh wow, I'm sorry I hope he gets home okay.

Seth looks away ashamed with how he made Kitty upset.

Seth's day passes by real slow. Minute by minute hour by hour. When school ends Seth head to the police department to speak with Officer Orso.


Okay I'm here, I've got to keep my cool and answer with confidence.

Seth walks in the door of the department. In there he sees Ashley sitting. She looks like she's been crying.


Hey what are you doing here?

Ashley looks up.


Oh hey Seth, did you hear about Jake missing?


Oh yeah I did.


They asked me to come in and answer some questions. My parents are in there now.


Oh me too that's why I'm here.

Ashley's parents walk out of a room with Officer Orso. Ashley gets up and hugs them. And asks them if they can leave now. They shake their heads. They all walk out the door.


Ahh, hello Seth's how are you this fine afternoon?


I'm good sir.


Come on into my office.

Officer Orso leads Seth into the room.


So what did you want to ask me?


Yes, I have a couple questions for you.


I've looked into things and I've found that you are renting out a storage unit. What would a young man like yourself need a storage unit for?


Oh that's where I'm working on my school project at there more space then my bedroom.

Seth is getting a little nervous. That was to close for comfort.


Also you seemed to know mrs. Ashley out there. Would you happen to know her boyfriend Jake?


Oh yeah I met him like once or twice. Why do you ask?


It seem Jake didn't come home last night from the mall. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?


No sir, I didn't really know him. Are they sure he just didn't go to a friends house.?


They checked into that. He also didn't show up for school this morning.


Wow, if I knew more I'd tell you.


Well that's all I have for now. If I have anything else for you I'll give you call to come back in.


Okay, see you later officer.

Seth leaves the police department and heads to his car. He desires to make a trip to his storage unit he is getting a little nervous with all the questioning.

Seth pulls up to his unit. He can smell a foul stench coming from his unit.


Oh god what is that smell.

Seth opens the door and almost throws up. The body are rotting away so fast due to all the hot temperatures. He must think of a way to get rid of all the bodies and fast.

Seth grab a big tarp and lays in in the bed of his trunk. One by one he throws the bodies into the trunk to get them out of there. He quickly gather all the things in there and throws it into his back seats.


I have a idea to get rid of these bodies.

Seth drive to a junk yard outside of town. He ask the Junkman if they would have any metal barrels for sale. The man pointed and told him the are 25 dollars each. Seth bought two. He ties them both down to the top of his cars roof.

Seth's drive way out to the desert and finds a old abandoned house. He take the bodies out of the trunk and smells the the rotting flesh again. This time he turned and threw up every where.

Seth decides to take their bodies and cut the into parts to fit them into the barrels better. After that he goes into his back seat and pulls gallon after gallon of acid out of his car. He starts to pour it all in the barrels to eat all the flesh and bone to leave nothing to find.

The bodies are sizzling away. You can see all the flesh being eaten away.


That did the trick.

Seth leaves the barrels where they are and leaves. He heads home to get some rest. He has had a long day. Seth gets home and walks in.


Where have you been? I've been worried all day you never came home. I thought you went missing like all the other kids have been.


I'm sorry I was just working on my science project. I lost track of my time.

Seth heads to bed.

The next morning Seth wakes up to his mom calling his name.


Seth get down here there's someone here to see you.


Okay I'll be right down.

Seth quickly gets dress and hurried down the stairs. Seth's face turn white like he seen a ghost or was about to throw up everywhere. Standing the in his living room was Officer Orso.


Hi Seth, I'm here with a warrant to check your residents. I would really like for you to work with me and let me look around without any problems.


Sure go ahead no one is stopping you, we got nothing to hide from you.


What is this about officer?


It's about the missing kids ma'am. I'm checking some of the other students it's a routine thing.



Seth is looking a little nervous.


You okay hunny? You look pale.


Yeah I'm okay.


Okay well I'll take a look around.

Well Officer Orso looked around Seth grow more and more nervous.

Officer Orso is looking in Seth's room. While he was in there he noticed something strange on the floor. He looked a little closer and found a spot of blood on Seth's shirt. He quickly grab out a bag and put on gloves and took the shirt. He headed back downstairs to leave. He kept what he found from them.


Well everything checks out. I must be going now I have a lot of work yet.


Okay well you have a nice day.


Thanks you too.

Seth looked relieved.

Seth's heads back up stairs to get his backpack for school. When he get up there he noticed something different.


Something is different didn't I have a...oh no I had a shirt on the floor here from yesterday. He must of found it. There must of been blood on it or something. Damn it!

Seth heads back downstairs to head to school. He's more scared then every but he must not let it show his mom might get suspicious.

He heads to his car.


Bye mom going to school. See you later.


Bye hunny.

Seth leaves leaves for but he needs to make a detour first he is scared and doesn't know what to do he might be found out soon.


I need protection and need to hide. What am I going to do?

Seth heads to a local park and parks his car and he sits and thinks. Then he pulls out his phone and searches. Weapons handguns on google. He goes on the shopping tab.


Damnit that Lol take to long. Maybe if I..

He checks Craig's list for a handgun. He founds a sketchy looking ad but that's what he needs right now he can't be going into a store or buying a gun right now. It has to be on the down-low.


Here we go this is what I need. Okay I got the meeting place.

Seth gets to the meet up. He doesn't see and one. Until. A black Ford pulls up across from him in the parking lot.


Hi are you the guy from Craig's list with the gun?

GUN GUY quiet! you can't just say those things out loud like that.

Seth jumped when he yelled. This man was serious. He look pretty scary too. Face Tattoos and the whole Shabang.


Oh yeah sorry, I've never done anything like this.


You got the money?


Yeah here it is.


Okay here enjoy little man.


Wait aren't you going to ask me what I need it for?


Nahh man it's not my business.


Okay well thanks bye.


Yeah see ya.

The guy drove off. Seth stood there with a gun in his hand. He had never held one before.


Wow it's heavier than I thought. Now I got to figure out where to hide if things go south.

Seth's puts the gun in his trunk and heads to school.

Seth gets to school a couples hours late. He gets out of his car and goes to his trunk. He looks at the gun again. He stands there looking at it thinking.he puts it in his book bag. He heads to class.

Everyone is in the middle of switching classes.

Seth head to gym it's his next class. When he get there everyone is already dressed and in the gym running. So he quickly changes then a huge shove from behind.


Hey little dick you're late.


Yeah so are you. So leave me alone!


No I don't want to. Since brads not been here I'm collecting I want your money now.


I don't have anything right now.


Bullshit empty you pockets before I do it.




Okay well you asked for it.

Johnny pulls back for a huge punch. He hits Seth's right in the face. Seth's nose starts to bleed on the floor.


How about now?


I don't have anything.

Seth's spits blood to the floor.


Okay well don't say I didn't warn you.

Johnny pulls back and punches again.

Seth falls to the floor. Johnny starts to kick and punch until. He stops all of a sudden the a loud bang.


Oh god I didn't mean to.

Seth pulled out his gun and shot Johnny right in the stomach. Blood everywhere Johnny falls to his knees and lands face first.


I've got to get out quick before anyone sees me.

Seth grabs his stuff runs for the door and heads to his car. He drives off not knowing where to go or what to do. This is getting serious.

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