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100% My Possessive Italian boss is a vampire and My Mate / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Finally going home

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Finally going home

The three of us get into our car..Mitch rides with me in my car...and Diego ride his own car...and we head off to my pack...

it took us just thirty minutes to drive to the park house,like I said it's not that far... opening my car door Diego pulls up next to my car ..I noticed non of the pack members are fassed about a vampire being in front of the pack house...that's weird...

Tess!!!!!that blasting scream that sounded like someone from hell would scream..but it came from non other than my sweetest Penelope but I just call her Penny and so does everyone else in the pack house.. Penny!!I scream back with a huge smile on my face.. squatting down to pick her's been so long since I saw her...

"Oh Tess I've missed u so much..mama wouldn't let me see the Alpha u know ur dad..and demand him call u home..I missed u so much, she hugs me tight..". "I missed u so much Penny but I'm here now right now need to scream at the alpha anymore right.."sighing she agrees.."I guess ure right..huh.. where's Mitch..."when she finally remembered her other bestie..."I'm right here Penn...Mitch says..."Mitchy...I missed u so much...I missed u I missed u I missed u. she kept chanting!!more like screaming..."I Know u did...I missed u more... where's ma...?"she's inside she's been waiting for u sis .." "Well let's go in then..Tess?..huh..I reply..sure let's go they both head in with the guides carrying our luggages including Diego's..that is really weird...I'm about to take one step when I'm pulled back by my arm,by non other than Diego..."Tess pls listen to me...I need u to believe that I am ur mate..." "sigh...sure...just let me think it through"I say shaking his arms off me.. getting inside..I run into my father's study...more like his office... without nocking...I mean it's wide open,"Alpha..."I bow in dad and I were never in that friendship zone..I have no idea why...he just never showed me that love...I guess after my mother died he just stopped caring for it was my fault she was attacked by the rouge..

"oh Tess,what's this I hear about u almost getting killed on the school campus...

sigh...I come home in a long time and he doesn't even welcome me home..this was the reason why I started fighting at a young age...

"they took me off guard father..I say my head still down..

"off guard my foot!!he immediately boomed...I was sixteen years old when I killed twelve rouge wolf's on my one helped...and I also killed 3 bears in one night...he screamed at me..

"well maybe because ure a man,I'm not a man I'm a female father and I don't know why u hate me so much u always want me to do greater things...u do know mother would have wanted me to be a fine lady and not a warrior,that was the only way I got u to look at me,the only time I ever had my father by my side was when he trained the pack...that was the main reason I decided to fight,and I fought with all I had to become the best warrior the pack has..just so my father could notice me but no matter how much I do..u never are happy u only hate me more is it my fault my mother is dead...!!!"I rant right at his face not being able to bear the lump in my throat,I see a bit of concern on his face when the tears fall but they're replaced with a scawl I just couldn't take it anymore and I just leave his study shutting the door with a big bang behind me.

Heading down to the dungeon I just want to get this over with...and leave...I slam my fist into the wall...and I swear it didn't even hurt me one bit..passing through one of the halls I noticed some people I've never seen before..... Vampires... .....what in the world are vampire clans doing here...I guess this is why no one cared about Diego...where is he anyways... finally reaching the dungeon I tell the guards to open the cell to the men who tried to kill me,when the both of them see me a smirk shows on their faces."I guess little princess here want to have fun with us one of them say....but the other one just smiles but just then I realized something I've been missing they're not humans at all...I thought they were humans but they're not,"what are u...?I ask them looking both of them in the eyes..."we're wolves like u darling that same guy says again... scuffing I say..."u're nothing like me..why did u try to kill me..."no reason bitch just got fun..."really just for fun huh...then u wouldn't mind if I killed u both just for fun,but don't worry I'll give u both a fighting chance..I say then walk out the cell motioning the two guards to bring them out man im I gonna enjoy this...

it takes no less than three minutes for everyone including the vampire clan to come outside to witness what was about to happen...the two wolves are placed out and everyone circles around...the kids are kept inside due to what was about to happen was only based on violence...they don't have chains on them they are both free and so am I...I notice the Alpha sitting on this chair looking at me....but I look for a specific face in the crowd... found him..I notice Diego looking at me with uncertainty...what..he thinks I can't take them down because of last time...I'll prove them wrong all of them... Especially the Alpha,I notice the two men circling me one in wolf form the other in human form..,..but I just keep a calm mind and look at both of them...the one in human form charges for me..and I lean to the right my foot out and he falls flat on his pack goes wild with laughter...why do I suddenly want to end these two on their packs but their smell only show them as rouge and there's one thing I hate about rouge...I don't care who they are as far as my mother died in the hands of a rouge a rouge must die In my hands as well ..that is only if they mean harm like these two... standing up he goes for the kill but I'm quicker..I grab his arms already getting bored I pull him close to me hands in his neck and reap him clean his body falls down limp..the other wolf howls like a mad wolf and goes for the kill...but I try to make this one last longer by playing with him I guess..with my inhuman speed I rush to the wolf grabbing it and tossing it to a tree outside the circle...but it makes a maniaking growl and dashes for it an easy pass I Dodge it... noticing my father's face I get bored as the wolf runs towards me I don't even care.i grab it by the head and reap it in half and he turns to it's human form but it's already dead the crowd goes quiet ..but I only look at the man in front of me,my Father the Alpha...he just smiles gets up and I said he doesn't care about me ...with blood stains allover my body I feel yucky I look everyone in the eyes but they all just now their heads...not looking at me back...oh well.i guess...ill just get on with it.."hello everyone I know u all know me except for the vampire clan...well I don't know why ure here but I hope it's for a good reason I know that the humans are teaming up with other creatures to wipe us all out but I want u all to know this today as long as I leave I will make sure no one harms a single hair on ur body and if they do they die...till I shall return I will make sure everything is in order...I say then head for the showers...I notice a blonde guy staring at me but I just head for the shower real quick.

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