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The Queen's gambit

7 years time kip

Tony P.O.V Starling city docks

I was standing in front of the Queen's Gambit as I watched father load up the boat for a trip to china I still don't understand why he wants to go. Just then I hear the sound of a car I turned around to Oliver climbing out of the car along with Laurel. She gives him a kiss and they say their goodbyes as Oliver waves goodbye and walks over to me. I give a small smile "Long time no see Olie" I say. He grins "Not my fault you could have called anytime," he says. "I was busy but that doesn't keep from being up to data your life," I say as I turn his head to see Laurel younger sister Sara make her towards the ship. "you know that not going to end well not for you or Laurel or Sara," I said. I know that Oliver ends up being Greenarrow. But I don't know how he got there from this god I whis I read more about the green arrow in my last life. "Oh here we go less than a minute into our first meeting In months and you're lecturing me about right and wrong," he says.

"I'm not trying to lecture you, Oliver, but what your doing is not fair to anyone, and you need to stop wasting your life," I said with my voice started to rise. I could see that hit him hard "I'm so sorry that you think I wasting my life it's called having fun you know that thing normal people have I mean look at yourself Tony when was the last you stepped outed the lab or the board room!" he fired back. I took deep berth just once I would like to talk to him without it turning into a screaming match. "I have fun Oliver but unlike you, I know how to keep self off the front page," I said. "Oliver I didn't come here lecture you or fight you," I say. "I came here to ask you if you are willing to have dinner with me after you get back?" I ask. Oliver gives a funny look "Tony I like you and all" I hit him in the shoulder to stop him from saying anything else god a gay joke what next he going to point to shirt say you missed a spot. "I met someone in been a few months and she wants to meet the family," I said.

Now Oliver a look of surprise that was not what I was expecting "is this for real the grat Anthony Robert Queen finally meet a woman" Oliver all but yelled. "You don't need to act surprised I have dated before I'm not a monk," I say. "I know but they never go past a few dates and you end all them for the same reason because your to busy" Oliver replies. "She is different I don't know what is about her but I care about her" I can't believe that I was telling him these. "Really now tell me about her she must be something to make you take a step away from the lab," he says. "She is and I'm hoping to bring her to meet you and Thea first before dad and mom," I say. Oliver nodes his head and says "alright first thing after I get back". After give him hug and we say our goodbyes even for all our fights he was the person that count on the most.

I still remember how he didn't leave my side for like month after Richfiled's first attack. Just as I was about to get in my car a hear a voice call out "don't tell me you're going to leave without saying goodbye to me" I turned my head and see it was my dad. I smile and walk over him giving him a hug. "I was going to but you looked busy," I said he smiles and takes a sip of from beer he holding. "I could say the same about you I think your phone rang more times than mine since you been here," he says. I grin he was right no matter how hard we tried we could not make any time for each other.

I still made time for Thea and mom even Oliver but I and dad just didn't have any time to meet up. "I guess we're both guilty then," I say taking a bottle of water from the cooler. "I guess you right how about we change that after I get back," he said. "I like that have your people call my people," I said and we share a laugh. We hug and say our goodbyes I walked back to my car. I sit down if anyone saw inside of it they be shocked to see that there was no steering wheel. "Whis take me to the family's mansion," I say "as you wish sir," Whis says.

The car begins to move as pull my seat back so that I could be more comfortable. As I drift Into sleep I began to think back to life as Ironman. After the first outing on Richfield's ship, I began to do the typical hero thing saving people stopping villains. I fought with Richfield a few more times but he still manages to get away each time. They also started to call me L.A's golden knight that took surprised me. I have managed to keep my identity secret that was a relief. I thought that Richfield would have told everyone that I made the suit but he doesn't seem to want to do that.

nayeem12 nayeem12

The last chapter till monday need to think how I want season 1 to play out

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