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78.94% A Reboot of a reboot: the Chronicles of iFanfic.(currently in Naruto) / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The betrayed yandere.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The betrayed yandere.


(Elma's POV)

Today is the day we will get evaluated, the three kids can finally properly walk on water but it doesn't last much. After they managed to walk on water they came back to follow me around, I beat them all a couple of times but they kept following me, they even gave me a portion of their food like if I was their leader or something.

Since they actually 'paid' to follow me around I started ignoring them but it was hard to concentrate on my training with this bunch looking at me like if they're looking at Jesus, and trying to copy me. They then started talking to each other rather close to me and even though I'm trying to ignore them I ended up listening to a bit of it.

One of the boys is called Kazuki, and the other is called Shintoki, while the girl is called Nanoné. Kazuki is the typical naive hero, he will move every time Nanoné pretends to be weak, without questions asked and do whatever she wants, that happened even during training, Shintoki, on the other hand, seems more like a scammer and probably knows what Nanoné does, I just don't get why he still gives a part of his food. As for Nanoné, she's just a f*ckin b*tch who's always playing the frail little girl, how do I know she's pretending? She makes it pretty obvious when all the pain she feels disappears the movement her puppies do something for her.

Anyway, I've been exploring this place as much as I could and didn't really find anything. This is a big room with a small-sized pool about 4m long, I don't know how deep, but it should be 3m wide. The room has two doors and one of them is the door through which we came in and the other is the door to our rooms, they are not exactly proper rooms but they do the job, the only thing inside of them is a terrible bed that is made of concrete, isn't that just perfect for 4 years old? Well, there's also a bathroom in each room, the bad part is that you can't train at night because they send in sleeping gas at the same time every day and when we wake up our rations are already there.

On the first day, the three kids were so hungry they are all their ration in the morning and cried about hunger at night but they soon learned they had to rationalize, but that didn't stop the two idiots from giving the little b*tch their food.

Today is being pretty much the same and we are only waiting for the examiner.

I started meditating to let time go by and I started doing so as a way to distract myself from how much I miss my dear, sometimes I feel like I'll be able to connect to him but that soon fades away. While I was calmly meditating on the floor of the pool room, Shintoki came close to me but I ignored him and continued calmly meditating.

Shintoki: "I know you're not deaf." He said with a tired expression and tone.

I obviously ignored him, I won't be wasting my time with this kid.

Shintoki: "So, you're just going to ignore me?" He insisted in talking to me.

I once again ignored him.

Shintoki: "Believe me, you'll need me as much as I'll need you... I have knowledge nobody else does.... I can guarantee our survival and power." He kept talking and he somethings that actually caught my attention for a bit.

Even if what he said is true which I highly doubt, I don't intend to work with this kid, but I'm curious to see what he does. I again didn't answer him.

Shintoki: "Hmph! You think you're so much better than us, you like all the other arrogant solo idiots will fall." He just half warned me and half threatened me.

Wow, this kid isn't your normal everyday kid. I have my own theories as to why he's like this, anyway I don't care about what he thinks or what he knows.

After Shintoki left I was back to peace and quiet or so I thought, but not long after the three of them came close to me and started talking like if we were some kind of team, I must admit they at least know-how much higher their chances of survival are if they work together, most of the kids here seem to only want to work for themselves and end up forgetting that this is a test to create the third generation of Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. (AN: Guys, I'm guessing here. I don't know which generation of mist sword should be right now but they existed since Hashirama time so, yeah.)

The point of all of this is finding seven capable kids, so working in a team as long as it doesn't exceed seven is fine. That's also the reason I didn't kill these kids yet, maybe I could have all of the seven under me and then offer their loyalty to my dear Ingenuus!! So I'm watching to see if they can last enough for that.

Currently, the leader of the village is the second Mizukage from what my parents told me. Anyway, that won't change my plans but it seems he's the real deal and I have to be careful around him, cause if I'll be a mist sword, I'll definitely have to meet the leader of the village. (AN: I don't know when the second and third Mizukage died and I just adjusted it to how I felt like.)

After waiting for a while longer, finally, the examiner came and told us to demonstrate what we can do by battling on top of the water, it was, of course, something very simple for me.

Mist ninja examiner: "You all have to show what you can do, you must be able to last at least 5 minutes of battle on water if you want to become one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

Since you are four, you will have six battles to see how well each of you fairs against each other." He said and the three kids immediately looked at me.

I think these kids are either worried about getting bodied by me or wondering how I got what he said if I'm deaf, and I couldn't care less what they think.

The examiner told me to wait on the side and the others had to battle in between themselves, and only after they are done I can have a round with them.

First Shintoki against Nanoné.

Right at the start shintoki throw 3 kunai at Nanoné one by one, then Nanoné pulled out a kunai from her tool bag and defended the kunais one by one, in that period of time that Nanoné was defending the kunais Shintoki got closer to her and attacked with a slide kick towards her left leg, Nanoné who was still distracted by the kunai she just deflected was easily hit and fell down towards Shintoki who got her with his free leg then grabbed both her arms and turned over by using the same leg he used to kick to impulse and stand on top of Nanoné with a kunai on her neck.

That totally got me by surprise as I didn't expect him to actually have half-decent battle abilities, it seemed I underestimated him. The first win was obviously Shintoki, Nanoné then went to Kazuki, and even though I can't hear them, I bet she's begging him to let her win when they fight and another surprise hit me when he seemed to have refused cause she started crying and yelling nonsense.

The examiner told her to shut up unless she wants trouble and she became obedient, anyway, the next fight was Shintoki against Kazuki, at first the objective was to let them rest in between battles, but since Shintoki crushed Nanoné the examiner deemed it unnecessary.

Then the battle between Shintoki and Kazuki began, they throw kunai at each other and both defend it and proceeded to run towards each other to have a close combat fight, it seems they either don't know a single ninja technique or them don't want to hurt each other too bad. Kazuki started with a high kick with his left leg aimed at Shintoki's head and Shintoki dodged it, by throwing himself back towards the water and stopping his body from going in with his hands and then with both his legs throwing a kick towards Kazuki's chest, Kazuki who had just landed on the water had no way of avoiding that and received the hit directly.

Kazuki was sent back some meters and then got up, and looked at Shintoki who was waiting for him. Kazuki came running towards Shintoki who is ready to counter any move he uses but in the last moment Kazuki did a rotation kick towards the water and fall down then started drowning, only to get saved by Shintoki. It was hilarious to see him epically fail like that.

I'm sure the examiner noticed it too, that kid was, in reality, trying to stop the flow of chakra in one of his legs to throw water at Shintoki who would probably try to protect his and then Kazuki would take the chance and beat Shintoki, it's not a terrible plan but it's just uselessly chuuni. He could have used his hands to do so and would have probably done it just right, but he had to try something unnecessary and totally above his league, what a stupid kid.

I'm actually impressed that these kids didn't just drown after getting hit once, it shows they are not so bad and might actually be worth the effort.

After this, they gave Kazuki a minute to recover, and then his battle against Nanoné started. Kazuki once again went for the kunai as his first move, it feels like it's some kind of safe move and Nanoné this time dodged and run towards Kazuki, who sent a punch towards her only to get easily dodge and when Nanoné was about to do something, Kazuki went for a low kick towards her to which Nanoné dodges and then falls with a rotative kick on Kazuki's face and he falls down then starts drowning.

Nanoné doesn't even care to save the boy and leaves him drowning, then Shintoki jumps in to save his friend. Anyway, I'm not worried at all and just wait for the whole friendship drama to end, oh also Kazuki seems to hate Nanoné now, I wonder why? It's not like he was used and then thrown away or anything. (AN: I love sarcasm.)

So after that, it was my turn to kick their a*ses one by one. My first one was Kazuki, the poor loser that got destroyed by everyone, and that includes me. The moment the fight started I got some water on my hand and when he threw his kunai I deflected it, ran towards him throw the water at his eyes and swiftly put a kunai on his neck, I really had to show him how stupid he was for acting chuuni and I could see the sadness in his eyes when he lost to his own plan, and it was amazingly satisfying.

The second battle was with Shintoki and he just straight up gave up, saying that it's useless for him to try and fight me now that I have an idea of what he can do. I really don't buy his cr*p and he's probably just hiding something.

Now the running fight is me against Nanoné and as you might have noticed, I'm not really a fan of this little girl.

Immediately as the battle started both of us started running towards each other and once we got close, Nanoné concentrated chakra on her arms and attacked me with punches to which I dodge, then kicked her in the stomach and she got pushed back a bit then proceeded to send a high kick towards my head and I took the opportunity and dodged then low kicked her leg, and when she fell down I immediately got up and jumped on top of her then started punching her hard before she could think of defending herself. I punched her until she was unconscious and bleeding here and there, then I left her floating body there, I could have used chakra on my hands and ended it in one punch but what would be the fun of that? And now, I'm very satisfied after doing a very thoughtful act by not just breaking her face with chakra and instead, knocking her out in a longer period of punches that are totally worth not getting your face completely broken.

After that, the examiner got her out of the water and we were given 1 week of recovery which in reality only Nanoné needed, and once that week was done some other mist ninja came to get us all. We were then taken to a new room that is much bigger and has a different setting, now there is a big wall that is full of weapons and we have from among that pick the correct weapons, but that's not all, besides us four there are other 17 people that also passed from other rooms. It seems as long as you win a single battle in your room you're safe and only 21 people us included made it to the end, it's basically 3 different seven people teams. If these kids have some brains there will be three teams of seven fighting for the correct swords, but I don't care. I already know which sword of the seven I want and how it looks, I haven't found it on the wall yet but I'll probably manage and even if I don't I know the looks of another sword aside from my target, so basically I have to options but I would rather have the first one.

Thanks to my dear, I know how two swords look and have an advantage, but I still have to be careful to get there first. I'm going to be fighting 20 people to get the sword I want and 14 people to even get a single sword.

Just like the last time, there is a pool, we'll, this one is much bigger than the last one and is in the way to get to the wall full of swords hanging there. I continue looking at the wall searching for the sword I want while the smart kids start making alliances.

After some time preparing, I finally found the sword I was looking for and I get ready. The moment the beginning of the sword hunt was announced, I did the hand signs and left a clone there and went underwater without any of those fools noticing, well they are kids so, yeah.

While they were literally fighting each other without even knowing exactly what they are supposed to be looking for because they don't know what the swords look like, I swam in the direction of the sword I'm looking for while occasionally putting my head out to breathe, cause unlike the last one this pool is gigantic. Once I got to the wall, I started climbing and shuriken and kunai came my way, I dodge and saw that the one throwing them are the three annoyances, Shintoki, Nanoné, and Kazuki but now Nanoné has 4 new goons with her, and it seems she teamed up with the two boys despite what she did to Kazuki. It seems they were smart enough to make a team and ignore the main battle, but that won't change a thing to me.

I ignored them and I did the hand signs and used {hiding in the mist Technique} and simply walked to the sword I want as those kids completely lost me, I know this would be useful but not this useful. I have to thank my father later for teaching me this technique.

I easily grabbed the sword I wanted and not to my surprise it's only a replica, how do I know? Because the sword I want is alive and has an unusual love for chakra. But I have it and that makes my objective complete, I'll now, wait and see who's going to be part of my team.


In the end, the three kids and some other 3 I don't know got the correct swords. Shintoki was looking at me with obvious envy, it seems he also wanted chakra eater sword. (AN: I do know the sword's name I just won't mention it now.)

After that, the seven of us were chosen and our actual training began. We meet the real Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, and each of us was tested with the sword to see if we can actually master them and some of them had to change swords but I still got to stay with chakra eater. The training began and years passed.

-Years later-

Year: 1991

It's been 15 years since my Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist training started, I have become familiarized with chakra eater, and I have to say, this sword is pretty much a sl*t that will love anyone with a lot of chakra, luckily, it seems to value quality over quantity, how does chakra quality work you ask? Basically, your CC refines your chakra into it's best state and if you have high chakra control chakra eater will be loyal, but it does seem to love tailed beast chakra the most. (AN: Don't take it too seriously, we all love Samehada)

The last Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist died not too long ago and we took over for them.

All of those are useless things when compared to the fact that today I felt Ingenuus present!!! My dear is finally here! I immediately connected to him and I discovered that a part of my soul was already inside Ingenuus, I also can't directly talk to him so, I made that part of my soul transmit my messages for me.

Elma: "Now you will tell him, I'm in the mist village. I'm sure he'll know what to do!!!!" I said very excitedly.

Soul Elma: ".... You see, I've already gotten to where I wanted to be. So I no longer need your help, thanks for making it easier for me to invade his soul center, this delicious soul will be mine! And I'll definitely bring him back." She said completely uninterested on what I said and swimming in her own thoughts.

Elma: "You b*tch! I know you're not 100% me! But if you don't get your sh*t together now! And do exactly as I say I'll f*ckin eliminate your miserable existence!!" I said completely unsatisfied with her sh*tty behavior.

Soul Elma: "You don't seem to get it, I no longer need you. I've been sustaining my existence without you all this time, how do you think that's possible? Because I'm not really you while being you and part of you. So, bye and good luck being happy with your dear after I'm done with him."

She said very full of herself and then shut our connection out while also blocking my connection to Ingenuus.

Elma: "I'LL DEFINITELY KILL THAT B*TCH WHEN I MEET HER!!! MY DEAR HOLD ON UNTIL I GET THERE!!" I shouted in furry while the author was laughing his a*s out while writing this.

Darkias07 Darkias07

Thanks for the views.

Random reader:Why did Kazuki's flex on Shintoki fail?

Author: he's too young to flex.

Random reader(2): Why did Elma flex on Kazuki?

Author: because she could.

Random reader(3): When will Rikune flex on anyone?

Author: Soon very soon.

Random reader(4): Why isn't Elma the main character?

Author: That's one of the biggest mysteries ever.

Why did I write all this? Because I felt like it!!

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