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57.89% A Reboot of a reboot: the Chronicles of iFanfic.(currently in Naruto) / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The simple story of the beginning of the multi-verse.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: The simple story of the beginning of the multi-verse.

Rikune: "WAIT WHA-."

Before Rikune could say anymore her mouth was covered by a tentacle and she was pulled in.


Inside a dark area with nothing, but darkness a faint glint could be seen in the Mideast of it all, there was a light being with the figure of a woman laying on the floor seemingly unconscious, giving off a weak aura since her light keeps getting weaker as time flies. The one unconscious is none-other then Rikune, who was previously 'consumed' by the distorted Black dragon with its disgusting tentacles.

Close to the currently unconscious Rikune, the black substance of the distorted dragon was taking shape into a humanoid figure until multiple faces, that seemed to be in great pain and despair started appearing all over it, turning into a black mass of faces. While that unpleasant show was happening Rikune herself started slowly regaining consciousness.

Rikune: "Hurhgg! This f*ckin hurts... I was supposed to be immune to pain, hurrgh!... I see why living beings hate this."

She said while hugging her light body, apparently experiencing pain for the first time in her existence.

Distorted dragon(many face mode): "We will consume you... Surrender and join us, once you are one with us you'll have immense power. We are the suffered, we are revenge, we are the end of all, such a pitiful being as yourself won't be able to resist us."

The voice of the creature is even louder and worse than before making any whoever hears such voice bleed from their ears in absolute pain, luckily for Rikune she doesn't have such worries.

Rikune is now trying to understand what possibly could this thing be, why is it inside Ingenuus? No matter how she thought of it, she couldn't get to a conclusion, but something inside her told her she knew exactly what she's dealing with, but it's somewhat different, at this moment she remembered something.

-Flashback(somewhere in the void)-

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, there's a young man floating around and talking to a shining figure.

Rikune: "So, How would you decorate a planet if you ever had to make one?"

Rikune asked with a somewhat curious tone.

Ingenuus: "A planet you say... Pretty simple, I would make the sky purple and as such, the ocean would have also look purple, I don't really know about landscaping, I would probably just randomize it and go with the result.... Oh and I would also create some Vodka rivers besides the water ones, Vodka is LIFE! I think that if I had to make animals, the inhabitants of the planet would have a bad time, since I would create a lot of creatures with very specific weaknesses and hard to deal with and also monsters... Yeah, something like a planet with swords and magic... I guess that's about it"

Ingenuus said making slight expressions from time to time while answering and the moment he mentioned Vodka, his face completely brightened for a bit before returning to the usual expressionless state.

Rikune who was paying a lot of attention to all his answer not missing a simple point was also containing herself from laughing at Ingenuus ideas for a planet of his own, not exactly because of how weird or stupid the ideas are, but more because she didn't expect that answer but in the end, she couldn't contain it and let it out.

Rikune: "Pff... Hahahaha!! I really can't believe you would do something like that hehehe, sorry, sorry, it's not like those ideas are bad or anything, but they are a little unexpected."

Rikune said making Ingenuus confused at her sudden laugh burst at first but he understood the moment she explained.

Ingenuus: "Really? I know my ideas might come out slightly odd, but I didn't expect you to just laugh at them, not that I mind since it's you anyway... Now, I want to know what did you expect from me."

Ingenuus didn't seem bothered by her laughing at his planet-building ideas but he got curious about what she expected from him.

Rikune: "That's pretty simple, I thought you would want to organize the planet and even the smallest details would have to be worked on or something like that... But you instead didn't even mid that and went for a Vodka river, hehehe! It kinda surprised me, and why purple for the sky of all the colors?"

Ingenuus: "I'm not really a perfectionist, anyway, I choose purple because it's my favorite color. And there's nothing wrong with a man's love for Vodka!"

Rikune: ".... Ingenuus, if I remember correctly, you were an underage while you were still alive right? Then why do you have such a strong love for Vodka?"

The atmosphere that was once friendly and nice has now become tense as Ingenuus looks at the intense aura Rikune is sending off, Ingenuus has no other option but to answer, no matter how he looks at it, he knows the moment he answers this question things will get dangerous for him, Rikune had a certain worried mother side and whenever it was active Ingenuus would get scolded for actual days... It happened because she would start about endless stories on why he's wrong and shouldn't have done that even though he's already dead.

Ingenuus: "Ok! Your turn, tell me how you would decorate your own planet."

Rikune: "In my own planet I would make the best atmosphere possible, making sure it can sustain a large number of races with even more species, making sure to make it somewhere with balance so that not many problems surface between its inhabitants happen, I would make sure to properly craft its landscape to look beautiful and be efficient, I don't really have any colors I would like to see there as long as it doesn't ruin my other plans by looking ugly."

Ingenuus: "hehe, it seems you're actually the one who likes it all organized and are just throwing it at me"

Rikune: ".... I guess that's kinda what happened..."

Ingenuus: " Don't worry, I like your way as well. I'm just too lazy to actually put something like that into action."

Rikune: "You and your lazy ass.... You'll be single if you don't change that attitude."

Ingenuus: "Me? What do you mean? I already have you."

Rikune: "W-whhat are you talking about?!... Don't say those things!"

Ingenuus: "hahaha, ok fine, I'll stop anyway... Rikune, you never did tell me but what is this place?"

Rikune: "what do you mean by that? This is the void, I told you before..."

Ingenuus: "No, I mean what exactly is the void? What makes this place what it is?"

Hearing Ingenuus question Rikune started thinking about it.

Rikune: "This place has quite a sad story, do you still want to listen to it? Besides, it's very long since it includes other stories."

Ingenuus: "Yes, I'm really curious about it now."

Rikune: "Fine, It all started long ago when all life was just beginning to exist, there were already some beings of extreme power that humans refer to as Gods, the first of those to ever be and I really mean be since I'm not sure the word exist applies to such being, anyway that being is until the day of today referred to as THE FORCE OF EXISTENCE AND NON-EXISTENCE, This being of infinite and ever-growing power was absolutely alone and after being in the absolute loneliness for eons, it decided to create other beings inferior to itself to see what would happen."

The story begins and Ingenuus was getting more and more interested in it as he realized this is the story of the being of the multiverse, he knew losing a single bit if this story would be a waste.

Rikune: "At first it wanted to create something similar to itself in all senses to make something with which it could get amused, that first creation was done in an instant with its immense power. After it was done a new being was born from it, that became known as Absoluto the first God and the Greater being of Existence and Non-existence, even though Absoluto was able to use the powers of its creator, it was way too weak to ever compare to its creator, Absolute served its creator with absolute joy and they were in perfect harmony for a long time, but like it always happens after a period of time the fact they were so similar it ended up as a problem since they had nothing to do together, Absoluto knew it's creator was starting to once again dive into boredom and loneliness so it decided to create beings of his own and just like it's creator decided to make an almost perfect copy of itself, Absoluto was very weak when compared to its creator so this process took a lot of time, patience and concentration, in the end, the form and power of Absoluto's creation was very inferior to its own just like it had happened to its creator, even though disappointed at that, Absoluto was happy its creation was almost done.... But in the last minute, it shattered into 12 pieces and created 12 new beings with those, unlike himself and his all-powerful creator, they were very limited"

Rikune was slowly telling the tale while Ingenuus was attentively listening with more and more interest as it went on.

Ingenuus: "Wait, what do you mean by greater being? Is it a title? Or is it something superior to gods?"

Rikune: "Oh, that's very simple. Gods are divided into a ranking to say so, and in that ranking, greater beings are the second strongest losing only to THE FORCE OF EXISTENCE AND NON-EXISTENCE itself, but don't fool yourself they are all atoms compared to it. After that come the ancient gods and the high gods and the gods. There's more to it but I don't think you need that information."

Ingenuus: "I see.... Please go on with the story."

Rikune: "Oh yeah, where was I? Oh yes!..... So, Absoluto's children, they all had only some powers and were not able to do everything like Absoluto, not only that but they had a different form, not only did they have humanized figures but they were 6 male-like and 6 female-like, that made Absoluto very ashamed of his creations that looked and were so different from it and it's creator, even so, it decided to still show them to its creator with the fear of getting rejected, they were later known as the 12 superior Ancient Gods, the God of Creation Imaginas, Goddess of Destruction Deriana, God of Time Tidus, Goddess of Space Stella, Goddess of Life Liva, God of Death Centron, God of Knowledge Noruu, Goddess of Magic Ildela, Goddess of the Elements Electa, God of Order Oratos, God of Chaos Chinori, Goddess of Reality Reata. In between all of these none of them inherited its powers making Absoluto worry more about their rejection, so at the last minute, it decided to give them all the mission of doing something that can entertain its creators. "

Hearing this Ingenuus decides that it's best for him to keep in mind all the names of those Gods and Goddess as they might be useful in the future, while Rikune continued to tell the story calmly.

Rikune: "Each of them knew how ashamed of them Absoluto was so they decided to do their best to entertain that who created their creator and just like that they worked together to create the multi-verse, universes, Solar Systems, planets, life and so on. Altogether they were able to do this feat and decided to show it to Absoluto, Absoluto got so proud of them that immediately forget all the shame it ever felt and started showing all of them love instead but was being especially loving towards Imaginas, Deriana and Reata making all the others feel unfaired. Later Absoluto showed its 12 creations and what they did once again earning the attention and love of its creator, but just like the last time after a long time it became boring since the creatures in these planets were nothing but bland rocks that became boring since they were always doing the same things, Absoluto noticed this and with his 12 creations once again tried to create something new, this time Absoluto was helped by his creations from which he always favored three making all the others feel unfaired, that even when they work more they're still treated as inferior."

Ingenuus thinks its funny that even divine beings fight over the favorite child place like kids and that it's truly unfair for those working harder, but didn't say anything and simply went on listening.

Rikune: "This time since it received help from its creations Absoluto took less time to finish everything, but this time something different happened to them, these new creations had a different type of energy on them, they were 13 new creations while one of them had a somewhat neutral aura similar to most of its creations the rest had completely different types of aura, these were later known as God of Evil Luny, Goddess of Hatred Hatara, God of Vengeance Veratos, Goddess of War Figita, God of Sloth Lazory, Goddess of Envy Elnoer, God of Warth Tararis, Goddess of Lust Elminomir, God of Pride Pyaratos, Goddess of Greed Generiane, God of gluttony Kyri, Goddess of Beauty Blenery, God of emotions Alanimiro. All of these bought a new perspective to things, even though they had different auras and were considered the second generation of Ancient Gods also know as Inferior Ancient Gods they were still loyal to Absoluto. After that they created living and non-living beings that were called mortals and those living creations become different and started acting in unpredictable ways compared to before, and once Absoluto Showed this to its creator things became better since this time they continued to create life, and new types of creatures and decided to create inferior version of themselves, which gave birth to high Gods and Gods that soon became many with different tasks given to them. At some point there so many Gods and living beings that Absoluto rarely had time to meet his first creations, in other to once more get Absoluto's attention The superior and inferior Ancient Gods started a war against the Gods and even though Gods were way greater in number, their power was inferior, the battle was terrible and in the end, the Centron sacrificed himself for Liva." (AN: Ok, the original author made some crazy stuff here, did death just literally die for life?XD)

Hearing the seven deadly sins are part of the first 27 divine beings to ever exist makes Ingenuus wonder if humans didn't misinterpret them or if it was something done by a God/Goddess that hates the seven. Anyway he decided not to mind it too much.

Rikune: "Seeing its creation die, Absoluto got furious and destroyed all the Gods that participated in the war while punishing all the Ancient Gods and ordering that new Gods are made to substitute the ones that it killed, after trying hard to resurrect Centron Absoluto ended up creating a new Ancient God instead of resurrecting Centron, the new one was God of the Abyss Abyssal and after a couple more of tries Centron was brought back and a new system of rules was made to avoid future situations like this. Absoluto's creator only observes while Absoluto itself only acts when all existence is on the verge of destruction, while the Ancient Gods look after the Gods who look after the mortals. Now we can finally talk about what matters for us, Abyssal Who was created from Centron's death energy became the lookout of the spiritual side's worst part, also known as the kingdom of lost souls, a place that was originated from Centron's energy after he died it was just a full death zone but after many eons, the lost souls of the dead started falling there and ended up mixed with Centron's energy and created the place known as the void. And that's the basis of how the void came to be, any question?"

Ingenuus was processing all the information and deciding on what to ask about, while Rikune patiently waited.

Ingenuus: "what I want to know is...."

-End of flashback-

Rikune who had such a memory replaying in her mind couldn't understand how things were related up until now.

Rikune: (All this time the answer was something I should have figured from the beginning... That still doesn't answer many of the other questions but it makes it easier for me to decide what to do.)


AN: This is a simplified version of the story at the beginning of the multi-verse, the full story might appear later on or not depending on how I end up envisioning everything.

Darkias07 Darkias07

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