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26.31% A Reboot of a reboot: the Chronicles of iFanfic.(currently in Naruto) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Chakra beasts and troublesome lolis

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Chakra beasts and troublesome lolis

Inside a room with aquamarine colored walls, there's a young man sleeping in a king-sized bed all by himself, this young man is constantly changing position as he sleeps, it seemed he's one of those people that can't stay in the same position as they sleep. This went on for hours until rays of light that are absorbed by the solar panels that were somehow installed on the surface of a normal-looking [tent], and are then redirected to a screen on the wall of the room emulating the sunlight from the outside world.

Being bathed in sunlight while he sleeps, the young man woke up in the exact same position he was when he fell asleep. Rubbing his eyes then spreading his arms while he yawns, the young man woke up with a happy and lazy expression.

Not loosing too much longer in lazing out the young man got off the bed.

Ingenuus: "Good morning, Rikune."

Ingenuus said with a little bit of morning drowsiness still noticeable in his tone and expression.

Rikune:[Good morning, Ingenuus]

Rikune who was now in a good mood for getting a proper greeting after a long time said with a serene and cheerful voice that can only be described as heartwarming, especially at this time of day.

Ingenuus: "Look at who's in a good mood, did something I don't know happen?"

Ingenuus asked with a teasing tone and expression since he has the chance to tease her, he will most certainly do it.

Rikune:[N-NO! Of course not! How would I even do something in your back?! I work for you and you're also my-]

Rikune panicked and immediately started trying to defend herself from the accusation but at some point realized she's been tricked, as Ingenuus is containing himself not to burst into laugher at Rikune's cuteness.

Ingenuus: "Pffff... Hahaha! You're adorable"

Ingenuus who couldn't help but let out his laugher.

Rikune:[Who do you think you're calling adorable?! I'm older than you know!]

Rikune who's now a red shining being in human shape was defeated by Ingenuus' teasing, luckily for her, he can't see her now.

Ingenuus: "What about it? Don't you know a lady shouldn't reveal her age? Besides, you're adorable little Rikune regardless."

Ingenuus answered in a way that made Rikune even more uncomfortable.

Rikune:[Don't call me that!]

Rikune pouted while answering but Ingenuus can't see otherwise he would definitely say 'Kawaiidesu(very cute)!'.

Ingenuus: "Fine, I won't call you that anymore Tsun Rikune."

Ingenuus said with a victory smile.

Rikune:[I'm not a tsundere!]

Rikune refused that designation strongly.

Ingenuus: "That's exactly what a tsundere would say."

Ingenuus said with a satisfied expression.

Rikune:[Urusai! Urusai! Urusai! Urusai!(Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!)]

Rikune said very cutely warming Ingenuus' heart.(AN: Shut up isn't a direct translation to Urusai as the word is closer to noisy/annoying in terms of meaning but it's commonly used this way in anime so... Why not?)

Ingenuus was laughing as he went to the bathroom and said nothing in return this time.

After a shower, Ingenuus once again dressed up on the simple clothes that were given to him by the system as his base clothes. He's planing on customizing his [ninja clothes(C-rank)(customizable item)] and after that he'll go hunt some chakra beasts.

First Ingenuus goes to the kitchen and prepares a nice breakfast for himself and eats happily while talking to Rikune.

After that, he washes the dishes and does his digestion while walking around the house calmy, he does this because he read in a health book that it's healthier to digest food in movement as long as you don't do anything too shaky.

Once his digestion was complete, Ingenuus went to his room sat on his bed as he activated the customization mode in order to customize his own [ninja clothes]. In the end, Ingenuus made an open-collared, one-sleeved long black overcoat, he has his right arms which is the exposed arm and legs wrapped in bandages while wearing beige swag shorts.

Having his new clothes at his disposal Ingenuus immediately went outside his tent and kept it in his [Inventory] then started moving calmly, looking for chakra beasts. Chakra beasts are animals that were mutated because of chakra and evolved into being able to use it, many of them can't use any element but can still fortify their physical abilities to a much higher level.

Searching for them wasn't this easy in these parts, because the areas near big villages like hidden leaf hunt them down and make sure to keep them under control so that they won't cause too much commotion, they are also usually mission targets for new genin but only chakra beasts within D-rank or lower.

Chakra beasts are ranked lowest to highest from E to the S rank, E<D<C<B<A<S. It's rare for beasts to reach rank S since they are mostly eliminated before they even reach rank A, only inhabited and very dangerous areas with a high concentration of chakra will house such monsters that can actually fight with Kage level ninjas. Just like beasts are ranked so are ninjas going from genin to kage, genin<chunin<special jonin<jonin<kage. Genins are equivalent to D rank chakra beasts even though a D-ranked chakra beast would be in advantage in a fight against a genin, but overall a genin should be able to take care of one if cautious.

The wolves Ingenuus fought against being rank E are not that strong and a ninja academy student with actual combat ability should be able to take them down, Ingenuus who's constitution is on that level right now just proved it in action.

Walking in the forest many trees and the grass can be seen being blown by the wind while Ingenuus searches for his targets, the peaceful and calm aura transmitted by the forest only made Ingenuus more uneasy since the forest is only this calm when something dangerous would happen, even though Ingenuus has [healing pills] and even [teleportation scrolls] for emergencies those are useless if he's not fast enough to use them and he's currently very weak if we consider him in the naruto world, so all caution is not enough.

After some hours of search Ingenuus finally found something, in between the trees in this forest there are 5 rabbits with deer-like horns. Looking at them Ingenuus was confused since he never expected to see creatures like these in here.

(I don't remember ever seeing something remotely close to this in naruto...) Ingenuus thought as he quietly observed these weird rabbits that seem to come from somewhere else rather than the naruto world.

Rikune:[It's because there are some changes here and there, this place is an alternative version of the naruto world after all.]

Ingenuus didn't say anything to Rikune's answer as he was told this was an alternative version from the very beginning, not minding how these creatures look he pulled out 5 kunais and looked at the 5 rabbits that are calmly eating grass and haven't noticed they are being observed. Not wasting any more time Ingenuus throw the 5 kunais and 4 of them one by one hot their targets in different parts of their bodies. The first one got hit in the head and immediately died, the second one got hit on the neck not lasting too long, the third got hit on the left leg and couldn't escape dying from blood loss, the fourth was hit up it's a*s and had a rather painful experience before dying, while the fifth was lucky because Ingenuus missed a and it escaped at a very high speed that surprised Ingenuus also making him happy because he didn't fight them directly, deciding for stealth kills otherwise it would be hard to fight them when they are faster than the wolves he fought the yesterday.

System:[4x rank D- Deer rabbits have been killed.... 100 AP and 40 exp have been acquired]

(Just like I thought, these rabbits are pretty strong. They are a rank stronger than the wolves I fought yesterday. If I fought directly, I would probably lose) Ingenuus thought up his own conclusions seeing that the rabbits are already rank D creatures.

After killing the first group, Ingenuus went off once again looking for more prey. Not surprisingly, it's not being easy for him as he's only bumping into some normal animals here and there, but no chakra beasts.

Ingenuus didn't plan on giving up easily, even after hours of search that ended in nothing, he decided to stop for a while and rest a bit, it's no use to just tire yourself to get no results and so Ingenuus decided that he'll leave for tomorrow, but if he doesn't find anything tomorrow he'll have to find another area or simply go to hidden leaf. It's not going to be beneficial if he goes too far just to level up a bit while it's probably not worth the walk.

Soon Ingenuus was on a branch of a tree because he could keep an eye on the surroundings and see if any chakra beast comes by since Ingenuus would rather not lose any possible prey, so he'll stay on the top of the branch and not inside the [tent].

(This is pretty inconvenient, it seems these areas close to the village don't have many chakra beasts and me thinking that the leaf ignores all possible threats around them.... Like the akatsuki, raising Naruto properly, Orochimaru, and some more little things. Also, I wonder where the telescope Technique that allowed the third Hokage to spy on naruto in the first episode is.... That thing should allow the user to spy on anyone as long as they have the target's chakra, where did something so powerful end up? Why didn't they use it on Itachi to spy on akatsuki? Or use it on Danzo? Like that thing can find you anywhere regardless of obstructions as long as you register the target's chakra once! How the f*ck did they not use it?! That thing was used by like 5 people on the whole anime and it was never used properly!!) Ingenuus has free time so he decided to rant on his thoughts about how illogical it was for such a powerful tool to not be used properly.

Rikune:[There was such a thing? Isn't that like super op? It can find you anywhere in the world?]

Rikune who was surprised by the information could only ask.

(Yes, yes, and yes! It's all correct! And they just somehow lost it and it never appeared again in the hidden leaf!!) Ingenuus let his rant end as he has already decided to put his hand on that tool if the chance ever appears.

???: "Kaynara, Do you really think we should leave the village like this?"

A little girl with blond hair who doesn't seem to be more than 5 years old asked her green-haired friend that looks about the same age.

Kaynara: "Sarah Urusai(shut up)! you're the one who gave said it would be fun! Why are you asking me now?!"

She said with a somewhat what pissed off aura in her words.

Sara: "Yeah, but you agreed and said you know how to go back if we got lost."

The blond little girl said in response to her annoyed friend.

Kaynara: "I could be getting presents from boys like always right now, but because of you I have to walk in this scary forest!"

The little girl that seems to be called Kaynara yelled at her blond friend that seems to be called Sara.

Sara: "hehehe! This small twig is like my bother's thingy, hehehe so small"

Sara who didn't seem to be listening to Kaynara anymore said while laughing.

Kaynara: "Hey! Are you listening to me?!"

Kaynara tried to get Sara's attention but to no avail.

Looking at this from the tree's branch Ingenuus didn't know what to think....

(It seems some stupid kids got lost.... Well, I hope they find their way back.) Ingenuus looked at the little girls and decided he has no obligation to help, they got themselves on this they'll somehow find their way back or at least that's what he's telling himself.

Rikune: [Quest unlocked.

Loli rescue.

Take these two little brats home.

Reward: 1000 AP, 500ryo, and 4 level ups.

Failure condition: the two little girls get killed or lost for good.]

(Wait, I get level-ups this easily?) Ingenuus was surprised by the reward of such a simple quest.

Rikune:[No, it seems saving them has an impact on certain things I'm not allowed to explain. So you probably won't get level-ups as a reward for a long time]

Rikune answered right away clearing Ingenuus doubt.

(It seems I'll be helping, a reward like this can't be left out) Ingenuus get down of the tree and moves towards the little girls.

once Ingenuus calmly walked towards them, the two lolis became looked at him.

Kaynara: "Sara, do you know that cute boy?"

She said to her friend that immediately shook her head.

Sara: "Nope, ojisan(uncle) do you know how to get to hidden leaf village?"

Hearing this Ingenuus had an uncomfortable expression.

(Did this f*ckin brat just call me old?! I'm probably younger than you right now! And even my soul is not old enough to be called an uncle!! F*ck you!! Can't you see all my beautiful youthful self!?) Ingenuus thought as he hated being called old, it was something that Elma used to do when they were younger, she would say he sometimes acts like an old person even though she was like 7 and Ingenuus always hated being called old.

Ingenuus: "I'm only 4 years old and I do know how to go to hidden leaf."

Despite how pissed off Ingenuus is at being called old, he didn't let it get to him and answered them.

Sara: "There's no way you're this tall and you're younger than me, besides you have too many muscles to be 4 years old. Please ojisan(uncle) don't pretend to be young, he-."

Sara said that while doing her best to contain her laugher.

Kaynara: "Urusai(shut up)Sara! Don't listen to her she's just stupid. Can you please take us to hidden leaf cutie?"

Kaynara said looking at Ingenuus with star eyes.

Rikune:[Hahaha! I didn't know you're so sensitive to age]

Rikune started laughing as these lolis also surprised her, she never expected them to be two odd ones but considering they got lost in the forest they must be problematic.

Ingenuus didn't know whether to cry or laugh, because these two are just too odd. Normally insult from a child wouldn't have any effect on Ingenuus but he just hates being called old! And being called uncle amounts the same for him, he's never had a niece or nephew so he's just thought of uncle as a word for mid-aged people which amounts the same as being called old.

Ingenuus didn't waste any more take and they all started walking towards hidden leaf according to Rikune's directions and they just walked for a while before they started asking things.

Kaynara: "Cutesy, I'm Kaynara Yamanaka, what's your name? Are you really 4? Do you like green-haired girls? Do you like short girls? Are you married?"

Kaynara just started shooting questions making her intentions more obvious at each new question.

Ingenuus: "My name is Ingenuus and I'm really 4"

Ingenuus answered what he felt like answering and said nothing else.

Kaynara didn't seem to mind that her other questions weren't answered and started mumbling something to herself.

Sara: "Ojisan(uncle), are you sure you know where you're going? Is your guy thingy also small?"

Sara asked something normal but then went up with a messed up question.

Ingenuus: "I know the way."

Once again Ingenuus only answered what he felt like but unlike Kaynara, Sara continued asking all the time.

Ingenuus followed by the girls, is now heading to the leaf village now and since he's in a child body, he will probably not be bothered too much, he also asked Rikune if there's a counter measurement against mind-reading and was happy to know that they can't discover anything about the system and his otherworld soul, he also asked about his race being human(?) instead of human and Rikune explained that it's because his body was created by the system and is not a normal human body.

After asking about a bunch of other stuff related to this alternative Naruto world Ingenuus saw some of his questions unanswered but didn't get that bothered by it. He's also using it to ignore the noise lolis following him right now.

After walking for about 2 hours of walking non-stop Ingenuus was starting to question if it's still too far himself while the girls were complaining none stop about being hungry and tired, so to distract himself from the girls, he looked around and observed the beautiful forest surrounding him while relaxing his thoughts and mind a bit the peaceful scenery made him feel comfortable. What surprised Ingenuus was the fact they didn't meet any harmful animals/chakra beasts in their way to leaf village, it seems the leaf has gotten rid of all the dangerous animals/chakra beasts in a certain area and left only the harmless ones.

After another two hours of a peaceful walk, Ingenuus could finally see the leaf village was quite close. Seeing that was the situation Ingenuus is happy that he won't be having to deal with these two little girls after he reaches the hidden leaf and a small smile could be seen on his face.

Rikune:[Wow, it seems you're really happy to get rid of these girls, hehehe. I kind of like them, maybe you should raise them?]

Rikune said with a playful tone.

(Yeah, why not? But I think all my attention will be directed to them and I won't have much time to talk to you) Ingenuus said in response with his usual indifference that made sound serious.

Rikune:[Their parents miss them Ingenuus, how can you be so heartless to just take them at your own criteria]

Seeing Rikune's answer change like this, Ingenuus couldn't help but laugh a little and ended up receiving the urusai treatment. While the two lolis got surprised seeing Ingenuus not only smile but laughing after 4 years of an indifferent expression, they couldn't help but think that Ingenuus is weird.

In front of the entrance gate of hidden leaf village, the guards, as usual, are relaxing and acting very lazily since nothing happened in a very long time even though they're in a war period it doesn't seem to affect their calm and lax maneuver which would probably be completely unacceptable in any other village, not that it's not unacceptable here, but it's just not as much of a priority as it should be.

While the relaxed guards just laid on their chairs doing nothing, but that didn't last as much as they expect it to see three kids coming together and could recognize the two lolis, but not the boy. After a little while, the kids got much closer and they could see the boy's features properly, and were just blasted away by it since a kid that is many years younger than them, has a way better physique than them together and not only that but even his hair and face were amazingly good looking.

Both just stood there in a dazed state looking at the boy who was getting closer by minute being followed by the two lolis while wearing a barely noticeable smile, as the two idiots just kept looking as if waiting for something to happen instead of stopping him at all.

Ingenuus seeing how the two gate guards just kept looking at him without any kind of productive reaction since their just gawking like perverts, which made him want to reconsider going to hidden leaf for a second before throwing that thought to the back of his mind, thinking that if something goes wrong he can just use one of his teleport scrolls. After walking for some time Ingenuus and the lolis finally reached the entrance gate of the leaf village, once they stopped walking both guards came out of their dazed state and immediately went to check their state, but both cautious, unlike their previous attitude which is way more appropriate for their task.

Ingenuus seeing them act more cautiously was slightly calmer, not because their showing caution towards him but more because this proves that it's still possible to shape these people into the correct attitude towards their functions and that doesn't apply only to the gate guards, but many things in the hidden leaf are done sloppily or poorly making the village's output both economically and politically weak, especially because of the pacifist role they decided to take which only makes them vulnerable to the other big villages, in summary, they are fools at least in Ingenuus' view. Ingenuus knows he's no genius himself, but even he understands that the way hidden leaf acts is weak except for some times where Danzo or Minato was in command of the situation, Danzo is trash that should be eliminated, but can also be useful if one has the right tools to control him properly not that Ingenuus ever plans to work with him, but if Ingenuus can he'll use Danzo and once he has enough power Ingenuus will immediately eliminate him.

But right now, Ingenuus already has enough to worry about like finding Elma, infiltrating hidden leaf, and how to best win the trust of big shots influence wisely, like Hiruzen, Minato, Tsunade, Danzo(just in case, since it's dangerous if he seems Ingenuus as an enemy) and some minor but still influential ones like Fugaku and Hiashi. Other minor clans like Nara, Inuzuka, Akimichi, and Yamanaka that also have a great impact would also make a big difference especially the Nara since if they get suspicious of him it might be problematic, but the possibility of it happening is not so high, the Yamanaka don't really worry Ingenuus since the system will hide any crucial information until he can do it himself and clans like Akimichi and Inuzuka don't represent a threat to his plan, but Ingenuus won't overlook them and befriend them the same.

Random leaf ninja(1): "You two! How many times have you been told not to leave the village by yourself!? There are ninjas looking for you two in other areas of the forest, do you know how worried your parents are?! Also, who's this boy?"

Said one of the ninjas with an angered expression. Then he showed some hostility towards Ingenuus.

The second ninja just stood there looking at Ingenuus with a suspicious expression while on guard and ready for any attack that might happen, making Ingenuus start to rethink if he didn't underestimate hidden leaf's seriousness, but Ingenuus was never the stubborn type to hold onto old beliefs, rather then that he's more the type that easily accepts new ideas while accepting his own mistakes, even so, it didn't change the fact they are way too lax compared to other villages.

Kaynara: "We didn't want to get lost! And be nice to cutesy Ingenuus, he's the one who brought us back!"

Kaynara said with teary eyes as she didn't like being lectured or yelled at, but this gate guard is her father's friend has known her since she was a little baby so it's not weird for him to be worried, and he's even been here doing extra turns in guard duty just in case they appeared.

Sara: "Yeah, ojisan(uncle) was a little mean and didn't let us rest for long and didn't answer my question, but he brought us back".

Sara who ignored the fact she was just lectured said.

Random leaf ninja(1): "Is that so, if that's the case-.... Wait? Did you just call him ojisan(uncle)?"

The ninja was already convinced but once he heard Sara speak, he immediately got tenser and more suspicious of Ingenuus. The first thought that crossed their minds is that Ingenuus is a spy using {transformation technique} to make himself look young, but aren't sure about it since he and his partner are both only chunin since most jonins are in the battlefield right now.

(I should have killed this girl the moment she opened her mouth for the first time!) Ingenuus thought as Sara ruined the smoothness of his infiltration.

Darkias07 Darkias07

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Two lolis are double the trouble of one.

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