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21.05% A Reboot of a reboot: the Chronicles of iFanfic.(currently in Naruto) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3:Rikune's Pc and Ingenuus' big brain

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:Rikune's Pc and Ingenuus' big brain

In a very technological room that has many different and weird machines working there's a creature of light in the format of a young woman who seems to be trying to fix a problem in a big computer-like device that seems to be the main one in the whole place.

Rikune: "Arrrhggg!! You have to be kidding! Why won't this stupid thing just get decrypted!!?"

She yelled at the computer as she goes on messing with the computer-like device very fast. It seems she's frustrated for not being able to complete some kind of task in the computer-like device.

Rikune: "Please work, I want to have this done as fast as possible for Ingenuus!!... He's so cute! And nice, but also a blockhead just like Karaki. But if I had to compare them I would say Ingenuus is much cooler than Karaki in many ways, but Karaki had a weird charm to him as if people got annoyed, but never really hated him, while I feel like Ingenuus is the kind of guy you either love or hate... Why am I thinking about things like these?!?!"

While frustrated she lost herself in her own thoughts, the computer-like device shown some kind of warning, but she was too distracted to notice.

Rikune:"Wha... No, No, No, No!! Stop don't delete all data decrypted till now!! I can't start this all over!! Please stop!!"

No matter how much she pleaded and tried to cancel the deleting process it didn't matter at all as the data was all eliminated right in front of her.

Rikune: "ARRHGHHH!!... *sigh* looks like I'll have to start over from the beginning when I was already in 99%... No, I'm not frustrated or mad at all. I'm perfectly calm!!"

After saying so she exploded in rage and started throwing and smashing things around while screaming completely furious. A long-time later when she finally calmed down she got her chair from the floor positioned in place in front of the computer-like device.

Rikune: "I seriously need an assistant as well. Being an assistant isn't easy."

Not losing any more time after complaining a little longer she starts working again, but this time more focused and serious. After hours of hard work and trying her best Rikune gets to 8%.

Rikune: "What do I do now? If Ingenuus asks me to look at his status I'll be done for. I'll need at least five days to finish this at this rate, I just hope he takes a little longer than the predicted to wake up."

-4 day later-

Rikune: "I'm dying... Why does it have to so hard to decrypt this? Karaki's was so easy to do."

She said while working on the computer-like device, with a light way less bright than before probably from being tired for having to work for 4 days straight with no sleep or rest, If she even needs to sleep that is.

Rikune: "How come it's only at 64%?! After all my hard work!!!"

Rikune is dying on her own frustration for how hard it's being to decrypt the information on Ingenuus soul so that she can complete the status but Ingenuus soul is encrypted to the hardest level.

Ingenuus: "Rikune can you tell me, in which area of the Naruto world am I? Also what period of time is it?"

Hearing Ingenuus voice Rikune got very nervous but composed herself and answered.

Rikune:[It's 9 years before Naruto was born and you're in the forest close to hidden leaf]

Ingenuus: "Rikune, am I in the same timeline as Karaki?"

...(AN: the conversation is the same as in chapter two so I'm going to skip it to the part that matters)

Ingenuus: "fine that's not a problem, but before doing that can you show me my status and I want to know if the system gave me any kind of bonus like a starter pack or something like that."

Ingenuus said exactly what Rikune was afraid to hear and couldn't help but to feel worst for her mistake. She was so distracted to the point she didn't even notice his nightmares.

Rikune:[About your status its not ready yet... I myself don't understand why it's taking so long, it should be done by now but the scanning process is only in 64% and in order to speed it up, I need to fully focus on it and that's why I'm asking for a whole day and you do have a starter pack, would you like to open it?]

Rikune answered with a slight disappointment in herself for not finishing on time but soon regained high spirits and decided that she will finish the process today even if it's the last thing she does.

After helping Ingenuus with the starter pack Rikune resumed her work, but with a completely different level of determination and focus.

After only six hours she was able to reach 78% increasing at a rate of 2.333 per hour.

-Much later-

It's been 15 hours since Rikune last talked to Ingenuus and she actually managed to reach 99% with her newly found determination and focus.

Rikune: "I'm so close to finishing, great! I hope Ingenuus didn't get himself into too much trouble while I was concentrated in this. Well, better finish it before I make another mistake hahaha, it's not funny, I can't make a mistake now!!! This last one percent takes much longer to decrypt than the rest so gotta give it my all!"

Completely full power Rikune is trying her best while in the outside world Ingenuus was almost eaten by a bunch of wolves.


In the forest that is quiet and peaceful, there's a boy on the ground breathing heavily from exhaustion.

Ingenuus just finished his training and is now laying on the ground exhausted and after staying on the ground for a while and recovering some of his breath he used his [Special camping tent] and a normal-looking small tent appeared.

Ingenuus: "is this it? (-_-)"

Slightly bothered by how the tent looks so common Ingenuus went in and got thrown back by the inside. Unlike the common outside the inside looks like a luxury apartment with 3 rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. The decoration is modern and very pleasant to look at making Ingenuus feel at home not long after going in, but there was something that made Ingenuus slightly sad which is the fact there's a training room with high-quality training equipment and after seeing it Ingenuus started cursing himself for not checking this place sooner.

Ingenuus decided to take a bath before anything else and after coming out refreshed, Ingenuus went straight to the kitchen with only a towel on him. Ingenuus is now standing at 126cm of height which is very short unless you're a child which he appears to be right now. After getting to the fridge he was happy to see it's full and even has a very big diversity of things he like if it was specially prepared for him, after picking some ingredients up Ingenuus decided to make a nutritional supplement drink and some soup to keep the strength up, for the main dish he went for spaghetti with meatballs, Ingenuus wanted to drink some wine but isn't sure if it's a good idea considering his current body so he decided against it and started cooking.(AN: You were 17 on earth my boy, can you even properly appreciate wine?)

The moment Ingenuus picked the pan and then an apron, then cooked with a smile. After eating his dinner since it was already night, Ingenuus decided to digest the food and simply relax for a while.

Once he was full of energy and ready to go at it once again Ingenuus directed himself to the training room and started his training season but this time using 1.5 kg weights on his arms and legs. He wanted to use heavier ones but considered his height and weight with the current body before deciding to start with the 1.5 kg weights. Since he got to this world Ingenuus hasn't felt sore muscles at all, even after a full-on exercise session and so he judged it must be one of the perks of this new body and took advantage of it to train whenever he felt like it.

After exercising like a mad lad, Ingenuus began to test the flexibility of his new body and was surprised by the results not only is his body super flexible but it's also very light weighing only around 14.5kg. After seeing these results Ingenuus decided to adapt his fighting style to those factors since he's flexible and lightweight, he can easily use a battle style based on jump attacks, speed attacks, and evasion. That way not only he has the possibility of attacking from multiple hard to reach angles thanks to his flexible body, but he'll also be able to escape tough situations.

After finishing his training Ingenuus got the kunai he used to kill the wolves and started cleaning it and then sharpening it. Realizing he was rather sweaty again Ingenuus stared thinking his brain is no longer working since, he's going to have to take another bath not that he minds it, but it was just a bad move to do so.

Ingenuus: "Well, nobody is perfect and I'm just too tense, maybe I should relax a bit at least while I'm inside the [tent] there shouldn't be any problem."

Ingenuus who was recounting his mistake and trying to find the best way to deal with them with the best methods simply decided to chill for a bit, so, he just sits on the sofa.

Ingenuus stood there relaxing laid on the sofa for a pretty long time before being called.

System:[Host Status function is now 100% functional]

Rikune:[I DID IT!!!]

Rikune shouted in excitement as she finally managed to decrypt Ingenuus' complicated soul.

Ingenuus was surprised by the very excited Rikune who shouted in excitement and very loudly, at least the loudest she has ever talked to him, but that made him happy as he could notice she worked hard to help him.

Ingenuus: "Thank you very much Rikune. You worked really hard."

Ingenuus say in a happy and thankful tone while keeping a joyful and satisfied expression.

Rikune was startled by his gratitude and got a little nervous.

Rikune:[We-well, I didn't really do much, it was just some everyday work]

Rikune humble said even though it's obvious she worked hard from how happy she was after finishing.

Ingenuus: "That's good to hear, I don't want you to work too hard for me. So, can I see my status now?"

Asking with high hopes Ingenuus silently waited for Rikune to answer.

Rikune:[Yup, I did it, and don't worry, I didn't do that much. Like I said, it was everyday work.]

Ingenuus seeing how she talked felt something a little off and said.

Ingenuus: "Great, but remember if this was easy then keep your efforts on super easy the next time and go at your own pace. Even your voice sounds tired, so relax."

Hearing Ingenuus Rikune couldn't help but get happy at his care for her. Which is much more than was ever shown to before her.

Rikune:[Will do! Now to activate the function just say or think [status] and the screen will appear]

Just like Rikune said, I thought of the word status.


[Name: Ingenuus Nostrix Zelos


Age:4 years old (17 years old)

Race: Human(?)


Body physique:academy level


Soul category: Unknown systematic soul

Soul tier-0.1(very weak mortal soul)















Money: Ryo-0


Elma Flayer:+9999(unmeasurable obsessed love)

(AN: IT'S OVER 9000!)

Rikune: hidden.(it's a secret)

Innate abilities:




Skills and Perks:

<martial arts:C-rank>, <close-range weapon arts:B-rank>, <long-range weapon arts:C-rank>, <stealth:C-rank>, <acrobatics:B-rank>, <rubber body:A-rank>, <balance mastery:C-rank>, <danger sense:E-rank>, <evasion mastery:C-rank>.

Special/unique skills:



199x kunais, Special camping tent(A-rank), 4x healing pills(B-grade), 5x chakra pills(B-grade), Ninja clothes(C-rank)(customizable item), 3x void teleport scroll(S-rank)]

[Bloodline: Bloodlines are a set of ancestors or pedigree, which have their characteristics passed down on to the next generation by breeding the ones with the best characteristics in order to get the purest and best. (AN: it's not the accurate definition of bloodline, but it's how it works in Naruto)

Affinities: Affinities are the elements of nature that you have the ability to manipulate through the use of chakra. Theoretically, nobody has zero affinity with an element except the special ones but if you don't have high affinity with an element it's useless for you, so, if you don't have a high affinity for any element you're a useless person unless you have a good chakra pool and control then you might be useful. (AN: this description is not 100% accurate, but it definitely passes the spirit of Naruto)

Soul category: Every soul is unique and special, the soul category shows which group your soul belongs to unless your soul is -----. The souls are first divided into rarity, that says how much potential the soul has regardless of the category it belongs to, in rarity, there is Common<Uncommon<Rare<Super rare<Ultra rare<Lengendary<Mythical<Godly<Unknown. Now the soul categories are Mortal<Ascending<Godhood<Sistematic= Destroyer<O and C.

Soul tier: Souls are a powerful and limitless force as long as well cultivated. Souls tiers go from 0.1 to 12.

Hp:Is the numerical value of your life force if it reaches 0 you die.

Str:Is the numerical value of your physical strength.

Dex:Is the numerical value of your accuracy, ability with your hands, and mobility in general.

Vit:Is the numerical value of your vitality. It enforces your hp and your stamina.

Per:Is the numerical value of your perception. It represents your awareness and danger sense.

End:Is the numerical value of your endurance. It represents your physical resistance, and physical defense.

Int:Is the numerical value of your intelligence. It represents your chakra resistance, chakra power, and chakra pool.

Wis:Is the numerical value of your wisdom. it represents your chakra's recharge and recovery speed.

Char:Is the numerical value of your charm and charisma. It represents how attractive and charismatic you are to others. It also attracts people's attention to you when high.

Luc:Is the numerical value of your luck. It represents how lucky you are and it's the only fixed value in your status it never changes no matter how much you evolve or level up. Unless there are some special conditions, this won't change.

Agi:Is the numerical value of your speed, reflexes and agility.

Innate abilities: Are special abilities that awaken in individuals on special occasions or people are simply born with them based on their bloodline.

Techniques: Are special moves used by ninjas for various forms of combat. There are three main classes Ninja techniques(ninjutsu), Illusionary techniques(genjutsu) and combat techniques(taijutsu).

<Martial arts:C-rank>: This skill increases one's hand-to-hand combat theoretical knowledge to the level of an average genin, making combat smoother against anything weaker than a genin, so it's basically useless you rank it up so you should do it fast.

<Close-range weapon arts:B-rank>: This skill increases one's close-range weapon combat theoretical knowledge to the level of an average chunin, this skill actually makes a difference with Battle knowledge that you'll actually use.

<Long-range weapon arts:C-rank>: This skill increases long-range weapon combat theoretical knowledge to the level of an average genin, this might or not be useful.

<Stealth:C-rank>: This skill gives a boost to the overall stealth ability amounting to the level of a genin. This skills adds to the already existing ability of the host.

<Acrobatics:B-rank>: It's a skill that improves the host's acrobatic ability making it easier to implement in most situations.

<Rubber body:A-rank>: Flexibility is a very useful ability and this skill gives the host just enough to seem boneless as well as free, it's effects go as far as to even reduce the host's weight to make things easier.

<Balance mastery:C-rank>: A skill that increases the host's balance by a pretty good margin.

<Danger sense:E-rank>: The ability to sense danger becoming can be the difference between life and death so having this skill that reaches about a 10m radius area is a must be.

<Evasion mastery:C-rank>: Many say that as long as you can dodge, you can survive and even though this skill doesn't improve one's ability to the level where they can confirm the veracity of those words, it still puts the host some steps closer to it since nothing that doesn't come at a higher speed than rank-C can't catch you.]

Ingenuus looking at all the information was a little worried about being able to digest it all, but heard from Rikune that the system records all the information about his skills and stats so he can look at them whenever he needs to and it's not like Ingenuus won't be able to remember but he wants a guaranty just in case.

Ingenuus: "If I remember correctly chakra is a powerful energy that exists in all this planet and in all that inhabits it, chakra give living beings the ability to manipulate elements with which they have affinity with, but even though chakra allows living beings to manipulate elements it still has it's limits and doesn't go outside the natural properties of the said elements. Am I right? Rikune."

Ingenuus who was looking back at the knowledge he has from his past life about Naruto and just to make sure he's not mixing it up with anything else.

Rikune:[Well, what you said is not the exact way in which they define chakra but it's not far off or wrong. I would say it's just a slightly different perspective.]

Rikune simply answered confirming what he said in a slightly unsure way.

Ingenuus: "... I'll just take that as a yes since overthinking small details is useless in this case. Now before I take any action course please tell me more about the other system functions."

Ingenuus once again has a pondering look in his eyes even though he didn't really change his indifferent expression.

Rikune:[Pretty simple the shop is well a shop where you can buy anything that exists in the world you're currently in, but don't worry it's not exactly impossible to get items from other worlds, but it's very hard. The inventory is an inter-dimensional space where you can store anything you want as long as it's not alive or manipulated by powerful external forces, also time doesn't pass inside the inventory, so you don't have to worry about anything getting spoiled or rotten. Quest are missions that will be given to you by the system once you do something that triggers them, most of the quests are optional and it will be up to you to complete it or not. Now relationship measurement is pretty much an affection level measurement ability like in those light novel games where people never manage to decide which girl they want and always end up with a bad ending where you die or something like that.]

Ingenuus heard each word Rikune said very attentively and seriously, once Rikune was done explaining Ingenuus commented.

Ingenuus: "If they can't decide, why not go for the harem route?"

Ingenuus asked as of it was something completely normal to say casually and unlike most guys would be while asking this he seemed serious not carrying any second intentions in his words.

Rikune:[Well, not all light novel games have that kind of option, but I never thought you were the, I want a harem type]

Rikune who was very surprised by Ingenuus statement didn't really know what to say so she simply answered and said the first thing that came to mind.

Ingenuus: "I can't say I want a harem or that I'll be going after girls, but if a woman interests me I'll go for it and if it ends up being a harem, so be it. I rather be this way than being a hesitant and indecisive guy at least that's how I feel and think. It's not illegal to have one in this world anyway."

Ingenuus said so in a way that before questioning his morals you might actually consider what he said for a second before finally deciding to label him as a pervert. But for Ingenuus there was no wrong in what he said as he truly believed his words since he's the kind of person that believes the longer you waver the more trouble you'll have to deal with.

Rikune:[You do have a point, but you shouldn't play with people's feelings]

Rikune said seriously as she's worried Ingenuus might not take that into account.

Ingenuus: "Don't worry, I'm aware that I'll have to take responsibility for my actions. I don't plan to make advances in anyone I'm not willing to marry, and even if in the end I have thousands of wives which I hope doesn't happen I'll find a way to keep them happy. Anyway, Rikune, can I give other people items from the system?"

Ingenuus said with conviction in his voice that is now a child's and it only makes what's he's saying sound weirder.

Receiving a no to his question Ingenuus started pondering and saying that if he could it would have been useful for a secondary plan, then Rikune asked what was his main plan and he started explaining.

Ingenuus: "If I could give items to others building my own village and then building relationships with the other villages would be easier since they would first try to neutralize and take control of my village, I would have a lot of free openings to use while they focused on my village, but now I have to stick to plan A. It will be costly and take time, but I'll first have to go for hidden leaf village and become the Hokage... It shouldn't be too hard if I befriend the correct people and show enough talent, but I also have to be careful to not end up as their war tool since their the strongest village and have a large asset of techniques it should be the most beneficial... Second would be cloud village as the second strongest their power is something, I have to put under my control as soon as I'm done with leaf village... For third place should go rock village but not because of power, but more for the extremely stubbornness of Onoki which would probably cause a lot of trouble... After the mist village which shouldn't be too hard as long as I have a good relationship with Mei, it will be better if we have an intimate relationship, but only time will say that... And sand can be last since it will be much easier to take it under me once Gaara becomes the Kage... So this is a basic summary of my plan to take over this world. I could also wait until Kaguya comes and become a known hero then do things, but I rather do it the first way. Luckily I have the affection measurement thing which will make it way much easier for me." (AN: I have to admit this plan ain't bad, the original author actually had pretty good ideas at times)

Ingenuus explained parts of his plan to make understand the base of his actions and Rikune got surprised to see how far he's already planned his moves.

Rikune:[Talk about being prepared ain't you a little too prepared? You literally just started and you're already thinking that far in the future?]

Rikune who us starting to worry Ingenuus gets too caught up in his plan and stops resting and relaxing as she asked.

Ingenuus: "Don't worry, even though it seems as it will work I still have a lot of minor details to work as well as secondary plans for when something unexpected happens. But don't worry I'm not in a hurry at all, I'll calmly complete my plan bit by bit and I'm sure I'll take some years just to get hidden leaf under my control, there's a lot of people I should befriend or Kill if I don't want them to become nuisances in my plans, like Minato, Danzo, Itachi(when he's old enough) and so on. In conclusion in still gonna take a lot of time so, I hope those unique rewards are worth it."

Ingenuus said with his indifferent expression while starting to ponder something else.

Rikune:[Ok, but remember if you need anything, I'm here for you]

Rikune said still worried that Ingenuus will overwork himself.

Ingenuus:"I know, oh yeah I almost forgot. Do you know if Elma reincarnated into the same version of the Naruto world as me?"

Ingenuus asked with a hint of interest.(AN: if it was me, I would just straight up make a yandere restrain boot camp for when the yandere beauties show up)

Rikune:[.... You mean the girl that you killed and the one that appeared in your nightmares?]

Rikune asked with a hint of unpleasantness called jealousy.

Ingenuus: "Yes, us there a problem?"

Ingenuus who's unaware of that simple answered.

Rikune:[I don't know, if she's here or not. These alternative versions are very unstable because they are mostly unfinished and end up having problems with space-time, so I can't detect a specific person, well, that will be true until you upgrade the system.]

Rikune answered with slight happiness in her heart that Ingenuus would never be able to notice.

Ingenuus: "Ok, why is my soul so weak?"

Hearing Rikune's answer Ingenuus simply changes the subject and goes on to a different problem.

Rikune:[It's because mortal souls are weak to the void, the longer you stay there the weaker it gets until it fades away into nothing. Since souls usually don't stay there for too it's not a common thing but sometimes happens]

Rikune explained.

Ingenuus: "How do I make it stronger?"

Ingenuus asked.

Rikune:[You can either buy something from the system or level up until your soul grows stronger]

Rikune answered.

Ingenuus: "It seems, I'll have spent some time in the forest leveling up.... Also, why didn't I get exp when I killed the wolves?"

Ingenuus asked.

Rikune:[Since your status wasn't active yet the exp quantifier was also inactive, but don't worry it's already working perfectly]

Rikune answered.

Ingenuus: "Well, it's already late and I'll have to hunt tomorrow. So it's best if I get some sleep"

Ingenuus said and went inside his [Tent] and went to his room to sleep while wondering what will be of tomorrow.

Darkias07 Darkias07

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