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15.78% A Reboot of a reboot: the Chronicles of iFanfic.(currently in Naruto) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Waifu wars, a new friend and a new adventure.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Waifu wars, a new friend and a new adventure.

In a black space that holds nothing but pure darkness, there's the body of a young man floating but there's something odd, the boy seems to be awake which is something that shouldn't happen to a mortal soul in the void not only that but the boy seems to have a weird aura surrounding him.

Ingenuus: "*sigh* I can't believe I died because of blood loss, but on the bright side I don't have to worry about anything else and can just relax here for the rest of eternity or just do whatever is it that a soul does." Ingenuus said with his indifferent expression while he floats doing nothing but looking at the pitch-black space and thinking.

Time continued passing and Ingenuus was getting more and more bored of just floating around doing nothing and wished he at least had something to distract himself with anything, a chessboard, a drawing book, or maybe just a working cell phone.

Having nothing else to do Ingenuus began singing anime op songs and some other songs, his voice sounded horrible and seriously it's hard to how to describe it. (AN: This boy didn't even sing fighting gold(Jojo) or choir 99.9(Mob psycho) and let's not even mention how he didn't sing Wildside(Beastars).)

After destroying countless songs with his voice Ingenuus was stopped.


A mechanic but female-like voice could be heard from the void and it seems to be somewhat displeased.

Ingenuus: "Oh, there's someone here besides me? That's a new one and here I thought I'd never have company again, guess I was wrong."

Ingenuus answered surprised there was anything other than him there and even though he wouldn't say it, he's happy about that.

???:[just don't ruin anymore songs please]

The female slightly mechanical voice still seems displeased but much calmer than before.

Ingenuus: "Ok certainly, as certain as the fact that Emilia(From Re: Zero) is the best waifu. I don't really have much to do so ruining songs with my terrible singing voice became a hobby."(AN: The best waifu is obviously Umiko Ahagon (From New Game!).)

Not minding at all simply agrees to stop and tries to be nice since they'll most likely spend eternity together.

???:[yeah, I could notice and the best Waifu is obviously Megumin from Konosuba but I'm not denying the greatness of Emilia]

She said with her mechanic voice that makes it even less appealing to Ingenuus.

Ingenuus: "I disagree even in Konosuba the best waifu is obviously Aqua!! Her uselessness makes for the best material as that is the anime logic"

Ingenuus who was starting to get pissed at the mysterious voice's claims.

???:[no way! Even Darkness is a better waifu than Aqua!](AN: Don't you mean Lalatina ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).)

Saying this the mechanic voice only made their discussion worst and yet another waifu war was started.

After weeks of discussion about the waifus they ran out of discussion material, so they started talking about husbandos and things were just as ugly with Ingenuus saying that Sebastian(black butler) was no match for Zoro(one piece) and the mechanical voice saying that Zoro isn't even half of Kirito and things simply got Uglier.

After many days of discussion on husbandos, they started a new discussion, but this time about cultured anime and ended up getting along. (AN: Once again cultured anime saves the day ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).)

Ingenuus: "So, what or who are you?"

Ingenuus asked curious about who/whatever is talking to him.

???:[shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking others]

The mechanic female voice said.

Ingenuus: "Okay my bad, I'm Ingenuus Nostrix Zelos the son of a mercenary and a gangster. So, will you introduce yourself now?"

Ingenuus accepted and didn't answer her rudely even though he already had an answer prepared.

???:[good, I'm Rikune didn't get a last name when my original host named me. I'm a system operator that is also part of the system and exists to help my host while following the rules the system imposes on me]

Rikune introduced herself with a somewhat bittersweet tone.

Ingenuus: "that seems harsh, how did you end up here?"

Ingenuus decided to not pry too much into Rikune's past and it's none of his business anyway.

Rikune:[my host destroyed himself along with the reality we lived in and I ended up here. It's my fault for not helping him enough]

Rikune said with a sad tone that even with her mechanical voice is easily noticeable.

Ingenuus: "*sigh* Don't worry about that anymore, we all make mistakes, but if we live afraid of those mistakes, we will never do anything right, doubts only hinder us, we should try our best and if we fail just get up and try again. Crying over the spelled milk doesn't help."

Ingenuus said to somewhat cheer Rikune up even though it's not something he's very good at least he's trying.

Rikune:[Yeah I know, but I can't hope but to feel this way]

Rikune said with the aura of someone with a lack of confidence in themselves.

Ingenuus: "If that's the case, we can just talk about everything until you feel better."

Ingenuus who's never been much of a persistent person simply decided to let her deal with it, at her own pace.

Rikune:[I guess that might help]

Rikune appreciated how Ingenuus was caring for her even though they haven't met too long ago, for her it's a new feeling to have someone care for her.

Rikune started telling Ingenuus her story about how she was created as a genderless system that was named and defined by her host a young man called Karaki and how he was cautious in the beginning but started relaxing completely, after becoming OP and getting everything easily, then she talked about how he wanted a huge harem and how a war started and things got very complicated from there on.(AN: poor Karaki is being antagonized, the old author is so mean)

Ingenuus: "That must have been a bad experience for both of you, but don't let it get to you. I'm sure that if you ever had the chance to you'd do much better."

Ingenuus listened to the whole story and expressed his opinion while also remember to try and get Rikune's confidence up.

Rikune: [well, I think it's your turn to tell your story]

Rikune said with a happier aura than before, while also curious about Ingenuus' past.

Then Ingenuus started talking about his life and how he died a week after his birthday because of a battle between enemy families. He also told her how he didn't feel good about having to have killed his childhood friend like that.

Rikune: [Well, I guess both of us had it tough. Hahaha]

Rikune felt better knowing that Ingenuus also had his share of troubles and laughed at the thought of how they had a rather unpleasant past.

Ingenuus: "You could say so, haha."

Ingenuus was feeling good seeing that Rikune's mood once again was going up, also took the chance to laugh at the unpleasant past and decided to leave it as past.

Rikune: [So, you do laugh huh? Hehe.]

Seeing Ingenuus laugh for the first time since they started talking, Rikune couldn't help but feel that he's not as cold as he seems initially.

Ingenuus: "Of course I do, I'm not some emotionless character, you know?."

Ingenuus resorted to Rikune's comment in a weird version of a cliche line.

Rikune:[Actually, you look and sound pretty emotionless and cold at first, you know that right?]

Rikune said her true opinion.

Hearing her opinion Ingenuus couldn't help but make a complicated expression.

Ingenuus: "That's what everyone says, I just keep a neutral expression and nothing more! Why does everyone just assume I'm trying to look down on then or straight up being arrogant? I don't even care for people who aren't involved with me!!"

Ingenuus said with an annoyed expression and tone.

Rikune:[Don't let it bother you, it's just that it's easier to get along with people if you smile]

Rikune said with a supportive tone.

Ingenuus: "That's true, but I don't need that. If you were talking about earth, once I became an adult I would have no other option. Luckily for me, that's not the case. Here, I don't have to do so because it's just me and you."

Ingenuus said calmly stating his opinion.

Rikune:[That's true but smiling is good for you]

Rikune insisted.

Ingenuus: "I think it's useless to constantly change your expression just to please others, if I'm happy, I'll smile and if I'm not I'll just keep my neutrality. You should think of yourself as an individual more since we are literally the only ones here."

Ingenuus just said his personal thoughts about the situation.

Rikune:[I'll try, and you don't have to worry about me]

Rikune said with a happy tone.

From then on both of them talked about everything they could and it was quite a lot of time passed in an instant with the company and both easily become inseparable friends.

One day a message popped up.

[100% connection established would you like to merge with the system? y/n]

Ingenuus: "Rikune, is this?..."

Ingenuus asked as he has guessed this is the system in which Rikune operates.

Rikune: [Yeah, if you want you can say yes.]

Rikune confirmed it.

Ingenuus: "Of course, I'll say yes! Besides most choices are better than staying here forever"

The moment Ingenuus said so a new message popped up.


From now on the individual Ingenuus is the new host of the Void's Will System.

From now on your objective is to conquer all the anime worlds you can until you find a purpose of your own in life. The moment that world falls into your control, you will gain the right to advance to the next world.

It's not required to become the strongest of the said world, but in case one becomes the strongest the host gains the right to leave said world, but until the world is conquered the host won't receive any rewards.

Worlds can be conquered through fear but it's recommended to conquer them through trust.

Note: conquering worlds through trust gives unique and superior rewards than if the said world is conquered through fear. (AN: Conquering trough trust, basically means making them loyal and kinda worshipping)

The functions currently unlocked are:





5-relationship measurement

The currency used in the system is AP(accomplishment points) that are given every time the host does something recognized by the system a certain amount of AP is given depending on how important it is according to the system's parameters. Some things like Killing, saving lives, discovering secret things, developing new techniques and so on are counted by the system as accomplishments.

The first world has been decided as Naruto world(alternative version).

Your system operator is Rikune. The name is changeable as well as gender.

To make conquering the worlds through trust easier, the relationship measurement function was created and activated.

Now, you are to be sent to the world.

Good luck, host.]

Rikune:[Looks like we'll be together for a very very long time]

Ingenuus: "Just count it as together forever."

Rikune:[Yeah, together forever!]

Then everything becomes blank for Ingenuus as the transportation process happens.


In a big mansion, there's a young man sleeping in a big bed, that seems to be having sweet dreams in a very calm mood that looks so innocent and harmless that nobody after seeing him like this would believe he's well versed in the art of killing.

Not long after a woman can inside the room in underwear and went towards the bed where the young man is sleeping, entering the covers and slowly approaching him from below until she finally got close enough and started hugging the sleeping boy and giving him small kisses on his neck and face until the boy finally woke up and opened his eyes with a happy expression from seeing the beautiful crimson-haired woman giving him such a treatment to woke up, not completely awake the young man kisses the young woman on the lips in a passionate way with each other's and the bed's warmth heating them up even more it was a complete breath taking kiss that lasted 3 minutes of pure passion.

Red haired young woman: "I knew you loved me honey, and now that I'm yours forever I'll never let go."

She said in a very passionate mode giving a loving and maybe even obsessed tightening her hug more and more with each passing second to the point Ingenuus tried to loosen it but he could muster the strength to do so no matter how he tried as if all his strength had been stolen from him he was now completely defenseless as the hug just keeps getting tighter.

Ingenuus: "Let me go, now!"

Ingenuus who was now starting to slowly lose consciousness ordered her to let go of him breathe as he slowly gets smashed. A feeling he's not so familiar with and makes him extremely uncomfortable to the point he believes he'll die if this goes on which isn't a lie and if it goes on for too long it might lead to just that.

Red-haired woman: "But if I let go of you our love will die."

She said while Ingenuus is already started to feel his consciousness fade away while she smiles in pure pleasure from this moment inhaling Ingenuus scent and slowly licking his face's left side.

Ingenuus: "Elma, don't!..."

He said with the last bit of air he had in him, Elma immediately let go of him and Ingenuus looked at her curiously since she looked different.

Elma: "Don't worry, I love you too much to kill you. It's just that I haven't seen you in long my body just moved, you look different but I'm 100% sure, you're my dear Ingenuus, now that I see you again. I'll make sure to find you and kill any woman that tries to steal you from me!! You're so precious, I'm sure there's already someone on you, I remember how I had to take care of any wh*re who was after you back on earth.... No! The dream is about to break! Don't forget me my love! I'll definitely come and get you."

In that instant, Ingenuus' mind faded as everything turned dark.


Ingenuus woke up with his eyes completely widen while heavily breathing with lots of sweat falling from his body that by the way looks very different from before.

Ingenuus is still short but even shorter than before with his hair now being half silver platinum and half crimson red with the top being silver and the bottom being crimson red, it's also longer than before now reaching his top back unlike before where it only reached his neck. The same goes to his constitution he seems to have a much better-trained body than before having just the perfect physique without being bluff at all, in fact, he's much skinnier with a very well drawn waist that is almost lady-like but by no means does he look like a girl even though he looks much younger his male features are already pretty apparent making it hard for anyone to ever think of him as a girl. For those who know Chinese fantasy stories, they might confuse Ingenuus for a very powerful cultivator who just reached a level where you get younger and way more good-looking as this young man can only be called extremely cute, because of his apparent age is now that of 8 years old.

Ingenuus: "... That dream.... It was very weird, maybe it's remorse for killing Elma, but she looked slightly different, not only did she look older but she also had red hair now... The way she talked... It didn't seem like it was only a dream, also didn't she just confess I was popular but she would kill any girl with interest in me.... Totally yandere, I guess it's fine. I never really cared for anyone outside my family besides Elma so it's not like I care who died and I myself killed a lot of people, so I'm not innocent either, I'll just have to make sure she behaves and doesn't go on killing people at random.... Wait why am I even speaking like I know where she is? I don't even know if she's alive but considering I reincarnated it shouldn't be impossible for it to happen to her. For now, I'll just focus on my own situation and think about my yandere later."

Having an external monologue, Ingenuus looks at the sky above and realizes he's in a forest. Looking around to make a mental map of the area around him just in case an animal attacks him, Ingenuus decides to climb a nearby tree and sits on one of its branches after efficiently climbing the tree. After finishing his recognition of the area Ingenuus rested on the tree.

Ingenuus: "Rikune can you tell me, in which area of the Naruto world am I? Also what period of time is it?"

Ingenuus asked while he seems to be wandering and thinking about something.

Rikune:[It's 9 years before Naruto was born and you're in the forest close to hidden leaf]

Said with the same female mechanical voice that is actually quite pleasant to hear.

Hearing the information and absorbing it like a sponge, Ingenuus thinks of all the information that was given to him by Rikune when they were in the void and starts joining some points.

Ingenuus: "Rikune, am I in the same timeline as Karaki?"

Ingenuus asked after thinking about all he knew right now, it only made sense to be so. First, he's using the same system, second, he has the same system operator and third he's likely in the same place where Karaki started.

Rikune:[You're so perceptive, it's scary... And yes, but he doesn't exist here]

Rikune seeing she couldn't dodge the question or give a vague answer simply give up and said the truth. She's usually not allowed to speak of things as such but if the host gets there himself she has no choice but to answer, it's not like Rikune doesn't want to answer Ingenuus, far from that she really likes Ingenuus and wants to help him, but is also afraid he thinks something bad of her for being in the same situation that led the last host to self-destruction. (AN: poor Karaki always being used for plot reasons)

Ingenuus: "That makes it easier since I'm slightly aware of what to expect from this place, not that it's too different from the original."

Ingenuus said so while organizing his thoughts in a pretty thoughtful way. After staying in such a state for a while Ingenuus looked around once again before sighing and saying.

Ingenuus: "I really would love to hunt some low-level chakra beasts, but I don't think it's a good idea to do so in my current state especially considering I have nothing but these pants on me."

Ingenuus was complaining about his situation where not only he doesn't know where the chakra beats are, he also has no equipment.

Ingenuus: "Oh Rikune, I had a weird dream. It seemed a little too real to be just a simple dream, can you check if there's something wrong with me or that dream?"

Ingenuus who's curious asked.

Rikune:[I'll do it don't worry, but it will take some time for me to get the results since your soul is in a weakened state, I should be done until the end of the day, so if you have something else you need today you should ask]

Rikune warned Ingenuus about the implications of the process of getting scanned, but he didn't mind it at all.

Ingenuus: "Fine, that's not a problem, but before doing that can you show me my status and I want to know if the system gave me any kind of bonus like a starter pack or something like that."

Ingenuus who wasn't bothered by the idea of not having Rikune to help him the rest of the day, and simply asked if there's anything to help him survive alongside his own parameters since it's easier to make decisions if you know your limits.

Rikune:[About your status its not ready yet... I myself don't understand why it's taking so long, it should be done by now, but the scanning process is only in 64% and in order to speed it up, I need to fully focus on it, and that's why I'm asking for a whole day and you do have a starter pack, would you like to open it?]

For a second Rikune seemed disappointed with something, but soon goes back to the usual mechanical and calming voice that makes it easier for Ingenuus to process the information and as he ponders what Rikune said for a bit before saying.

Ingenuus: "I don't mind it, and please open the starter pack."

Ingenuus said this very indifferently, as usual, now inspecting his own body and looking at the various differences especially, his now half-crimson red and half-silver platinum hair, that makes Ingenuus very suspicious of something that he wants to see if it's true.

Rikune:[I'll open it right away... Done, now, see you later! I've already prepared everything so that the details about the items of the system automatically appear, good luck!]

Rikune said in a cheerful mood.

[Opening Void's Will System starter pack...

199x Kunais

Special camping tent(A-rank)

5x Healing pills(B-grade)

5x Chakra pills(B-grade)

Ninja clothes(C-rank)(customizable item)

3x Void teleport scroll(S-rank)]

[Kunais: Kunais are ninjas tools, they're leaf-shaped blades with a handle, that are very well sharpened and usually used as a throwing weapon because of their size and shape combined with their sharpness making them a very good weapon for the task they're used for.

Special camping tent(A-rank): It's a special item given by the system to the host, it functions as an extra-dimensional space that is a house that the host can use to rest or for any other purposes. While inside nothing below rank A can cause the host harm.

Healing pill(B-grade): Pills with healing effects, that can heal from small to medium-sized wounds not having an effect on scars or old wounds.

Chakra pill(B-grade): Pills with a chakra refill effect, they can refill all chakra of anyone up until 5000 CP.

Ninja clothes(C-Rank): ninja clothes that can be modified from their base appearance to any the host feels comfortable with. These clothes can resist the attacks on any creature below rank C.

(warning: the clothes resist the attacks but don't nullify them and only reduce the damage by a small margin)

Void teleport scroll(S-rank): this teleport scroll can take the host to any place in Naruto world as long as the host has been there before. The cooldown time is 1 day. This item takes 10 seconds to charge up before activating and during that time the host can cancel it.]

Ingenuus looked through all the effects and uses displayed by the system, after making sure he understood everything he started thinking for a little before deciding to get down from the tree, Ingenuus got down from the tree and started exercising. Since he can't go hunt just yet he'll test his own abilities and capabilities to the limit to at least have a practical idea of what he can currently do in comparison to before.

Ingenuus started doing a lot of push-ups, sit-ups, running, jumping, jumping forward, backflips, flips, and a lot of other things.

Ingenuus started by doing some push-ups at a fast but steady pace and to his surprise by the time he had reached 70 repetitions he wasn't nearly as tired as he should and simply keep trying to get a grasp of his own limits, the same happened with sit-ups. When he decided to start running Ingenuus got bothered by the difference in his current body and lost balance a couple of times falling with his face on the ground, not minding the embarrassment of the situation Ingenuus keep trying until he finally started filling like this body belonged to him but there's still a long way to go before he can say he has full control, after running for around 8km(800,000cm) before getting exhausted and relaxing a bit, but he got worried about his dehydration which is a serious manner, but he would have to bear with it until he found a safe water source, luckily his new body also seems resistant.

After resting for a while, Ingenuus started doing the more acrobatic type of exercises and was surprised at how naturally flexible his body is, it's not like ninjas are more flexible and that makes him wonder why he has such a trait, but knowing he would soon see his own status, Ingenuus decides to wait calmly.

All the repetition exercises had to be done at least 175 repetitions to bring true strain to his body, which is in base almost 2 times more than what he used to do if we consider it in one go, but if it's in a whole day it should be at least 500 repetitions each which are a lot.

After doing all that testing Ingenuus was very tired and was once again resting for a bit. Ingenuus who just exercised until he couldn't anymore ended up falling asleep on a tree branch not long after stopping to rest.


(AN: I recommend you to read this part while listening to the marriage song)

In the middle of a meadow, there's a boy with half silver platinum and half crimson red hair, he's looking at the horizon with a happy and excited expression that is not common for him. Who seems to be very fond of the view he's observing. He has a very elegant black suit on the kind that is usually used when getting married.

Slowly approaching the dreamy boy is a girl with red crimson hair that has a very well big smile on her face a smile that is that of a very happy person, someone that is truly enjoying themselves, once this girl gets close enough it's possible to see the beautiful white dress she's wearing, anyone who saw it would immediately recognize her as a bride she slowly wants towards the boy with her smile of full of fulfilment. After some time she finally got close to the boy he was now looking at the sky instead of looking to the horizon. She first hugs him from behind but the boy doesn't seem to react she then worried that she's being ignored she starts giving him small kisses on the neck but with no results, feeling bad about this she decides to cover his eyes and as soon as she does the beautiful scenery of the meadow turns into a graveyard kind of scenery with the green grass turned back and the blue sky turned red and grey.

Noticing the changes around her the bride let's go of the boy's eyes and looks at her hands now full of blood as she tries to take it off her hands she slowly changes and now it's no longer a crimson red-haired girl, but the half silver platinum and half crimson red-haired boy in the bride's dress that has now turned black, while confused with what's going on the boy looks to his front and the crimson red-haired girl is now wearing the now white suit with a big smile looking at him.

The red-haired girl in the white suit starts to slowly move towards the half silver platinum and half crimson red-haired boy in the black bride dress pretty slowly while the boy looks at her completely frozen and unmoving. Once the girl reached the boy she gently caresses his face's left side until she grabs his chin and positions his face to look at her, now looking at each other eye on eye she says.

Elma: "Now that it's just the two of us forever, I'll take care of you hon...ey.... You should know I reincarnated into Naruto and I really wish you were here with me, you loved the anime after all."


Ingenuus once again wakes up with his eyes completely widen and ends up losing balance and falling from the tree. Luckily for him, it didn't seem to affect him too much.

???: "Grrrrrrr!"

Hearing a growling sound Ingenuus looks at the side where it came from and sees a black wolf, he gets on high alert mode takes a defensive stance and looks around to see if there's more while cursing himself for falling asleep on a tree branch instead of using the [special camping tent]. Upon looking at his surroundings Ingenuus found 4 wolves beside the one in front of him that makes five wolves in total.

The wolves were surrounding the area as if to corner Ingenuus and prevent him from escaping while one of them engages in battle. Ingenuus who knows he doesn't have much of a choice pulls out a kunai from his [inventory] and looked at the wolf in front of him with kill intent to make his stand clear, even though the black wolf did get intimidated it is perfectly aware that Ingenuus is not stronger it, and the wolf knowing it has backup, it stood there unmoved for a bit until it finally decided to attack while aiming for the arms and legs. Ingenuus who saw it's movements stood calmly waiting for the black wolf to get close enough and the moment the black wolf was close enough, it opened its mouth now aiming for the neck seeing how still Ingenuus is and believing he's paralyzed by fear, it takes the chance and jumps to attack, but the moment it does Ingenuus crouches and thrust the kunai into the wolf's neck then the wolf's body falls on Ingenuus, and he lands with his back on the ground then uses his legs to throw Wolf's body against a tree while also getting himself up using the momentum of the movement without letting go of the kunai, but that was only possible because of the years of training he had under his father combined with the fact the wolf was underestimating him.

System:[Rank E- Black Wolf has been killed.... 5 AP have been acquired.]

The completely mechanical voice of the system could be heard by Ingenuus in his head, but he decided to ignore it and continued focused on the battle.

Ingenuus who was holding the kunai's handle with the blade turned towards the inside, now turned it around and is now holding it with the blade towards the outside, in a reverse grip. The other wolves seeing what happened to one of their own got fiercer and more aggressive as they all started closing in towards Ingenuus from four different sides, the one running the fastest was slightly bigger than the others and is most likely the leader, unlike the expectations of the wolf, Ingenuus started running towards it as fast as he could in the ninja run position. Once close the wolf used its claws to attack Ingenuus in the stomach to which he dodged and stabbed the wolf close to its face, but it only angered it even more and the wolf started moving faster, not seeing another solution since he couldn't yet match the wolf's full speed Ingenuus throw the kunai at it, and the kunai hit the wolf in its head then it fell down motionless.

System:[Rank E+ Wolf has been killed.... 20 AP have been acquired]

Once again the system's voice could be heard and Ingenuus started missing Rikune's feminine voice, but didn't lose focus on the battle.

The other Wolves are just looking for now seeing how their leader killed by the enemy didn't lose a second and came at Ingenuus at the same time, and it was a very much more tiring fight since whenever Ingenuus tried to attack one of them the others would attack him and took him a very long time to finally beat them all. At the end of it, Ingenuus was resting on a tree again slightly covered in cut and bite, then he got one of the [Healing pill(B-grade)] and consumed it, healing all the damage from this battle.

Ingenuus: "that was a hard one, there's still some time before the Rikune is done. I guess a little more if exercise would do me good, I'm still not completely familiar with the capabilities of this body of mine, but it sure has a lot of potential."

Ingenuus said so while looking at the sky with hoping eyes and a bit of excitement about what the future holds in for him.

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Once again the changes are small, but they are evident. For me to change everything It would be better if I just write the story beginning in another world, so I'll stick to this for now.

I hope you're enjoying it and thanks for the views!

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