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26.56% Konrad’s adventures in the multiverse. Vol 1 / Chapter 17: Love conspiracy and Throwing out the Trash.

Chapter 17: Love conspiracy and Throwing out the Trash.

Konrad was sitting in his room in front of his desk. It was the middle of the night, the only source of light was a lamp over his desk, giving the place a mysterious climate. His eyes were locked with a small black snake lying on the desk right in front of him, a very serious discussion was being held at the moment.

§"But Daddy! You are looking sssso cute together! And I really like them! What won't you mate with them?"§ The snake, who was obviously Cristal, asked Konrad.

§"I already told you Crissstal! I'm to young for it!§ Replied Konrad. He tried to fell angry on her but he couldn't. He really loved his Cristal, and knew that she just wants the best for him.

§"but you just had your eight birthday three daysss ago daddy! It was over five months since I last assked you! And you don't have to mate insssstantly! They can just become your ,,girlfriendsss,, like humansss do."§ argued Cristal. She really wanted to see her beloved daddy happy.

§"well that'sss true but asss much assss I care about them Crissssi and would like them to be my girlfriends in the future, I don't know how should I go around this! If I had only one choice it would be easy but there'sss two of them and I don't want to hurt neither of them."§

§"then we need a plan!"§ said Cristal.

§". . . A plan?"§ asked Konrad.

§"Yesss. We need to make sssure both of them sssee you And each other equally! We know that the girlsss love you Daddy! We just need to find a way for them not to fight for you but work together! We sssstart with inviting them sssomewhere together, and you need to ssstop holding back on your flirting daddy! I saw you doing that daddy, don't lie to me! So many times I saw how you had a perfect occasion to flirt with them yet you ssstopped midway leaving the girlsss unssssatisfied yet ssstill happy. They love you daddy ssso they will wait but you can't make them wait too long!"§

Cristal's speech left Konrad almost speechless.

§" . . .You. . .You are so smart, it's scary Cristal! I-Im actually so touched that my dear daughter grew to be such a smart and clever Snake lady! Alright! Let's try your way! We just need to think of a good plan but with your help I'm sure we'll figure something out!"§ Konrad said and hugged his Cristal.

§"hehe I love you daddysss!"§


Unknown to Konrad and Cristal, a similar discussion was held at this moment in hermione's room.

Luna And Hermione were sitting in front of each other on the mattress wearing their stripped pajamas. Every other week on Saturday the girls were having a sleepover and it was exactly such a day. A day for the annual Love-war council!

"So do you think Konrad liked my red puffy dress, I wore for his birthday?" Asked Hermione.

"Hihi I'm sure of it! I saw him loosing focus for five seconds when he looked at you! And what about my yellow dress?" Said Luna.

"Mhm I saw the same reaction! You did good with this one! He couldn't stop sending gazes in your direction hihi! It's so cute when he tries to hide it haha." Hermione exclaimed.

"Yes but that's why we love him so much right? Now we only need to think of a plan how to make him more honest with himself!" Luna proposed.

"Yeah but how do we do that? We need to make him want both of us right? And isn't it too soon we're only eight and seven in your case? I know that we are much smarter and more mature than kids our age but what if Konrad didn't yet reach the state of liking the other gender like we did?" Hermione said worried.

Luna smiled at her words.

"You don't worry about that, We already concluded that he likes us and can't remove his gaze from us right? Then that means he already reached the same level as we. Now we just have to make him honest with himself! Why should we be worried about our age? We both love him right?"

"Y-yeah." Hermione said.

"Then there's no need to worry! We'll work together to conquer Konrad's heart! He taught us everything we know! He gave us new purpose and is the best friend we could ever wish for! And you are my best friends hermione as well, so I would never fight with you! We'll love him together and nothing can stop us! Hihi!" Luna gave a speech full of motivation.

Hermione became less worried seeing how much resolved her closest friend was. At first she was worried what would people think if they really became a couple of three but Luna said that such things still happens sometimes in the Wizarding world.

"A-Alright Luna! Lets conquer Konrad's heart together hihi!



So...what's the plan?"


While different plans were being set in motion, Konrad decided to finally clear out the prison in his mindscape from its only inhabitant. Through the years he lived in this world he worked on strengthening his occlumency technique thinking about newer and newer ideas about how to do it, while putting a soul of one Tom Riddle Jr in the state of greater and greater misery.

In the beginning The soul piece was isolated in a very strong cell in Konrad's mind making Voldemort completely isolated from everything else. Konrad used even some of the protection his mother gave him to strengthen the barrier around the prison space station. Through the years, Konrad kept adding different things to torment Voldemort's soul piece and weaken it. Konrad didn't want to make any direct confrontation with a person called the strongest leglimens, without being sure he could take him on, so him being isolated allowed Konrad years of occlumency training. He even strengthened it after starting the Legilimency training with hermione and later with Luna. He trusted them to access his mind because he was sure they wouldn't find his memories anyway, and with that Konrad became more aware of what he could expect.

Now Konrad felt, that the fragment was extremely weakened and his mind felt like an impenetrable fortress. He decided it's time to finally clear his mind from the unwanted presence.

Konrad came to the prison overseers office inside his mindscape and started a livestream from the inside of the prison.

The screens turned on showing something that looked like a stadium with a treadmill shrouded in fog. The fog was to thick to see the further than thirty meters so the screens showed many parts of the stadium. In one of them Konrad spotted a person. Well not exactly a person. It was Voldemort alright with his white skin and lack of nose, but he was not looking scary at all. Why? Because he was looking extremely tired and quiet transparent, his cloak shredded into pieces, and he was at the moment running over the treadmill being chased by a poodle. Yes, a Poodle! A small flashy pink Poodle.

Now someone could ask why is Voldemort, the cruel powerful Dark Lord running away from a poodle? The answer is simple. Because every time you kill the poodle three more would take his place. Konrad called this creation ,,The Poodle Hydra!". He had a good laugh watching how the first time Voldemort started killing the poodles, only to became flooded in a literal Dog wave of biting Poodles five minutes after the poodle entered the stadium.

Now why a stadium? The answer is- Why the hell not?! Konrad designed it in such a way that Voldemort would be redirected right back into the stadium whenever he would try to leave it. That's part of the purpose of the fog. Now when he would go onto the center, a few interesting things would happen. Once, Konrad made two football teams consisting of giant robots playing using a ball the size of a truck, and made them aim at Tommy with it whenever they could.

Other time he had to dodge a rain of falling anvils, or mini volcanos exploding around.

Usually the calmest place was the treadmill. But only if he run haha.

Yes, Konrad spend years tormenting Voldi in similar ways, watching as he was becoming weaker and weaker, more transparent, desperate and depressed. He was really a disappointment, zero imagination! He kept on using spells all around as if he couldn't imagine anything better than what he knew. Konrad of a Course made the tormenting so Voldemort wouldn't be destroyed completely, he was hoping to keep him for information. For example he learned many spells he never heard about when Tom was trying to save himself.

Today's Voldi was a shadow of what he was at the beginning seven years ago. After having the last laugh about the poodle Konrad waved the hand of his avatar and the station the poodle and the fog changed back into mind magic that reformed Itself into a cell that shackled the surprised soul piece.

Konrad walked through the Corridor and stood in front of the cell, then he walked inside. Voldemort looked at him weakly yet with pure hatred.

"I'll kill You far what you did to me!" He said and tried to force his will and energy to free himself and attack Konrad.

I don't think so."

Konrad simply overpowered him with his own power simply by waving his hand. Voldemort's shackles reformed and He got smashed onto the wall. His form Flickered and Voldemort got even more transparent.

"Alright I'm not into chatting anyway so let's see if it works." Konrad forced his will over Voldemort's pushing more and more energy into what he was doing. Voldemort's avatar started screaming then after a surprising amount of energy taken Voldemort disappeared with a flash and in his place has a DVD disk with a world Voldemort-T.M.R.j. Written on it. Konrad transformed the cell into a safe like in a bank and put the disk inside.

After what he just did, Konrad felt the soul piece was no more. He was sure of that because he couldn't feel the tainted presence anymore. He was finally free! He looked once again at the disk he created from the soul fragment and grinned.

"I'll check your memories later Tommy. I have a date to plan now haha!" Konrad said and he closed the safe.

Blacklares Blacklares


Yeah sorry for being so late but I had a real haircut today!

Had to ride 40 km though.

Anyway hope you liked the chapter, it was a little of time skip again plus we could see how our heroes feel about each other. Yep snake and Konrad wants harem, and girls want harem. But they don’t know that the other thinks the same. How would it turn out? You’ll know in the next chapter... we’ll everyone knows how it’s gonna go but shhh..



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