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100% The Difference Between Life and Death / Chapter 13: The Kingdom Of Adelaide

Chapter 13: The Kingdom Of Adelaide

Adria's POV

Daxton was being more quite than usual. Not my problem. Just because I kissed him in my dream means nothing. Why would he want to kiss me anyway.?

We have been traveling for a few days now and I'm getting more agitated. I have always wanted to see what was beyond that wall, but now that I am all I can think about is whether or not my siblings are safe.

As if sensing my anxiety, Daxton calls out,

"Were about a day's journey from Adelaide"

He hasn't said anything to me about my weird dream so it must have just been… well, my weird dream.

I finally decide to break the silence,

"why are we going to this Adelaide place instead of your kingdom?

"It is closer, and those guys that ambushed us back there showed that they were too traveling to that village. The last thing I need is to be tracked back to my kingdom."

I still am not satisfied with that answer. If he's taking us somewhere that isn't even all familiar to him, there is no way I'm going there blindly.

"If that's all then we will be going somewhere else."

He stops and turns to look at me with his eyebrows raised.

"What more do you need from me for you to continue to Adelaide luv?"

"Why would we go with you when I already don't trust you, and we are going to a place you're unfamiliar with?"

He smirks,

"If I am so unfamiliar why don't you let me tell you some information on the kingdom."

That might be useful

"Go ahead"

"How about we make a trade. I tell you the information and you tell me what you are?"

Now it was my turn to smirk. He left too many loopholes in that agreement. That's a lesson we learned very early on in the village. Make your demands VERY clear.

"OKay." Adria said with a calm face.

"Alright then love let me tell you. Adelaide was run by dragons. They were the superior in the kingdom but they treated everyone else fairly and were very generous to the people. Most were content and overjoyed with their rule while others were jealous. The story goes that there was one human who was to go in between so the humans could tell their problems to the dragons and they would fix it. The messenger was always from the same family and only that family for generations. This one particular messenger got along with dragons very well like family, since he helped nurse the dragon king when he could since the king was injured in a battle with some demons a while ago but was also very old. The humans that were jealous beyond reason of the dragons power planned to take over, and betray dragons. Naturally, the messenger warns them about the humans plans knowing it would be his life on the line. Since he was the only human in direct contact with the dragons, naturally the others would know it was him who warned them. knowing he would die soon he asked the dragons to take care of his son. The man had his child with a woman of the dragon race, so his child had dragon blood. The Dragons are furious that the humans would betray them so they ascend to the sky leaving the humans the land. Things turned for the worse because there was no one in power. When one person gets to the throne after many blood baths he makes new laws which do not favor many people. He had many women and didn't care about the rest of the people. The people were miserable and regretted what they did to the dragons and wanted them back. So they built shrines to pray to the dragons. Eventually, after many years the dragons no longer had the heart to see the people suffer so they sent down a second chance. The messengers son. He was known as The Gracious Alvis. He had many great ideas, and helped with the people to get them out of poverty and come up with a great job system. The king began to feel threatened, So he made the people believe that he was dead. This of course triggered my kingdom Rona to fight with Adelaide since my kingdom could not stand the way the king ran things. But due to the large mountains around Adelaide we lost."

"Alright, I think that's enough for me now it's your turn to tell me what you are."

"I was still reeling from what he had already told me. The king sounded like he had no qualities of one. It disgusted me.

"Ok…..I am…"





"A girl." The look he gave me was priceless. So priceless that I started to let out a full blown laugh. Em was snickering, while oh didn't understand the problem since I was indeed a girl.

"...You…. I can't believe you!....ha..hahah! Ok well I learned something. I guess I need to be more clear with my words. But let me make THIS clear, next time I will get what I want to hear."

"Anyway now that we are almost there we need to get you guys new clothes."

"But why?" I asked

"Because luv you already attract so much attention without having abnormal clothing. Not to mention there is something I FORGOT to mention. Some things didn't change in the kingdom. Such as girls being treated not greatly."

Out of everything that he has said to me I was the most confused by this. Why would girls be treated differently?

"Why would they be treated less than? We all are made from skin and bones?"

"That is what my kingdom Rona supports as well luv, but not here. We have been trying for years to get them to change their ways but they don't. So, for now we will need new clothes and a plan.

Renee_b_eagle Renee_b_eagle

I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️ let me know your thoughts in the comments about the kingdoms!!

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