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100% Title-less / Chapter 2: Chapter 1.

Chapter 2: Chapter 1.

This story starts a year before the events of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong.

*knocking* With tapping at the door, a man donning a well dressed formal suit awaited at the door, gaining no answer he spoke anyway, seeming as if he knew someone was to be inside.

"Morning Miss Rachel, your father wishes to meet you, sir Gideon is already there and awaiting your presence along with your father" the man spoke in manner and appropriate greeting to whomever was inside the room.

*Cluster* *Thud* *Crash* *Open* with a ruckus heard behind the doors, they finally had opened, revealing a young lady, blonde hair and golden eyes, that showed beauty and charm to boot with her looks as well. Standing there she smiled nervously, her snow white skin played nicely to her charm giving cute features.

"*ahem* g-got it...thanks Peskao, and uhh, please inform father that im coming k...thanks bye" with an awkward tone she closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh of relief.

After a while, she had left her room to join her father and brother, quickly dashing throughout a large mansion, running through and greeting the many workers that cleaned and tidied the mansion. She had finally made her way to a large dining table where two figures sat along with 3 people dressed in formal wear and held dishes about to serve what seemed like breakfast.

"Morning father...Gideon…" giving a pleasant greeting to her supposed father and a not so pleasant greeting to another young man.

"*tch* Rachel...your late, making me and father wait...AGAIN" annoyed and crossed armed was that same person referred to as Gideon.

His short spiky red hair along with golden eyes the same as Rachel, he had a more wild style to him and furrowed eyebrows that gave off an annoyed look.

"That's enough you two, Rachel sit down, i wish to discuss something with the two of you" a deep and gentle voice settled the two, allowing Rachel to sit as Gideon awaited his father's words patiently.

"By the way father, where's mom?" asking in a questioned and curious tone was Rachel.

"Rachel…." Gideon replied under his breath, annoyed and closing his eyes as his eyebrows started twitching.

"Your mother is currently sorting things out with the company, i too will be going on a business trip for a few months, however before i leave i wanted to discuss this" pulling out a device that displayed information about beacon academy.

It displayed both of their names on it, showing that the two were enrolled for beacon, a prestigious and prodigy school, built on becoming huntsman and huntress.

"WHAT!? accepted…." shocked was Rachel, hearing this Gideon stood up annoyed.

"THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!?" raising his tone of voice out of frustration and anger, glaring at Rachel.

".....uhhh….nothing" poker faced and whistling her way out, there father sighed and placed his fingers between his eyes, getting impatient.

"YOU TWO…." realising their father grew annoyed they quickly quietened down and sat, awaiting their fathers next words.

Currently in Vale city, an abandoned looking building seemed to have a tremor along it, with random shakes and loud bangs, it sounded like gunshots. Only for a few moments for it all to cool down and become silent, entering view were two figures.

"L-look man, i'm sorry about the money okay...i-i'll get it tomorrow i swear...just give me a chance" a quivered and weakened voice spoke out to a cloaked figure.

Unable to see any of the mysterious person's appearance, the figure crouched down, looking directly into the man's eyes, welcoming the trembling man's view were two pure white pupils that shone like the moonlit sky.

"You broke an oath and failed to deliver...this is not my choice, you chose this path and must pay dearly…" a gentle and calm tone spoke, yet the voice were masculine.

Raising his right arm revealed it to be covered in purplish blue scales, they glimmered like crystals giving off an unknown beauty, claws that were donned in a reddish thick liquid, it seems blood ran over them.

"W-WHAT OATH...ITS JUST MONEY...ITS FUCKING JUST MO-" cut off as a slash came down and chopped his head of clean.

"You paid for a life to be taken and was unable to deliver, yet you expected your life not to be the same as the price not be ridiculous" his voice seemed questioned and troubled, sighing he turned around and walked away.

Walking off, revealed bodies along the floor and across the warehouse like building, with all clean slashs to the head, or holes where the heart should be,

Looking around his arm lit up a white like flame, placing his palm over the walls, the flame lit the building up, causing it to burn immensely.

After a while it seems authorities were called, and had finally shown up, only for the building to be burnt down and reduced to ashes along with anything inside. Nothing was found, and standing amongst a not too far building was the same cloaked figure, checking the area, seeing as everything became under control he decided to leave. After a while he ended up back at an apartment, however before entering he noticed a letter in his mailbox, checking it he saw a notice of approval.


City of Vale

To:Drake Lee'ukerth

23 Truling avenue

[To Drake Lee'ukerth we would like to inform you that, you have been accepted in to Beacon academy, and would like to welcome you to join us starting September 1st]

From:Vice principal Goodwitch

Seeing as he was accepted he entered his apartment, leaving the scenery.

Somewhere not far off.

"Mom, I'm back...the traffic was insane today, apparently there was a building on fire, oh and also the Eucliff company is appare-" cut off as a lady entered quickly, hugging the girl.

"NATALI! honey...guess what, guess what" excited and anxious the lady spoke in joy.

"wha-what's up mom?" surprised and taken back she quickly pulled her mother off her.

"YOU WERE ACCEPTED INTO BEACON! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?" in astonishment and enjoyment she handed her the letter, surprising the girl.

Looking at it, she started shaking in joy, her green eyes shook and teared up from joy, green light hair stuck to her face from the tears. Holding her dearly her mother tightened her grip to comfort her, making sure she was okay.

"father…don't worry I'll become a huntress just like you were, and I'll find out what really happened back then…" she thought to herself as she held her mother back.

After a bit of tears shed, they both let go of each other, looking at her daughter, she caressed her cheek, palming her daughter's fair smooth skin, causing her to smile in joy.

"Okay honey, let's get you packed and ready, you gotta make a good first impression on all the new kids" nodding they both left to pack her stuff.

This is the start of the 4 figures' notorious journey as they soon come together to form a team of mischief, power, hardship, love and family.

Cozar_Darantu Cozar_Darantu

Fast paced i get that but i honestly just had no clue how to drag out an introduction, i mean i could but i can't be bothered, i'll probably change it up, come sooner or later, for now thats all i got.

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