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Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Bloody end

19th march 1574 (a while after midnight)

In an instant, the darkness of the night got dispelled by the continuous tongues of fire coming off from the four barrels of the reaper guns at once. In theory, using only one barrel per gun provided longer suppression of the enemy forces, but with such a close distance between Peter's small army and my troops, there was simply no time to waste.

As soon as the Reapers started their melody, the line of horsemen started to break. Instead of falling one by one like in a movie, entire groups were bursting apart at once, with bullets unable to differentiate between a man and a horse, penetrating the mount, the rider, their companion behind, two trees and ending up somewhere in a bird's nest few hundred meters behind their line!

"Muskets! Rise!"

While I had to base it of the experience that wasn't really mine, a capable general leading the opposing forces could either wait out the storm and charge when the guns would be empty or charge in an instant, hoping to make the gunners miss most of their shots. Sadly, either of those options would end up exactly the same, with the enemy attack falling apart before it would even begin!

"Attack! Attack!"

Even despite the loud onslaught of the reaper guns, I could still make out Peter's voice, calling his men to a charge. Surprisingly enough, his men were disciplined enough for the entire ten or so of them to follow his lead and jump forward as their flanks were methodically cut down by the invisible scythe of the death, only to end up rooted by the right reaper gun, when its crew noticed the danger.

In about twenty-second, out of about a hundred of the enemies, only ten or so remained alive, with only Peter and two more guards strictly beside him remaining mounted. With how he killed a lot of my men, there was no way I would be merciful enough to grant him such a quick death!

"Woah While I knew this would happen, knowing and seeing it happen are two completely different matters"

Just like Elia hugged my side even tighter as if the bloody images in front of her managed to squeeze a bit of her feminine delicacy out of her tomboyish nature, all of my men, some of them being experienced veterans, had trouble to swallow the image right in front of their eyes.

This wasn't a war they knew and they expected. It didn't even come close of being it! It was a purely one-sided onslaught, introduced by the death and company, under the skin of those new, demonic guns. If not for the fact that most of them learned how they operated from all the training they went through, I could tell from how quite a bit of them was currently retching their guts out, instead of being praised as a victor, I would be condemned as an antichrist!

"Cease fire!"

With the reapers crew going for yet another round through both wings of once might cavalry just to make sure no survivors were hiding there, even I reached the limit of my tolerance, and ordered them to stop. In the end, just like my servants weren't guilty of my actions and didn't deserve to die in such a pitiful manner, so did Peter's men. The sins of their lord were not the sins they would be responsible for!

"Now, do you wish to surrender, or should I let my cannons after you?" Wuxiaworld for visiting.

Shouting from the bottom of my lungs, I had to make sure that my voice would be loud enough to knock this damned Peter out of his gaze. In the end, I preferred to get him alive, to make sure that all the troops that he could've left in Pilzno or his own city would surrender peacefully, saving me the trouble of sieging both of those places down.

While in both cases I had a sizeable troop hiding inside both of the towns, ready to come to aid, as soon as the fighting would move inside the town, I would be unable to use the reaper guns to my advantage, turning my winning position, into nothing else but a mindless slaughter.

"Monster! I will kill you!"

Most likely unable to comprehend what just happened around him, instead of getting off his horse and raising his hands in the commonly accepted sign of surrender, this damned idiot knocked the sides of his horse, forcing it to charge through the scorched land that once used to be a wing of my camp right at the lines of my men!

"Men, shoot his horse down! I want him alive!"

This action was the sole reason why I had my musketeers remain on standby, instead of joining the fray. With over forty guns aiming at a single target, even if it was moving, there was no chance for Peter to even get close to my lines!


As if ordered by a heavenly general, all of the guns erupted in the coordinated salvo, instantly cutting the horse almost in half, and throwing Peter from its saddle to the ground. From what I could see away on my position, his face landed in a pile of faeces, that flew out of one of the corpses littered around the entire place.

And just like that, the strife with the only real opponent that I had in the region, came to an end.

"Men, comprehend him, bring him to me. After you make sure all the survivors are properly bound, you are free to loot the entire place to the ground!"

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Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Digging the graves (part 1)

19th March 1574 (early morning)

After rounding up every single man that didn't manage to escape in time and making sure the Peter was all nicely bound, some might go back to their own tasks, with the real mission finally accomplished, yet I decided against it.

Maybe it was my modern stupidity or just a silly attempt to recreate the rules of the society that I grew used to, I still decided to do the most obvious thing that any modern person would decide to do in my place.

Bury the dead.

In the current times, only the rich nobles could count on their commanders or servants to find their body after the battle was over, and even then, only if the battle was won. But I couldn't agree to such a thing! As soon as I made sure no further threats awaited behind the line of trees, I pushed my people to organise the camp once again, while forcing the healthy prisoners of mine to work alongside my own servants in digging shallow graves beside the road.

One by one, the graves were dug out, two meters deep, two meters long and half a meter wide. With one meter between each of them in order to make sure it wouldn't turn into a mass grave that more generous monarch would pay for if they decided to give the last respects to the troops that died for their cause.

"Is this really necessary?"

Standing on the road, Elia was back in her normal clothes, yet still hugging my side. Only when it came to digging the resting place for all of the fallen, did both of us and all our people realise the scale of the massacre that happened. While veterans rented to me by the Governor instantly pushed their inquires about this demonic weapon, its price and manufacturing cost, I simply pushed all those questions for later, hoping to finish up the clean up before the end of the day. Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"No, it's not, and yes, it is."

Looking down on the first bodies carefully carried on a huge piece of cloth towards their final resting place, I had to try my best to stop myself from taking the blame for their deaths. Those people died for my sake, with most of them never carrying a weapon by them in their entire life! Maybe if I was born in this day and age, I could simply disregard their sacrifice as natural, but my modern nature forced me to at least pay the last respect they were owed!

"What do you mean by that? Isn't it only natural to let the bodies where they fell?"

Looking to the side, for the first time I felt the gap separating Elia's and my own mentality. No matter how quick-witted she was, there were some basic differences in her upbringing, in what she saw in her life, that would forever remain deeply engraved in her soul, posing a problem for me to overcome, yet as the man in those chauvinist times, I had the luxury of simply disregarding her opinion. Even if that wasn't the best way to build a relationship, sometimes it was easier to simply disregard certain topics, especially if, in the long term, they didn't really matter all that much. After all, how often would we participate in battles for this matter the be brough up again?

"Listen, those people died for me. It's only fair for me, to give their bodies the right for the final, undisturbed rest. As for the enemies"

Looking back, at the other side of the road, I saw an even greater amount of holes in the ground, with some of them already halfway returned to the natural state, after the body was identified by the survivors from Peter's unit and covered back with the dirt.

"... No matter our strife, they were all Catholics. While we could fight in life, I'm not a monster to keep the grudge after they died, especially when there was only one man truly responsible for their death."

Looking to the side of the camp, I saw one of the tents that was quickly set up on my order, inside of which, Peter was tightly bound to the ground and guarded by the mix of my own people and some of the veterans of Jan's.

If not for his silly attempt to stop my marriage to Elia, all those dead people could very well end up as my companions, after a random meeting in the inn. But in fact, there was one more reason as for why I decided to bury everyone, without discriminating for which side who fought.

For my own people, seeing how I wasted a lot of time and resources of burying their comrades, it would serve as a boost to morale. It was rare for the lord to care for his people while they lived, and really uncommon to continue caring for them after they died.

As for the imprisoned enemies, showing them that I still extended my catholic approach towards their fallen brothers and friends, there was a huge chance that in the future, they might reconsider their allegiances!

In the end, it all came down to the fact, that those reaper guns, no matter how effective, were unusable in the greater scale. From the insane cost of ammunitions, through the unbelievable amount of gunpowder required to make it in the first place, as soon as Commonwealth would introduce this kind of guns into its army, all the trade that restocked the national reserve of gunpowder would stop.

With no advanced chemistry, creating this most basic tool of war was simply impossible, forcing both me personally, and the entirety of the country, to keep its usage at a moderate level. Just this was enough to make it impossible for me to introduce those guns at a larger scale, not unless I could force the system to help me with all the hard steps required to create gunpowder from the resources available in the country itself!

"Your way of thinking At times, I find it really hard to understand what is going on inside that handsome head of yours But let me be honest for once. Aren't you worried that this unnecessary project of yours, will delay our wedding? If we spend two or more days here, then another week to get to the Pilzno with all those carriages of yours, are you sure you will still be able to cater to the needs of all the guests that will start knocking on our doors soon?"

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hapter 87

Chapter 87: Digging the graves (Part 2)

19th March 1574 (early morning)

"I don't think its a good idea to worry about this. Some will travel to Tarnow first, and some will get directly to the Pilzno. With how deserted those two places are after we pulled out all the troops we could, I don't think there will be any problem with accomodating everyone. Worst case scenario, we will just invite everyone to our own place in both towns."

Grabbing Elia by her waist, I started moving towards our own tent, still standing in the same place, surrounded by the same circle of carts, as if the storm that happened barely a few hours ago, never affected its area.

In the end, I couldn't be bothered to even speak to Peter. I wasn't so pride driven to improve my mood by ridiculing him right now. We fought, he lost, and now he was going to pay for his crimes, with his own wealth. That was one of the reasons why I preferred to catch him alive.

By pushing Governor to side with me even before this conflict escalated, I set up the fertile ground for the future judgment on his head, hoping, that the small town he owned, the town of Ropian, would end up falling in my hands. With how unimportant those places were in the grand scheme of things, and how I was willing to give up the reaper guns for the Governor to manage, later on, I was quite sure that with the time remaining before this bastard of a King would start his escape, all my investments would elevate me to a position high enough to sit at the political table along with the other major powers, instead of acting like a hunting hound for one of them. Even if the chances of winning the crown for myself were nigh impossible, I believed I could still use the times of interregnum to my own advantage! Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"Sir, from what we gathered, at least ten men of Peter, managed to escape before the bullets could reach them!"

By the time we reached the circle through the roundabout way that saved us from stepping on the bloodied battlefield, one of the veterans from the Governor's unit approached me with a short report of his. Just like I expected, while the battle looked like a total roundup, there were still some men that were quick-witted enough to see what was going on and pull back before the real onslaught begin. Considering their options, they would either ride for Pilzno or directly towards Ropian, but considering how both of those places were already stacked with the people of my own command, I didn't have to worry that much about them!

"Thanks, go and fetch the officers now, we will have a meeting."

As I send the solider off, he saluted to me with his fist and ran off to the distance, where some of the higher-ranking men were gathered.

"Meeting? What do you need one for?"

Puzzled by the sudden development, Elia moved to face me from the front, blocking my path towards the tent where the said meeting would take place.

"Weren't we going to continue what was interrupted by that bastard?"

Seeing a hint of disappointment on Elia's face, I couldn't help but smile both internally, and externally, before placing my hand on her head and rubbing her hair for a bit.

"Come on, won't you prefer picking it up in the comfortable chamber of our palace in Pilzno already? What's the point of suffering the cold of the outside?"

In fact, when she mentioned the problem with accomodating all the guests that would come to our wedding, while I didn't admit that she was right when mentioning it, that was actually the case! No matter how big the palace was in Pilzno, and how much space I could come up with when locating my guests between the Tarnowian Castle and the small Palace building in the city itself, as long as the wedding would be as sizeable as it should be to fit my status of middle nobility, even that much space wouldn't be enough to fit everyone!

But while organising more sleeping space shouldn't be a problem with the great relationship with Tarnowian innkeepers that I have, the same couldn't be said about the Pilzno itself, forcing me to split the entire ceremony between the most important quests attending the mass in the church of Pilzno, while all the lesser nobles forced to stay in the Tarnow.

Yet there was one, very important piece missing from the picture.

Outside of Governor, and some of the neighbouring nobles that I could alert in a matter of few days at most We didn't really invite anyone!

In any normal scenario, ceremony like a wedding, would not only be planned few months ahead, with invitations sent long before the party itself to give the guest time to prepare both the gifts and for the journey itself, yet my hastiness at the Governor's camp made it impossible for me to fix that small mistake of mine, that could yield tragic results soon!

"Wait, do you want to go to Pilzno already? Didn't you just argue about the importance of burying everyone who died?"

Hearing my response, Elia simply stood in place, unable to make sense of all the opposing signals and information that I gave her. In fact, I couldn't blame her for it, as the idea of what should be done now was constantly changing in my own head!

"Yeah, I still plan to have everyone buried nicely in here, yet why is that supposed to stop off from riding for the Pilzno? It's not like we are going to pick the shelves ourselves!"

Just as we were about to reach our tent, all of the officers that I wanted to see already reached it, most likely jumping into a run as soon as they received the summons because otherwise, it would be hard for me to find an explanation how could they physically cover more distance than we did.

"Guys, while the process of burying everyone needs to go on until it will be fully finished, I need to get as many mounted troops as we can get. Not only I need a small escort to get to the Pilzno, but there is quite a lot of letters that I need to send as soon as it will be possible!"

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hapter 88

Chapter 88: Working hard for the grandest prize

20th March 1574

"Good job. How is the caravan going?"

Sitting at the table in the dining room of the Pilznian palace, I listened to the reports of the multiple messengers that connected me with both Tarnow and the caravan still on its way here.

Considering how we separated from the main force at the early morning on the day before, reaching the Pilzno took us only a few hours with no carriages slowing us down. Thankfully, the escaping few men of Peter's didn't dare to ride for the city but opted for escaping to their own town of Ropian, saving us the trouble of yet another skirmish at the gate.

While some might rejoice at the fact that we managed to recover Elia's land just like that, as soon as we crossed the gates of the city, instead of spoiling ourselves with some leisure time, we instantly jumped to dealing with all the matters at hand. With how traditionally I was supposed to write and sign all the invitation letters that we would send to all the nobles we would like to invite, most of the other duties fell on Elia's shoulders, leaving me stranded in the Palace chamber, with nothing but a quill and a feather in my hand, with only a sizeable stack of papers to either write the letters or wipe the tears out of my face!

Thankfully, with my modern skill of using the pen, writing all the letters took me only a few moments after I got a local poet come up with the nice formula, that in reality, served as the picture for me to replicate, considering how the written language I knew and the one used presently weren't as similar as I would like.

Considering how little time we had, as soon as I got the confirmation from the Pilznian Church that on the eleventh of April they would be able to host the ceremony, the dates and names were filled up, and a great number of messengers were sent all over the country Or rather, all over the nearby provinces.

While there were many figures I would love to see on the wedding in order to get inside their social circles, the time constraints I foolishly set for myself made me unable to reach out for them. Even if the time required for the message and their potential journey would be still smaller than the time before the ceremony, asking them to come on such short notice would be easily considered as faux pas!

Even though I was already using a small trick, in which only the most important figures would attend the wedding ceremony at Pilzno, with the majority of the guest expected to appear three days later in Tarnow for the proper feast. While it took some load off my shoulders, it didn't mean I could rest easy!

Preparing the feast for the guests that would come here, while simultaneously making sure all the ingredients required for a far greater one would be accessible in Tarnow, preparing amenities for everyone to use, accommodation, setting the guards to make sure everyone was safe and troublemakers would be dealt with on the spot

If not for the night fun I had after dealing with all this stuff, I might even reconsider the worth of this marriage in the first place! Not even this damned Peter - currently waiting for his fate in the lowest level of prison under the main town's tower - managed to cause me so many troubles as this wedding did!

But contrary to his escapade, that ended up with almost nothing else but grief for my people after the initial excitement from the won battle ran off, I could at least enjoy myself in bed with Elia during the only time when we weren't busy dealing with our current affairs!

"How is the dress going? Did you get measured already?"

Sitting in the dining chamber and waiting for even more people to come to bother us, I turned my head to Elia and asked. While all the organisational stuff was important to deal with, we couldn't forget about the basic stuff like the wedding dress, or the wedding rings! While the rings were dealt with swiftly by simply contracting the old goldsmith that already provided me with the engagement one, the dress was way harder to come by! Wuxiaworld for visiting.

After all, it wasn't something that could be adjusted to the thickness of the finger from the already prepared piece, but had to be sewn from the starting point to an end! No premade pieces would be good enough to suit Elia's most important day, nor would I agree to compromise on such an important thing!

While our marriage started like nothing else but a political ploy aimed to increase the power of my family and secure Elia's heritage, with how our relationship grew over the course of the last month, I couldn't help but aim to turn it into a proper, real and eternal love!

"Yeah, I might surprise you, but it seems my chest has grown a bit since the last time I was measured!"

Suddenly dropping such bomb, Elia instantly moved on top of my lap, ignoring the risk that the room could be invaded by yet another set of messengers and trouble bringers at any given moment.

"What are you doing? Don't you care if someone"

"Stop it."

Placing her finger on top of my lips, she ran her tongue through her mouth, before speaking.

"I can see how tired you are. If we all kept it official, only for the sake of tying the know, you wouldn't have so much on your head. Trust me, I can see how much effort you are putting to make this day as grand as possible."

Raising her finger from the top of my lips, she leaned over my head and replaced it with her own mouth, connecting with me in a long, wet kiss.

"While I'm really grateful for it, I don't want you to overwork yourself, okay?"

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Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Early guests

9th April 1574

Looking down from the city walls, I could see the almost endless string of carriages, heading out to the city gates. Despite still almost an entire week before the wedding would take place, not only the invited nobles were gathering in and around the town, but countless small merchants, sensing the opportunity, aimed to make the most of the drunken state of the rich nobles that were bound to roam the city in their not-so-sober adventures.

The last three weeks turned out to be way calmer than I expected. After sending out the invites and taking care for preparations for the feasts both in Pilzno and Tarnow, increasing the housing for the guests and figuring out some additional attractions for everyone, I found enough time for myself to go back to Tarnow, double the production rate of my brewery and even bring an entire three carriages full of my own beer to the Pilzno myself!

While some might think that the wedding itself was nothing but a huge strain of my treasure, the reality turned out to be far different than what I imagined. Counting only the increased flow of money in my lands propelled by all the people arriving here, the growth of taxes was already enough to cover half of the wedding costs. As for all the additional small bonuses to my own pocket in form of various merchants forced by the warehousing law to put their products on sale in every city they passed, both those travelling through Pilzno to Tarnow and those doing the same route but in the opposite direction brough more than twice the wedding costs!

At this point, I couldn't help but wonder how the heck did those people manage to stay afloat, with all the taxes, tariffs and fees burdening them. While it was nice to see such a huge increase in my income, it also got me thinking about the entire matter.

What would happen if after finishing building the road between Tarnow and Pilzno, or in future, extending it to the Ropian town that I already counted as my own at this point, I were to simply abolish all the tariffs between those places? What kind of insane growth would spring up in the area, if people caught the news of such a great opportunity?

Shaking my head, I hoped that the addition of the air brushing my hair due to this sudden movement would be enough to clear my mind from all the exhaustion caused by the residual alcohol slowing my brain capabilities down. No matter what kind of ideas were now popping inside my mind, I was in no state to consider them seriously.

Just like with abolishing the tariffs alone, while it might work wonders for my territory alone, I never considered the reaction of the neighbours that would be affected by the sudden loss of income, when most of the trade would move to the region under my control. While most of the nobles didn't bother themselves with the monetary affairs as long as their coffers were continuously filled by the revenue from their lands, if I dared to make them lose what they considered their own, I would be in for quite a bit of trouble!

But wasn't that why I wanted to make friends with the Governor? As long as I continued to bribe him with all sorts of developments, at reaper guns starting, through building the roads at the new brands of beer ending, I could simply show the middle finger to all those who would dare to oppose me, as long as I kept my influence from affecting the real powers of the country!

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Suddenly appearing beside me, Kalen didn't forget to bring two cups filled with my own beer with him. Being the greatest cause behind my current hangover in a time when I should be in my top-notch condition to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he always knew how to push my buttons to get me to drink with him.

Quite timid and closed at first, after sharing enough drinks with me, he turned out to be quite a vivid talker, with an imagination capable of catching up to most of the concepts that I was talking about while drunk. Maybe because of the stern training he went through back at the camp, or maybe because his natural talent, no matter how hard I tried to make him drunk while retaining the senses myself, I always tragically failed, paying for my attempts with more and more information about my ideas, instead of learning about how his camp looked like.

"Some really dangerous stuff." Wuxiaworld for visiting.

Accepting the mug from his hands, I once again stared at the long line of the carts, taking my damned time to notice the crests flying on the wind over some of the carriages. Yet no matter how hard I tried, my knowledge about history was simply too general to recognise more than a literally two or three of them, and even then, I could only recall that I saw it somewhere back in my school days!

But then, I saw the single coat of arms I would never forget, not after many years of being a fan of this single, historical figure that has yet to be born!

A Polish-Lithuanian Union crest, held by the sides by a pair of two angels, all on the background made by the interior of the royal coat!

It seemed that the esteemed Cherrie family (Winiowieccy, From Winiowiec (city) meaning Cherry-like? Cherry-ish? Not exactly sure) came to my wedding as well! It seemed that I could get acquaintances with the grandfather of the future Polish King, and the father to the most well-known great noble in the entire Polish history!


Just saw my novel already pirated on dozen or more sites, lost motivation to write. Maybe will publish something later. (Keeping it inside the chapter to make sure those who read FREE novel on pirate site, know what the heck they are doing)

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 Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Pleasant meeting

9th April 1574

"It's an honour to have you visit our poor place!"

Despite being hungover a bit, when seeing the Korybut banner hanging above a set of carriages, I didn't waste any time but grabbed a small barrel of the finest beer I brough with me to the Pilzno and went outside to greet this major noble myself while sending a servant to prepare the best lodging in the entire palace after the master chambers. While it wasn't necessary to do so, being able to start on a good foot with such an important figure could mean the world for me later on! Wuxiaworld for visiting.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to come to greet us so soon! A pleasant surprise, I must say!"

As we were exchanging our greetings, I had few guards moving around the queue leading to the gates, forcing everyone to give way to this major figure. While some nobles were bound to get angry at this unfair treatment given to them despite being equal to any other noble, with how they were ordered to claim an important person of the city owner family came to visit with the official matter at hand, at least a part of the troublemakers would give way instead of proving to be troublesome.

After all, no one wanted to anger me at this very moment. While noble myself, I couldn't really punish them for using the road that ultimately belonged to the crown itself, it was well within my ability to forbid them entry to the town, rendering all their wares worthless, and forcing them to incur the additional costs and risks of bringing them even further.

"Here, I hope you will accept this modest gift that I prepared as soon as I saw your glorious banners hanging at the air."

Passing the barrel with the beer produced in my own breweries, I made sure to act kind, but in a way someone familiar would, rather than overflowing with respect like a subordinate would. Considering how I was already almost sure that I would push myself under the umbrella of the Jan Bone protection, I had to be careful to not make Michal Cherrie, one of the most powerful people in the entire country mistake my kindness for the attempt to sneak into his service!

"Oh? Is that the famous beer that I heard quite a lot from Jan Bone? Considering how much he praised it, I certainly will have expectations towards drinking it!"

While those sentences might sound like nothing but small talk, I could already derive two important political moves in it. Starting from the fact that by showing his familiarity to my own protector, this shrewd man made sure I wouldn't dare to gift him with any kind of poison, he also made sure to corner me in case I would attempt to buy his favours with something of a lesser quality than the beer that was surprisingly already gaining traction in the higher echelons of the noble society!

"Yes, this is indeed the same brew, made with the same kind of base resources, held in the same barrels and brewed using exactly the same method. Obviously, the taste might differ a tiny bit, but overall, it's still this beer of mine!"

Considering how well the promotion of my beer went, I suddenly realised a great mistake I made. The first batch of resources bought with the money gained through the sales of the beer was used to simply double its production, while I should actually use it to create a brewing line for the beer of even higher quality!

With how there was still a few days before the wedding would start, I could produce a few barrels with my system myself, but if some of the more influential nobles would pressure me to give them a tour through the brewery capable of producing such a quality drink, I would end up in a corner!

But speaking of the beer, as soon as I passed the barrel to the hands of the servant that was honoured enough to travel with the Michal, the patriarch of this insanely rich and powerful clan, took it from my hands, opened it up and poured about half the glass worth before passing the container to his lord.

Riding on my horse alongside their carriage, I could see how this powerful figure firstly watched the colour of the drink, before smelling it a bit only to finally wet his lips with the drink, only to suddenly raise the glass higher just like Jan Bone did, and gulp the entire thing down!

"Ah! So that's what he meant when he called it unparalleled!"

"With all due respect sir, if my retainers won't fuck up the delivery, by the time of the wedding, a new product of my breweries, hopefully even better than this brand should arrive in the city! Considering how all the matters are already prepared for the grand day, I wouldn't mind going to my home city myself to ensure it would be brough in a perfect state for the grand festival!"

With my mind spinning around on its maximum speed despite the residual alcohol in my bloodstream doing its best to slow this process down, I could already see me galloping all the way back to the Tarnow, demolishing some less profitable workshops in the city and turning their building materials into the next production line for the fruit beer so that I could justify its presence on the wedding table a few days later in Pilzno!

"Ah, sir, I wouldn't dare to order you to rush matters just a few days before you will inevitably lose your freedom as a man!"

Content with my responses and respectful yet distant attitude, Michal only smiled, throwing in a joke so popular and realistic, that it remained in use to the days during which I was originally living.

"Don't worry sir. To be honest, I was only looking for an excuse to go ride with the wind like in the old days, before I would be inevitably bound to my chambers, forced to squeeze my lands dry to provide for more and more jewellery for the greatest jewel that would ever be present in my lands!"

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