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100% I’m your dad / Chapter 15: Chapter 15 the end no more chapter

Chapter 15: Chapter 15 the end no more chapter

Five months later...

"Happy Birthday dear Peter! Happy Birthday to you!" The crowd finished singing, and clapped and cheered as Peter blew out his sixteen candles on his massive Death Star shaped birthday cake. Today was his 16th birthday, and the best birthday he had ever had. Because it was his first one with a dad. A real life dad. And for once he didn't need to make a wish. He already had everything he wanted.

Ever since his Sensory Overload, things between Peter and his dad have been great. After their talk, Peter realised he could talk to his dad about anything, and he no longer had any doubt about Tony wanting him. In fact after that, May and Tony worked out a schedule where Peter alternated staying with May and his dad. So some weeks and weekends he stayed with Tony and Pepper in his room. It was awesome. They hung out loads. Playing video games. Working on the Lego sets. Tony even finally unlocked some of the protocols on his Spider Man suit. (After some training of course.) But it was actually kinda fun, because Peter got to go out on patrol with his dad as Iron Man. Tony promised they could do it again some when.

Tony had also been helping Peter with his Sensory Overload. He even made it part of Peter's weekly training. To practice learning to control his senses against loud noises, or bright lights. Surprisingly, it was working. Peter hadn't had so much as a headache since. And he felt more experienced out on patrol too. Begrudgingly, Peter admitted to himself that his dad had been right that he needed more experience and training. But he wasn't going to tell him that...

It turned out his dad was actually pretty strict. But Peter didn't mind, he knew it was only because he cared so much.

Pepper on the other hand was totally awesome! Who knew she was so much fun. Not only had Peter gotten to hang out with his dad. He had spent time with Pepper too at SI and at the house. They played video games, watched movies, and she even let him play with some of the cool stuff at SI. But most of all they talked. About everything. She was a great listener and offered good advice. On one occasion, Peter had accidently called Pepper mom on a day Peter had been hanging out with her and his dad. Instead of freaking out, Pepper just smiled and accepted it. Later, Pepper admitted she quite liked it, and if Peter wanted to call her mom, she had no problem with it.

It had been an great five months. Peter finally felt like he was part of a family. And not just an orphan or burden to everyone.

Hence, the big birthday party his dad has insisted on arranging for Peter at the house. Tony had even invited all the Avengers, because he knew how much Peter idolised them. And the party was amazing.

"Happy Birthday Peter!" Steve Rogers. Aka Captain America said as he clapped Peter on the back, and then handed him a small package. He ripped it open finding it was a baseball glove and ball.

"My dad passed away when I was kid. But some of my best memories I have of him, were of us playing catch. I thought it would be good for you and Tony to create your own memories." Steve nodding gesturing his glass at Tony.

Pepper smiled touched and looked at Tony, as they both stood to the side watching Peter open the presents. Tony just blinked and gave Steve a surprised, but grateful nod.

"Thanks Steve!" Peter said happily, turning to look at his dad liking the idea. And seeing the look on Tony's face, he seemed to as well.

Another plus of the last five months was Tony let Peter hang out at the Avengers complex on occasion, and with the Avengers. Supervised of course. Because apparently they couldn't be trusted around a minor. Tony's words, not his. But they were so cool to hang out with. They even let Peter call them by their first names.

"Son of Stark!" Thor suddenly boomed making the house shake as he pushed his way over; "My gift next!"

"Oh god." Tony murmured tightening his grip around Pepper's waist.

"What?" Pepper asked turning to look at him.

"I told Steve to tell Thor no gifts."


"Because I don't want the kid to kill himself."

Pepper looked at Tony totally confused. But she didn't get to ask as Peter let out a shout, and she snapped her head back around just in time to see Peter wielding a large stone axe.

"WOAH!" Ned squealed beside Peter; "That is amazing!"

"Thor!" Tony shouted waving his hand, as if to say what-the-hell; "We talked about this!"

"Yes you said no deadly weapons." Thor rolled his eyes; "But he is a warrior and every warrior needs a weapon. And this isn't just any weapon. This is the Battle Axe of Faladore, a mighty honour. Forged in the heart of the hottest volcano with the strongest metal. It is indestructible and will cut through anything."

Peter looked on in awe and swung it back and forth grinning; "Wow! Thanks Thor! I can't wait to try it out."

"Oh yes you can." Tony said rushing forward and yanked it out of Peter's grip; "Yoink."

"Dad!" Peter exclaimed in annoyance, his cheeks flaming red in embarrassment; "I'm not going to kill anyone with it."

"Yeah well I don't want you killing yourself either." Tony put it on a table away from Peter, and sent him his new trademark dad-look that Peter now knew as 'what-I-say-goes-so-don't-argue'; "You can have it back when you're older."

"Come on Tony lighten up." Clint jeered.

"Mom..." Peter tried looking pleadingly at Pepper.

"Sorry Peter. I'm with your dad on this."

"May!" Peter turned to Happy and May who were standing on the other side of the room. But they were too busy kissing. A whoop went up and they pulled away blushing; "What honey?" May said innocently and Peter just dropped his shoulders in defeat. This was a losing battle.

"It's ok kid. Here." Dr Banner suddenly stepped forward handing him a long rectangular shaped present.

Peter beamed and ripped the paper off. He lifted the box lid and gaped at what was inside.

"Oh. My. God." Peter breathed his eyes widening, and he slowly pulled out the contents, revealing a real life looking light saber. He turned it on and it lit up blue and he waved it around grinning.

"Bruce! This is so cool!"

"Wow!" Ned said his mouth hanging open.

"Ah be careful!" Banner said quickly as Peter waved it around a plant, and as he did one of the leaves was suddenly seared off and fell to the floor. Peter stared at it in awe.


"Yeah it's not just a replica." Banner said smiling proudly.

"Seriously Bruce!" Tony snapped glaring at him; "You too?" He shook his head; "Please don't tell me that thing is radioactive."

Bruce shrugged sheepishly; "...Only slightly. Just what you'd get from an x-ray."

"Peter turn it off." Tony barked walking over holding his hand out for it.

"Dad come on." Peter remarked still staring at it as he spun it around mimicking moves from the films; "I'm being caref..." Peter hadn't even got to finish his sentence before it fell from his hand during a spin. The light saber fell, slicing right through the middle of the living room sofa, and burnt a hole in the floor and tumbled to the lab below in a loud clanging.

Peter looked at his dad terrified, and winced; "Oops."

"That's you being careful?" Tony looked at him sternly, before rolled his eyes and looked at Bruce; "What kind of present is that for a 16 year old?"

"Pretty cool one." Thor mumbled as he sipped his drink walking away fast.

"That's it none of you are invited to another one of Peter's birthday's."

"Why?" Bruce demanded.

"Because you're all giving my son weapons! He's 16 for crying out loud!"

"I didn't." Steve objected; "And neither did Nat. I'm sure she got him a sensible git. Right Nat?"

They all turned to Natasha, who was perched on the edge of the kitchen island, and she just dragged her present behind her back. Tony raised an eyebrow; "Let me guess. Knives? You are all unbelievable. He's a kid and..."

"Dad!" Peter exclaimed embarrassed and shot Pepper a pleading look, then May and Happy.

"Ok let's move on." Pepper said rushing over to Tony to stop him arguing anymore.

"Open Happy's present." May said shoving another present into Peter's hand. Both of them trying to salvage the situation.

Peter opened the present, glancing sideways as Pepper dragged Tony back over, all the while he was still glaring at the Avengers. This was probably the last time his dad was going to let them near the Avengers without being wrapped in bubble wrap. He was so over protective. It was frustrating at times. But it was just a reminder how much Tony cared about him. His dad was worried about him. His dad. He liked saying that.


"The party wasn't that bad Tony." Pepper tried to reassure Tony later as they looked at the mess that used to be his lab. And there in the middle of it lay the light saber Bruce got Peter.

Tony just looked at her and waved a hand at his lab; "Not that bad? That could have been Peter."

"I'll admit. The presents were a tad...much." Pepper made a face as she looked at the lab; "I don't think they've ever been to a birthday party."

"Well they're not coming to another one. God knows what they would get him next year. A bomb probably." Tony scoffed as he bent down picking up some broken tools.

Peter had fun though." Pepper offered and watched as Tony's face changed. Softened. But he was still angry and worried about Peter. Pepper could tell.

"Maybe we should give Peter our gifts now." Pepper studied Tony. He paused before smiling.

"Great idea." Tony then threw the broken tools over his shoulder and headed back upstairs, not another thought about the weaponised presents.

Pepper just smirked and rolled her eyes, following Tony.


Peter was in the middle of trying to repair the sofa and the hole in the floor with his webbing when Tony and Pepper walked in.

" fixed the sofa." Peter said proudly gesturing at the sofa. Which now had spider webbing all over it. Pepper looked at it amused.

"It's good as new see." Peter looked sheepishly at his dad; "But I'll pay for the damages I swear." Peter wined; "Are you mad?"

Tony looked at Peter before pulling him into a hug. Peter was stunned for a moment, not expecting that reaction. Closing his eyes, Tony squeezed Peter tight for a moment. Then he pulled away, putting his hands on Peter's shoulders to look at him, letting out a sigh of relief that nothing happened to him; "I'm not mad at you kid. I'm relieved you're ok. If anything happened to you..."

"The presents weren't that bad..." Peter grumbled.

Tony raised an eyebrow; "You could have been killed kid. They weren't presents, they were weapons. And they're not toys for you to play with."

"So you're taking them away?" Peter said his shoulders sagging in disappointment, but understanding. After what he did to the sofa and the floor, he didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Sorry kid. They're too dangerous. Maybe when you're older. Or I've found a way to kid proof them."

"We haven't given you our presents yet." Pepper said eagerly stepping forward, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Oh you got me something?" Peter's eyes sparkled in excitement, and Tony couldn't help but chuckle at the sudden change in his expression.

"Duh kid."


Peter opened Pepper's present first, and found it his wedding present to them. The memory capsule.

Peter frowned; "I don't...are you giving this back?"

"Oh no no no." Pepper said hurriedly seeing Peter's hurt expression; "It's not the same one. We loved your gift." Pepper paused rushing over to one of the sofa side tables, and returned with Peter's gift.

But how...?" Peter looked between the two devices confused.

"I made another one." Tony explained; "I was so impressed with it, I took it apart to understand how it was made and I made another one. For you." Tony paused taking the new one from Peter, and he pushed a button in the centre. Immediately, a holographic screen appeared showing videos. Of them. Of Peter and Tony hanging out having fun together. Peter was just speechless.

"So you can remember how important you are to me." Tony finished; "And I was so impressed with what you made, I've set up a new project at SI to investigate how these could be used to help people suffering with dementia and Alzheimer's. So if you're willing kid, I was wondering if you would be up to heading the project with me."

Peter blinked at him utterly stunned.

"Seriously? You think these can actually help people?"

"I told you, they're impressive. You're an extraordinary kid. I think you could make a real difference in the world making more stuff like this. We could do with someone like you at SI."

"Yeah I mean...I'd like that." Peter agreed, loving the idea of working with his dad and making a difference; "And thank you for the present."

"Well that was just part one.." Tony held up a finger, and then pulled out a small box with a bow on it and chucked it Peter, who caught it one handed.

Peter opened it eagerly, and pulled out a small rectangular piece of glass. He held it up raising an eyebrow; "Cool. A paperweight."

"Smartass." Tony breathed before he leant forward and tapped the centre of the glass. It immediately filled with virtual buttons like a game controller, and a map.

Before Peter could ask what it was, he heard a rumbling of what sounded like an engine coming from outside. Pausing to look at Tony and Pepper, who just held knowing smiles, Peter then rushed outside following the sound.

Gasping as he got outside, Peter stared in awe at what was sitting on the grass at the back of the house.

"Is that...That's the Millennium Falcon?!" Peter said pointing at the Microwave sized replica ship.

Peter spun to look at his dad, who had his arm crossed and was grinning smugly.

"I said I would build you a working replica. Now mind you, I didn't have the parts to build an actual size replica. And this is remote controlled. But I hope this is just as good..." Tony trailed off because Peter had rushed over to him and practically tackled him in a hug.

Tony stumbled backwards chuckling; "Woah kid take it easy."

"Thanks dad! You are the best!"

Tony smiled proudly as he hugged Peter back. Every day being Peter's dad was like his new favourite day, he never knew what was going to happen, and the kid was constantly surprising him, but he loved every second of it. He loved being a dad.

Peter suddenly pulled away from it, and rushed over to inspect the Falcon.

Pepper suddenly appeared beside him, interlocking her arm with his.

"So he likes it?"

Peter fiddled with the controls on the remote, making the Falcon fly off into the air and circle him. And Tony couldn't help but smile seeing the elated grin on his face.

Feeling Pepper's stare, he turned to her self consciously; "What?"

Pepper wore a knowing smile; "You. Being a dad. It suits you. I've never seen you so happy. You're a natural."

Tony straightened up smugly, before glancing at Peter. It was hard not to feel proud of the kid. He was a genius. Pepper would say like father like son, but Peter was in a league all by himself. And Tony knew without a doubt, Peter was going to change the world and make it better. It's just who he was.

"It still frustrates me that I missed so much of his life." Tony confessed with a heavy sigh; "His childhood. But I'm not going to miss another day. Seeing the man he grows into."

"I know you worry about him. But I think he's going to be just fine."


"How can he not be? He's got you for a dad."

"And you for a mom." Tony turned to Pepper looking adoringly at her; "You're a natural too." Tony leant forward to kiss Pepper. And after she rested her head on Tony's shoulder, both of them watching Peter, chase after the Falcon as he flew it around.

"We got a great kid." Pepper murmured.

"Yeah." Tony muttered, wrapping his arm around Pepper holding her tighter. He'd never felt so happy. He had a wife and a son that he loved more than anything. They were a family. What could be better than that? Pepper was right. Everything was going to be just fine.


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