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53.33% I’m your dad / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Two days.

It had been two days and Tony had heard nothing from Peter.

He kept checking his phone every half an hour, and had FRIDAY notified to tell him as soon as Peter contacted him.

But there was nothing.

Tony was getting more and more concerned that Peter was never going to contact him. Maybe he really had screwed this up.

"Tony you have to stop doing this." Pepper said concerned as she walked into the lab at Stark Tower, finding Tony just staring at his phone.

He still hasn't text me or called me. Maybe he's waiting for me to text him. Maybe I should text him again." Tony said looking up at Pepper hopefully. But Pepper saw the tiredness in his eyes. He hadn't been sleeping, and he hadn't been working on his latest project for SI like he should have been.

"Tony no." Pepper rushed over, and gently prised the phone from his hand, replacing it with her hands; "You have to stop. You're not sleeping and you've got to stop thinking about Peter."

"I can't." Tony huffed standing up and pacing away; "As much as I try. I can't. I just keep replaying that night in my head and what I said to him. And there are so many other things I could have said, should have said. But I didn't because I have no idea what I'm doing! But being without him the last few days is driving me crazy. This constant worry is like nothing else I've ever experienced. The worry that I may not see him again. He's my son Pep. I've just found him and I may have already lost him."

"Oh Tony. You don't know that." Pepper said quickly; "He said he just needed some time. It's only been a few days. He'll come around

How do you know that?" Tony shook his head angry at himself; "I said I would never be my father, and yet here I am. My own son won't talk to me because he thinks I'm a cold distant ass and hates me."

"Tony! That's not true!"

"May said he didn't want to talk to me. I think that says it all."

"She said he wasn't ready yet. Not that he didn't want to talk to you." Pepper moved closer; "Tony I know this is hard. And I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, but I think it's only natural to worry. That's what it means to be a parent. And I get it may seem impossible but you have to be patient. You may be freaking out right now, but think about Peter. He just learnt his whole life has changed, he's been lied to by everyone, and he's only 15 Tony. I think he deserves some time to sort through his feelings."

Tony finally nodded; "You're right. I know I said I would give him space. It's just hard because a father should be there for something like this

"I know." Pepper nodded sympathetically; "And you will be there for the rest of his life. Besides don't think I don't know you've got Happy and May watching over Peter, reporting back to you. So you know he's going to be ok."

In reluctance, Tony let it go for now, and looked at her; "How did it go with the lawyers?" As soon as he found out about Peter, Pepper had reminded him that seeing as Peter was now his son, he had to protect him. So Tony and Pepper had to discuss with the lawyers the truth about Peter being his son, so it could be officially be recognised. May had already updated his guardian status for Peter. And Tony made sure Peter could be put in his will, and be able to receive an inheritance if anything ever happened. But most of all make sure he was protected, financially and legally so there would be no questions of paternity if Peter ever wanted to take over SI. Tony had already started preparing a bank account for Peter, for college and the future. He'd discussed it with May who emphasised not to tell Peter yet. Tony didn't exactly object at that, because it was already a lot of money, and knowing Peter, he would just object.

"The papers are all ready to be signed." Pepper said nodding as she pulled a folder out of her bag; "All you have to do is sign, and in the eyes of the court he's your son, and he'll be financially and legally protected."

Tony just flicked open the folder, pulled out a pen and signed. He expected to feel a momentous change in him, now that he officially had a son. But he didn't. Maybe it's because he wasn't sure if he actually did have a son. If Peter wasn't talking to him.

Pepper took the folder once he signed, but hesitated as she closed it; "I hate to bring this up now. And just know I don't support this at all. I'm just relaying what they said. The lawyers expressed concern about the truth getting out, because of the company. They want you to issue a statement to get ahead of the story."

Tony looked at her in horror; "Seriously?"

"I know." Pepper replied hating herself for having to tell him.

"My son is not some story. I won't expose him and inflict the press on him, ruin his life, because they want to use him as some pawn for the company." Tony was furious at the very idea.

I'm sorry I even mentioned it." Pepper said; "I know you want to protect Peter, and that's what we should be focusing on."

"I told Peter we shouldn't tell the press yet and I meant that. I don't want him to have to live with the press following him his whole life like I had to. I'm not going to put him in danger. He deserves a normal life."

"You're right." Pepper agreed; "And don't worry about a thing. I'll handle the lawyers. Just focus on Peter."


"Peter! Your rides here!"

Peter popped his head out the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth; "Ride? What ride?" He always used the bus or swung to school by his web-shooters.

When May didn't reply, Peter shrugged it off and finished getting ready. But when he walked back into the living room he saw May talking to Happy. And they were pretty cosy.

"Er hi." Peter said feeling awkward interrupting.

"Hey kid!" Happy said shooting away from May guiltily. And he was smiling at Peter way to much.

"So what's this about a ride?"

"Happy's going to drive you to school and pick you up?"


"Because he's being nice. Isn't it nice Peter?" May said sending Peter a warning look to shut up and accept it.

Peter sighed realising it had to be May and Happy getting closer and wanting Happy and him to bond; "Yeah it's very nice thank you."

"Great!" Happy said clapping his hands; "Ready to go?"

"Um sure. We gotta pick Ned up on the way though."

"Right." Happy said pausing in the doorway, looking at May who gave thumbs up in reassurance before sighing and following Peter.

As Peter sat in the back seat of the flashy car he stared out the window trying to work out what this was. Was this about Happy and May or was this Tony?

Are you doing this to be nice to me so because you're dating my aunt or did Mr Stark send you to do this?"

Happy slammed his foot down on the brake harder than necessary. It was a red light, but still the question shocked the hell out of him.

And he turned in his seat to look at Peter, his eyes wide.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Peter said frowning, the car just shook why would he be hurt? That's when it hit him; "Mr Stark did send you to drive me to school and back didn't he?"

"What?" Happy chuckled awkwardly shifting in his seat; "Why would he wanna do that?"

"Right." Peter snapped hurt because to him it was like Happy was saying Mr Stark only cared because he was his son; "Why would he?"

Happy frowned looking in the rear view mirror as Peter just turned to look back out the window.

Then he sighed in resignation; "Tony just wants to keep you safe." Happy finally admitted.

"What he thinks I'm going to get hit by a bus on the way to school?" Peter scoffed; "Not like that would kill me."

Happy turned to look at Peter his eyes wide; "Seriously?"

"I can heal remember." Peter said with a small smirk.

"Even so..." Happy continued; "You are his son and he'll just worry anyway."

Peter frowned; "Why?"

That confused Happy and he glanced at Peter; "What do you mean? He's always worried about you."

"Ever since he found out I'm his son." Peter muttered.

"No ever since he met you."

"What?" Peter turned startled; "But why?"

"You reminded him of himself." Happy chuckled; "Now I get why. But he wanted you to be better than he was. That's why he told you not to go after Toomes, and why he took your suit away. He's always worried about you and tried to keep you safe. I guess he was being your dad before he was your dad."

Peter was left speechless. He flashed back to Mr Stark's actions. He'd never really thought about it, but supposed maybe Mr Stark was trying to protect him because he cared. But Peter didn't get why.

Peter couldn't ask anymore about it, because the car stopped and Ned hopped in.

"Hey buddy! This is so cool!" Ned beamed looking round in awe.

Ned starting babbling about the car as he touched all the buttons, but Peter didn't hear him. He was too busy wrapped in his own thoughts about his dad. Woah that was new. Calling Mr Stark his dad in his thoughts. Maybe it was finally starting to sink in. But Peter still couldn't wrap his head around why Mr Stark cared so much before he found out Peter was his son.

Happy thankfully dropped Peter and Ned off a block from school, so as not to draw attention.

When they got out, Peter motioned for Ned to give him a minute with Happy.

"Thanks for the ride Happy." Peter started as Happy leant against the car with a small smile.

"Sure kid."

"But the ride later is not necessary. I'll just get the bus."

"I don't mind."

"I do." Peter replied and Happy froze, his smile dropped.


"Look I really appreciate this. I do. But it's really not necessary. I can handle myself, and I can get home from school by myself."

"Not saying you can't kid but.."

"I have to go or I'm going to be late." Peter said quickly backing away; "Just tell Mr Stark thanks but I'll be ok." Peter then rushed away before Happy could say anything else.

"Er sure ok." Happy said sarcastically; "Because I'm your driver and messenger." Happy rolled his eyes and went to get back in the car, when his phone rung. It was Tony. Happy closed his eyes knowing he was after a report on Peter. And this was not going to go well.

Sighing, he answered the phone; "Tony. Hey..." Happy said cheerfully.

"Hey the kid get to school ok?"

"Yeah yeah he's at school and he's fine."

"Did he say anything?"

Happy paused; "He was talking to his friend Ned who I also gave a ride too."

"Right. But he was ok with the ride?"

Happy sighed taking a breath; "Actually he said he didn't need a ride home. He said to tell you thanks but he can get home by himself."

There was a beat; "He did?"

"Listen Tony he's just a kid and getting picked up and dropped off in a flashy car can be..."

"No I get it. Thanks Happy. Just er come back to the Tower." Tony hung up quickly and Happy stared at the phone guiltily.


"What was that?" Ned said as Peter was getting his books out of his locker for class.

"What?" Peter said innocently.

"You just ditched that awesome ride so we have to take the bus? Dude!" Ned held up his hands; "Why?"

"Because I don't need it. I make mine own way to and from school, I always have. Just because..." Peter glanced around as students passed and he lowered his voice to Ned; "he's now my dad doesn't mean I now need a chauffer." Peter slammed his locker closed and walking down the hallway towards class.

Ned raced after him; "But it was just a ride. A ride in a super cool car."

"Exactly. A super expensive car I'm sure, which I don't deserve."

"What?" Ned frowned confused; "What are you talking about? Your Tony Stark's son!"

Peter froze looking around terrified before grabbing Ned's arm and dragging him away from everyone; "Could you possibly have said that any louder! I don't think the whole school heard!"

"Oh sorry dude!"

"But seriously Ned you know you can't tell anyone right?" Peter said sending Ned a serious warning look; "Like no one can know about this."

"Yeah I know."

"I mean it."

"Yeah I know. I swear just like your other secret I won't say a word." Ned paused; "But I don't understand the big deal, you could have the whole school wanting to be your friend if they found out."

"Exactly! If anyone found out I'll never be left alone. The press, everyone will follow me everywhere. They'll investigate every part of my life. I won't get a moments peace. Do you get that?"

"So no more ..." Ned waved his hand and Peter shook his head.


"Yeah." Peter emphasised; "So no telling anyone."

"Right yeah ok. I swear." Peter sent him a look and Ned nodded vigorously; "I swear. Not a word."


"Can you stop it?" Peter huffed looking up from his lunch to see Ned staring at him. Again. He had been doing it a lot during class.

"Sorry. It's just. I see it now. I don't know how I missed it."


"You look just like him. Your eyes. They're the same as his!"

"Really?" Peter said shifting uncomfortably never thinking about it.

"Like totally!"


"So have you talked to him yet?" Ned asked and Peter glanced at him before looking away.


"Why not? I thought you said you wanted him to be your dad. You can't ignore him forever."

"I know I just..." Peter sighed as he tried to think of how to convey what he was feeling; "I'm waiting to see if he gives up."

"What?" Ned frowned; "You shouldn't be playing games with your dad."

"It's not a game." Peter huffed dropping his food; "I'm just...being realistic. I mean like you said he's Tony frickin Stark and I'm...just Peter. Why would he want to be my dad?"

"But he is your dad."

"Biologically yes. But I'm the result of a drunken one night stand...and I mean he just got married, and I'm 15! I'm not exactly the son he's always wanted."

"You think he doesn't want you?" Ned said shocked; "But he said he wanted to be your dad."

"Yeah but how do I know he meant that? It's not like he would say no to my face. How do I know he's not just saying and doing all this because he feels like he has to, because some piece of paper says he has. I don't want him to be my dad out of some twisted sense of guilt or obligation. Why get attached when it's just going to end anyway..." By the time Peter finished ranting Ned was looking at him strangely.

"Damn dude I had no idea you felt like that."

Peter looked down; "Yeah well..."

"You should talk to him."

"Ned..." Peter sighed; "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"No I did. I think that's the point. Did you?"

Peter frowned.

"You're confused. Well the only way you're going to get any answers is to talk to your dad."


Peter was even more confused. He was getting the distinct impression everyone around him was trying to get him to talk to Mr Stark. And he wanted to. But he just didn't know what to say. He hadn't meant to rant all that to Ned, but now that he had he realised it was all true. He didn't want to accept Mr Stark as his father and get attached if Mr Stark didn't want him and he was just going to push him away.

Except as he got home, he stopped outside his apartment as he heard Happy and May talking.

"...I'm worried about Peter. He's refusing to talk about all this." Peter heard May say, and he stopped with his hand on the door handle.

"I think he's just trying to find a way to deal with all this." Happy suggested.

"How's Tony doing?"

"Not well." Happy replied and Peter frowned surprised; "Pepper's worried. She said she's never seen him like this. He really misses the kid and fears he's screwed up for good. That Peter will never talk to him again."

He misses me?

That left Peter shocked. He wasn't expecting that. Maybe Ned was right. Maybe he had misjudged Mr Stark.

He needed to talk to him.


Peter sat on his bed with his phone his hand. The flickering cursor on his screen taunting him.

Finally, he closed his eyes sighing and then typed his message to Mr Stark.

And he waited.


"Boss. Mrs Stark said to remind you if you exceeded 12 hours of working without rest and to insist you stop."

"Do I need to remind you who built you FRIDAY?" Tony said sharply.


"No. No more reminders. I'm fine."

"That's not what I was going to say Boss. You said to notify you if Mr Parker has tried to contact you."

Tony froze snapping his head up; "He has?"

"Yes. Via a text message to your private number. Would you like me to read it out?"

"No it's fine. I got it." Tony said scrambling to find his phone and open up the message.

It read:


Tony's eyes widened and then narrowed.

Hi. That's it?

Well at least it was a start.

Tony went to type back but paused.

"What do I say back?" Tony said aloud to himself but FRIDAY responded.

"I believe the standard reply is to reiterate the greeting."

Tony glared at the ceiling as if she was up there, but then let it go realising she had a point. So he took a deep breath and typed his reply.

Peter hadn't expected a reply so quickly. But his phone beeped almost immediately with a reply.

Hey kid.

Peter smiled. A good start.

But now what?

Was Mr Stark waiting for him to text again, or was he going to text anything else?

Since it didn't say he was typing, Peter took it as his chance to say what he wanted to say.

Sorry I took so long to contact you. I just needed some time to process all this.

Tony reread the message a couple of times before it sunk in. And he wasn't quite sure how to take it. It was a good sign Peter was finally contacting him, but it sounded like Peter had made a decision.

Of course there was no rush. I'm not going anywhere.

So...can I ask if you've made a decision?

Peter paused, mulling that over.

No pressure.

Tony quickly added.

Peter had no idea how to respond to that. Atleast not directly.

Did you mean what you said about us hanging out sometime?

Tony felt hope and answered immediately.

Yes. Definitely. Do you want to hangout sometime?

Sure. I mean if you want to. Peter replied.

When? Tony said practically as soon as Peter sent the message.

Whenever you're free. Tomorrow ok?

Or too soon?

Peter smiled.

Tomorrow's good.

Great. I'll have Happy pick you up from school.

Peter frowned. That's really not necessary.

Not up for discussion kid.

Peter rolled his eyes and huffed. Ok.

Tony grinned feeling like he won a victory. But then as he stared at his phone he was worried again because he wasn't sure what to say now. It felt like the conversation was over, but how was he to wrap it up.

See you tomorrow then? Peter said before Tony could say anything.

Yeah kid see you tomorrow.

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