The trio of Lin Ming, Lin Xianxei, and Timelord Duhan, whose full name was Liu Duhan, had flown for several minutes through the skies at high-speed to finally arrive at the demonstration gathering.
Lin Ming was absolutely shook by what he saw. There were numerous Skyships hovering in the air. There were so many that the entire horizon was filled with Skyships from every direction, of varying sizes, of various colors. They absolutely littered the scene.
They were all pointed towards a single area, and he saw a sky-piercing four-sided object that had a narrowly tapering design with a crystal-clear pyramidion at the top. The obelisk itself was dark-blue in color, with strange runic markings etched on it in an orderly fashion from top to bottom, only absent from the crystal-clear pyramid at the top.
I don't do this often, but personally: I didn't like this particular segway chapter. But I wanted to introduce Lin Xianxian, and I needed to do so somehow for later and show the Lin Clan isn't too simple.
For "later" hehe.
But yeah. Anyways, the demonstration and auction arc! I usually subvert expectations on these types of arcs. Wonder what I'll do now?