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95% Negima: Dark Designs (Slow Updates) / Chapter 19: Magic World Part 2 Great Cerberus Forest

Chapter 19: Magic World Part 2 Great Cerberus Forest

The Great Cerberus Forest was a large place. Filled with all sorts of magical creatures and a few convicts hiding out. Max was interested in the Ancient Ruins the place held. And the creatures to study.

Standing over the land that was now his legally despite it not really mattering since all groups were to scared to lay claim to it, Max released his power unfettered.

"Come Forth... Eternity Palace!" The ground was washed in a golden glow. Cleared instantly as a building appeared from sub space. The surrounding magic was used to fuel the summoning spell. It took a lot to summon from his inventory space and would have been stupid to do it with just his own magic. "Answer the call of your Master!"

The ripples of magic echoed in the area. In the forest, creatures ran away from Max's location. A set of anchors appeared from the sky. But in actuality, they left from the ground. Misdirection for those watching from afar.

The anchors sent a ripple throughout the magic world creating hardened ley lines. Which strengthened the crumbling Magic World itself on a small level.

"That is a very powerful spell..." Professor Akashi muttered. Donet's eyes were wide as saucers. The area turned more stable and kept her occupied. In an instant she knew the magic was now more malleable where she stood. ".. you are a monster."

"Thanks." Max mumbled. Having flexed his magic so much, he could feel his body responding in kind. Magical channels kneading and becoming stronger in picoseconds within. "Hmmm?" Evangeline's mouth was agape staring at him. "What?"

"You can stabilize the Magic World can't you." It was not a question just a statement. Max nodded. "But you won't will you." He shook no. "Why not?"

"Because it would leave me weakened and I need that power for Earth. Not a ... substitute that people ran to." Max said flatly. "Now.. I will provide a little help in the future. But that all depends on how events unfold."

"Sister Shakti..." A Saint Ursula student shook her gently. Trying to get her out of her daze on the ground. "we have things to report."

"Ye. ye.. yea. Of course." Sister Shakti removed a scroll and filled it out. She then passed it to the student to go over and add anything else to it. "I want to just nap now." As she remained dazed on the ground, her charges froze in front of her. Behind her was a very large beast. "What is it?"

"Behind you.."

"I will take you to rest." The beast said. It was the cat Kytten. With the abundant magic, he used it to increase his size. Which he was able to use the magic he had inside much easier. "It is me, Kytten."

"You are all grown up." Sister Shakti mumbled. The eyes looked at her gently assuring her of who it was. Kytten lifted her up via tail. "Still so fluffy." She laid on the giant back like a mattess. Expression causes her charges to want to join her. "Come on up. Kytten is a good familiar."

"More like a prehistoric Sabertooth Tiger." Mana smirked. Her arms wrapped around Max fully. Her form was completely free as she looked more adult and taller. Her trench coat held quite a lot of ammunition in it. "I am really wanting one myself."

"Hmm, food for thought." Kaede moved next to her. "A familiar can help us with a lot of things actually. I think.. a snake would be better for me though. Maybe a bird for you and Yuna."

The others moved into the palace. Drawn to its beauty and the mystery of it. Magical wards already fueled by the surroundings made it safer than Max's house on Earth. Throughout the place were several Gargoyles and Tiger statues. Each of them capable of coming to life to defend the place.

As well as capable of guiding people to places. When asked of course.

"I am going to show them the basics books Teacher." Nodoka said softly. She was still timid in some ways. Coming to a new world kind of made her regress just a little. Her one eye that showed through her bangs kept eye contact with Max however when she spoke. "I understand the info you gave us as we moved a little better."

"Setsuna, Asuna, Chachamaru, Mana, Yuna, and Fei Ku with me." Max said. They all walked to a small formation on the ground. It lit up moving them to the training area to the east of the place. "Right now, I need you all to move about to exhaust yourself. To get used to an environment saturated with magic."

"Eh, but I have been in the Magic World a few times before." Mana mumbled. "Besides easier casting, I feel fine."

"There is the problem." Max grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze. She was still hanging off him. Taking in the excess devil energy like nourishment. "Movements, casting, defending, thinking, recovery, and your very health will act differently. I do not want any of you screwing up. Especially when we return. As the more physical members, you need to be able to transition here and there with ease."

"And working till exhaustion will help?" Yuna looked at the floating parchment. A list of exercises that would make an Olympian frown. Looking at the others, she was happy her workout was not that strenuous. "What the heck are burpees?"

"They suck." Kaede frowned. Max had her do those a lot. The payoff was worth it, but she had trouble sleeping the first week. "Are you going to watch us?"

"Heck no." Max said simply. "I need to train as well. Besides.." He pulled himself free of Mana reluctantly. ".. currently my senses are supercharged. I can sense and feel almost every bit of your bodies. The flutter of your heartbeats and the inhale and exhale you all are making. I am going into the forest to do training."

"Tch, party pooper." Kaede teased. She was looking forward to messing with Max a little. "Bring back some presents. Wait though.." She placed her hand on her chin. ".. we were supposed to receive personal training."

*Woom!* Several copies of Max appeared. Staring at them each intently. Each version of him exhibited slight trait differences. A total of 14 that would not teach them personally only but also those inside.

"You will in a way. So any mess up or slacking off, I will be aware of it." Max said with a grin. "After you become exhausted, they will spar with you. It will be brutal if you slack off."

"Ummm, can they feel anything?" Asuna asked in wonder. Seeing the replicas of Max left her with mixed feelings. Especially the one looking at her. So judging and unflinching in its gaze. "It feels just like you." She poked his face.

"They have my memories and can feel things yes." Max said simply. "They can not talk though. That costs way too much magic right now. But they can transmit via telepathy to those they are training or interacting with. Anyway, back in a few." Before he left, he gave Mana a peck on the lips.

*Blink!* In an instant, Max blinked away. The spell would send him to a random location in the forest. Near something dangerous hopefully.

"Yah know... you two are certainly close." Asuna said with a teasing grin. "So is he and Evangeline and Shizuna from what I saw a few times. What's the story there?"

"Humph, none of your business." Mana grumbled. Her eyes looked off into the distance where Max disappeared to. She could feel his presence in that direction. From the looks of Kaede, so could she. They were stronger than they thought. "How about you focus on improving yourself and remembering your own history before prying into others."

"Easy Mana." Kaede said. "She meant nothing by it."

"Does that mean I will have to call Max stepfather in the future?" Chachamaru asked questioningly. Her innocent expression broke the tense atmosphere. "His body signs do show he wishes to procreate. Much to my mother's chargin."

"Come again?" Kaede felt blanched. Mana just froze. 'Great, even as a human she still has all her robot functions. That is just not fair.'

"I rather train than talk about this." Yuna started working out. The oversaturation of energy inside her still started to become uncomfortable. "I doubt he would be happy when returning of us slacking off."




Max appeared in a den of serpents. The creatures attacked as quickly as possible. Feeling the natural threat the human posed. But in a quick flash, Max's form changed. Forward horns appeared by his temples. His skin turned dark black with arcane swirls appearing.

"Raaaawwwrr!" A devil's roar shocked the serpents. Then sent them into a frenzy. The roar informed them instinctually that Max was going to eat them. Which he was. He needed to train fully. And the magic he trained needed this. Needed the blood. Needed the kills. "You all smell delicious! Let me devour your fear and flesh!"

*Schlick!* Max's claws cut across the top of the first serpent. Two seconds later, the cuts spread open sending blood into the air. It gathered in one spot due to a spell.

The spell would keep the blood from being wasted. Keeping the potency.

"Kaaaa!" Two serpents lunged at Max. The gazes were hostile and a magical effect they had. Max paused in space for two seconds before breaking free. The first serpent caught his left foot and whipped him downward. "Ka!"

*Schlick!* Max had his hand around the snout when it whipped him down. The force making it easier to cut it open. Free, Max kicked off the ground into the air the moment he made contact. His physical strength was put to the test.

"Sucks doesn't it?" Max taunted the creature. Two more moved behind already launching at him. He flipped over them cutting the top of their heads. "Getting hunted like this?"

"Kaa!" The first serpent snapped defiantly. Eyes blazing with magic. Max froze for three seconds this time. Enough time for a serpent to swallow him. The other serpents were still vigilant. For good reason.

*Rip!* A pair of claws tore open the throat of the serpent. The secretions from its body already dissolved against Max's aura.

Instead of lunging, the remaining serpents tried to strike him down with their tails. With the small ridges on it, they could do some damage if they stockpiled up. However, the strikes also hurt one another.

Max twisted and turned around them. Slicing the bodies as he jumped up high. His feet and hands whipped around attacking everything that came near. The more injured they were the wilder they turned.

'Fury Slash!' Max shouted internally. The magic danced around his claws as he cut them up in a frenzy. Blood pooled even faster above. The serpents dropped one after the other. 'A good harvest.' Floating down, he did a preservation spell.

*Shine!* The bodies lit up. A magic circle appeared as they were stretched out. Max then removed a pouch, sprinkling a mixture onto them. The powder would turn the meat into super nutrition after a while.

The blood would need a few more ingredients for Max to benefit. Right now though, it could be made into a small potion that would make one immune to Magical Glares. Something he definitely wanted to give his forces.

'Time to hunt some more.' Max put everything away after searching the area once more. No eggs, ores, or fruit was around. Not even plants that he could use really. 'Guess I need to go deeper.'

As Max moved on, a figure watched him from a distance. Not with their actual eyes, but with a spell that mixed with the environment. Which did not trigger any of Max's senses.

The figure was staring at his horns and claws. Wanting them to use for magic weapons. They would observe more to find out more. Unknown the creature they hunted would kill them without a single thought of the consequences.

"Tell the others we found some big game." The figure spoke behind them. Two others had waited quietly for the next task. Receiving the orders they shot off happy to find something worthwhile. 'As long as those people in that palace stay away, this will be no problem. I can not believe someone built a palace near this hell hole.'

FrozenTidez FrozenTidez

Name: Maxmillion (Negi) Springfield

Class: Ancient Sorceror

Realm: Transcendent Sorceror

Str: 25

Con: 40

Dex: 25

Int: 55→

Wis: 45→

Cha: 22

Spells: Growth, Wayward, Tresspass Alarm, Traps, Vines, Curse, Summoning, Wild Well

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