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10% Negima: Dark Designs (Slow Updates) / Chapter 2: Dean's decision

Chapter 2: Dean's decision

Max made it in after talking with Takamichi for a bit. Just a basic catch-up and how things were going for each other. Entering the dean's office was interesting enough.

Several protection spells were in place. Some really weak, some powerful enough to do some damage. Max pinpointed the weakness of the most dangerous first while copying the spells via sight.

The old Dean looked at him the entire time almost fearfully at his level of understanding.

'Hoho what powerful magic. This is not someone disguised either. Did he speed up his own growth perhaps?' The Dean walked over and gave him another look over. 'The level of young Negi now holds is leagues above what was told before. A body to hold that magic must have made it easier to wield and for future study.'

"Headmaster, please tell me this is a joke." Asuna said depressed. "This has to be a mistake."

"If you wish, but it would be lying child." He turned back to Max, "Your teaching post will be quite the challenge in your training."

"If they are willing to learn, I am willing to teach." Max said calmly. He made no other statement.

"Very well. You will student teach until March.." seeing his grandaughter fidget a little he thought the wrong thing. "If you are looking for a girlfriend, my grandaughter is available."

*Whack!* Konoka hit him over the head with what looked to be a small gavel.

"Thanks loads Grandpa, but he is too old..."

"Yeah, and she is way too young and a Sapphist." Max shook his head at the nonsense. The dean may know him to be 10 but Max would not act that way in the least. As for ousting the girl, the old man somewhat new. He would not participate in covering her shit up. "I am pretty sure most of her class suspects. So better to approve of them before they get hurt."

"Ehhh." Asuna looked back and forth at the tense atmosphere. To break the tension she spoke up rashly. "Headmaster, he is a perv and.."

*Smack!* Max hit her in front of the dean.

"I warned you brat. Next time, I am busting that lip. Accusations do not go un punish." Max said sternly. His eyes, however, were on one of the magical protections. It started to activate when he hit her. "Humph!"

*Bzzt!* With a snort, it was disabled. He ripped apart the magic inside taking it for his own.

"Ehem, that is not for you to decide Asuna. And you should stay your hand, you are now a teacher of this academy." The Dean said clearing his throat. "Negi, if you fail your training no second chances. Is that clear?"


"Ha, we'll start you off today. Your advisor will be little Shizuna." The dean said affectionately. "Little Shizuna are you there?"

"Yes sir." A lovely voice came from outside in the hall. She came in holding a portfolio containing student information. "Hello, you must be the famed Negi. A lot taller than they said you would be."

"People get things wrong all the time." Max extended his hand for a shake. She took it gently with a small squeeze. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Any questions?" Max shook no. "I think you will need better arrangements for sleeping, however."

"Yes.. originally due to short space, you would have bunked with Asuna and Kodoka. That is extremely inappropriate now that I think about it." The dean said embarrassed.

"Yeah.. would have been appropriate no matter what. I can take care of my own housing do not worry about it." Max waved them off as they left the office.

"The only place for a creep like that would have been the couch." Asuna barked. She stomped off dragging Kodoka with her.

"Bit of a little bitch, definitely that attitude of a shitty princess." Max shook his head from side to side. "She keeps it up and she will die early as the rest of her family did." The dean shook a little at that. Max reached back closing the door. "Later Dean."

"You will get used to her. We all did." Shizuna said mid step. She was slightly uncomfortable about what Max said. But tucked it away for later and an excuse to ask certain questions. She put the portfolio in his hand. "This is your student list. From the way you act, I doubt you are worried about your class."

"Nope. They are a bunch of preteens and teens. No matter what they will change over time. If not, well that is for their parents to deal with and the people who are forced to deal with them." Max opened the door to the mayhem. An eraser landed in front of him. "Oh boy, and they say girls are easier to rear than boys. I call horseshit."

The young teens were all over the classroom. Some eating, some planning pranks. A girl was showing the inner workings of a camera. Three were reading books. One was meditating with a sword on her shoulder.

Max flipped through the portfolio reading the names over. A total of 33 girls. Some normal some freaking just eh.

Such a shame to deal with the craziness.

"Alright, whoever put this up come and clean it up. If you do not, well everyone gets punished." Max stepped over it and moved to the desk. Completely missing the traps in place. "Clean all the defacement to school property too."

"Is that guy really our teacher?" Makie Sasaki asked. She was part of the gymnastics club and a very friendly girl.

"Alright everyone, you heard him. Clean this up." Shizuna said. Two girls who were almost identical got up.

The only difference was the hairstyles. The older sister Fuka Narutaki was part of the go-home club. The younger sister Fumika Narutaki was a part of that club and the School Decor Club. The Class List was a good thing to have.

Max wrote on the board his name. But he put Max in the front and underlined it three times. This confused the lot of them. Once the area was cleaned and the traps removed he sat on the desk facing them.

"Alright, I will be your English Professor Instructor for the third Semester, I look forward to watching you learn what I teach you." Max said calmly. He hiked his thumb over his shoulder. "Call me Max or Maxmillion. Negi Springfield just sounds stuffy. You can call me Mr.Max if that makes you feel better. The reason is that in the real world, not everyone goes around shouting teacher this and teacher that. You are on the path to adulthood. Consider this the first time someone is treating you like adults. If only in the classroom. I have no control over what you do out there."

"That is.. well I guess you are right. It is your class." Shizuna said. It was an odd thing to do as a new teacher.

"We can do introductions or.. start class. You do not have to say anything if you do not want to. I know your names already and a small amount about you from the way you all acted before class started." Max roamed over a few students. He stopped on the ghost, the robot, then the vampire. "Haa such weirdness in the class." His smile made a few of the older girls blush. "I like a lot of things, ranging from guns, swords, old books, new books, photography, scenery, food, agriculture, various forms of martial arts, and various forms of action."

"I hear you are an Oxford-educated Genius." The class representative said. Her name was Ayaka Yukihiro. Part of the Horse Club, and Flower Arrangement Club. "It surely makes him well qualified to teach us. Unlike what someone said, he seems nice enough."

"It is better to draw opinions for yourself." Max said stopping Asuna from lashing out. "Your eyes and ears are the best at judging. Word of mouth always contains a little grain of truth."

"If there is nothing else, I guess we should skip introductions for a later date or when the students have time." Shizuna advised. Max hopped off the desk to face the students.

"Alright from where you left off before break." Max looked over the portfolio again shaking his head. He started speaking about the previous content to freshen their memories. Slowly he wrote about the current chapter that corresponded with that to link them.


-After Class-


"That is it for today. Class dismissed. Be careful with whatever you are doing when getting out of class. Patience goes a long way." Max said. A few students were around copying things from off the board. "Hmm?"

Takamichi came over to check things out.

"How did your first class, Negi?"

"So so, and call me Max. The name Negi sounds eh. Consider it a nickname of sorts." Max finished writing a few more things on the board based on the student's murmurs. Asuna already turned to talk with Takamichi. The man looked a little out of sorts. "You, come here." He was pointing to the ghost. Sayo Aizaka.

"Yes." She asked timidly.

"You look a little peckish." Max grabbed her wrist channeling a little mana into her. His eyes never left her own. "Try these exercises to increase your blood flow. We can not have you acting like a little ghost now can we?"

"Right!" Sayo said happily. Feeling herself turn solid was a new old experience. "Thank you."

"Make sure you eat and come to class tomorrow with the correct uniform. I am lenient but not that lenient. Go and talk to the dean for better accommodations." Max moved away. A few students in the know thought it weird she never acted that way before. "Hmm." Max felt one of the students was in danger. A small spell took care of that.

"The student Zazie Rainyd, would like to speak with you." The tan-skinned girl introduced herself. The teardrop tribal tattoo? Was something else Max thought. Her light hair did wonders for her complexion.

A lot of the students cleared the classroom. Takimichi was still held up by Asuna.

"You wish to know magic I take it?" Max said lowly. He would not pretend with the child of course. "I have strict rules that must be followed. I suggest you think things over." She gave a nod of understanding. Zazie left in a hurry to inform her partner. "Oh, waking up little half-ninja?"

"I do not know what you mean Teacher?" Kaede Nagase asked. Her eyes were in slits almost closed. She was a very tall girl but also kind.

Which was weird since she wanted to be a ninja. She was part of the Walking Home Club.

"I dislike liars. But acting coy is a different matter I suppose." Max focused his killing intent directly on the girl. Just a little bit though. "Child of the Koga-ryū clan, I can show you ninja techniques that would make your clan shiver."

"Ughhh!" Kaede groaned. Cold sweat ran down her body. "I do.. not know.. what you are talking about." she struggled before Max removed his intent. "Haaa!"

"You ok Kaede?" Mana Tatsumiya asked. She was another tall girl but a mix of Japanese-Puerto Rican. Her magic comes from her half-demon blood and another source. She received a small shake and walked to the front of the class. "You are something else."

"So are you.. Arkana. When you are done with the uncertain missions as a merc, I have a long-term one for you." The girl nodded and left the classroom. 'Ah, no bites so far. What an interesting class."

"Ok, now that is settled, care to go out for a bit?" Takimichi asked.

"No. Going to get a place. You should have a walk with what is her name.. Shizuna. You would make a good couple." Max walked out hands in his pocket. Takimichi stood there mouth agape. 'Hmm, where to go? An apartment or a large place close to the academy?'

Not too far away, a robot was looking at him. Following his moves closely through the building. It was Chachamaru Rakuso. She was part of the Tea Ceremony Club and Go Home Club. Very easily pointed out by the attachment to her face. Receivers for all sorts of things picked up various readings.

In the dean's office, he just finished talking to the Magus about the change in Negi when his door opened. The information did not give any real results just yet.

"Hmm?" He turned to see Sayo Aizaka. Hearing her out of breath shocked him. "You are alive!?"

"Yes!" Sayo said catching her breath.

FrozenTidez FrozenTidez

Name: Maxmillion (Negi) Springfield

Class: Ancient Sorceror

Realm: High Sorceror

Str: 10

Con: 20

Dex: 10

Int: 40

Wis: 40

Cha: 15

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