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50% Different Books, So My Writing Gets Better / Chapter 2: The Beginning of War (Part 2)

Chapter 2: The Beginning of War (Part 2)

In this world many believed in the gods. There were gods of fire, and gods of ice. There were gods of the wind, and of the sea. There were gods of the the earth, of the plants and animals, and of life. But there was only one god of death.

They went by many names. To the knights, their name was lost to time known only as the Reaper. To the goblins, their name is Clayge, the deathless.

And to her children, she is known as Krigu. The mother of all beasts. We strive to join her embrace. To be in her arms in the afterlife with all of our brothers and sisters.

I am the one that guides the ones who have passed. To separate the worthy from the unworthy. I am the Reaper for the Mother.

To my eyes I see the souls of those who passed being lifted up, but going astray. Wandering. I transform. My bones hardening and stretching, my muscles growing taunt and bulging, my skin hardens and turns to scales. As my face stretches into a snout I roar. Lifting my wings and launce myself into the sky.

With my roar, all of the children start to chant. Slowly at first, all growls and howls more than words. But all of us in tune, making a low but constant murmur over the clash of battle.

The first of the lost start to gather around me, circling. As more of the children start to chant it gets louder, more define in what is said. More souls are guided as they begin to rotate faster and faster.

"We fight to join the Mother

We die to save our soul

We kill to send another

And the Mother, is our goal"

Soon the howls turn into words, and the low death chant fills the air. all of the lost now begin to circle me. Becoming a ball of greens and blues so dense that you can see it with the naked eye.

Fearing for their live the knights start to run. Only a couple hundred left as it took two or three of them to take on the bigger Children. The Children, seeing they their pray was running shout in joy. Who doesn't like a hunt?

Only one group of the knights still stand and fight. The white knight and his guards. They stand together, their shields creating a wall that stops all. Their blades cut down all who come before them.

In the air above the battlefield I watch, chanting, joining the lost with the Mother and casting out the unworthy. The unworthy ones fall back to the ground reentering their corpses to walk forever in torment.

Then Cru' Arron changed. Growing bigger with stronger legs. his face elongated into a trunk. his skin changing to gray. Soon an elephant was charging at their wall.

Panicking the knights focused on him opening them up to more attacks. the smaller ones ripping at their ankles, and the bigger ones launching at their heads.

The knights fought on even when their line broke. Forcing back as many as they can. trying to get back to their pack leader. Their skill with the blade was unmatched. One of the White Shields was worth ten regular men, but against the might of the Children they struggled to kill four.

One by one they fell. To teeth, to claws, or to blades. The last standing was their leader. That knight alone killed almost more than the other knights combined, but even he was overwhelmed and tore up. In a last ditch effort he launched his spear up in the air, in a perfect trajectory. And the last thing I saw was his soul as it shed his body glowing, not green or blue, but sparkling gold, as he was snatched away and taken up by a woman who was made of the sky. Then the spear struck and my world when dark.

Myrddraal Myrddraal

This is the beginning of my first "book" thank you for reading

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