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25% Different Books, So My Writing Gets Better / Chapter 1: The Beginning of War
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Different Books, So My Writing Gets Better

Author: Myrddraal

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Beginning of War

On the edge of a crater opposite to us is a knight army.

The crater that is between us is as long as it is wide, crisscrossed with fissures emmiting steam and hot gasses. It is not like a volcanic crater but more flat than deep. Like the plains.

The knight army looks to be led by a tall knight in big, bulky armor. The armor is a pasty white color inlaid with gold. The weapon he wields is a cone shaped lance tiped with silver that is the same pasty white as his armor. He also has a sword hung across his back. In his other hand he has a shield that is as tall as he is. On the shield is the emblem of a red cross that has a serpent circling around it. He is ontop of a horse that is covered in the same white armor.

The rest of the army is like a typical knight army. Most of the solders have shortswords and shields the size of their torso, and have donned on a gray iron armor. some weild maces and some weild spears. Thinking even those can stop us.

On the other side of them is our army. We are warriors that carry no weapon in our hands, but the occasional curved, long knife. We wore no clothing but our loincloths, but some of us do have loose leather armor around their shoulders and arms.

Around the outer edge of their army were ones that, instead of leather, were adorned in bones. Some had skulls, some had hands and fingers, and some even had full skeletons that were wired together to stop from falling apart. One in particular was so covered in so many hands and arms that it looked like clothing.

We are the Gakjaries (Ga-KAH-ry).

Everyone that was in our army had the skull of some animal as a helmet. The most common skull was a canine. Either domestic dog or wolf, but there was also bear, boar, and a sabertooth's. Some had a crocodile's or lion's. One of the Gakjaries, the one called Crru' Arron, my bone brother, even had an elephant's skull around his shoulders. He used the bones of small mammals from rats to foxes that were hanging on hooks around him. His prized bones were that of a panther that he always had animated next to him.

I am the one called Uspheth Kjahn. High Gakjary, Wielder of the Djin, The One That Animates All, The Reaper for the Mother. My bones are of ribs and of arms of giants, necessary for the Wielder of the Djin, but I also carried a scythe which was crucial to be the reaper. My skull helmet is of the dragon I killed to seal my claim of the High Gakjary.

Finally it was time. The one called Grruch, Pack Leader, Den Master, The One of Courage, walked through the ones that have gathered, and stood in front. He was the one who would lead the charge for he had won the challenge.

"I hope he has something good to say before he leads us to our death," Rumbled the one covered in arms.

"Shut it Fousephet," Snapped Crru' Arron.

Before Fousephet could respond Grruch turned around and spoke loud to be heard. "Tonight. We will be bathe in blood. Tonight. We will fight until there is either none of them or none of us. Tonight. We will offer ourselves to the goddess Krigu, the mother of all beasts, and give her an offering of our enemies. We do not fight for honor. We do not fight for glory. We fight to gain the Mother's favor, to join our brothers in her arms. We fight for death. Follow me brothers. Follow me as we annihilate our enemies!"

"He always was long winded." Laughed Fousephet over the roar the crowd made.

"I said shut it!" Growled Crru' Arron.

On the other side of the crater a cry rose from the knights as their pack leader also gave them a speech. As the rest of us pull our weapons to fight Grruch came to me and spoke in a voice just barely heard over the noise, "Remember our pact, High Gakjary, Reaper for the Mother. Remember why you are here."

I saluted, both wrists crossing, outstretched in front of me. "I remember and obey, Pack Leader," I respond.

He turned away roaring, riling up the crowd. just then the knight army roared charging down into the crater "ah haha!" cried Fousephet, "They beat us to it!"

"Rip them limb from limb," roared Grruch, and charged down followed closely by the rest of us. The knights had to move around the fissures. The braver ones trying to jump them. Some making it, but most not.

We flew. Jumping fissures. charging through the gasses, laughing and joking about what we charged to. "I bet I'll live today," Fousephet said.

"With the way you fight? Not likely." I retorted

"But I've lived this far right?"

"Only because I make sure you did. Who else is going to make Crru' Arron snap?"

"Hahaha! Then I guess I have to just fight harder so you can't!" Fousephet cried as his armes glowed disconnecting and started to spin around him.

Right before crashing into the opposing army, Grruch yelled as his bear skull glowed fusing with his head. his muscles grew, growing hairier as he transformed into a huge brown bear swiping at the first ranks.

Roaring in excitement at the transformation other started to change to. Soon instead of voices it was roars and howls that filled the charge. Crashing like a tidal wave against the knights. Their fur as strong as steal, their fangs and claws as strong as iron.

Fousephet, laughing, ran to the battle, his bone arms piercing through armor as well as picking knights up and slamming them into the ground. the ones that got through found their fate in their arms getting ripped off and joining the others. soon he became a whirlwind of death and dismembered arms.

Crru' Arron stayed closer to the back of the hoard as his bone creatures ripping off calves and tendons as he walked calmly through the dead and dieing.

Slowly the knights thinned. That paste white knight still fighting. He lost his horse but that just freed up his movement. All who came before him died by his lance.

Finally It's time to join the lost to the Mother.

Myrddraal Myrddraal

So this is knee to me so if you find some problems then please tell me. I'll just be updating when I can for now. Thank you for reading

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