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30% Hybrid in a new World / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

When I looked towards the front door my little sister Kathy was opening the door. When it was opened my brother Liam(Angel) was there smiling at her.

When I saw him, I quickly closed the door so he wouldn't see me in my Wolf form. I quickly went back to my human form, naked.

So I hurriedly put on some random clothes and shoes.

I opened my room door and at that moment I saw Liam(Angel) walk in and try to give Kathy a hug.

Walking out of my room I walk towards them while getting their attention.

"Kathy I see you made a friend.'' Arriving behind Kathy and grabbing her shoulders, I pull her close to my chest.

Looking up at me kathy smiles and looks back at Liam, "Brother, look Liam came back to us as an Angel"

When Kathy was done speaking Liam(Angel) looked at me and smiled, "Shane, my little brother I came back to you guys." As he was speaking he put his hand on my shoulder, trying to bring me in closer.

Looking him in the eye I took his hand off my shoulder and said, "You can stop now, i know what you are" As i said that i took off the cross necklace from kathy's neck and held it against Liams(Angel) chest!

Producing a sizzle sound!

Immediately swatting my hand away and jumping back his face turned into a "Vampire face" and started growling at me. When Kathy saw Liam's face she tried to scream but I covered her mouth, as she fainted not even a second later.

Picking her up and putting her on my shoulder, Liam(Angel) started speaking to me, "So, you know what i am, but it doesn't matter! I was going to kill you quickly, because family and all that, but now i'm going to take my time with you!"

Looking back at him I smirk and turn in to my vampire form and say, "Surprise!" When he was surprised I appeared in front of him and grabbed his chin, forcing his face an inch away from mine.

"Liam, I'll see you in the future and we can tell each other about our adventures." Smiling, I stared into his eyes and started to hypnotise him, "You will forget i'm not human and think you killed me and Kathy!"

When I was done I let him go and started to run in a random direction with Kathy still on my shoulder.

Personally I'm not looking forward to the talk about demons and what not, and that Liam(Angel) is one of them with Kathy. I'm not the kind of guy to sit down and talk about my feelings.


*5 years Later*(1758)

After leaving Angel I arrived at a small village a couple miles from our home when Kathy woke up.

Turns out that I do have to be invited into a home. I was hoping that wouldn't happen.

Anyway I hypnotized the person with the biggest house to let me enter and we stayed there for a couple weeks as I told everything to Kathy. She didn't take it real well at first but after giving her time to process it she came to accept it.

During that conversation I told her about my Hybrid status and asked her if she wanted to be turned.

With the Hybrid status I can turn somebody into a vampire, werewolf, or a Hybrid!

She didn't immediately agree, but to think about it first. Which is fine as i wouldn't immediately turn her anyways, i'm going to wait till she's in her twenties.

When she got better we traveled around Ireland having fun while making our way to london. During the trip I found out that I don't need to feed on blood as much as regular vampires.

They need to feed everyday or every other day to be at their peak strength. I can drink blood every other week to be at peak strength and in between, I could just eat meat to hold off on the blood thirst a little longer because of my werewolf side!

And during the travels I had shapeshifted into my wolf form every night to get used to the pain.

Now 5 years later I can shapeshift to my wolf form in the blink of an eye with no pain.

The day we arrived in London Kathy turned 21 so we went to the best hotel and got the best room to have the talk.

As we sit down I look at how much she has grown from that scared and meek 16 year old girl to the now 21 year old confident and bold woman.

Standing at 5'8, hair reaching her shoulders, and just like her brothers she also has a strong jawline, a toned lean body with just the right amount of assets in the right places.

She wears men's clothes most of the time because the dresses in the late 1700 are huge and restricting.

"So Kathy, you're 21 years old today, it's time you chose if you want to be turned or not. I have told you everything you need to know about what happens when you are tuned." Smiling at her and hoping she would accept to be turned.

We have been together for a while now and I love her, I don't want to watch her die of old age.

But if she doesn't agree I'm still going to turn her, she will probably hate me but that doesn't matter as long as she lives!

Rolling her eyes and responding, "Why even ask the question, in these 5 years i had the most fun in my life and if I can live longer and explore the world to see new unknown sights i'm all for it!"

Nodding, I get up while saying, "Alright" I walk over to her as she stood up, and gave her a hug as I shapeshifted into my Vampire-Werewolf form then bit her neck.

When I drank her blood I was simultaneously injecting a mixture of my blood with werewolf venom into her system.

From the information in my head, the only reason I can turn people into hybrids is because as the vampire blood and werewolf venom mix, instead of fighting and killing each other off, my body produces a special combining agent that stops the fighting.

When I was done I laid her on the bed, after doing that I walked out of the room and arrived at a random room and knock on it. When it opened a 40 year old woman was standing there, and before she could ask a question I hypnotize her and told her to follow.

When we get back to my room I tell her to sit down in the chair as I lay down on the second bed to rest.

After the short rest I check the time on my pocket watch, which has a wolf howling on the front.

Seeing as it has been nearly 3 hours and I'm bored, I get up, lock the room door and then jump out of the 5th floor room window!

Arriving on the street I straighten up my clothes and start looking for a tavern.

Following some loud noise I arrive at one a couple of blocks away from the hotel. Walking in the packed tavern I sit down at a table with an open seat as a waitress arrives to take my order.

"What would you like, sir?" She smiles as she asks my order.

"Just a beer, Thank you.", Smiling back at her as she nods and walks away.

While waiting for my beer I listen to what everybody is talking about.

Focusing on one in particular.

Guy 1, "So how long is the voyage going to take?"

Guy 2, "The captain said it will take about 2 months"

Guy 3, "Your lucky, what i wouldn't do to sail to the American colonies"

When I heard them talking about America I started thinking about the future of America or history depending on how you think about it.

Right now it is 1758 and if i remember correctly the "French and indian war" should be happening.

And in 1775 the American Revolutionary war started and then they declared independence from britain in 1776.

So I have 17 years till the American Revolutionary war happens.

Smiling, I start thinking about what I could do to control America from the shadows.

In this world demons don't just go around in groups of twos and threes causing mayhem.

They are not stupid they have their own clans and organizations, and they might just want to control America for themselves just as much as me for their own purposes.

There is a very high chance the every country in the world has some sort of demon clans supporting them or controlling them from the shadows.

So I would have to fight them for a portion of the states to gain my own territory. And I can't do that on my own. I would need an army.

As I was lost in my thoughts my beer arrived so I chugged it and left. Walking back to my hotel I strengthen my resolve for what the future has for me.

As this was happening I felt just my eyes turn to their red form which never happened before, so I'm taking this as a good sign.

So i smile and make my way to the hotel!

Lonely_1 Lonely_1

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