/ Anime & Comics / The Devourer Emperor: A DxD FanFic

The Devourer Emperor: A DxD FanFic Original

The Devourer Emperor: A DxD FanFic

Anime & Comics 46 Chapters 1.2M Views
Author: MeltStointy

4.53 (30 ratings)

About Table of Contents


(I will post tiny chapters because I am not good with long chapters, so please, don't mind this and try to rate my novel for the content itself. I will try to write at least 3 chapters a day)

The MC's name is Nakamura Kyouya. In his previous life, he was the son of a disturbed father who, after having problems with work, got the habit of beating the son and the mother until it became a much more frequent thing, that brought Kyouya's mother to choose suicide instead of witnessing her son getting beaten without a reason.

After Kyouya understood this, he felt something inside him was dead while he grabbed a knife instinctively.

Having killed his father, Kyouya thought that life hadn't any more a meaning for him, so, he pointed the knife at himself, but, before he was able to actually kill himself, he was wrapped in a mystic light..


My discord server: https://discord.gg/KyjygcN

  1. DaoistLnHCwF
    DaoistLnHCwF Contributed 1
  2. DaoistXzX2ON
    DaoistXzX2ON Contributed 1
  3. Javi_Quevedo
    Javi_Quevedo Contributed 1

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Hi! Shameless Author review here... Every single chapter will have 500 - 600 words each, but I will try to post 3 chapters a day. Please, type what do you think about the story so far! I will try to write the entirety of his past fast enough for us to finally start with DxD. (I guess another 4 or 5 chapters, and we'll start the fun!) Other than that, please suggest Harem Members here, I'll think about each and every single one of them (If they can fit what I have in mind or not)

View 22 Replies

Writing quality is alright, but the issue is really just the grammar; mainly characters talking, it becomes a headache to try and figure out who's talking since at one moment questionable mc is talking before the overly mysterious system is suddenly talking. 3 stars, I usually give a solid one for **** like this but since the writing quality is a lot better than a lot of the ****ty DxD fanfics I've read; I'll make an exception. Stability of updates, quick releases but short chapters. For those who read at a college level, it's a curse. I give it 3 stars. Story development is okay, a lot of holes that need to be filled in though some can't. An example would be how the **** did the father move a corpse so quickly and efficiently without getting caught? Also weren't there neighbors who noticed the abusive household? 2 fucking stars, yikes. Character design is a fat 1 star simply due to how the broken family, mc seeing everything as fake and not slightly genuine, and of course; classic system personalities. World background gets a 1 not because it's DxD, but due to not writing out the scenery like shops, the looks of people around, how depressing the sky looks; the important little details that make reading enjoyable and so that we're not seeing two people in an empty space talking. My conclusion has come to this, it's a throwaway read. Out of chapters for whatever CN cliche filled garbage? Well here you go, go grind some reading time for Qidian's scummy shop for vouchers.

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I tried to give this story a fair chance, but their are so many things wrong with it: - None of the characters in the story are believable to me. - No one in the MC’s life notices the extreamly obvious signs of child abuse. - The Mother commits suicied, instead of trying to save the son she “Loves” so much. - How could someone as stupid as the MC’s Father create anything worth stealing. - The grammar of this story is poor and makes for difficult reading. - I do not like the personality of the MC. - I do not like the two personalities of the system. - The prologue of this story was far too long. - Speaking of the prologue it seems that we are missing the actually important parts that happened during the MC’s reincarnation. - The Author fails at creating comedic dialogue between the MC and the System Personality. Is this enough constructive criticism?

Reveal Spoiler
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Thanks for the chapters, I like the book, but I don't like people who put low-rate stars for nothing. Why should Author describe every kind of detail WHILE you are the ones who asked for the prologue to be less detailed? I don't understand. Do you have a fucking mental problem? I'll give this novel 5 stars, because I think it's worth it. You bring others think that this Fanfic is trash while you all know that there are many others who are trash. You are trash. Just stop bothering this Author who is trying to do a fair work.

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Thanks for the good work sensei I 😁👍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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LV 13 Badge

I agree with the system that has personalities. It is like a parasyte keep talking to the mc. For me I dont like it. But other than that, the long prologue that can end in 3 to 5 chapters is also not good for me. The rest is good though. Waiting for the world background in the story and also the fighting scenes.

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Writing quality:good. Can readable. But for actual english native it will make little effort to understand fanfic. Solution:none. Since it already passing grade,why people still have problem regard grammar. Stability update: the best. World building:its on dxd. Keep it up. Character development: it was the best,except mc still doesnt have sacred gear.solution:please "only" devour boosted gear from issei. Its good if mc devour entirely of issei as well because many reader hate that person.

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I live the novel so far and I hop you do not drop it and I think that the constant release of chapter make up of the short chapter and I understand that it can be hard to right a long story and I think you did a good job so far and at first when I first started to read it I was confused but as I read more I understand what was going on. and I hop you continue writing this even if you get a bad review because every story hase them.

View 8 Replies

Books kinda mental, cause it has CD, like it has more CD than half the dxd FF's out there but almost all the **** that happens in the 24 C;'s could've just been done in half, there's no actual plot as of now, cause MC just SI'd...so yah..but the CD is there,, I just hope this improves cause its the only reason I read this, its decent.. Suggestion: before cannon, make something new, show CD, make MC dark [not evil], ruthless, calculative and intelligent and secretive...like show moments of intelligence..of course make MC OP but hide it, dont make a retard that shows off. Add some romance and fluf, just build it...dont make it like the other retarded FF's...and no moms or wives Anyway Gl

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Gostei bastante da história. Continue com desenvolvimento, estou gostando de onde o caminho está levando. Só quero maissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssßssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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Goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd goodddddddddddddddddddddd

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This is a good novel, but people are behaving way too harshly to put this novel in the trash bin. I think it will be a good one! (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support) (Support)

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LV 13 Badge

it is a really good story if you skip the prologue it is my opininon you should at least give a try , the chapter are short but the author make up with the number of chapter writen and release we shall see what next

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I'll give you a full mark cause its pretty good UwU

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This is one of the few fanfics that actually gives a good background to the mc and shows why he has a certain personality. It also has regular updates but kinda short chapters

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I don't know what to think of it The chaps are too short and at the beginning of the 18 chaps only to say that his father was an abusive piece of **** that he always beat up his own wife and son, the mother committed suicide, the boy snapt killed his father then he killed himself. only to waste 18 chaps just for that. the grammar is good the rest is so boring that i just skipped everything no idea would not recommend it but see for yourself.

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LV 14 Badge

I have great expectations on this story especially since it is being a told from an angels POV... and the MC seems like not your average angel who could almost have immunity to falling... An angel that can sin in DXD that can get all the girls haha that is what I’m hoping for

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Writing quality is so-so, it can still be improved. Update stability? I am not certain about this from the last few chapters. Story development? So far it is interesting for my taste. Character design? It still need to be improved. World background? So far there is none world building except original DxD one.

Reveal Spoiler
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Author MeltStointy