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The World Beyond the Gate The World Beyond the Gate original

The World Beyond the Gate

Author: WinterLeaf

© WebNovel

The World Beyond the Gate

Earth, Year 2325

A ten years old young girl looked at the blue sky above her head. She saw the legendary white wisp of condensed vapor that people from centuries ago called as cloud. It was her very first time to see it for real. It looked like the fur of her fluffy white bunny. It also looked like the cotton candy she fond to eat. When it hung on the azure sky, she felt the colors were combined beautifully. It was her first time to step out of the dome; the area where human currently lived at. The dome only had simulated sky in it so she was still surprised when she saw the real thing from the imaginary image she saw every day presented before her eyes.

In front of her, there was a giant silver titanium gate that erected proudly amidst the vast yet desolate desert that completely looked like the surface of Mars.

She walked forward to a huge titanium gate, holding her Teddy Bear on her chest. The closer she was with the gate, the panic she had grown uncontrollably. Her hands trembled slightly as her face became pale. Her step staggered. She was almost to be tripped by her own feet but she kept moving forward.

She heard countless stories about the world beyond the gate and most of them were about how terrible it was. Some elders ever told her that the world beyond the gate was not suitable for them. The environment of world beyond the gate was too harsh and unpredictable that they might not even survive for a night. Their stories were supported by evidences left by those who advent beyond the gate. The world beyond the gate seemed as fierce as what the people think of.

Growing up with such stories, it was inevitable for her to get scared the closer she the titanium gate. She was so frightened that blood seemed to drain from her little face. In her mind, countless what ifs emerged like flood that swept the ground. The more she thought about it the frightened she became. Her feet became numb as she could not control her body properly. She suddenly stopped; she had no more courage to walk further.

A sheen of moisture in her eyes finally dropped. She cried. She muffled her cry with her hands so her whimper couldn't be heard although there was no one present. So the doll she held dropped to the ground. She didn't know how long she cried but after the tears in her eyes seemed to dried up, she looked at the gate that was only several meters away from her.

Suddenly, some memories flashed in her mind. Her mother and father needed her to go across the gate because only with that, she could save her parent.

She took her doll from the ground as she clenched her fists. She resolutely stepped forward as she summoned all of her courage. She had to go to the world beyond the gate.


Over 200 years, human had developed into an unprecedented height. The technologies that were mere dreams centuries ago had become reality. One of the most obvious from those many developments was in the healthcare field. In the past, when people were diagnosed with incurable cancer, they could only consume some medicines to delay their death. But now, the cancer that used to be impossible to cure could be excavated from the body in just one day. Not only that, the technologies in some field industries and military also reached the height that no one at the past dared to imagine.

This development was unfortunately affected the human as a whole. The greed that had always prevailed in human heart bare its fangs to the humanity. The destruction was inevitable. Human destroyed their fellow human and they eventually destroyed the environment.

The current earth where human live now was not suitable for them any longer. The ozone that protected the earth so it was suitable for human to live had almost completely disappeared. The balance of the environment was destroyed. The ice in the poles melted and made the level surface raised beyond a hundred meters and the rise of the earth temperature. These chains of events lead to the extinction of most of the plants and animal. Not only that, this change eradicated more than eighty percent of human on earth. What was left now was only inhabited barren land that looked like what people saw in documentary movie about Mars.

The harsh environment forced human to deal with their survival. After years of research, human built dome that imitate the earth environment as similar as possible. They planted the remaining plants and animal in the dome. They also created blue sky to reminiscence their memory about the earth.

At first several years, there was no really a problem within the dome. The population and distribution of basic necessities were controlled by the government. They seemed to live in a safe haven until a pandemic eradicated almost half of the population.

For their survival, human decided to conduct a big project. 'Beyond the Gate.' They built a gate made of titanium as it was the only thing the humanity had plenty of and was fortunately strong enough to be used to construct a gate.

The current humanity might not have understood the concept of time like time machine or so but they had achieved something that was not pale in comparison. They had understood the concept of space. Countless years of studies about black hole as well as the possibility of the existence of the worm hole had made human achieved a breakthrough. They could create worm hole in the folded space so they could find another planet to move into as fast as possible.

After years, they found a planet that had similar environment and dispatched 100.000 people to assess the condition out there. They all went there through the gate they built.

At the begining of the mission, human being was hopeful to find a new environment to live in. But, before they could immerse themselves in a joy for finding a new planet, a frightening news made them their hope utterly crushed.

From 100.000 people they sent, less than 1.000 came back safely. The rest were died or missing in that planet.

Ever since, human had no more hope to find another planet thus the gate was sealed that it made the tales about the frightening world beyond the gate spreaded among the remaining human.

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