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I Like Men With Muscles

At this time, magnificent fireworks suddenly bloomed within the live broadcasting screen. Along with the bright fireworks, an eye-grabbing caption popped up—-

"[Chen x Yu couple's super fan] gifted 'fireworks'!"

"Congratulations to [Chen x Yu couple's super fan] for being first place on today's live broadcast's gifting rankings!"

One of the fans looked at the fireworks that were worth 99,999 diamonds, "Damn, rich people!"

"Wow, my Chen x Yu couple has rich fans! Awesome!"

The spectators had just started talking when a large ship suddenly appeared on the screen. Hanging by the ship were bright and beautiful lanterns; it was a splendid and magnificent sight.

The 'bullet-screen' appeared—-

"[Brother Yu, please live with me] has gifted 'love's aircraft carrier'!"

"Congratulations to [Brother Yu, please live with me] for successfully becoming first on today's live broadcast's gifting ranking!"

Under that, the 'bullet-screen' descended into madness—

"Who is this? Why are there so many rich people today?!"

"The aircraft carrier is worth 199,999 diamonds, that's $1,999 dollars! They're that rich and still want to live with brother Yu, brother Yu's charm is too powerful!"

"Watching rich people!"

"Watching rich people!"

As they watched this, [Chen x Yu couple's super fan] gifted another surprise—

"[Chen x Yu couple's super fans] gifted a 'romantic hot-air balloon!'"

"Congratulations to [Chen x Yu couple's super fan] for successfully winning first place on today's live broadcast's gifting rankings!"

"[Brother Yu, please live with me] has gifted 'the sky's city'!"


Normally, it was rare to see these extravagant gifts. Yet today, one dazzling special effect after another, everyone had seen them all. The number of people in the comment section of live broadcasting was increasing crazily, it rose from three hundred thousand people to around a million people. The comment section was constantly making new records today.

In front of the screen, father Ye picked up his phone after he finished recharging money to his account. He scrunched his eyebrows and gave a call to his assistant, "Check and see who [Brother Yu, please live with me] is!"

Father Ye had been watching the live broadcasting of the program for a few days. He had only found out today, that he could actually presents after he saw someone sending presents.

He then changed his name from [Son seems to understand things now] to [Chen x Yu couple's super fan]. He then recharged his account and sent a large gift.

Who knew that he had just got on the top of the gift rankings for only less than half a minute when he was surpassed by [Brother Yu, please live with me]? This person seemed to be going against him on purpose by pushing him off the rankings!

Qiao Moyu belongs to his son yet this person wants to live with her and break them apart? No way, he won't allow it!

Right now, seeing that his son was on the right track, the gratified father Ye sent an extravagant gift —

"[Chen x Yu couple's super fan] sent out the final extravagant gift — 'a tour around the universe'!"

"Congratulations to [Chen x Yu couple's super fan] for successfully being first on today's live broadcasting's gifting rankings and advancing as a monarch ranked fan!"

"[Chen x Yu couple's super fan], please contact the program group"I Am Not Just an Actor"once you see this message. You have obtained this program's special invitation as a guest to appear in the next episode of the program's recording!"

Father Ye hesitated when he saw the notification.

He couldn't reveal his face. After all, the moment he reveals his face, he will be exposed!

Inside the hotel, the other person who saw the notification was shocked too. He had hurriedly tried to recharge more money to his account but just as his account was successful recharged, the live broadcasting program closed the gifting function.

Mr. Huang was stunned when he saw that the screen displayed 'Today's monarch fan has appeared. The gifting function will be open again tomorrow.' He angrily slammed the table.

He had recharged a moment too late because he went to pick up a call. During that time, [Chen x Yu couple's super fan] surpassed him in the rankings!

He was fine with being surpassed but the key point was that [Chen x Yu couple's super fan] was actually invited to attend the next episode of"I Am Not Just An Actor"program's recording! Mr. Huang was upset by this.

That would've been a great chance to get closer to Qiao Moyu. It was rare to see a living koi even after thousands of years. Although he knew where Qiao Moyu lived, it'd be a wonder if he wasn't treated as a perverted fan for visiting her hastily!

But everything would've been different if he met her in a program. Every day, he would be able to breathe in the pure fresh air from her if he had joined the program. In the future, he could brag to his master when he reached the underworld that he had met a living koi.

Mr. Huang was vexed that he had missed such a good chance to get closer to her. On the other hand, Qiao Moyu had finished eating all the dishes on the table.

She rubbed her stomach in satisfaction, "As expected, adding vegetables made it tastier than usual!"

Ye Peicheng replied, "Yesterday was great too."

Qiao Qianqian nodded her head, "Yeah. The roasted fish yesterday was very appetizing to eat. Moyu, whoever marries you will be very lucky!"

The host immediately brought the topic over, "Moyu, how does the ideal man look like for you?"

In many programs similar to this, guests were likely to be asked this question. However, most of the female guests' responses were the same as saying nothing.

Moyu was pretty straightforward and instantly replied with what she was thinking, "My ideal man should be bright, smart, handsome, and honest. Of course, the most important point — he must have muscles!"

Uh, at least her boyfriend should be able to slam the person who dares to touch her without permission to the ground!

Although she probably can beat the person up, she wants to enjoy acting like a little bird and relying on him.

The host obviously didn't expect Qiao Moyu to mention that her ideal man 'must have muscles.' The corner of her lips twitched, and she asked, "Moyu likes celebrities who work out?"

Qiao Moyu thought about it before shaking her head, "That's too extreme. I like those who look skinny but have muscles."

Inside the live broadcast room, the 'bullet-screen' exploded again, "Ah, Moyu is so blunt. But how come I like her even more?

"I suddenly think that brother Yu has become little Moyu."

"Little Moyu, I look skinny, but I have muscles. Do you want to consider dating me?"

"Comment above, get out! Little Moyu belongs to brother Ye!"

[Monarch] Chen x Yu couple's super fan: Moyu, consider my son, he has muscles too.

"Damn. The uncle above, your son has muscles and you're still a fan of Shen x Yu couple?"

The moment they asked the question, the uncle disappeared…

At the same time, Luo Luo was also sitting in front of the screen. This morning, Qiao Moyu had taught Nanny Yu how to open the live broadcast of the program. So, around the evening, Nanny Yu opened the live broadcast of the program Qiao Moyu was in.

The little boy was playing with his toys when he heard a familiar voice from the living room.

"Mommy! Mommy's back!" Luo Luo happily ran out from his own room. He looked around but didn't see Qiao Moyu. Instead, he saw that Qiao Moyu's voice was coming from the phone in Nanny Yu's hand.

The little boy hurriedly ran over and moved his head to see Qiao Moyu eating fish on the screen. His eyes brightened as he said, "Mommy!"

"Mommy is recording a program so she can't hear Baobei's voice. But, Baobei can see mommy," Nanny Yu explained.

Luo Luo nodded his head, only half understanding what Nanny Yu had said. He had his foggy black eyes fixed on Qiao Moyu.

When the camera shot changed to Ye Peicheng, Luo Luo blinked his eyes and said in surprise, "Uncle!"

Nanny Yu had some impressions of Ye Peicheng too. She said, "Does Luo Luo still remember uncle?"

Luo Luo nodded his head: "Uncle had put Luo Luo over his shoulders, so Luo Luo was able to pick the leaves from the tree."

Nanny Yu was a bit confused as to when Luo Luo had seen Ye Peicheng again, but she didn't think much of it. Instead, she continued to watch the live broadcast with Luo Luo.

In no time, the host asked Qiao Moyu what type of men she liked.

Hearing the question, Luo Luo immediately straightened his back. He nervously waited for mommy's response.

Then, he heard a bunch of words from Qiao Moyu like; bright, smart, handsome, and honest. Luo Luo didn't understand anything until he caught the key point: must have muscles.

He turned around to ask Nanny Yu, "Aunty, does Luo Luo have muscles?"

Nanny Yu saw the little boy's seriousness and nervousness, so she couldn't help but laugh She replied, "Of course Baobei has muscles. Look, at Baobei's wrist is full of muscles!"

The little boy looked at the delicate and soft white wrist that looked similar to the lotus root. He touched it and secretly smiled — Mommy definitely likes Baobei!

They continued watching the program. Qiao Moyu and the others began returning to the hotel since the filming was done for the day.

On the way to the hotel, she saw a clear moon and few stars sparkling in the sky. It was another clear and beautiful day.

Xing Wanshuang and Qiao Ruohuan walked in the front. The two laughed while they chatted, but it was obvious that Xing Wanshuang talked more than Qiao Ruohuan.

Zhou Yunchuan and Wang Kunming followed behind them. The two actors' statuses were between B-list and C-list celebrities. Although they were around the same age, they had different styles in acting so they didn't often compete against each other. Due to this, they got along rather well with each other.

Ye Peicheng and Qiao Moyu walked shoulder to shoulder behind them. Qiao Moyu held numerous garland flowers. She was walking slower than usual today because she was rather full and was afraid of getting indigestion, so she was walking slowly.

REPORT THIS ADYe Peicheng watched as Qiao Moyu rubbed her stomach from time to time. He can't help but ask, "Are you very full?"

Qiao Moyu shook her head, "I should be fine. I don't think I will get sick from the food."

Ye Peicheng recalled the serious expression she had on while she was eating on the table before. That image made him remember the first time he saw her; she was eating cake in his lounge room during their first meeting.

Every time she ate food, she looked innocent and satisfied, like she had obtained the whole world by eating.

Suddenly an idea popped up in his mind: he wants to give her all the tasty foods in the world and raise her, just so he can just watch her eat.

Ye Peicheng was shocked by his own thoughts. He looked at his chest and stomach, "Moyu, do you think I have muscles?"

Moyu was stunned but shook her head right after, "I don't know." She implied that she hadn't touched it before.

Ye Peicheng's Adam's apple softly moved. He deepened his voice, "When we were at Provincial Military Governor's place…"

Qiao Moyu tried her best to recall it but shook her head, "The blanket covered us, so I didn't see clearly."

Ye Peicheng, "..."

Seeing her deadly earnest expression, he really doesn't know what she was thinking. Ye Peicheng helplessly sighed, "Then, I won't cover myself with the blanket next time."

"There's another scene like this?" Qiao Moyu was confused. She tried hard to remember the script and she was suddenly shocked, "Are you talking about the scene in the cave? Brother Ye, aren't you going to have a substitute?"

There was going to be a steamy scene in the cave later in the drama. The steam scene was the female and male lead's second burst of passion.

Ye Peicheng was eager now since Qiao Moyu had said this.

The ground was slightly bumpy and Qiao Moyu had lost her balance for a bit. A garland flower that was hanging from her shoulder, slipped off her arm.

Ye Peicheng immediately picked up the garland flower. He was about to pass it to Qiao Moyu before a thought popped up and he decided to place it on her head.

She was stunned before she turned around and smiled at him.

The village chief who saw this said, "Young man, we have a tradition in our village. If a man puts a garland flower on a woman, then he needs to marry her!"

Once the village chief finished speaking, everyone looked at Qiao Moyu and Ye Peicheng in unison.

There were some people who weren't afraid of creating a scene. They began to create a disturbance by saying, "Film Emperor Ye, you need to take responsibility!"

"Take responsibility, take responsibility!" Everyone shouted.

Inside the live broadcast room, [Cheng x Yu couple's super fan] who vanished suddenly popped out too. He yelled, "Quickly take responsibility!"

Under the moonlight, Ye Peicheng's gaze swept across everyone. After he saw Xing Yichen's tightly knitted eyebrows, Ye Peicheng didn't know why but he suddenly changed his original idea.

He kneeled in front of Qiao Moyu. Under the moonlight, his voice was much deeper and magnetic as he said, "Little Moyu, come up."

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