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73.52% The Reclusive(?) Hermit / Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Discoveries

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Discoveries


"Finally, I'm done."

'That was a loooooooong run. The second time was well worth it though. The ideas that come after reading the whole set really were something. Perhaps I should make it a point to review my knowledge once in a while. I should also make a database where I can store all of my knowledge as backup...' I mused to my self in satisfaction.

*Looks out the window near the table*

"Huh, it's long after sunset... I really lost track of time while being so focused... It's both a good thing and a bad thing, I guess. For now, More good than bad."


"Haaaih. I'm hungry. I don't think there's any food around here...." I murmured to myself.

'...Why do we get hungry anyway? To live is to eat. Or is the other way around? Heh. At any rate, to eat is to gain energy, to gain materials to build our body, to grow. Qi is a possible substitute for energy, but what can I do to replace the materials needed to build my body...? If I can find out, it would be useful for making a body regenerating technique, perhaps even body cloning, and...'


'My brain cloning technique! Yas! I found a possible path! Yesyesyes! Now the paths missing left is the way to ensure the survival of the brain, perhaps even to improve on the optimal environment for the brain, and to find a way to connect the brains to my main one on my head. Ooooooh~! I'm so excited! I can just imagine if I had a dozen extra brains providing me with extra computing and thinking power, My learning speed would be immeasurable!

Well, not immeasurable, but at least, it definitely wouldn't be able to be compared to my single brain... Oh yeah, I also need to find if it's possible to apply the『Yin-Yang Cycle』to my extra brains...『Ascendance』is just too powerful to give up on.

So, extra brains for computing power, and ah right, I should also see if I can find out what makes the brain tick, if I can find out how my brain manages to have so efficient computing power in such little space, it would definitely be great. It would make my database much more compact. Perhaps I could even place copies all over the continent... or even the world. A network, of endless possibilities.

Man! My creative juices are just flowing endlessly tonight. It looks like I'm still a night owl even in my new life, huh? Midnight has always been my solace. Perhaps that's why I was so attracted to the void. So peaceful and quiet, where nothing will be able to bother me for eternity. Sigh. I still have a looooong road ahead of me. A thousand-mile journey has to begin with the first step, or I'll never reach the end if I just stand there.'

I looked out the window to see the night sky. Stars filled the sky with shinning dots, twinkling like uncut gems.

'It's nice. The air is definitely much cleaner than in the modern age. With no electrical lights that dim the star view....'

"What was I thinking again...?" I dazedly said to myself, without moving my eyes away from the sky.

Unconsciously activating『Ascendance』, the world became sharper yet once again.

'Ah yes. I was already on the cusp of remembering, but『Ascendance』really just makes everything clearer. I was thinking about the materials to build my body...

Proteins, Calcium, Carbonates, Vitamins, Minerals, Water, Lipids... Carbohydrates, I guess. What can I really use to supplement all these materials...?

Thinking hard now is of little use. My base knowledge of this world is far too shallow. Perhaps in the future, I would be able to easily find what I need...'


'Ugh. I need to find a way to curb my hunger. Though it's still hilarious how dragged out a sound in『Ascendance』mode can be. It must have been a short growl.'

'Right, I should find out if Neutral Qi is able to curb my hunger.'

I cast my senses towards all over my body, checking up on the situation of my body through my Qi.

'Hmmm... The cycles in the 5 viscera are complete already... Surprising, and yet at the same time, expected. It barely took a week. The now permanently active『Acceleration』is definitely a super time-saver, maybe even a lifesaver in the future.'

'I now have plenty of Neutral Qi in my body, about 50% capacity, but how do I just go about using it? It's just so damned bloody passive, if nothing happens, it just won't move its fat ass!

Eh. Come to think of it, I haven't even tried circulating Neutral Qi around my body once since I got it, didn't I?

Yin-Yang Qi just naturally flows around my body thanks to my heart, but the Neutral Qi diffuses naturally to all parts of my body equally, then gets consumed whenever I activate an ability, or when I strain my cell, like with my ridiculous night exercise routine of non-stop moving. A normal baby would've long gone soft with pain due to lactic acid buildup.

Well, time to get moving.'

I willed the Neutral Qi in my cells to just move into the cell neighbouring it in order, making the Qi move in a clockwise manner in my body slowly, but surely. With practice, the movement became smoother and faster, until it became almost as fast as when I first started using『Acceleration』to the max, which is nothing compared to the current revolving speed, but the Neutral Qi is passing through matter, it's normal for it to be slower.

'I don't feel any difference for now, but it's probably due to the fact that 『Ascendance』is currently active. The body won't be able to react unless I enhance it with Yin-Yang Qi. I still haven't got around to making a proper cycle or circulation for it. Let's do the Neutral Qi first.

The circling in a clockwise manner is good and all, but I think I can do better... Let's see... The previous one isn't balanced. The ones near the middle of my body only moves in that small little circle, which is clearly insufficient...

The best way to experiment is to have a single thread of Neutral Qi travel around the whole body from a starting cell and then into every single cell of my body without fail in a single route, then back into the starting cell in a full circle, without making any repeats. That would be a single circulation.

Heh, kind of reminds me of the Pokemon games I played as a kid, the ice gym where I had to cross all the ice tiles once only to get the staircase up. Quite similar to this, but on a waaaayyy larger scale. I'm talking millions of cells. Whew. This is going to be a looong journey.'







'Haaaaaaa. That was a long-ass journey. I decided to start from my brain, and split every part of my whole body into 2 separate halves, so there's an entry route, then there's an exit route, all the way not missing a single cell. I didn't even forgo all the hair.

That was exhausting. But, at least, I firmly got the route down. Now, time to let the dragon loose.'

I first separate a single thread of Neutral Qi from the first and make a connection to the Neutral Qi in the last cell by backtracking the route I've determined. Then from the last cell to the 2nd last cell. You get the idea. This repeats until the 2nd cell's Neutral Qi is connected.

After ensuring the connection is tight, I willed all of the Neutral Qi to follow the batch in front of it, and made the Neutral Qi in the first cell follow the route I've determined beforehand, making a dragon of Neutral Qi chase it's own tail in front of it.

'Man, I unwittingly copied the infinity dragon, Ouroboros. Which is great, because it means that it will be never-ending. I like infinity. It's very nice. Which is why my favourite number is 8. See the symbol?'

With the help of『Ascendance』, I easily made the dragon follow the route without mistakes and travelled a whole circulation throughout my whole body from the beginning to the end. I slowly but surely made the circulation, getting more and more familiar with the route, making the Qi move smoother and faster.

'Well, that about it. It'll be difficult to move the Qi faster through the route without complete familiarity with the route until I can move the Neutral Qi through the whole circulation easily like second nature.

I guess, since I'm pretty much done with all I intended to do, I should stop using『Ascendance』, or all of my Neutral Qi is going to be gobbled up by the cells of my brain.'

『Ascendance』, deactivate!

The world dulled a little, and my perception of time toned down a notch.

'Eh? Is it just me, or are my abilities getting weaker? The boost from activating 100% seems to be inadequate compared to before... I have little to make a comparison with, so it's difficult to tell for sure... I'll make a memo to come back to it in my head. It's definitely super important because it concerns the cheats I've created for myself.'

"Hey, I'm not so hungry anymore. It worked! I've got energy down now, but when it comes to materials, it is still a mystery..." I murmured to myself.

"Come to think of it, where's mom and dad?" I curiously looked around.

I carefully climbed down from the table onto a chair, making sure I do not fall, then I moved to the floor from the chair. I waved my limbs around and checked my physical capabilities so far.

'So far so good. Much better than my somewhat overweight body. "It's okay, you're tall, so you'll be fine with a little fat at the waist." they said. Puh-lease. Being tall doesn't mean you have a reason to be fat. And it's all over body fat, especially at the thighs, so it's bloody annoying that I couldn't wear some of the pants just because my thighs were stupid thicc, thiccer than my waist, because the pants were just my waist size.

It's easy to tell if the pants fit your waist by taking the pants, don't open it up like you would wear it but rather, fold in half vertically like you're going to put in on a hanger, and then wrap it around your neck. Your neck circumference is half of your waist circumference. The wonders of the human body.'

*Waves my hands across the air like drawing a rainbow*

'It's super funny because one of the classmates I'm close with, complained to me once about her hips size. She said because of puberty, she couldn't wear her pencil skirt uniform even though it fits just right at her waist. I wanted to say "then just wear it through your head," but I thought better of that because the shoulders wouldn't be any thinner in width compared to the hips after double checking my thoughts...

Uh-oh. I'm a girl in this life. 😳 I'm going to face the same problem, aren't I? Well, at least in this world, most clothes would be flowy and baggy, so I'm fine. I don't really like tight clothes unless it's like completely skin tight. Feels a little kinky, but skin-tight clothes wouldn't get in the way of my movement, so it has been one of my projects to make a skin-tight suit that is impervious to all manners of damage, shock-absorbing even.

Tall order, I know, but hey, it's a goal. Gotta aim for the peak, wouldn't you agree?'

"Ah shet, I got sidetracked again. I love the ideas that spontaneously come to me, but if it happens in a dangerous, life-threatening battle I really might just shoot myself in the foot." I sighed.

I held onto the necklace my parents gave me almost a year ago to cut off any unwanted jingling sounds, and sneaked to the paper door leading to the bedroom.

I picked a non-conspicuous edge of the paper door, coated my finger with a copious amount of saliva, and let the saliva soften the paper to a sufficient degree, where I can poke through with the same finger with little to no sounds.

I peeked into the bedroom and saw mom and dad tangled with each other, naked, and sleeping soundly.

' 😏 Hehe, some happy couple time when the baby's distracted, eh? All well. I guess I should just go make good use of my free time alone then.' I silently thought to myself as I walked to an inconspicuous corner hidden by the large bookshelves from the bedroom door.

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