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100% Reborn with power / Chapter 19: A new skin.

Chapter 19: A new skin.

For a time Eli meditated to counter-act the repercussions of the actions he had done previously to allow Adallion a body, he gave him the task of guarding him whilst he did so. That little act that he had done before had given the curse fuel, allowing it to return and cover about 32% of Eli's body but with a quick 2 hour's recuperation, the curse became a forgotten hinderance.

"So can you maintain this form indefinitely or should I be cautious on asking of you."

"Maintaining this form is of a simple task Master, I can don this form for as long as it pleases you, nothing else but you can break this shell and allow my true self to appear."

Eli looked at the new transformed Adallion, he had a sharp jawline with strong brown flowing hair, his skin was a shade of tan, but what was most eye catching was the armour he wore, with lapping scales, jet black in appearance from chest to toe he was covered in it. Eli made a educated guess that the armour Adallion wore in his transformed state was his dragon hide from his proper form. Eli took a walk around to full admire Adallion.

Eli drew a smile on his face, as great utility was before him, who wouldn't draw a smile. "So is your armour from your hide?" Adallion nodded in response to Eli's question. "I see you have no weapon."

"I shall brandish one then Master." Adallion then took his arm and clasped his armour, in a pulling motion he slowly pulled away from his armour and with the motion a part of his armour was pulled with it, the chunk he pulled of his armour turned to form a long sword. Eli was quite impressed and filled with curiosity. He looked to the place Adallion had peeled the armour from, it was in the same state it was before the action took place, peaceful and unchanged.

"Well I stand corrected. Can you pull any weapon you desire then?" Adallion replied quickly with "I can" proud of himself. Eli motioned for Adallion to be rid of his sword, to which Adallion simply absorbed his weapon and it became part of his armour once more.

"How is your armour able to do such a thing." Adallion thought to answer only to momentarily look confused as he couldn't find the answer as to why, the memory seemed to be there but hidden behind a locked door. He could only come up with a defeated reply. "I am... also lost as to why Master, I only know of what it is capable of doing." Eli was disappointed with Adallion's reply. "Do you know why you cannot remember?" "No Master." "Can you take it off then?" "That I cannot Master, it is my hide as you know Master" "Worth a try right?" was Eli's response, as Adallion looked a little discomfort at the suggestion to which Eli chuckled. Eli sighed a bit as he was curious as to why Adallion's armour was able to do such an action and if it was possible to replicate it.

Eli pointed to Adallion's armour "That is great weapon you are wearing then., even if you cannot remember why it is able to do such things." Eli understood just how fearsome Adallion would be as an opponent, this armour allowed him to deal with a variety of threats whilst having a level of protection, a great offense and defence. Eli then moved onto another important question.

"Can you utilise mana then?"

"I can Master."

"Then show me." Eli then walked a distance away from Adallion, when he got to a comfortable distance he entered his empowered state.

"As you wish Master" Adallion was quick to do as instructed by Eli as he charged up a fire ball in his palm and begun aim at Eli.

However Eli found he couldn't perform the spell he wanted, in that moment he found himself at the mercy of Adallion's attack as it was launched at him. At that he didn't care much for Adallion's attack he was in engraved in why he couldn't perform the spell he wanted.

Boom! A great explosion happened. Eli came to the realisation he was still alive, as the sword Lazarus stood in-front of him taking the brunt of the attack, Eli stood there in thought as he replayed the scenario in his head.

"Does that satisfy your request Master?" Adallion broke the thoughts of Eli.

"Lazarus why couldn't I perform the spell I wanted?" Eli looked to the sword as he came to the conclusion they must have played a hand in why he was unable to perform spells.

"Master once you took us your servants you relinquished the ability to perform spells without us." Eli arched an eye-brow upon hearing this as Lazarus continued on. "But through us you will still be able to utilise many spells "

"So you thought not to tell me of this?"

"I apologise Master, I did not intend to keep it from you."

Eli had much discomfort on the thought that he couldn't perform a simple spell due to having the swords but, he had his answer, he moved onto another important question he thought to ask. "Why did you come to my aid, I did not call for you."

"I believed your life to be in danger Master."

"So you thought to come out with-out my permission?" Eli then walked to Lazarus intending this to be heard, a cold look was glazed over his face, with his gaze attacking Lazarus, he leaned in and whispered to the sword. "Make sure to avoid doing such an action again without my request." He then dismissed Lazarus; he made his way to Adallion, "That was a nice demonstration, I will be sure to ask of you whenever I can."

"Thank you Master, I will help as you wish" was Adalion's reply as he wore a relieved expression on his face.

"Oh and its not a requirement to call me Master when addressing me, we are companions after all just address me as Eli, and just speak your thoughts when needed." Of-course the real motive was to avoid questions being raised if Adallion was ever to address him as Master in-front of others.

"Oh," caught off-guard with Eli's comment Adallion was quick to give a "thank you."

"Well shall we continue" They both then continued walking together side by side.

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