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95% Reborn with power / Chapter 18: A companion.

Chapter 18: A companion.

Adallion relished his time spent in the air as he was traversing his home plains. As for Eli? He was busy meditating, the primary form of meditation he used was visualization, imagining that the 'disease' was slowly receding which it was, the journey out of the plains was a long one so it gave him ample to time to meditate.

Normally it would be a 17 day journey to arrive to the place where they had both just come from. Preparations would be slow for anyone making such a trek and they would have to hope they encountered no altercations on their journey. How ever for Adallion it would be a simple task, traversing the plains in a day instead.

The journey was long, but made a tad bit long due to the stops they had to do in order for Eli to eat some food, which was mostly foraging for fruit and hunting some animals. As for Adallion, he could go without food for long periods of time. But even he had to eat something, so previously when they had landed, he flew off, leaving Eli alone so that he could have his fill of food.

As they drew towards the borders of Ostaria, Eli told Adallion to land as they would walk the rest of the way on foot so as not to draw attention, after all a giant fire breathing lizard flying in the sky was asking for unwanted attention, and that he wasn't the least bit interested in.

When Adallion landed, he recalled him to enter the bind ring, this was a first for Eli. After-all he had never had seen a binding ring in action before, only just heard of them from both his father and travellers.

The ring started to glow and so did Adallion's crystals, a wall of flames engulfed Adallion. After the spectacle not a trace of burn marks nor Adallion was in sight. It was impressive to say the least and Eli wondered how it all worked.

"Are you still here?" Eli asked curiously.

"Yes master, I still am. Do you still need of me?"

"How does it look in there, is it even comfortable?" Eli asked curiously.

"I no longer hold a physical form, I am surrounded by empty space."

Eli was astonished by Adallion's response, he found the binding ring very peculiar and was curious in how it was able to create a section of space. How did it function and how was it able to maintain such a place. These questions swirled around in Eli's head.

"Do you know how its able to create such a place?"

"How binding rings work is a closely guarded secret by the Dwarf kingdom, that even I don't know."Adallion repllied.

It was worth a try, was Eli's thought when Adallion said this as he had already anticipated such a response. He gave up on the thought after Adallion's reply as there

Eli walked following a road, the only road that was travelled on, that led from the lands of the dragons to the kingdom of Ostaria.

"Master if I may speak?" Eli wondered on the topic Adallion wanted to speak on.

"You can."

"I understand. I wanted to state that instead of I being in the ring why not have me by your-side? So that I may better serve you."

"You know why I would have you be in the ring."

"I understand however, I may have a solution to that very problem, so if you would summon me I would like to show you."

Eli did as Adallion asked and summoned him from the ring "So what is this solution you speak of?"

"I do Tryung who you carry with you would know of it, the previous owner used to perform this magic rite and from it I would gain mortal form. Would you grant me this request so that I may better serve you?"

When Adallion stated this Tyrhung spoke. "It can be done but it would come with it a restriction."

"Which is?"

"Your dragon's mana would be diminished by half whilst in mortal form."

"Since its a request, which am sure he is aware of the consequences it does no harm in granting it." Adallion thanked Eli for granting his request. Eli then entered his empowered state and summoned Tryung as he appeared in the ground. Eli then followed Tryung's instruction which was to point him at the dragon and flow mana into him. A light was cast from Tryung which enveloped Adallion. As Eli continued to surge mana into the sword.

After-a while Tryung it was down. "So is this what you can do then?" Eli asked.

"This and much more master." was all Tryung said as he took his leave.

Eli looked to see what was standing in-front of him was not the towering presence of a dragon but of a boy similar looking to his age in-cased in dark armour plating up to his neck next with his face the only thing visible.

Eli smiled, as he saw such an asset before him. "Now this would make things much easier"

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