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60% Reborn with power / Chapter 11: A Tie.

Chapter 11: A Tie.

Eli was dashed from his hiding spot as he was quick to cover the ground between him and Dalzrenth, going from cover to cover before the final stretch of open ground. With the aid of the "quick step" he was able to close the distance easily.

Dalzrenth truly was blind to Eli's movements. As his was fully focused in vomiting out flames he failed to notice Eli quickly approaching from his left side.

Eli had a small window open to him because like a patroling turret, Dalzrenth's head was bound to complete its rotation from left to right.

The closer he got the more he felt the great heat generated by the great dragon, as he manouvered to his under side.

Dalzrenth was still unaware that Eli was right besides him as he was still focused on finishing his attack rotation.

Eli quickly curled up his right hand into a claw (think of it as though you were holding a small ball in your palm) and generated a huge amount of mana.

It was so dense that it actually shone brightly like a mini star in his palm, obviously also Dalzrenth noticed he begun to react, however it was too late.

Eli shot out this ball of pure mana as it quickly dissipated as soon as he punched out into the dragon's chest area.

It suddenly went quiet for a few seconds as the dragon was frozen in place, before it collapsed under its weight. Eli quickly backed out from where it would have collapsed ontop of him, as Dalzrenth lay infront of him unconscious.

Thankfully Heidi's information on the dragon's weakpoint was accurate.

She had previously explained to him that a dragon's mana source was extremely volatile to other mana sources, if ever a dragon's mana came into contact with another source of mana it would have serious repercussions for the dragon.

However the amount of mana that was required for it to have an effect on the dragon's internal mana pool was no easy task.

Thanks to the "Damnation Shard" He had come this far how ever the intensity of the events that had happened had drained him mentally, it was the most exercise he had yet, as he came out of his empowered state.

The two Gods appeared, stood either side of Eli.

"Who would have thought... It looks like its a tie." The God of Gods smiled. He turned to look down on Eli. He then turned to look to Sigmund who was standing besides him, however he was instead fully transfixed on the dragon.

The God of Gods spoke with a smile on his face "Aren't you proud? He managed to knock a dragon out"

Sigmund turned to him "We both know that doesn't mean its over."

The two Gods stood in silence as they waited.

As they stood there they saw the dragon's eyes open as expected. The dragon slowly lifted his head as he got back onto his feet.

Dalzrenth shook his head as he tried to get a bare of his surroundings. He then noticed the now exhausted Eli as he approached and towered over him.

Eli opened his eyes to look up at Dalzrenth, which startled the great dragon. He was completely exhausted unable to move or maybe he didn't want to bother moving, since if the dragon could still move then it meant naught trying to fight still. When he saw the great dragon tower over him he closed his eyes in defeat as he drifted in and out of sleep.

Dalzrenth noticed he no longer had the red crimson eyes, he was a bit confused by this occurance, as he towered over Eli. He toyed with the thought of ending Eli's life, but now he had questions he needed answered. Eli had sawn doubt into his mind at his identity, he was keen to dispell such doubt.

Some more time passed as he waited for Eli to regain his conciseness, that is if he wasn't actually just napping.

Eli opened his eyes, to his surprise he was still alive. He then sat up to see the dragon's head mere steps from him lowered and looking directly at him. He could feel the hot breath from its nostrils and the ashy smell from it.

"Oh? you didn't kill me?"

"You think I would steep so low as to do such a despicable act? An opponent who could best me doesn't deserve to die in his sleep."

Eli looked around before looking back at the dragon. "So what now?" he asked.

Dalzrenth retracted his head and sat in an upright position. "So what now? Depends on what your answers are to my questions am quite the rational person you see... especially among my brothers and sisters."

"Oh that's good to know." Eli replied. He was a bit confused on why the dragon added on such info but it didn't seem of importance so disregarded it.

"How did you know such an attack would work and how did you come to know about such a weakness?" The dragon was keen to know about this, not many knew about such a weakness only few ever did one of them being the Demon Lords.

Eli shrugged "I didn't" was the reply he got "I came to know about it from a forest spirit."

"Forest spirit?" Dalzrenth's mind begun to mid drift before coming back to reality.

"And who was this forest spirit?"


The great dragon paused he knew who Heidi was, if he truly was a demon lord she never would have conversed with this young man. This was strong evidence to him but he still wanted to know more.

"Your attacks didn't conform with any of the demon lords styles and you only seem to use only three particular spells two of which are low tier. No matter how strong they are they are ineffective against me yet you continued to use them why?" The spells he was talking about in particular were actually pretty powerful spells however to him they were ineffective.

"Am not that knowledgeable on offensive magic." Eli answered.

Dalzrenth was finding Eli more and more bizzare. With such a handicap he still chose to take him on, even succeed at that.

"You have swords yet you chose not to draw them why?"

Eli looked and saw his swords still in their scabbards. "Oh these? They serve a different purpose, fighting is not what they were intended for."

"That doesn't answer the question." Dalzrenth replied.

"It doesn't?" as Eli scratched his head.

Dalzrenth saw this was a dead-end and chose to move on. "I have never seen mana flow such as yours. Before you had an intoxicating amount of mana but as of now i sense nothing... As if you are just a non-mana human. Do you hide it so well that you are able to elude me?"

"A gift." was simply what he got in reply.

"A gift..." again this whole situation and the answers got to his questions were most bizzare.

"So the eyes? A gift too i presume?"

Eli nodded.

Dalzrenth was spinning in circles from what he kept hearing none of it helped him understand at all, but this strengthened his doubts in this young man not being an actual demon lord. "Who or what are you?"

"Am not a 'Demon lord' for starters. My name is Eli Yan and am here to lay claim to what I've earnt."

The dragon half laughed "You expect me to believe you ain't a 'Demon Lord'?"

"From the start you are the one who chose to believe I was one in the first place, so how is this any different?

Ivan_Jefferson Ivan_Jefferson

Hello guys just edited this page a bit enjoy.

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