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41.3% Other / Chapter 19: Chapter 18

Chapter 19: Chapter 18

The darkness was suffocating. She couldn't breathe or speak. What was happening? Why did this feel so familiar? Her body was trembling. She started to cry. Suddenly a ray of light pierced the darkness that had engulfed her and a voice spoke softly..

"Take my hand..."

She reached out desperately grasping into thin air when suddenly her hand hit something solid she gripped it with all her strength desperate not to let go then she felt a yanking sensation as she was pulled out of the darkness and into the light only to face a pair of green eyes...

This man looked familiar. It was James he just saved her from the darkness. No. Wait! It wasn't James, his eyes were blue this man had green eyes. Ellie noticed that she was embracing the man before her and her breathing was sparse as if she had been holding it. She blush. She felt the heat rising as she realised how close she was to this man she didn't even know. Had he seen the darkness too? He was expressionless.

"Are you going to cling on to me much longer." His voice was cold and it stung her.

"Thank you..." She said meekly.

"For what? Your the one who threw yourself into my arms.."

Her face became redder. Had she really just flung herself at him? Did he not see the darkness? Was it all in her mind? Maybe she was too exhausted and her mind was playing tricks on her. Anyway she had to put things right. She beamed at him.

"Im sorry I must have lost my balance. Thank you for catching me, it would have really hurt if you hadn't." She gave him her brightest smile and hoped for the best.

"Whatever, James can't take you home so he asked me to do it. He has other things to attend to."

Ellie noticed he looked at her in a strange way, not the same curious or fearful glances she had been receiving all day but different. She couldn't quite put her finger on it...

"Is James okay?" She tried to distract him, his gaze was making her uncomfortable. It worked, he looked away and gestured for her to follow him.

"He's okay just busy with work and it took longer than he thought."

She just nodded silently. The left the manor and headed towards the wall. Severus was still there, he was talking casually with another man who looked like he could be a bear. He was tall broad and covered in fur. His beady eyes were pale brown and he had a sharp smile. If it hadn't been for the fact he was wearing clothes and didn't have a snout Ellie would have thought he was a bear. As they got closer the two men noticed their arrival and became silent at once. Both of their eyes became fixated on Ellie. There it was. That look. That hungry look. It sent shivers up her spine. Remy took notice of this and stopped in his tracks and faced the two men.

"Ah James are you going to mark your territory again and threaten me some more haha.." Severus cold mocking words slithered out his mouth. The man beside him let out a low growl that sounded like laughter.

"Is that what my brother did this morning?"

It was only a few words but the effect was instantaneous. Like an electric shock fired through both of them turning them rigid and fearful. They began to quickly apologise and hurriedly left. Ellie didn't understand. Why did they react that way towards him? Why at the mention of his brother did the run like rabbits?. Could it be...They are scared of Remy? She didn't know, her head hurt, She would figure it out another day or she could just ask James tomorrow. He at least seemed like she could talk to him unlike this cold, unemotional man before her. They quickly walked through the streets watching the people pass her by as the sun was beginning to set made her heart beat fast. It was such a delightful scene. Remy was walking faster and Ellie struggled to keep up. He sighed and turned around to face her, Ellie was distracted so hadn't seen that he had stopped and slammed right into him. She rubbed her forehead. It was sore. Suddenly she was swept off her feet and found herself in his arms. Her heart began to beat faster for a different reason and her face flushed. This was so embarrassing, people are watching. He began to run through the streets and that startled Ellie. Why were they running? They reached the edge of the forest and Remy ran into it. Half way in they ran into Asmodious. He looked worried. Remy thrust Ellie into Asmodious arms like a rag doll.

"I take it you sensed it too. Take her to your church I'll head back and deal with it." His tone was cold and matter of fact. Asmodious nodded and strode quickly back to the church with Ellie still in his arms. She felt indignant to be held and carried this was as though she was an infant. They got inside and Asmodious sealed the doors. Miranda came hurriedly to meet them both. Asmodious put Ellie down.

"What's going on?" Ellie and Miranda said at the same time.

"It's just a minor thing. Nothing to worry about. Head to bed Ellie, you have work tomorrow. Miranda come to my office."

And with that Ellie had been dismissed. What was going on....?

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