Elise had a curious gaze which brightened the blue color of her eyes which was staring at Ian's broad back. She still couldn't understand how his wings works as it left no physical evidence after the wing appeared. It was as if it is a hallucination but she knew it wasn't.
Only Angels had been associated with wings which was in color of white but Elise doubt that Angels could retract their wings like he did. Not to forget, Ian's wings had pitch black feathers.
"I told you before. I just tell it to appear and it did," Ian said the reasonable reply that at the same time didn't give Elise an answer.
"Because that is how it works?" asked Elise. Ian didn't reply and he only smiled in exchange. "I wonder how your wings appeared as it doesn't torn your clothes, Master Ian. It's almost like magic," and maybe if it was magic it makes more sense as the wings could disappear without leaving trace, thought Elise.
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