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43.75% Mate. Me. Distance / Chapter 7: The Old Man Hansel

Chapter 7: The Old Man Hansel

I set the alarm of my clock at 5.00. I wake up early letting Chiara still soundly asleep as I prepare to set the things needed by the interns for the 2 days that I will leave them just by my instructions. Then I remember I really need a back-up just in case the interns will encounter some chance visitors who are eager to do some business on my farm. After I'm into my casual attire, I fix my hair in the mirror with no make-up at all. I get my phone on my bedside drawer and try to think who will take-in-charge temporarily on my farm. Then I remember I can count on to Nellie who always come to visit me on my farm during her free days. She is a call center agent working 15 mins away by car from The Gallery Show company. She is really a bubbly girl that looking on her from a distance you will definitely smile widely and when she starts the conversation, you can't help yourself to laugh more. And because of her work, she speaks mellifluous in either American English and Spanish. Whenever she saw me that I'm working with the newly sprout seedlings to put in the little reusable pots before putting it in their respective areas, she always greeted me with her Catalan accent, "Com era el tue dia estimat?". Then I replied to her, "Sto bene e tu?". When Nellie realized I was speaking to her in Italian, she would answer me, "Okay done enough! You're speaking to me in other way round". We both laugh on it then she wouldn't dare anymore to speak to me in that way. I heard her phone ring and within a second, she answers it. She becomes excited as I gave her a task for my farm. Thankfully, it's her 2 straights free days. And because my farm is just one-feet away from my small home, I instructed Nellie that no one is allowed to get inside except only her especially if she wants to stay some nights in my home while I am away.

I heard Clara stretching her feet as a signal she's into the new day. I told her I'll go ahead on the farm to make sure everything is on its place before the interns will arrive. She just simply stares at me and look on the window trying to meet the glance of the sunrise flashing reflections inside my bedroom corner. I let her be that way as I go my way. When I am almost done on the preparations, I heard an approaching car on the gate of my home. I heard Clara's bark and in instant, I automatically recognize it's Nellie. I heard Clara's excitement that at least it eases her worries what might the interns will do afterwards. I know her instinct sometimes although I can't go over to some of her expectations and demands, yet I've never heard her saying she blame me for anything wrong. "You come in time, Nellie!", my dazzling approach as I saw her that she's still into her night gown. "You always know me well, Chiara", coming towards me while holding Clara who acts like a baby. Clara can't stop lap her face on which I guess she put some spices last night on it which I can smell the scent of garlic, cucumber and banana. "I guess another peeling effect of organic substances you've done on your face, huh?", coming nearer to her to give her a wide hug. "Don't mind it anyway", she laughs on her disposition while she tried to balance Clara on her arm that really gains weight day by day. I ordered Clara to put herself down when I saw Nellie is making her best to be fine. We talk for a moment in my office but I decided that we should get inside since it's not yet 7.30 for the interns to come in my farm. I serve her a cup of cappuccino and a two-slice of melted cheese pancakes as her really request when she's into my home. I even told her to change her outfit as possible as she could in order for the interns will do the same. Since each of my new formed family knew me well that I'm a secretive person, they never take the chance to ask me what kind of appointment I'm going to undertake except when I'm open up the issue on them. To add her salary as being a call center agent, Nellie was one of the waitresses in The Club before. She dares to do that kind of job in order to send a larger money to her family who lives in the rural as she becomes the bread winner the moment her father retired from his job out of being too old to do the job well. In spite of the situation, she never stops to aim for her dreams. To her, the journey that she faces today will soon reap a better opportunity to her. And she really proves that because though it is still tentative, a year from now she will get marry to the man of her dreams who is also the same as hers. No denial that they are "bubbly for each other".

When I notice a car is on its way to my farm, I told Nellie and Clara to be there because it's the interns who for sure is on their way to see me in my office. I told Nellie to let the interns know about my instructions. I will go next to them when I remember I have to get my sweaters and my cap in my room. I was about to wear my sweaters when suddenly I sense an image of one of the interns who holds a notebook on her hand that flip the page of a poem entitled, "Mavourneen's Whisper". I try to connect to Clara and she sense what I was trying to mean on it.

I hurriedly get into my farm office to meet the interns and see if I was not wrong to see the poem. I meet them in the garden's café hut where Nellie started to give them a whole tour. This part of my farm gives the visitors to spend a quiet quality time while they savor to taste some homemade desserts and refreshments, I personally cook to them. I heard them they formally greeted me but my gaze was on the notebook of one of them that I turn to be shameless to ask if can I read the poem. I motioned myself where I see the notebook is placed near to their bags. "Will it be possible if I read this? While Nellie will instruct all of you what you're going to do here while I'm out?'. One of the interns who I think owned it, never hesitate to give me some seconds to see it. Clara positioned herself on my side where she can see it too. I flip the page where the poem was located and in an instant:

Mavourneen's Whisper

There was a girl whom I met at the very first time,

And all at once I feel this secret spark in mine.

I never knew what to say when she greeted me, "Hi!',

Because that simple word was as sweet as nine cloud high.

I wanted to know her like I always wanted to see her,

But this heart was troubled if she says no after.

So I kept my feelings inside to bury and hide,

And look for another chance like stars in the night.

Filled with gladness and smile on my face I felt,

When I got to know the girl in replace of her face.

I forgot to dream of her as my future beloved,

'Cause I know I would forgot her beauty once it's fade.

And so I never worried no more about those things less,

Like thinking it would be better to find someone else.

As it seems like an ordinary attraction at first sight,

Coupled with carried away charm in a new place sight.

I never thought that I couldn't pass my out of thoughts,

As I can't control the odds to come to see her very close.

I unevenly break my words of not knowingly admire her,

And everything comes back like a backward time to future.

I told her about my left to disremember emotion for her,

Though I know she might reject or think I'm a loser.

And yes unexpectedly she just simply reply, "Thank you",

Thinking it would be better to be friends forever too.

Things become so clear now in my mind as I tell her it so,

So that right this day I will not anymore carry this haul.

I feel the empty throat of not telling it before,

On those days when I can still capture her for more.

A typical first day to begin again from the summertide,

When I noticed a stranger silent type entering unhide.

It's just a mere fact to think a newcomer to becloud,

Which I thought of saying, "Good luck!" to him without a doubt.

The mundane gleam of puzzling attraction arrives on me,

Yet I never think of it as a matter to handle on wishingly.

So I tune up myself a normally loner like I always did,

Because it's easy to carry on my life unpaired to think.

In a surprising chance never thought it would have to come,

Like a fate who click your name been called so lightly calm.

But then all I think is to stay the course like what I embrace,

And imagine the matter of time easily point to parting ways.

Seeing him around wasn't a proof to a feeling that I ponder,

But deep inside I hover if there is something behind to wonder.

Because even I know him from the simple forward reply,

I still can't deny he's different when it comes to face rely.

My unreasoning emotion become unloose by the truth,

Because now I understand why I acted like a bruise.

I'm secretly having this feeling of temporary affection,

And I do not know if he feels the same like my infatuation.

My heart feel a bit of passing upset as I got to discover,

He finally mean his girl not long after we've known each other.

And so I quietly turn aside everything I'm hoping to discover,

Acting like no one exist in this foolish unexplainable thin over.

A year after when I think nothing about all those parts,

Here it comes this message that brings me back what I already crushed.

Trying to ignore what he said on mine like it was not,

But I cannot cover up the case 'cause it's all I need to uncut.

My heart thinks of her caressing touch like she's by my side,

As I got to know her name more despite we're distantly aside.

I never think anymore if I'm takenly in love and she's not,

'Cause it is more enough for me to trust her dearly in my heart.

I never know in this troubling self how this true-blue to tell,

For I still need the time to wake me up and disturb me in the cell.

And so I rather weigh my words even I know it's impossible,

That there would be a day for me and you in the coming future.

I leap up to joy as she told me so of her fall down unshown love,

That I told her everything way back it's all worthwhile to laugh.

I wanted her to know she's become very special in my part,

But I become so rude not to make a sound in her front.

I know it's too late for us to be as the sun and the moon,

Yet I am so please to hear as his buddy ever known.

Still it kills me as it just a usual not lasting memory,

For I am being call to mind in the void of her kindest dearly.

I told her to wait for me until it is all be fix for us,

Because I swear by to heaven that there will be a two of us.

Please don't be sorry if I am weak to fight between us,

Because I can't defend enough when the fate conspires against us.

It grieves my heart to ache why it cannot be happen,

That the strings of yesterday be connected as if to begin again.

In order not to be sick of the reality we are now living,

I am contentedly blessed seeing you not like me heartily dying.

I feel my body got shaken for a while as I remember these words Hansel told me so to the person, he's in love with. As I get into the point, I left my farm and told them to feel at home and never think twice in case there are some clarifications they encounter. I turn the engine of my old-style pick-up Ford truck and I saw in my driver's mirror that Clara is already in my car too. Although I do miss my favorite Lamborghini car, yet I don't have the choice but to sell it to have my own home and little by little help myself start a business which is my little comfy farm garden just 30 mins away from the heart of the metropolitan. I remembered it was Sarah's (Oscar's rumored girlfriend though he didn't tell it to us directly but I do know it well on them since I notice how Sarah is clingy to him whenever they're both alone) tactics that made it sell easily on her car shop company.

"Where are we suppose to go now, your Highness?", Clara's confusion when she noticed I feel a clue to the poem that I read earlier. "The first time I meet Hansel was way back we are in Vampire Witchcrafts Academy. We will try to go back to my former school where there is an additional clue that I can find him". Clara look on me closely and ask with a cold tone, "So do you think Hansel wrote it?". "Exactly! And I'm pretty sure of that because it's -----". I couldn't try to say my words when it wonders me who is this girl she means on his poem. "I think you should better ask him anyway only if he's ready enough. It's not good to expect too much not until he will speak up for you on his behalf". "Yeah you're right… anyway we're almost here". We reach the school just as fast as that. It's 45 mins away from my home via car. The school looks so old outside yet every summer we always had an annual mini-concert where the proceed of it will go to the renovation of the school. After a year, it still amazes me to see how my pretentious human being life live just as the same with theirs. The guard who knows me still greeted me with his gray hair old enough to say he almost reach his golden age. Other than the OIC, we've never met the owner of the school ever since. The moment I took my first step in Metropolitan Institute of Language and the Arts, all I heard is that it's very rare for the owner to come. It's been heard that it's been passed by another business man who also had a background in running a school.

Well as I try to guess, the school had a secret issue only the owner and its administration knows well. I go directly to my former dean who happens to be out for her vacation. Fortunately, I am being entertained by his secretary who becomes fond of Clara. "What can I do to the former Cum Laude alumnus?". I try to be pleasant to the secretary whom I notice if I don't keep my voice neutral to his greetings, for sure he will ask more about me and my rumor farm business. "There is something I need to ask to my former dean. But since she's not around, I am going to ask you anyway". Like as it be, he is happy of service to us whenever we needed his help. "As I notice this matter is important to you, right?". "Yes, I do kind of…", I keep my voice steady to make I'm really serious to my motive. "Okay, go on", he waits for my response while he keeps on cuddling on Clara (if I'm not mistaken, she wants to get off from him because of his strong manly perfume that even me, I hold my nose for a while because of its disgusting scent). "Have you ever met the owner of this school? I really wondered who is this person". His tone got changed to serious this time. "Well, it's really hard to tell. But yes, I once met him. He wasn't unable to be here for the passed 4 years personally because he underwent a major surgical operation and he needs a monthly check-up from time to time. It's his handsome assistant that used to here whenever he's not around. And actually, we have an urgent meeting now at around 14.00 this afternoon". I listen to him attentively when suddenly we heard a knock in the door. "Mr. Cruise secretary of Dr. Triza Martiques, Ph.D., 10 mins from now the meeting will about to start". I was about to ask him if who is this trusted assistant he pinpoint to, when apparently, he is in a hurry to their conference room.

I closed the office of my former dean and I decided to go on the other way. I was closely near to the school's lobby when I notice a guy walks towards me whom his aura scent seems familiar. Because of my power, he can't able to notice me whether I'm a reliable person or a rival.

Our shoulders meet each other that made me look on his face. I notice Clara too that she made the person to stop on its way before he could walk farther to us. He still looks the same even the years passed by and even if it's been my first time seeing him after that 455 years ago happened, I know for sure who is this person I am searching for. I turned to be speechless and we both don't know how to address ourselves. Shall I say his name? Shall I ask him where he was been after the great battle in Wol-pire community happened? Or shall I ask him does he ever looked for me to see if I'm safe? But I leave it this time. What matters most is I found my guardian vampire Hansel.

A_M_Jhel A_M_Jhel

They will always come back. It's a matter of waiting the time....

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