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44.44% I became a Klyntar / Chapter 4: Helping Peter

Chapter 4: Helping Peter

<So when you said that you will tune-up my body to maximum strength, flexibility and agility does that mean I will be like I don't know Captain America?> asked Peter

Although Dreamer knew who Captain America was he knew he was supposed to be an alien so he pretended to not understand and said

<Captain who?>

<Oh yeah you don't know Captain America, So captain America is .....>

He goes on to explain Captain America

<I don't know how strong that guy but I don't think you will be as strong as him naturally but you will probably be like a peak athlete.>

Dreamer cleverly told Peter that he would not be strong as Captain America naturally but left it unsaid that with his amplification he would be stronger than him because he didn't want a spider kid running around being a hero.

<So how much do I need to exercise?>

<What exercise?. I told you I will do it.>

<What don't you mean that you make it easier for me to gain muscle?>

<Kid looks like you misunderstood. You don't need to do anything all you need to have is a constant source of food and water.>

<What you mean I don't need to do anything and I will gain a body of an Athlete?>

<Kid Why are you repeating yourself. I will just need to eat certain foods and yes even those you don't like but don't worry I will create cravings for the food you need to eat and yes even for something like broccoli etc.>

<Wow I didn't even know people could have cravings for Broccoli.>

<Nows that's out of the way, Kid I want you to organise the room, I don't tolerate a lazy host and hate a disorganized mess>

With instructions from Dreamer and some life hacks he made clean up his room and organise everything.

<Whew, you are a slave driver.> whined Peter mentally

<What slave driver actively helps his slaves body in perfect condition>

<I don't know one which wants to keep the slave for a long time> said Peter sarcastically.

<So how do you know so much about Humans and our Habits>

<I studied your race.>

Dreamer was having a lot of fun being a backseat driver.

<So What do you usually do Kid? When do you get your Education?>

<It is Mondays to Fridays, Saturday and Sundays are holidays.>

<Oh, So what do you during your Holidays?>

<I hang out with my friends, Do my homework, Search up stuff on the Internet, learn something.>

<Oh then do your stuff.>

Peter didn't know what to think of his symbiotic partner, all the things he told him he wanted to believe but he didn't know if he could believe his words.

<You know I can hear your thoughts right?>

<Oh yeah sorry>

Peter avoided the situation and took out his books and started doing his homework.

After 30 mins he cleared up his homework. During this time Dreamer was studying the difference between a conscious host and an unconscious host and he found that the response was a huge difference in speed of response and the control of the host was much finer. But he found something more interesting. He found that he could control and change muscle memory.

He found this out during the time Peter was writing so the writing was so ingrained that he just needed to think of the letter and his hand automatically wrote down. Seeing this he wanted to test something.

<So are you done with your work?>


<So, Why is your handwriting so bad?>

<Uh, I just didn't practice my handwriting I suppose>

<So I wanna test something, do you have anything to practice your Handwriting?>

<I think I have some handwriting books which I never used from elementary school.>

<Good take them out.

Peter searched around in his books and took them out.

<Good, now practice each of the letters one time exactly on the Line>

Peter just shrugged and wrote all the book one time in about 20mins. When Peter was practising Dreamer was constantly adjusting Peter's handwriting according to the book.

<Good it's done now what?>

<Now open an empty page in your notebook and write as I dictate.>

<The mind is one the most complex part of sentient beings, meditating is one of the ...>

Peter was focusing on my voice while writing so he didn't notice that his hand was writing in perfect cursive handwriting neatly like it was printed from a printer. I was dictating him the meditation part of my Mind technique, he was also listening and from time to time I could see flashes of inspiration though his mind and understanding.

<Wow, that description was detailed. I have some questions about what you said.>

<I will answer them, but first don't you want to know why I told you to write this?>

<Yeah, so why did yo-... How is this possible>

Peter was dumbfounded at his handwriting

<So I found that I could rewrite muscle memory so I tested it, looks like it works.>

<Wait, So my handwriting is always going to be this good from now on?>

<Yes, Unless you try to consciously to change the handwriting it will always be like this.>

<That's so cool.>

<So ask your Questions about meditation>

Thus Peter asked all sorts of questions about the meditation technique. His current meditation technique was a combination of his self made meditation technique and the meditation technique he learned in Kamar tan.

<If you successfully master the meditation technique, I will give you the continuation of that technique>

<What there is a continuation?>

<Yes, Now I am done with my testing and explaining go and do your stuff.>

<Uh, Okay I guess>

Sometime later Peter read science articles on the internet and was writing stuff down but a dreamer who was seeing peters learning technique was having a headache. As a self-made genius in his last life, Dreamer had gotten used to sorting the information he read, and arranging them in a way that would be easy to revisit but also easier to understand.

Peter's Haphazard way of learning made Dreamer get a headache. But still, since he was partners with Peter for a long time to come, he figured he would mentor the kid. Unlike him, Peter was a natural genius and Dreamer was dying to see what a Natural genius with his ethics and techniques would be like.

Just like that the rest of the day was teaching Peter methods for increasing efficiency, the reasoning behind them and why he should use them and gave him a project to practise this skill by going through all his previous books and notes and reorganising them by the method Dreamer taught him.

<Man I understand your reasoning but doing this stuff and remembering everything is hard and tiring.>

<Just practice with it Peter, with me reminding you once you make these your habits they will help you lifelong. You can also make pocket money with your notes once you reorganize everything by selling copies to kids in your same classes and it might make you popular. Just so kids could get your notes. You could also tutor for some more extra cash.>

"Peter honey, It's time for dinner."

"Coming, Aunt May."

<Wow it is already nighttime.> Thought as he got up and turned to leave.

<Stop right there. Come back and clear the table up and pack your bag before you go down.>

<I can do it after I come back.>

<Nope, do it right now your body will feel lethargic after eating and you will just sleep.>

<Fiiine> whined peter as he set about organising and packing everything into his school bag before going down for dinner.

"So what were you doing in your room all day Peter."


<Tell her you found a website for students with tips about better organization and techniques to have perfect handwriting and were working on that.>

"I found a website on the internet that had a lot of cool tips like one's to get perfect handwriting, one for writing notes in a way which is much easier to read and a lot of Lifehacks."

"What is a Lifehack" asked Ben curiously

"Well, it's generally a tip or trick you know, like how to fold clothes in two steps and stuff like that. Anyway, so I decided I will give all of them a shot."

"That is a good decision Peter, always try to improve yourself." Said May, with a blinding smile

"Yeah" and the rest of dinner went well with them chatting and telling each other what they had done today etc.

Back in his room after dinner, Peter sat on the Computer but before he could start on playing some games, dreamer said <Peter, do you have a daily time table >


<Then maybe you should have one>

<What are you some sort of alien self help guide, sheesh>

<I am a symbiote, and I am what I am doing is symbiosis, you give me your body, I straighten up your life.>

<I don't wanna.> said Peter as he went back to the computer but this time he couldn't move his hand

<Come on, I don't want to do it right now> said peter struggling to control his hand, after a few more tries he gave up.

<Fine, fine I will do it> So with the insistence of Dreamer Peter drew up a new flexible schedule.

But by the time they completed, it was already time to sleep.

<Man, I didn't get to have a single bit of Fun today.> complained Peter

< It's not like you have to do this daily, it is a one-time thing for a Long time until a major change happens in your day to day life.>

<Now change into PJ's get into the Bed>

Peter reluctantly nodded and changed his clothes and got into bed and then started counting sheep.

<Why are you counting sheep?> asked Dreamer

<You know to get sleep.>

<I can put you to sleep instantaneously, just get into a comfortable position.>

There was a brief silence before Peter adjusted himself into a comfortable position while grumbling in his mind about his stupidity before Dreamer put Peter into Deep sleep.

Dreamer thought 'This is going to be a long few months before he gets into the habits automatically and they understand each other a lot better'

Daonexus Daonexus

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