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33.33% I became a Klyntar / Chapter 3: Testing out abilities and stuff

Chapter 3: Testing out abilities and stuff

Immediately as I was out of the portal, I was on the porch of a house. I knew instinctively that this was queens and my future partner was up there in the house. I slowly enter the house from the gap underneath the door. Since it was midnight the parkers were probably sleeping.

As I enter the house I slowly go towards the stairs and quickly go up the stairs with some web-swinging action but it was just jumping by attaching myself to the farthest wall I can reach. Now on the second floor, I come across some doors. But in all the series Peter's bedroom is always the one adjacent to the other house so I slowly go under the leftmost door.

And Lucky me I was in Peter Parker's room. It looked like the room of a typical kid. Stuff was thrown around, Clothes in a chair, A computer table a closet for clothes a single bed, with stuff hidden/thrown under it. No organization at all. Now looking at peter who was sleeping on the bed with a leg hanging off the bed in the air, he looked a little like a middle schooler.

Now that I think about ever since I came to this world I didn't check the date, but now that I see it is 2010. Peter looks about a 12-year-old kid so he was probably born in 1998. Now that dreamer slowly climbed on to Peter, he covered Peter completely and bonded with him.

Immediately after bonding to Peter, I understood why the Klyntar who can still survive without a host is called symbiote. It was just so easy as if a burden he didn't know existed was removed.

It wouldn't be wrong to say it was a kind of euphoric ease.

My body was using Peter's body as a substitute for doing a lot of the basic process and it was so much more efficient than doing it by himself. Now that he merged he slowly started to meditate on what changed and what he can do to peter's body, how to interact with body, cells, brain etc.

The parker parents in 1610 were something, they created the medical cure-all. He was able to understand all about the human body's involuntary, voluntary mechanism and why. He was able to identify cancer cells, repair genetic damage, clear toxins, wastes from the bloodstream and the body, control his digestive system, control the formation of musculature, and so much more.

Luckily little Peter parker still didn't need glasses and he was able to fix the damage immediately. Then he started making changes that weren't immediately noticeable but very good, like removing cancer cells, repairing genetic damage, activating genes which were very good for him and deactivating ones which were not, cleaning the bloodstream and organs of all pollutants, toxins, and waste.

He also had to clean all the intestines and bladder of all the waste he collected throughout Peter's body by taking control of the body and taking it into the toilet. Doing the bathroom duties for Peter, if he were human he probably would have felt ashamed but now as a symbiote, even though he still had felt they were hidden under cold logic so he didn't feel that much.

After all this, he once again set Peter on the bed and induced very deep sleep, because he noticed tomorrow was a Sunday and a holiday. Now that he was done he went into meditation and started to sort out his experience. He felt that he could practice his control a little more, so he went to Ben Parker and May Parker and repeated the process on them.

Practising on the three members of the family helped him practice a lot of fine control. Coming back to Peter he slowly fell into meditation as klyntar don't have a sleep function meditation was the closest thing to sleep and help recover his mental energy.

He also had a new project to work until the morning, while he connected to Parker families mind, he had been understanding much more of the human mind and its functions but also of the symbiote mind, and he was thus remaking his mental technique into two completely new mental techniques. The new mental technique for Human and one for his symbiote mind.

The difference in the symbiote mind was that every small part of the symbiote had a connection to the majority mind of the symbiote and thus the majority mind needed to control the minority mind of the symbiote. Based on this discovery he needed to rework his mindscape. Which was much easier now that he had a host.

Time passed as I kept meditating, as I slowly felt that peter's need for sleep was over, but he still kept on sleeping so I let him and continued meditating. AfterSometime 30 mins later he heard May and Ben wake up so he slowly started the process of Peter's mind waking up.

"Peter, are you up yet honey it is already 12:30 in the afternoon," said May.

"I am up Aunt may just wake up"

"Good, then clean yourself up and come down for Lunch."

(From now on most of the time it will be in third person POV)

As Peter woke up and went to the bathroom for brushing his teeth and Bathing. Dreamer was now perplexed on how to communicate with Peter. Just as he was looking for a chance to talk without freaking Peter out, Dreamer got his chance.

Peter who had just bathed unknowingly slipped in the tub. Dreamer took this chance to make Peter safely backflip.

"What the heck was that?" Peter commented, feeling incredulous over his involuntary acrobatics.

"That was my help," Dreamer said to Peter through his symbiotic link.

"Who was that!!" said Peter as he frantically turns and looks around looking for a voice.

"I am right here," says Dreamer as he pops his Klyntar face out of Peter's shoulder looking at him face to face. To which Peter rolls his eyes back and faints. Dreamer didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't have any other method to introduce himself to Peter.

(From now on mind link talks are inside of<>)

Dreamer rebonded with Peter and then woke him up.

<Now that you have woken up, do not scream and make a scene otherwise people will think you are crazy. >said, Dreamer.

"Who are you, What are you? and why are you in my body," said Peter fearfully.

<I and my species are what are called Klyntar. We are symbiotic species which bind ourselves to a host to survive, in return, we provide enhancements to our hosts and you don't need to talk loud, just speak through our connection in your mind. It is a more direct and safer way to communicate without looking like a lunatic to your fellow species>

<Like this?>

<Yes, like that>

<So why did you choose me? and will I forever be bonded to you? Will you take over my body> Continues Peter fearfully.

<You are just a random kid I choose. No, I can unbind whenever I want. No, I can't take over your body, but I can control your body whenever your conscious is asleep or you give over control>

"Peter Honey, What is taking so long?"

"I am coming Aunt May," says Peter as he starts to dry himself up and wear clothes.

<So will you please leave my body.>

<No can do>

<But why?>

<I just said, we as symbiote need Hosts to survive>

<Can't you just like find someone else.>

<Oh, I can but I like your mind. You would be able to keep an intellectual conversation with me while others would not be able to.>

<If you want an intellectual conversation, why not someone like Tony Stark>

<What and be experimented upon by him, No thanks.>

By this time as Peter was slowly eating Lunch with a distracted look on his face while talking to the dreamer in his mind, he had slowly gotten comfortable with the presence of the symbiote.

<So what benefits do I get for being a Host to you?>

<Oh, Already over your fear?>

<It is not like I can do anything about it so>

<Good, Adaptability is key to survival. Your current benefits are that I gave you and your family's bodies a tune-up.>

<A tune-up? like what?>

<Oh, you know the regular, repair genetic damage, clean body toxins and pollutants, Increase metabolism, Remove cancer cells. The one bonus is that I as symbiote can help your body reach its highest level of balance, flexibility, strength, speed, reaction etc. But it will be a slow process taking a year or two.>

Peter who was in the middle of his eating stopped suddenly with his eyes wide open. May who noticed this asked

"Peter are you okay Honey?" knocking him off of his shock

"No, I mean yes Aunt may I just remembered something I have to do"

Peter quickly wolfed down the rest of the food, put the plate in the dishwasher and rushed back to his room.

<Wow, can you do all of that?>

<Ya, I even did it for your family.>

<You did it for Aunt May and Uncle Ben>

<Ya, while they won't get the improvement in the musculature but I did the other things.>

<Thank you, Thank you very much>

<So what Now?>

<What? I guess we are kind of partners from Now on. By the way, My name is Dreamer.>

<Uh, Okay I guess My name is Peter Parker>

Daonexus Daonexus

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