The nine-fingered old man thought to himself, think of a way? What other way can I think of? ! Right now, it’s a dead end, okay? !
Very soon, the people from the great sword sect will clean up these greatswords. This little girl will definitely be discovered, and when that time comes, the blame will definitely be placed on her.
Destroying the Great Sword sect’s cornerstone treasure, dying ten thousand times will not be enough to atone for the crime.
If the other party found out that she was a member of the primal sword sect, the two sects might even start a dispute. This was a troublemaker!
Hei Xinjiu was also thinking hard about a way to escape. She had to think of a way before Master Jian and the others came back. Otherwise, it would be too late.
She could not count on the great void mirror and the evasion technique. What could she do to escape?
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