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Come Here And Face Your Granddaddy!

Maple and I make it into the forest and I place her down from the princess carry I was holding her in.

"I'll let you fight some monsters yourself so you can level faster, yell if you need help, " I tell Maple while turning around to go deeper into the forest.

"Ok, bye Al!" She responds as I depart.

I hide behind a tree and watch Maple call out

"Hey, Monsters! Come at me if you dare!" Maple says while making a punching pose while holding her shield.

I want to laugh and tell her that's not how you get monsters to come, but then I hear a bush rustle nearby.

I take the dagger from my inventory and ready to fight, in case its a player.

An apple carved to be a small bunny.

"Eh, It's adorable!" Maple says with her eyes shining and guard lowered.

The apple bunny runs in a circle and jumps at Maple, headbutting her in the stomach.

"Ouch!" Maple shouts while taking a step back.

I begin to feel a bitter hatred for apples shaped like bunnies.

"Wait, no? Woah, Cool that didn't hurt! That's 128 vitality for you." Maple says surprised.

"Fufufu, Well Mr.Bunny. Like these abs?" Maple says while straightening herself and putting her hands on her waist to show off.

The bunny is aggravated and starts making high pitch sounds of anger and headbutting her stomach.

After a repetition of this multiple times, I decide not to stay longer and immediately dash off to start leveling.

I see an apple in the shape of a small bunny and stab it between the eyes, sinking the full blade of my dagger into it.

The monster instantly turns into particles and I level up.

I keep dashing around and find more apple bunnies, killing them as fast as possible while not getting hit once.

After wandering around for a few minutes I run into a pack of wolves.

The leader of the pack growls, signaling his pack to surround me.

The pack leader is a grey wolf nearly two times my height. The things that made it stand out from its pack, other than its size, were the big red eyes, razor-like fangs, and pitch-black claws.

While I could retreat, I've been wanting a challenge for a while so I stay put.

The wolves make a huge ring around me and the leader walks in front of me.

The wolf slashes its claws in my direction, sending a huge sharp airwave in my direction.

I dodge to the side and as I look in the spot I was previously at, three of his pack members were hit by his attack, causing them to turn into particles despite not being hit in a vital area.

"Wooooooo!!!" He releases a powerful howl trying to send me flying backward.

I plant my foot into the ground and place my other behind me, so I don't get sent back.

He stops howling and stares me in the eye while looking down on me.

I take off my shirt and toss it to the side, to increase my mobility, and to look cool.

We dash at each other and I jump forward spinning with my dagger in a reverse grip.

The pack leader continues its dash to me instead of dodging, attempting to bite me. However the moment my dagger sliced him, he was sent flying backward like a kite that caught wind, crashing into a few of his pack members that surrounded me.

The pack leader growls at me again, no longer wanting to fight me one on one.

The wolves surrounding me rush me from all sides.

"Come here and face your granddaddy!" I shout at the wolves

I run forward and slide under a wolf dragging my dagger's blade through its belly, turning it into particles.

I use my high-speed thinking and massage skill, knowing that I won't be able to fight them all at the same time with the dagger as my only option. And because I wanted to see if I could push pressure points in this game, locking the joints of the wolves.

"Die for me please," I say with a cold tone and

I jump up onto a wolf and step on a pressure point, paralyzing the wolf, then backflipping off the wolf's head and kicking another wolf paralyzing it.

I use my dagger stabbing one in the eye and piercing where it's brain would be, turning it to particles too.

After slaughtering every wolf in the pack other than the leader I began to walk to it slowly.

I felt the need to scare this wolf for trying to even think of fighting me alone in the first place before I kill it.

So I run near the wolf's left side then punch it stopping it from moving. I smile a bit and begin to show a bit of a sadistic side to me I've never seen before.

We won't talk about the details, but after killing the wolf I received a few systems prompts and two messages.

I read one the system prompt in front of me as it says.

Acquired [Wolf Belt] - A decent belt made from the field boss you killed, comparable to belts used when beating your disobedient child.

VIT + 100 AGI + 80, STR + 100. [Effect]: Slight stinging sensation on impact.

Acquired [Provocation]: Draws enemy attention to a certain area. CD = 3 minutes.

Acquired [Demonic Presence]: Inflict fear debuff, disabling all skills of others near you for 10 minutes. This can be used 3 times a day. CD = 1 day.

After reading these and a few others, I opened up the first message I got.

(Oh It's from Kaede, oops, I mean Maple.) I think while correcting myself for using her real name in-game.

[Message From]: Maple

Hey, I'm getting off for tonight.

I really enjoyed playing this game and I even got a rare item today.

Let's play again tomorrow!

I can't wait to show you how strong I am now.

Goodnight Al, make sure you don't stay up too late!

[Close Message]

"Adorable," I say in a low voice.

I close the message and look at the starry sky while thinking about my family in my other world, then about my best friends in this one.

I open the second message and my eyes open in shock at what I see.

[Congratulations From!]: New World Online System

You have beaten the field boss event! []

[Grade]: S

Damage Taken - none

Time Taken - 05:37

Damage Dealt To Field Boss - 100%

Damage Dealt To Side Mobs - 98%


You may choose one active, two passive skill of your choice!

[Active Skills]



Lightning Equip


Dark Pit



Tornado Assault


Puppet Summon

[Passive Skills]

Weapon Mastery




Resistance to Elements


Chosen Customer


Silent Killer

Trainer From Hell

Chosen skills: [Empty] [Empty] [Empty]

I immediately choose telekinesis and a description pops up in front of me

(Oh, interesting) I think to myself

[Telekinesis]: Can be used to move anything with your mind.

I then choose Ragdoll to see the description of it.

[Ragdoll]: If your health reaches zero you will not die unless on fire or stabbed in a vital area. Instead, your body will ragdoll and you will lose the ability to move until your health reaches 15%.

Without considering the other, I pick this one as my first passive.

[Trainer From Hell]: Doing certain "tasks", will give guild and party members stats when around you at a fast rate.

[Resistance to Elements]: Take 70% less damage from elemental attacks.

[Silent Killer]: Killing a person will nullify all sound you make and turn you invisible for 5 minutes, this is stackable up to 30 minutes.

(Damn it.) I think to myself while having an internal struggle.

(I really want to be able to help my friends get stronger, and getting [Trainer From Hell] will give us a higher chance of winning the fourth event… but if I get Silent Killer I can keep watch over everyone who's in the guild. Not to mention I'll be able to kill easier..) I think quickly while struggling with myself.

(Well, it's not like I won't have another chance, there should be an event that will allow me to get new skills.) I say while making my decision to get Trainer From Hell.

After confirming my skills, I log off and go to sleep ready for another day at school.

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You dare say that to I, your father? Scoundrel, you must be courting death!

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