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75% Wake Wood Manor / Chapter 6: Chapter 6. Friendly Get-together

Chapter 6: Chapter 6. Friendly Get-together

As Kenny and I walk down the side walk, there were lots of people staring at us. We walk to her house and she tells me to wait there. She runs inside and leaves the door open. Sitting down on the side walk, a kitty runs up and meows at me. I pick him up and he starts to purr loudly. Someone taps on my shoulder and I trunk to see Kendrianna in a long sweater with black leggings underneath. She smiles. "Now let's go to your place so you can change" She says smiling again. "Change? into what?"I say confused. I wasn't told I needed to change. "Into swimming shorts silly! You were gone so long our friend group made you a reunion part get together, and it starts in less than an hour!" She says jumping happily. I look at the kitty I'm holding and he meows again. "Here I found him on the street." I chuckle, handing him to Kenny. She squeals and pets him. He instantly rubs against her and gets comfy in her arms.

We walk to my house laughing the whole way there . Instead, I let her inside so she isn't left alone in the driveway. She gasps at the inside like she has never been I'm my home before (Which, she has) And stares at the chandelier. I lead her to the room where the stairs to my room are and tell her wait there while I get changed. I hurried up the stairs and got my blue and black swim trunks on. I threw a hoodie on and looked at my shark tooth necklace that Kendrianna got me for my 13 birthday.

Pushing my necklace back down, I go down to my office, the room where the stairs are and see Kenny sitting with the kitten. "His name is Latè, you know, your favorite drink in the café?" I smile happily. She remembered, I thought. She puts Latè down and we walked outside to see that the sun was low in the sky, but not yet ready to set. "Come on! " Kendrianna yells as she is already running ahead. I sprint fast and catch up in no time. We stop at a small path in the woods to go to the friend meet up spot. I could already see the light and the blaring fire. We never got in trouble out here because it was on the Wake Wood Manor property, which my brother now owns.

As me and Kenny enter the open patch near the lake, all of our friends greet us with cheers and aplouse. I'm greeted by family, friends, and strangers. Kendrianna joined Jannett and Rechade. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I sit with my two friends, Connor and Max. Max is telling me about his new girlfriend, and how she is so amazing. Plump ass, big boobs, curves in all the right places. Connor laughs and then brags about his girlfriend.

I stand up and walk to the cooler, scooping a beer (Yes I know, underage drinking) And sit on the dock in the lake. I pop the cap off my beer and take a sip. Placing it down on the wood deck, I remove my shirt and feel the breeze on my abs. "Mind if I join ya?"A soft voice asks. I instantly knew it was Kenny. "Sure,"I say, moving over for her. It was only now did I realise that she had take off her leggings and sweater. You were able to see her curves, her muscle, her large characteristic thighs, beautiful breast, and big butt. I was still more interested in her personality tho, but her body added as a plus. I looked away and smiled softly. "It was nice how everyone did this to welcome me home." I said looking over at Kendrianna. She was looking at the moon. "Yea, it's so nice for you to be home. " She sighed, looking into my eyes, and smileing her perfect white smile. Her braces glinted in the night. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but she would kill me.

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