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Chapter 2: Burnt rubber, or burnt tea

When I opened my eyes that morning, I was expecting to wake up in my blanket at home to alarm going off for work. And to have me pissed off at the world having me to live in the most confusing of people wanting to buy toilet paper for no reason at all.

That is not what I woke up to at all.


No. Not that, but it felt similar..


I look to both my left and right, to see spears and swords aimed to my poor car Twilight. I was just confused and I just woke up.

I had no tea.

No caffeine.

No chocolate.

Nothing to wake my poor ass up.

So my brain had only one response.

All out screaming..



My brain was to frazzled to think. Then I saw movement to right, and I came back to the harsh reality that I was in another world, and I was not welcome in this location.

I fumbled a bit but, I put my foot on the break and pressed the engine button. They moved back when my baby roared to life. Their faces was that of them being told their world was not flat for the first time. Confused and started, but mostly confused.

I moved the gears and put her in drive, moving my foot over the gas pedal and slamming. making the dirt rise.

Now I was no drift racer, nor nascar driver, but I spun my car and made dirt fly. And maybe a few rocks too. When I turned and saw an opening I floored it. I popped out of the dusty pillar and right beside the man I assumed was the Duke.

He was stunning. A perfect face of soft tone but yet sharp. Lush dark hair that was pushed to his right eye. It was cut in the back, and held more hair on top.

His eyes were a careful and cool, slit shape. His eye color, however, was a purple, with soft golden highlight. If you looked closely, you could see green settled in the middle. His body build was not over stadingly huge, but not scrawny ether.

He looked, familiar, some how..

Time had seemed to be in slow motion so I gave him the bird, before my back tires touched the ground. I drove off into the woods leaving a dusty layer of fog behind me.

I looked to my side mirror to see if any of the boys on horse back had given chase. I was only going 22 miles per hour however. It wasn't that fast for me, but still fast for a horse. I was just curious myself to see what they would do.

For seeing their first car ever.

Who was in my mirror, was non other than the Dukie himself. His horse was gaining, but I was still going 22 mph so, this may be a good time for a chat.

I rolled my windows downed, and made sure my music was applied.

I wanted to be a Jack ass so I played the bad boys theme song.

He was gaining, it was just a slow gain. He came to the window when the chorus was on.

"Took you long enough, you almost missed the best part of this song."

I had my eyes on the road dodging the massive pine trees that seemed to ark wound me. The sun was out, but it was turning dusk.

I didn't think I was asleep for that long though..

I didn't see the Duke have is sword drawn. He looked angry, was it the bird that angered him? I may never know.

"WOMAN!" He stated firmly, sword aimed at, and for, me. It was just barely in the in my open driver side window.

'That what he was upset about? Was me getting way?'

I understood but I was more confused.

I was not pleased by how he yelled at me though. I sighed and got my phone out when we came to a clearing. And hit shuffle on my liked playlist on YouTube music. Eminem popped up as my first one.

"Oooo! Eminem! Nice pick phone!"

I could hear the Duke in the background but, he was nothing to my music volume bar. It went to max of 38, and this is excluding my phones volume being up at maximum.


I was going slightly faster. 26 miles per hour, to be exact. He was annoying me, he was shouting at me while I had my car's volume on max.

I could hear my inner clock again. I was trying to shut it off.

He was saying a sentence while I was doing that, but all I heard from it was one phrase.


I slammed my break. Kicking up more dust as it flew around my car. Engulfing my dark vehicle.

The Dukes horse ran right past the giant dust ball. As he was trying to slow back down, I had gotten out of my, with the windows rolled up and locked of corse.

He couldn't see me easily. I was hidden in the dust. I think he thought I was still in the car.

I was walking up to him as he was pull around, but he didn't expect me to pull him off of his horse, nor for me to be that strong.

I could only imagine my face at that moment, I had bad memories with all of my nicknames. But I wanted to know is how he knew one of my nicknames.

I held him to my face, I was visibly angry.

"How do you know one of my nicknames?"

He seemed to be in disbelief. As if he had never seen a woman like me before.

"TELL ME HOW YOU GOT ONE OF MY NICKNAMES!" I shook him slightly.

I was not happy. If he had one of old nicknames from first grade, that ment someone from my world was here in this one.

He was to in shock. I heard rustling, so in a grunt I threw him to the ground in anger.

My clock hadn't reached it point.


I hadn't hit anyone.


I was still in, slight, control of my temper, but I didn't know for how much longer.

I moved back to my car, starting it and rolling all of my windows down again. I carefully moved up to him.

"Don't follow me."

With that I spend off into the woods on the other side. My clock soon slowed and disappeared, along with my adrenaline and sudden anxiety. But now I had a new predicament. Someone from my past maybe here. However, problem number two. I needed to know where 'here' was.

I parked my car and turned her off. but leaving the windows cracked just a bit. My phone's digital clock said it was about about 8:39pm. I looked up to the sunset and back down to my phone.

'So the phone is on the correct time. Let's see about that map.'

I opened Google hoping it wouldn't work, but it ended up working.

'What kind of situation is this?' I staired at my phone confused. I closed it and let out a heavy sigh.

"It is fine!" I extracted loudly while also throwing my arms. Failing them out in front of me.

"I wouldn't question it. I will just blame it on 'non-existencing_plot_development.jpg'.

I started to think about how to solve this situation.

'I will need to find a town near by. That and I will need to set a alarm to wake me.'

As I was punching in the timer it occurred to me. My eyes quickly ran up to the power bar on my phone.

It was at 49 percent battery.

"How do I charge my phone?" I yelled a bit out loud.

"Wait magic exists here, right?" I started to talk to me, myself and I again.

I clapped my hands together and started to rub them together. I was thinking static, and the electrical current that runs through the pipes at home. And I pressed my left hand, pointer finger on the charge port of my phone.

It shocked me, and I yelled out quietly at the surprised shock. I looked back at my battery, and it was at 78 percent now.

"So it works." I said out loud. I covered my mouth with my hand in thought.

My eyes drooped and I yawned out on accident.

'Looks like body wants that shut eye now.'

Even though I might be a bit of an insomniac, I still get some sleep here and there. It just sleep when my body wants sleep.

The timer was set and my car was under a lot of foliage. I had gotten my green, Triceratops, marshmallow plush pillow, and my other randome pillows I left in my car. I got one of my blankets too. It was the one I made with my girlfriend, Casey. Ca, (K), for short.

It was green with little white foxes on one side, and had green plaid on the other.

I wondered if they knew I was gone.

I wondered if anyone knew I was gone, or if they had even-

I brushed away the thought. I rolled over and fell asleep.

Letting the night take me in once again.

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