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100% Supreme Lord of the Multiverse / Chapter 2: OP wishes and the transportation to the fantasy world!

Chapter 2: OP wishes and the transportation to the fantasy world!

"So... what powers are you talking about? Do you mean wish granting?"

"Why of course! Since I am after all a fair and benevolent God I will give you a whole 3 wishes! 3 WISHES! Use them on whatever you want, and there are no restrictions, just to tell you..."

"Cool... then can you give me some time to think?" 'Damn, lunatic you're gonna wish you never did this shit to me!'

"Of course, Of course! You have all the time in the world! Literally!"

--- A spongebob amounts of minutes later ---

"I've chosen my wishes, oh benevolent god" I said with rivers of sarcasm oozing out of my speech...

"Great! Then let's hear these wishes!"

"What? You're not gonna read my mind now?" I exclaimed, shocked at the change of pace of this lunatic of a god... 'I hope he doesn't read my mind...'

"Do you want me to? I mean if you want me to do it, I am more than happy to insert my 'consciousness' into you? 😉"

My face immediately becoming pale I quickly reply "No, no it's quite alright I'll just say what my wishes are okay!" 'Damn! This god, isn't just a lunatic but a pervert as well!'

"Good! Let's hear it then!", god replies excitedly

*cough* "Well my wishes are,

[Capable of summoning anything or anyone who has existed, exists or will exist making those who have been summoned unable to betray the summoner and serve them with undying loyalty and never find any loopholes in the orders and words of the summoner and also being able to absorb their abilities, skills, talents, equipment, race and overall strength of the body, mind, and soul]

[Unmatched talent incomparable to anyone and anything that has existed, exists or will exist, with everything I choose to do],

[No restrictions and limitations on my first and second, with everything that I have and haven't thought of and all the advantages that I have thought of and haven't thought of added onto the wishes and all the disadvantages that I have thought of and haven't thought of removed from the wishes]"

*whistle* "I... don't know what to say... I guess you will probably rise very fast... if you choose to do that at least..." and with this, the all-loving benevolent god snapped his fingers and made old man Azur disappear into his new world with an additional surprise...

--- Incalculable amount of time later ---

As I open my eyes, I feel something that I haven't felt in a long time... the strength and clarity of my younger years when I was able to do many more things than I could do when I was old...

"So, it seems that lunatic god wasn't lying and I really am living another life!"

My eyes fully open I see an endless mountain range filled with... well rock and mountains and gigantic 15-meter tall lizar-

'Wait! 15-METER TALL LIZARDS! HOLY SHIT! I know this is a fantasy world and all but HOLY HELL! I really need to seriously hide somewhere before I get eaten right after the start of my journey!', frantically looking around I spot a small adult sized crack in the mountainside and start creeping towards making sure that nothing tries to eat me...

Slowly but surely moving towards the crack I eventually reach it and enter it discovering that the inside is actually very spacious about 10 x 10 meters giving me a lot of space to work with...

Dead tired from the anxiety I drop to the ground and rest against the wall, breathing raggedly... "Am I safe now?" *huff* *huff* "Pretty sure *huff* those monsters wouldn't be able to get through now!" 'But what do I do now?'

'Strength! I need strength! But what is the best way to do that?' ... ... ...

'My wishes! Right, I wished that I can summon anything or anyone! So... uh' ... "I summon a light source that will stay lit forever!" ... nothin- oh wait nevermind, suddenly in front of Azur a ball of light appears floating and brightens up the entire space making it seem as if it's day inside the underground formation...

"Ah, so it does work! I didn't have any idea if that shitty lunatic was just gonna throw me into this world with nothing!" 'Thinking about him makes angry I should just forget about him for now...' taking a deep breath in and out I calm myself thinkin- ... oh a transparent screen? ...

"What the FUCK is it now!" Feeling my anger rising again, I hear a soothing voice calming me down instantly...

[System Initializing]

"Huh? I don't remember wishing for that?"

[System online]

[Hello host, I am the system granted by the Godly Being !@&£$%@* to aid you in your journeys]

An emotionless voice sounded out in my head telling me it's my system? "Wait, that lunatic gave me a system? Like in those novels?... Um, can you tell me the functions of the system?"

[Certainly, host but first I must tell you that you can speak with me inside your mind. You wouldn't want anyone to think of you as crazy?]

*cough* "Of course not, now tell me your functions"

[Of course, my functions are as follows:

- Status

- Infinite Inventory

These are my only functions that the Godly Being !@&£$%@* intended for you to use in the system as he just wanted to you view your progress in gaining strength]

"Thank God! I didn't want to be one of those MC's slaving at the will of the system!" ...

'So just speak with my mind? Great, well system then please show my status'

[Yes host,

Name: None (Azur Lynel)

Race: High Human

Age: 28

Lifespan: 300 years

Mage cultivation: High Rank 1

Warrior cultivation: High Rank 1

Skills: Divine Ultimate Summoning

Abilities: Herculean Strength, Divine Sense, Godly Mind, Origin Multiverse Talent

Strength level: Able to destroy a 5 x 5 meter stone

Soul level: Able to sense an omnidirectional 5 x 5 meter area around you

Mind level: Able to think and calculate at supercomputer levels (1 billion thoughts per second)

Overall Combat level: Able to kill most of a 1,000 strong army with guerilla tactics / able to kill a weakened Young Dragon

Inventory: 1x Starter Pack

Equipment: None]

'Good! It seems I doubted my own strength before! At least I won't be easily killed! ... Ah right, system can you explain the differences between skills and abilities, and also what does the High Human race mean?'

[Abilities are something you are born with, for example, denser than average muscles. Skills are something you learn, for example, spearmanship or gunmanship. The High Human race is an evolved version of the normal human race where everything is improved and many disadvantages are either nullified or toned down, such as the physical body being 10x as dense as a normal human body providing greater muscle mass, the brain can think as fast as a low-end supercomputer and the production of lactic acid is almost nonexistent so activities such as running or lifting can be done for years at a time with no pauses in between]

Whistling to myself as I thought, 'Damn, this 'High Human' race seems very overpowered! I might be able to even take out those giant lizards outside!' but before I could continue my thoughts...

[Host, is not advised to do so as even though the weakest is a Child Magic Beast, they are capable of attracting the attention of Adult Magic Beasts unless you can kill them fast enough which you can't at your current state]

"Ah... shit I got so excited but nevermind then I guess... 😞 ... Wait you said Child and Adult magic beast, is that how they have been ranked system?"

[Indeed Host, Magic beasts are ranked by their age going from the lowest, Child Magic Beast to the highest Origin Magic Beast, in which the latter no Humans or Demi-humans have the knowledge of]

"Interesting! It seems that this world offers a lot of powerful foes! I guess this is why that battle junkie God sent me here!" grinning to myself I seize control of myself, *sigh* "It seems, my emotion from my days as a soldier are awakening once again! Ah, this is gonna be a problem... I really do not want to be a battle junkie again!"

'I'll find a way to deal with it later, for now, System I noticed my name is blank can you change it to Azur Lynel like in my previous life and call me by my name Azur when you address me. Also, what is the Starter Pack in my inventory?'

[Of course, Azur and the Starter Pack is a bonus with your System surprise gift including random 5 items whether they may be a wooden horse toy to a legendary weapon. So you are advised to open to see what rewards you can get]

"YES... I really hope I get something good! System! Open the starter pack!"

[Yes Azur]

Frog_Time Frog_Time

Good wishes or nah?

If you liked the chapter be sure to leave some spirit stones if you want and also if you found any grammatical mistakes or just general inconsistencies in the story then, please kind sir or madam, inform me of mine mistakes!

As I don't plan on editing my chapters for small mistakes until I get further into the story!

(AN: Sorry this was a bit delayed!)

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