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91.66% Legend Of The Realms Part 1 : Novia / Chapter 77: Chapter 72 : The Truth Of The World ?

Chapter 77: Chapter 72 : The Truth Of The World ?

' Water... water.. ' Rogue wheezed as he stumbled over yet another rock and another log . He then fell to his his knees and eventually on his face . That is where Rogue lay unconscious for a few hours . Eventually the heavens opened and the rain lashed onto him , this was a welcome refresher to rinse off the burns of the boiling humid jungle sun . The moisture woke him from his passed out state but suddenly he seemed shocked and lethargic .

' I had a dream.... it was when I lived with Alhan and the lightning brothers . I remember those days , I wish things could have stayed like that , but whatever is out here has a grip on me and keeps pulling me back , I need to learn the truth about my abilities and once I have maybe then I can return to my friends in Elentos . ' He thought deeply to himself .

He trampled down thorny bushes and razor sharp logs until he reached a vast river . Each bank of the river had much green algae and reeds growing from both sides , the water itself was a washed out blue and green colour , it didn't seem the cleanest or even remotely pleasant to swim across . Despite this Rogue scoffed and waded on through .

What was left of his brown leather slacks were soaked , other than that all he wore was linen jacket , his torso was exposed , it displayed his muscular mid section and the dirt on his skin .

The rain finally eased and soon the burning sun re-emerged . ' It's been over a month and I am still not conditioned to this heat . ' He thought .

Rogue had travelled much further than Alhan , as a comparison Alhan had travelled ten miles on his first day alone but Rogue had travelled almost one thousand miles deep into depths of the forgotten jungle .

' The truth of the world ? I wander what it could be , Elentos is the only continent I am aware of that has special elemental abilities , where I was born was different , I don't recall anyone shooting lighting rods out of there palms but mine and Alhan's powers are completely different . Could it be that our powers are not from this world and the portal I saw all them years ago is the key to where we are really from ? Nah that would be insane , there is probably just some other part of the world Alhan is from . ' He reasoned.with himself .

The night was descending and Rogue was still hiking up hills and wading through rivers . He climbed up a particularly peculiarly shaped tree and brushed through it's branches and leaves . He looked down to see his camp waiting for him which he had been living in for around a week now . There was one small hut made with logs and mud and there was also a small creek to the right .

' Tomorrow I am leaving this place and going to head even further south , for now I better rest , I need to be at my strongest in case I run into that huge beast like last time . ' He reminded himself .

A few hours went by and the night was over . ' The incredibly short nights down here give me almost twenty hours of day light to search and map out this place . ' He thought as he got out of his pathetic excuse for a bed and looked at what seemed to be a map he created of the forgotten land .

Meanwhile near the first volcano , Alhan was on the move yet again , ' who knows how long it will take to find Rogue , who even knows how big this place is , it could be ten times the size of Elentos , that's the thing is no one knows because it is the forgotten land . ' He despaired as he placed his fist against a tree . ' Come on Al think ! Think ! ' He punched the tree's trunk again and again until branches started falling . ' That's it . ' He thought .

' Rogue taught me how to channel my serpent energy and Lance and Gilyu's abilities let them bend the lightning in the atmosphere to their own will , Zyar's powers are different though , he told me a while back that he uses the invisible,compounds in the air to ignite and create fire from virtually nothing . My power seemed to be the most unique , my body actually transforms but Rogue's powers mirrored mine in that way , maybe Rogue and I share a deeper connection that we weren't previously aware of . ' He reasoned to himself as he began to initiate his serpent transformation , his emerald green energy surrounded him and his eyes started glowing . He then shot up into the air and could see for tens of if not hundreds of miles . To the right of him was an extremely large river . That was where he was aiming for . He flew over and then down . But he didn't disperse his energy after he had descended .

He strolled over and set his right hand into the water , the green scales on his hand began to glow bright green and spread his arm , they eventually reached his shoulder and started to spread and glow on the other arm . He groaned in discomfort , the amount of will power it took to not be over come by the energy was tremendous .

The bright glow from the scales took over his entire body except for his eyes and mouth . He screamed like a banshee as he desperately fought to stop his entire body from being overcome with power , his entire face was covered except for one eye , at this point the amount of energy radiating from him was so strong it could be seen from miles away . The energy was so close to consuming him but in the final second he took control and harnessed every last joule of that energy .

All of it flowed down his right arm and into the water from his hand , this made the energy transfer into the water which completely illuminated the river , the flow of water turned bright green and flowed down the entire river for hundreds of miles .

' Inside of me there is an incredibly large amount of power I have yet to unlock but I can't let it consume me like the time I slaughtered Lloyd , I have a connection to the earth that is hard to put into words but I know now that there is definitely going to be a confrontation with someone soon , I don't who it is or when it will be but I just know it . ' He stated in proudness after his abnormal feat of power .

Rogue was walking by a river many miles south when finally Alhan's green energy reached there too , the water glowed like a stream of pure life force energy .

' Alhan ...? ' Rogue immediately thought .

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