He drove to his house to Z subdivision as fast as he can only to find an empty master bedroom.
Marcus also tried calling Jade's phone number but he couldn't get through. Zion's words deeply filled him with mixed emotions. He doesn't know what exactly it is but one thing is certain, Zion and Jade doesn't have any romantic relationship. Other than that, the child in Jade's womb is truly his flesh and blood!
"My feelings towards Jade is sincere and if I were to follow my heart, I wouldn't tell you the whole truth. But I am thinking about Jade's safety as well as her child." Zion uttered in defeat. Despites the fact that she loves Jade and wants to be with her, but thinking of the woman's possible situation right now rips his heart. She could be in such a horrible state right now!
Oh what's happening now? Where do you think is Jade now? hmm...
Beloved readers, I know I said I'll try to upload consistently but I'm sorry for failing you again. This author has her own needs to survive that's why I am usually buried with other works aside from this. Your author needs to eat.. hehe..
So if you are willing to support this author, please continue to send gifts.. hehe.. Thank you so much!!!
let me know your thoughts abouth this chapters, please... I may not responsw but know that I am reading every single commenys here.. :)