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57.14% rugrats / Chapter 4: chapter 4

Chapter 4: chapter 4

Chapter 1:

This starts out in the teenagers school. It was Tommy and Kimi's one year anniversary. (Yes they were only twelve years old and yes they were having an anniversary and yes they are a little young to be in love but hey, nowdays all sorts of ages are falling in love so what the heck!

So Tommy and Kimi were sitting on the bleachers on the blacktop and Kimi was sitting inbetween Tommy's legs and his arms were around her shoulders. They were just talking about how they love each other among other things.

Tommy:"It's a beautiful day huh?" he said to Kimi.

Kimi:"Yeah, hey Tommy are you a forgetful person?" she asked with a teasing smirk.

Tommy:"Me are you crazy? I happen to be the king of rememberence!" Tommy said.

Kimi:"Well good because this weekend is going to be the best anniversary ever!" Kimi said turning to her boyfriend getting ready to give him a kiss.

Tommy:"Yeah," Tommy said as he met Kimi's lips. "Wait it's our anniversary?"


Every birthday my mom and dad would say

You're another year older, another year wiser

But I still go to school to get an education

I treat each and everyday like a mini vacation!

All Grown Up!

I really want to shout it out

All Grown Up!

I want the world to know

All Grown Up!

I really want to shout it out

All Grown Up with you!

All Grown Up!!!!

Kimi:"Well yeah...Tommy we've been together for a whole year!" Kimi said a little aggrivated.

Tommy:"Wow! Its been that long, time sure does pass by fast." Tommy said

Kimi:"Tommy Pickles how could you forget this day?!" Kimi said angrily and began to walk away but Tommy took her by the hand.

Tommy:"Don't be mad Kimi because if we breakup than how can I give you your anniversary gift?" he grinned.

Kimi:"Wait," she said surprised, "You mean you didn't forget?"

Tommy:"Of course not, its been on my calendar all year!" Tommy said and kissed her.

Kimi:"Oh Tommy! So what's the surprise?!" Kimi asked excitedly.

Tommy:"Kimi I can't tell you that's why it's called a surprise," he answered.

Kimi:"Oh come on Tommy, you know I'm gonna find out sooner or later. I have my ways,"

Tommy:"Yeah, well you can try to figure it out any way you want but I assure you that you'll never find out." T said.

Kimi:"Ok well how about one little, teensy-weensy hint?" Kimi pleaded.

Tommy:"I guess I could do that," T whispered in her ear, "Saturday,"

Kimi:"What does Saturday have to do with anything?" Kimi said confused.

Tommy:"You have to wait till Saturday to find out what your surprise is!" T said laughing.

Kimi:"Oh Tommy!" Kimi exclaimed laughing also and they shared a passionate kiss.

Phil:"Ahem," It was Phil breaking in and Chuckie was with him.

Tommy:"Oh hey guys, what'a up?" T said blushing in front of his friends.

Phil:"Ohy nothing...except the feeling of love! Can you feel it Chuckie?" Phil said making fun of Tommy.

Chuckie:"Oh yeah, I feel it a little bit too much over here though. We better get away from these two before we catch it ourselves." Chuckie said and both of them laughed hysterically.

Kimi:"Very funny you guys," Kimi replied, "Hey you wouldn't happen to know what Tommy is fixing up for our anniversary would you?" Kimi asked with a sinsterly smile on her face. Phil and Chuckie backed away slowly till they ended up slaming into a tree.

Phil:"Uh don't know anything. Tommy never tells us anything we don't have a single clue...heh...right Chuck?" Phil hesitated.

Chuckie:"But I thought...T didn't you say u were gonna_OW!" Chuckie yelled as Phil punched him in the side. "What was that for?" he retorted. Phil looked at him seriously. "Oh yeah uh Kimi, what I meant to say was Tommy going to tell he decided we couldn't be trusted...heh right ?" Chuckie replied. Tommy just looked at him and put his hand on his forehead. "Yeah and I think I'm going to shut-up now." he said with guilt almost having spoiled the surprise.

Phil:"Good idea!" Phil muttered looking at Tommy and rolling his eyes.

Tommy:"Kimi you're never gonna to find out the surprise." T assured.

Kimi:"Oh you guys just wait and see. Anyway I'm going to find Lil. See you sneaks later, bye." Kimi softly jabbed Chuckie and Phil in the chest as she passed them. "And bye you!" she came to Tommy and lovingly slid her hand on his cheek.

Tommy:"Bye," T said back passionatly and again they shared a long kiss.

Phil and Chuckie:"Ick!" they said to each other while pointing their finger inside their throat. Kimi walked away and waved bye to her boyfriend.

Tommy:"Bye!" Tommy exclaimed waving back looking like he had just been hit by cupid's arrow. "She's something else isn't she?" he said seeming like he was talking to his friends but really he was talking to himself. Chuckie and Phil came up to him and stared at T in the face.

Phil:"Dude, you look like you just been hit by cupid's arrow," he said. Tommy woke up from his trance an got back to the real world.

Tommy:"What are you talking about?" T asked Phil.

Phil:"Uh does this ring a bell...'bye you,' "Phil copying what Kimi said.

Chuckie:" 'She's something else,' " Chuckie teased with a dreamy face. Phil and Chuck did the solid handshake as they laughed at Tommy.

Tommy:"So what's your point?" T said embarassed of how he showed his love towards Kimi.

Phil:"Come on Tommy it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out you been high over heels for Kimi ever you guys started going out." Phil declared.

Chuckie:"Yeah Tommy I mean don't you remember when it was just us, I mean I use to be your best friend," Chuck said all depressed.

Phil:"And now all you ever talk about is Kimi this...Kimi that...isn't Kimi beautiful?" he said with his hands to his cheek and his right leg popped backwards.

Tommy:"So what are you guys saying? Oh wait, do I hear the crys of two boys woh are jealous because they can't get a girlfriend even if they tried?" Tommy teased. Phil looked at Chukie astonishly and then said,

Phil:"T are you saying we're not good for any girl?!" he exclaimed offensive.

Tommy:"No I'm not saying that_" T began to say but Phil cut him off.

Phil:"FYI Tommy, there happens to be a million girls out there, including in this school, that are just dying to go out with Phillipe!" he said posing in a male model way.

Tommy:"Really?" Tommy replied in a disbelieving expression on his face. "What about you Chuckie?"

Chuckie:"Hey I happen to have a girlfriend!" Chuckie answered.

Phil:"Who? Your bear Wawa?" Phil joked and Tommy laughed at the joke.

Chuckie:"Ha! Ha! NO...she happens to be more prettier than Wawa!" he declared. He really didn't like anyone talking about his favorite teddy bear.

Tommy:"Who Chuck?" T asked.

Chuckie:"Nicole you guys! DUH! We've been going out for about a month now." Chuck said thinking of her.

Tommy:"Um Chuckie hanging out and going out are two completly different things. You only hung out with her for a month you havn't even asked her out on a real date," Tommy corrected him.

Phil:"And need I not mention the other guys she hangs out with," Phil adds in.

Chuckie:"But guys she calls me her best friend now!" Chuckie says trying to convince them that Nicole was his girlfriend.

Tommy:"Yeah well Chuckie the word is 'boyfriend' not 'bestfriend' " he said chuckling at his bud.

Chuckie:"Say what you want, but anyway how did we get stuck on us? We were talking about 'Romeo' over here and if he plans to ignore us the rest of his life." he stated putting the focus back on Tommy.

Tommy:"Look guys you know you'll always be my best buds and that you mean alot to me, but Kimi is my girlfriend now and I just want you guys to be ditto about it," Tommy said to his pals while he put his arms around their necks just like friends do.

Phil:"Ah we know , we're just messing wit ya T" Phil smiled and nudged him on the arm. "In lighter news we patched up things at the Java Lava for the..." Phil looked around making sure Kimi wasn't spying. "...for the P-A-R-T-Y!"

Tommy laughed and shook his head at retarded Phil then said,

Tommy:"Wow! That's great guys! So everything's set up and ready?"

Phil and Chuckie:"Yep! they both said in unison and Tommy gave them the solid handshake.

Tommy:"I really appreciate you guys doing this for me how can I ever repay you?" T asks.

Phil:"Getting us dates for the party?" Phil brought up.

Tommy:"Nice try but you're going to have to figure that out by yourselves," T answered back. Phil thought in his head 'nice try though.'

Chuckie:"So Tommy what you getting Kimi?" he wondered.

Tommy:"Well I don't really know, but yesterday I went to Jewelers and saw this really cool locket!" T said

Phil:"Wow a locket!"

Phil:"Wow a locket!"

Tommy:"And it's 14k gold too!" T proclaimed.

Chuckie:"Something like that must cost a fortune,"

Tommy:"Actually it costs $115," T replied.

Chuckie:"Wow you must really love my sister," Chuckie said impressed.

Tommy:"Yeah I do C, but anyway just try to avoid Kimi," Tommy advised his friends.

Phil:"Piece of cake, but T you do know Lil knows about your surprise to." Phil reminded him.

Tommy:"Oh yeah,

dil decided to break up tommy and kimi and it worked

 two brothers walked to Kimi's house and Tommy got ready to knock on the door, but then he said to Dil:

Tommy:"Okay Dil you can do it, just tell her the truth got it?" Tommy confided.

Dil:"O.k," Dil answered a little scared. So Tommy knocked on the door and Kimi opened the door. She looked like she had been crying.

Kimi:"What are you doing here!?" Kimi exclaimed looking at Tommy.

Tommy:"Um my brother has something he needs to tell you," Tommy pulled Dil into the doorway.

Kimi:"I really don't want to talk to anyone right now!" Kimi announced as she closed the door but Tommy stopped her with his hand.

Tommy:"Please Kimi just listen to him! Go on Dil!" Tommy snapped at his brother.

Kimi:"What do you want to tell me Dil?" Kimi listened.

Dil:"Right...I was going to tell you hair sure looks nice bye!" Dil tried to jet out of there but Tommy pulled him back his shirt.

Tommy:"Dil tell her the truth!" Tommy ordered.

Dil:"Okay, Kimi you know when I told you that T was cheating on you well he's not," Dil confessed.

Kimi:"Dil just because Tommy told you say that to me doesn't mean I believe you!" Kimi snapped.

Dil:"No Kimi really, Tommy isn't cheating. I just told you that so you guys would break up."

Kimi:"What do you mean Dil? All those pictures you showed me clearly shows that Tommy was two-timing me!" Kimi said not believing him.

Dil:"Actually those were pictures showing T trying to make your anniversayr better,"

Kimi:"So that's why you were hanging with Lil all those times?" Kimi asked Tommy.

Tommy:"Yep. Lil just wanted to help because she's your friend and I just wanted to makr sure that this anniversary would be the best day ever of our entire lives...because I love you. I would never cheat on you Kimi! I can't believe you would think that I would stoop that low," Tommy declared.

Kimi:"Well what about the speech you gave about Lil?" Kimi asked.

Tommy:"What speech about Lil? I didn't give any speech about her," Tommy said confused.

Kimi:"You recorded it on Dil's tape recorder and it clearly states Lil's name plain and clear!" Kimi said angry.

Tommy:"Dil failed to mention that," he looked down at Dil crossly.

Dil:"Opps...heh," Dil turned his head away from them.

Tommy:"Dil can I see this tape recorder?" Tommy said.

Dil:"Well I left it in Kimi's room," Dil answered. So the three kids went up to Kimi's room and she got the tape recorder and pushed play. Tommy listened to it carefully.

"So T tell me in your own words how you feel when you're around your gilfriend,"-Dil

"Well when I'm around 'Lil' and I look into her eyes I'm speechless and I can't think of anything but of how beautiful she is. Everytime I'm around her I think of how lucky a guy I am and when she's in my arms I never want to let her go because I'm afraid of losing her."-Tommy

Kimi stops the tape and looked at Tommy with tears of rage in her eyes.

Kimi:"See you said Lil's name!"

Tommy:"Yeah as in Dil's girlfriend 'Lil'," Tommy made it clear.

Kimi:"What? Dil you have a girlfriend?" Kimi cracked a little smile.

Dil:"," Dil hung his head down.

Tommy:"What do you mean no!?" Tommy snapped.

Dil:"I sorta framed you T," Dil admitted.

Tommy:"You better start talking before I frame you and you'll like one of Picasso's paintings!" Tommy said mad.

Dil:"Ok, ok. See I told you I had a girlfriend named Lil so when you said that speech it would sound like you were talking about our friend Lil," Dil explained.

Kimi:"So that speech wasn't about our Lil?" Kimi said starting to feel bad.

Dil:"No," Dil shook his head.

Kimi:"Who was it about?"

Tommy:"It was about you Kimi," Tommy says staring into her eyes.

Kimi:"You really feel that way when you're around me?" Kimi stared deep into Tommy's eyes.

Tommy:"I'm feeling that way right now," Tommy said passionately.

Kimi:"Oh Tommy!" she said falling in love with him again. "Dil why would you do something like that!?" Kimi was now mad at Dylan.

Dil:"I guess I was just getting jealous that you were spending all that time with Tommy and I felt you were taking him away from me,"

Kimi:"Dil I'm sorry, maybe I am with Tommy a lot and I promise I'm going to be more considerate and make sure you spend more time with your" Kimi giggled softly.

Dil:"Deal!" Dil replied.

Kimi:"So we're cool?" Kimi asked.

Dil:"Yeah I guess so, we're cool but when I told you I had a crush on you I was just exaggerting the scene," Dil said blushing.

Kimi:"Yeah I thought so!" Kimi laughed then she looked over at her boyfriend. Tommy looked away and folded his arms. "Tommy can you forgive me?" she hoped.

Tommy:"I don't know I mean, you thought I, of all people, was cheating on you and that kinda insulted me ya know?" Tommy said grinning.

Kimi:"I know T and I'm sorry," Kimi layed her head on his shoulder. "So can you?" she begged.

Tommy:"Do I get a kiss if I do?" Tommy joked and turned towards his girlfriend.

Kimi:"Of course!" she laughed.

Tommy:"Then...okay I forgive you!" Tommy and Kimi smiled and gave wach other a long kiss. Dil looked at them with disgust.

Dil:"Oh come on guys save it for the party," Dil broke in.

Tommy:"Oh my gosh, Dil the party! I mean..." Tommy covered his mouth and looked at Kimi.

Kimi:"A party?" Kimi smiled big finding out the surprise.

Tommy:"Yeah there's a party and if we don't go now we're going to be late well we're already late so we might be more late!" Tommy gave up and told her. They ran to Tommy's house and got the clothes T bought at the mall.

At the Java Lava:

Phil:"Lil where are they? I thought you said they were coming!?" Phil said impatient.

Lil:"They're coming they probably just lost track of time," Lil answered.

Chuckie:"But we've been waiting here for a whole hour!" says Chuckie looking at his watch.

Lil:"Maybe they eloped," Lil joked. She looked out the window and sighed. "Guys please come," she said quietly. She knew they might still be mad at each other for happened earlier. About a block away from the Java Lava Tommy, Kimi, and Dil were walking towards the Java Lava. Tommy was guiding Kimi because she had a blindfold over eyes.

Tommy:"Your eyes closed?" Tommy asked guiding her by the hand.

Kimi:"Yes! I couldn't see through this thing anyway." Kimi replied. "Why do I have to a blindfold on Tommy?" Kimi walked slowly so she wouldn't trip.

Tommy:"Because I don't want you to see your surroundings so you know where we're going," Tommy answered leading her down the street. Dil go ahead and tell them we're coming," T whispered to Dil.

Dil:"Done and done T!" Dil ran to the Java Lava.

Kimi:"What's done?" Kimi asked.

Tommy:"Nothing just keep walking," Tommy said. Inside the Java Lava, Lil saw someone coming.

Lil:"Hey you guys I see someone!"

Phil:"That must be them! Everybody hide! Lil turn off the lights!" commanded Phil. The door opened and the lights tuned on and Chuckie, Phil, and Lil jumped out.

Chuckie+Phil+Lil:"Surprise!" they frowned when they saw it was just Dil standing there.

Dil:"I didn't know the surprise party was for me!" Dil snickered.

Phil:"It's not for you ding-dong. Where's your brother and_" Phil was cut off by Chuckie.

Chuckie:"Yeah and my sister!" Chuckie overreacted.

Dil:"Chill you guys they're on their way," Dil said.

Phil:"Well what took you guys so long? You guys been around me long enough to know that I can not stay calm with food in front of me and its not being eaten," Phil said looking at the scrumptious food on the table.

Lil:"Phil shut-up!" Lil snapped at her brother for being stupid at the wrong time. "Dil, did Tommy and Kimi get back together?" she asked Dil calmly. Dil opened his mouth to answer but then Phil and Chuckie started talking at once.

Phil:"Tommy and Kimi broke up? How?"

Chuckie:"When did all of this happen?"

Phil:"Was there a fight?!" he asked excitdly.

Chuckie:"What did Tommy do to Kimi?" he asked protecting his sister.

Lil:"Would you guys stop pestering Dil?" Lil broke in to try and calm them down. "Dil did Tommy get down on bended knee and beg for Kimi's love back?!" Lil asked being nosy. Dil tried to answer all of the questions but every time he began to speak a new question was being asked so he just gave up and listened.

Right out the Java Lava:

Tommy:"Okay don't touch the doorhandle," Tommy said.

Kimi:"Why not?" Kimi asked.

Tommy:"Because you'll reconize the shape of it and you'll know where we're at," T replied.

Kimi:"Whatever," Kimi laughed at how silly Tommy was being. Tommy opened the door and led Kimi inside. Everyone was still arguing so they didn't notice Tommy and Kimi come in.

Tommy:"Uh...hi guys!" Tommy said to his friends wondering why they weren't on the alert . They were still throwing questions at Dil who was just sitting there drinking a smoothie. "Hello!" T yelled to get their attention. They stopped talking and noticed Tommy and Kimi were there.

Everyone:"Surprise!" they all said with embarssed looks on their faces. Tommy took the blindfold off of Kimi's eyes.

Kimi:"Oh my gosh! This place looks great! Thank you so much you guys!" Kimi said happily.

Tommy:"You like it?" Tommy asked. Kimi turned towards him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Kimi:"I love it!"

Phil:"Happy Anniversary Kimi and T!" exclaimed Phil giving T a liitle nudge on his arm.

Chuckie:"Ditto! Happy Anniversary sis and best friend!" congradulated Chuckie.

Tommy:"Hey thanks buddy!" T said back. Lil came up all quiet like because she wasn't sure if Kimi was still pissed at her.

Lil:"Happy Anniversary Kimi," she smiled sightly.

Kimi:" best friend in the whole world!" Kimi smiled back.

Lil:"Oh!" Lil was relieved. The two girls gave each other a big hug and laughed.

Phil:"What was that all about?" Phil asked Dil.

Dil:"You don't want to know," Dil said putting his hand on his forehead and shaking it side to side.

Lil:"You two are very lucky to have each other," Lil said with love in her heart.

Kimi:"Why thank you Lil!" Kimi replied hugging Tommy.

Tommy:"Yeah and we apprciate everything you done to make this party a total hit! Which reminds me, we better get going," Tommy says remembering his plan after the party.

Kimi:"What, where we going?" Kimi asked confused.

Lil:"Let's just say we don't want to kiss-and-tell," Lil giggled and winked at Tommy.

Kimi:"What is she talking about Tommy?!" Kimi wanting to know getting more excited.

Tommy:"You'll see! Come on the party does not end here!" and with that Tommy and Kimi left the Java Lava.

Lil:"Okay bye you guys have fun! I know you will," Lil said under breath.

Phil:"What they're leaving again? Where in the world they going!" Phil exclaimed.

Lil:"Swan Springs," Lil raised an eyebrow at Phil.

Phil:"Shut-up, they're going to Swan Springs? I never knew Tommy had it in him." Tommy joked.

Chuckie:"Does somebody feeding me the details, what is Swan Springs?" asked Chuckie.

Phil:"Gosh Chuckie you really need to get out more. Swan Springs is where teens go and make out," Phil explained.

Chuckie:"So Tommy and Kimi are going to this park and going to be on the ground making-out! Over my dead body! Tommy and Kimi wait for me!" Chuckie burst out the door and ran frantically to catch up to Tommy and his sister.

Lil:"Should we stop him?" Lil grinned.

Phil:"Naw let him embarass himself, besides I'm hungry!" Phil walked over to the table and started devouring the food. Lil rolled her eyes at her annoying, yet funny brother.

To Be Continued 



Jun 18 '07#9

Chapter 9:

At Swan Springs:

Kimi:"Tommy why do I have to be 'blind' again?" Kimi teased with the same blindfold over eyes.

Tommy:"You'll see in a minute," Tommy guided her to the bridge that was over the swan pond. "Okay now you can look!" Tommy untied the blindfold and Kimi gasped at the breathtaking view she saw. Swans were swimming in the water and the moon's light reflected on their wings, making them look snow white!

Kimi:"Tommy this view is amazing!" she exclaimed.

Tommy:"You're amazing!" Tommy brung her closer to him, "Happy Anniversary Kimi!" he said lovingly.

Kimi:"Happy First Anniversary," Kimi corrected him. Then they shared a long passionate kiss. After that they walked to where their spot was and sat down under a tree and the starlit sky.

Tommy:"Now comes the best part!" he said in a sexy tone as he moved closer to Kimi.

Kimi:"What are you talking about?" Kimi pushed him back.

Tommy:"Come on Kimi don't you know what this place is called?" Tommy asked.

Kimi:"," she looked for a sign.

Tommy:"You mean you never seen this place before?"

Kimi:"Well the last time I saw this place was when you were here with Lil. However I know I seen this place before like in a teen magazine or something," Kimi thought. Tommy rolled his eyes.

Tommy:"As if the swans weren't a dead giveaway. This is Swan Springs Kimi," he told her.

Kimi:"Get out! We're at Swan Springs!? Oh I am defintely going to thank Lil for this! Wait a minute this is where people make- out right?" Kimi said a little nervous.

Tommy:"Exactly!" Tommy leaned over to kiss Kimi but she moved out the way and he ended up kissing the tree.

Kimi:"Heh! I don't think so," Kimi said waving her hands in disagreement.

Tommy:"Oh come on Kimi, lets finish what we started in the dentention room," Tommy pressured as again he tried to put one on Kimi.

Kimi:"Nice try, but we're on the ground just doesn't feel...right," Kimi hesitantly said as she got up and walked away from him.

Tommy:"Kimi why not?" he said going over to his girlfriend.

Kimi:"Well because...I have this gorgeous dress on...and I don't want to get it dirty," Kimi made an excuse.

Tommy:"Well fine I'll just unzip the back and..." Tommy playfully touched the back zipper.

Kimi:"Tommy!" Kimi quickly backed away from him.

Tommy:"Kimi I'm kidding! Look baby I'm sorry...listen we won't go that far I promise. But let's just be good sports and do what gives Swan Springs it's name. I mean it doesn't look romantic out here for nothing." Tommy said with charm.

Kimi:"O.k I guess. You know you really have a way with words," Kimi smiled as she got ready to kiss her charming boyfriend.

Tommy:"Yeah I know." Tommy and Kimi laughed and they were about to lock lips when they heard someone screaming.

Chuckie:"Kimi! Noooooooooooo!" it was Chuckie screaming and running fast towards them. Hr grabbed Kimi and lead her away. "No Kimi I can't let you do it! Tommy please don't do this to my sister, she's too young!" Chuckie said franticlly.

Tommy:"Chuckie what are you talking about?!" Tommy asked confused running after Chuckie.

Chuckie:"Come on Kimi we got to put your clothes back on!" Chuckie said acting hysterical.

Kimi:"Chuckie calm down and stop pulling me away. What are you doing?" Kimi snatched her arm out of Chuckie's grasp.

Chuckie:"Kimi I know you love Tommy and all but please put your clothes back on. You're not ready for this," Chuckie proclaimed as he squeezed her arms.

Kimi:"Chuckie! Look, my clothes are not even off! Get some new glasses!!!" Kimi shouted.

Chuckie:"Oh," Chuckie calmed down and felt really stupid.

Tommy"Chuckie what the heck are you doing here?!" Tommy yelled at Chuckie for ruining a perfect kiss.

Chuckie:"I'm...uh...making a total fool of myself," Chuckie said humilated.

Tommy:"What?" Tommy wasn't quite understanding.

Chuckie:"See Phil was telling me where you guys were going and what people do here and I don't know it just got to my head." Chuckie explained.

Kimi:"Ugh Chuckie you have got to stop with the bodyguard security act!" Kimi said getting frustrated with brother for the last time.

Chuckie:"I know Kimi...I'm sorry...I was just worried about you...and..." Chuckie was trying to make up a good excuse.

Tommy:"Uh Chuckie," Tommy gestured Chuckie with his eyes to leave. Chuckie looked over at Tommy and got the message.

Chuckie:"Oh right I guess that's my cue to go,"

Tommy:"Good idea!" Tommy said sarcasticly.

Chuckie:"Yeah well bye guys, sorry for ruining your night and have fun...oh but too much fun!" Chuckie reminded.

Kimi and Tommy:"Chuckie!" they both said in annoyance..

Chuckie:"Well anyway bye," and with that Chuckie left them alone. Kimi sat on the ground and let out a heavy sigh and shook her head constantly.

Tommy:"That's Chuckeroo for ya," Tommy joked sitting beside her.

Kimi:"Yeah," she giggled, "So where were we?" she looked at Tommy.

Tommy:"Right about here," Tommy replied. Their lips were so close to touching then something hit Tommy on the head. "Ow!" he rubbed his head where it got hit.

Kimi:"Are you okay?" Kimi checked to make sure.

Tommy:"Yeah I'm fine. What hit me?" Tommy looked around him to find the object that hit him then he saw a baseball and picked it up. "Whose baseball is this?" he asked Kimi.

Dil:"Yo T you're supposed to catch the ball with your hand not your head!" Dil walked over.

Tommy:"Dil are you forgetting I'm on my anniversary!" he shouted to his little brother.

Dil:"No I didn't forget, but did you know that in Europe it's daytime so your anniversary would be over in Europe," Dil joked.

Tommy:"Dil go spoil an alien's night please!"

Dil:"Well before you get all argo on me smartypants, I came to give you your present. Lil told me to bring it to you," Dil handed Tommy the gift bag.

Tommy:"Oh shoot...the present! Thanks Dil," T said taking the gift bag and handing it to Kimi. "Here you go Kimi," he smiled. Kimi reached inside and pulled out the red, velvet jewelry box and her face gleamed bright. She opened it and took out the locket.

Kimi:"Is this a locket?" Kimi opened the compartment as she stared dreamy in her boyfriend's eyes.

Tommy:"Yep and it's real gold too...10K to be exact!" Tommy added.

Kimi:"Oh Tommy this is gorgeous thank you!" She gave him a kiss. "Well I have something for you too!" Kimi reached into her purse and pulled out her gift. "Happy Anniversary!" she handed him the watch.

Tommy:"Kimi this watch is sweet!"

Kimi:"You like it?" she hoped.

Tommy:"Are you kidding, this watch is like golden treasure!" he exclaimed as he put it on his right wrist.

Kimi:"I added those hearts to the watch and put our names in it. What do you think?" she asked in earnest.

Tommy:"Good craftsmanship!" Tommy laughed and Kimi joined along. "Thanks Kimi," he said lovingly.

Kimi:"You're welcome," she answered softly. They gave each other a big anniversary kiss. Dil stood there grossed out.

Dil:"Okay smoochfesters, that's enough of that. Now it's time for a little ballgame!" Dil held up his bat and baseball.

Tommy:"Dil get a life!" Tommy said wishing he would stop disturbing this perfect night.

Kimi:"Come on Tomy let's play all with your brother," Kimi said hugging Dil's arm.

Tommy:"You can't be serious," T couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Kimi:"Oh come on, we can always kiss all day later," Kimi batted her eyes because she knew Tommy couldn't resist that look.

Tommy:"Oh darn it the eyes! O.k fine. You know Dil you better be lucky that I have Kimi and that she likes you. I would of been thrown you in that pond." Tommy said.

Dil:"Ooo yeah I'm so glad that Kimi's your girlfriend. You should've gotten with her sooner, she could of protected me from a lot of things," Dil said sarcasticly.

Kimi:"Hey Tommy don't turn me into Dil's guardian angel," protested Kimi, "Okay Dil we're ready!" she shouted to Dil.

Dil:"O.k here comes my fastball!" Dil threw the ball and the three played baseball till they couldn't play anymore.


Tommy and Dil were out on the field playing football one on one.

Tommy:"Good throw D!" Tommy complimented his brother pass.

Dil:"Throw it back to me T!" Dil shouted back.

Tommy:"Okay go long!" he said. Dil backed up walking backwards and he didn't see where he was going. He bumped into someone.

Girl:"Oh sorry my fault," the girl apoligized. Dil turned around.

Dil:"Oh sorry my...fault," Dil gazed at this girl he just bumped into and automaticlly became hooked.

Girl:"Hi!" she said politely.

Dil:"H...H...ahem...Hi," Dil could barely speak. "I'm sorry for buming into you I was_" he was beginning to explain.

Girl:"Oh no don't worry about I'm as much guilty as you are," she giggled, "I'm Melissa."

Dil:"I'm..." he began to say.

Tommy:"Dil watch out!" Tommy screamed from the other side of the field.

Melissa:"Oh my gosh watch out!" Melissa announced.

Dil:"Huh?" Dil turned around and before he could blink an eye, the football came and knocked him on the head and he blacked out.

A few mins later:

Melissa:"Oh no hey you...boy are you alright!?" Melissa panicked and was skaking Dil by the shoulders which was probably not a good idea if just incase he had a concussion. Dil opened his eyes and saw Melissa kneeling over him.

Dil:"Huh, what happened?" he mumbled.

Melissa:"How many fingers am I holding up?" Melissa put up three fingers. Dil tried to focus.

Dil:"Um...two," he replied.

Melissa:"Well actually one step higher but close enough," she giggled.

Dil:"No I meant you have the two most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Dil said looking starstruck at her.

Melissa:"That was so sweet. By the way you were going to tell me your name before you got it," she joked.

Dil:"Oh my name is Dil,"

Melissa:"Are you sure that's your name and your head is not still jumbled inside?" she smiled.

Dil:"I hope not," Dil put his hands on the spot where it hurt a lot. T came over to check on him.

Tommy:"Dil are you okay?" he asked.

Dil:"Yeah of course...I'm fine! Now go away," Dil pushed his brother away so Melissa wouldn't think he was such a wimp.

Melissa:"Here let me help you up," she stood up and reached out her hand.

Dil:"Thanks!" he grabbed her hand and she lifted him up. "So you new around here?" he asked.

Melissa:"Yeah my mom and I just moved here last week," Melissa pointed to the direction of her house.

Dil:"Well I live three blocks from this field," Dil pointed towards his house.

Melissa:"Awesome! Hey I was just walking my dog and if you want you can finish my walk with me?" she suggested. Dil looked down and noticed a light brown crocker spainal, wagging it's small stub of a tail. Dil couldn't believe it: a girl asking him to take a walk her.

Dil:"Sure! That'd be great!" Dil answered with a thrilled expression on his face.

Melissa:"Cool come on," she said.

Dil:"The dog won't bite right?" he asked and Melissa laughed.

Melissa:":"No Mitzi's a sweetheart,"

Tommy:"Dil I thought we were gonna finish...oh ok nevermind." Tommy could see Dil was in love.

Kimi:"Hey T!" Kimi came up to him.

Tommy:"Hey Kimi!" he replied and gave her a hug.

Kimi:"What you guys up to?"

Tommy:"Well we were playing football but it looks like Dil found himself a cheerleader," T chukles. Kimi sees Dil with a girl and gets what Tommy is talking about.

Kimi:"How cute...isn't tht cute Tommy?"

Tommy:"Yeah but I don't think he'll last long," Tommy thought.

Kimi:"What makes you say that?" she asks.

Tommy:"We're talking Dil here. The one who speaks to aliens," he said. They looked up at Dil and felt sorry for him but then Melissa said something:

Melissa:" Dil look I think I see a UFO!" she exclaimed pointing to the sky.

Dil:"Yeah I think I do too!" he replied. Kimi looked at Tommy and grinned.

Kimi:"You were saying?"

Tommy:"Oh great now there's two of 'em!" he groaned. Tommy and Kimi laughed at the new couple...let the games begin!!!

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