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59.09% The Supernatural Miracle Twin / Chapter 13: New Friend, Friendly Date, Dating?

Chapter 13: New Friend, Friendly Date, Dating?




[ The Princess phone rings ]

Huh, who the heck is calling me. With out looking or thinking I immediately picked up the phone then said; Who the hell is calling me, I'm trying to sleep so just leave me a message or something. I hanged up the phone quickly.

[ 30 minutes later after the call ]

Hey, I don't like you but I will give you this warning, when you enter that room just be prepared, Brice said to Kaleb.

The moment when Kaleb walked in the Princess room he felt the despair, guilt, fear, that was clinging around the room. The room started shaking a little then was calmed down. Kaleb walked towards her and the moment he say on her bed she quickly sits up and stare deeply in his eyes.

[ Kaleb perspective ]

I jumped a little when she sat up like that but something was off about her. Her eye looked dead but she's alive. You can see her body starts to tremble as she cry's. While she starts to caressed my face then my neck.Chloe kept on saying, I'm sorry, please kill or torture me for punishment.

Kaleb, you should know that she don't see you right now but when she gets used to your presence she will snapped out of it immediately when she sense you, Brice said to me.

[ Princess Chloe perspective ]

Kaleb, you should know that she don't see you right now but when she gets used to your presence she will snapped out of it immediately when she sense you, Brice voice quietly echoing in my head. I quickly snapped out of it then teleported to Zero but without knowing he was standing outside my door that was open or that Kaleb was in my room. The moment my body touched Zero I was teleported to Olympus.

What's the big deal Zeus, I thought we was training tomorrow, I said to him. You achieve the goal of our training yesterday when you died then came back, the training wasn't for you to /RRRRIIIIAAAAAANNNNGGA/



[ The Princess phone rings ]

Huh, who the heck is calling me. With out looking or thinking I immediately picked up the phone then said; Who the hell is calling me, I'm trying to sleep so just leave me a message or something. I hanged up the phone quickly.

[ 30 minutes later after the call ]

Hey, I don't like you but I will give you this warning, when you enter that room just be prepared, Brice said to Kaleb.

The moment when Kaleb walked in the Princess room he felt the despair, guilt, fear, that was clinging around the room. The room started shaking a little then was calmed down. Kaleb walked towards her and the moment he say on her bed she quickly sits up and stare deeply in his eyes.

[ Kaleb perspective ]

I jumped a little when she sat up like that but something was off about her. Her eye looked dead but she's alive. You can see her body starts to tremble as she cry's. While she starts to caressed my face then my neck. Chloe had kept on saying, I'm sorry, please kill or tourture me for punishment.

Kaleb, you should know that she don't see you right now but when she gets used to your presence she will snapped out of it immediately when she sense you, Brice said to me.

[ Princess Chloe perspective ]

Kaleb, you should know that she don't see you right now but when she gets used to your presence she will snapped out of it immediately when she sense you, Brice voice quietly echoing. I quickly snapped out of it then teleported to Zero but without knowing he was standing outside my door that was open or that Kaleb was in my room. The moment my body touched Zero's I was teleported to Zeus.

Your goddess power came out, you are now in complete control, Zeus said to me. So your saying I don't have to train anymore here right? I asked. Yes, it true and I have a warning for you, sense you are a goddess now, you cannot cut your hair till you're 20 years old and if you do you will damage your powers but don't worry your hair will not grow a inch more till you turn 20 to cut it and you are one of the only few who can change their genetics in hair but you won't be able to change your natural hair color so you hair going to stay blue like that, Zeus said to me. Sense I'm here I can take some photos shoots then leave, I said to Zeus while walking away in my basketball shorts and t-shirt with no shoes on.

[ 30 minutes later ]

I teleported back to my room to take a shower. Right when I finished taking my shower I used my telekinesis to make my hair float so it won't touch the ground and get dirty and wrapped a towel around me then head downstairs.

I searched the whole mansion for Brice and Zero but I almost forgot to check the library I built. I saw Brice and asked him would he like to assist me with brushing my hair. Yes, ofcourse I will sister, Brice said to me. One more thing, why did I sensed Kaleb presence in my room and why is he in my library, I asked in a serious tone with a smile. Umm, I-- I, Brice said. Don't worry dear brother I'm not mad I'm just curious and you can forget about it and guess what, I said to Brice. Hmmmm, you saw Zeus and he said that you don't have to train anymore since you got you goddess powers and you are able to change your hair through a new ability but not able to color it since you can't cut your hair because it will harm your powers, Brice said. YES! that is correct but how.did you know? I asked Brice. Zeus told me before hand, but what he probably didn't tell you is that your a twin you are only able to use it when the other twin is present, Brice said to me. I immediately grab Brice's hands and change my hair into a big bush with perfect curls then I said tell Kaleb that I be ready in a hour, I said walking away to my room.

( I went a little overboard describing her clothes )

I went to my room and stared at my closet trying to figure out what to wear. I decided to wear a black dress with a collar with out sleeves and had buttons going down. It had red petals of the design of the black dress that also is short in the front ( inch above the knee ) and long in the back. I couldn't find my red heels with the black bottoms so I did my makeup and finished it off with mascara and a pinkish reddish color lip stick then went ahead a grab my big red purse after putting on my red leather belt on my high waisted self. I walked out the room looking for my shoes and I found it near my desk in my library. I checked the clock and saw I had 20 minutes left so I started to draw.

I find my self drawing Kaleb and Zero a lot on different pages but when Kaleb sneak up on me while I was drawing him I got so embarrassed that I couldn't speak and my head was burning up. While I was walking out the library I saw a glance of Kaleb smiling at my picture made my heart skip a beat. while I was putting my shoes on and about to head out to the car I saw that the forecast was sunny and after yesterday with me acting like a vampire a little, the sun became more brighter and harsh on me so I teleport a red umbrella and some shades. When I got in the car I waited for Kaleb to come out and drive.

( in my story is that 15+ can get there drivers license )

Hey, sorry I took so long but would you mind if we mostly walk today instead of driving around, Kaleb said while starting up the car. I'm assuming you haven't ate yet so let's go to the Cinema first because Brice told me you love eating and watching a movie and after that we are going to do to an anime convention that's starts at 7pm buy we might leave to get there at 5pm and right now it's 1 and our movie starts in 30 minutes and the rest is your choosing, Kaleb said while driving us to the Cinema. Hey, Kaleb I would be able to watch scary movies without accidentally using my powers anymore, I just thought you need to know that, I said to Kaleb while gripping the armrest in the car. I realized that I need to update my socials both for earth and Olympus. I took a selfie with both of the phones and said that I found out I can change my hair look but can change the color then posted it out. Hey, we're here and what type of movie do you want, Kaleb asked. I will see what I want to watch when I get in the building, sorry I mean I don't know yet, I said to Kaleb. Don't be sorry, its fine if your first response was cold, I can tell that you do that you keep others away, I do the same thing, Kaleb said. I smiled a little then teleport us inside the building. Hey, I want to watch the one with Nasion ( Jason ) in it, I really don't watch a lot of scary stuff because my lack of control but I don't have to worry now though, I said while paying for the tickets. Hey! I was supposed to pay, Kaleb cried out. You can pay for the food, I said with s cute giggle at the end.

[ During the movie ]

huh, that's weird, the food tasted normal and my stomach is okay, I guess something was with my body that day, I was thinking to my self.

[ A jump scare appear ]

I jump a little but accidentally grabbed Kaleb's hand. I sensed danger and enemy soldiers were coming so I teleported them to a dessert with a TV and 2 DVDs that was named 1 and 2. In the DVDs shows footage of me being a goddess and another one asking to fight on my kingdoms side of the war. Hey, Chloe! are you okay, your eyes was glowing, Kaleb said to me. Yeah, I'm good I was seeing how my father was doing, I said while taking off me heels and started watching the movie again. Another jump scare appear and thy time I didn't hold his hand, I grabbed his whole arm with my breast pressing against it with out my knowing. When I finally called down from that scene I started to fall asleep.

[ While the Princess was asleep, she started to use Kaleb as a pillow. Kaleb was left in a awkward position with Chloe breast pressing against him ]

By the time I woke up It felt like I had throw. I quickly sat up a gag a little and grab my cup then started throwing up blood that I had consumed but the food stayed down. Hey are you feeling alright, Kaleb said while grabbing a napkin and wiping my mouth off. Yeah, I'm fine I dont know what just came over me, I said to Kaleb with I big smile on my face to reassure him. During the rest of the movie I found my self holding Kaleb's hand to calm me down for the scary parts if the movie. When the movie was over I put on my heels and got up I had lost my balance and I was lightheaded. Hey, Kaleb can I cling onto your arm, I'm dehydrated and I'm lightheaded so lets go to a internet cafe that's near by and then we can go to the big park, I said to Kaleb while I hug his arm. It's fine but why at a cafe we can get some here, Kaleb said to me. I- I w- want s-sweets and t-tea? I said trying to come up with something.

I cant stay in here with the smell of all the foods and the strong smell of popcorn, the smell is like 2x stronger to me then regular people.

Okay... let's go then Kaleb said while gave me a werid look. When we made it outside I took a deep breath and let it out and started pull on Kaleb to walk faster to walk a couple shops over to get to the cafe. When we reach the cafe cafe, two waiters approach us and I asked Kaleb if he want anything and he said a apple tart in a espresso. Before the waiters walked away I tapped one of them on the shoulders and whispered that I want a double espresso and do not let anyone else know about it sense Zero told them I'm forbidden to have caffeine.

When we sat at our table I pulled out my pacbook pro out my purse then pulled my chair closer to Kaleb. I pulled up a new document then labeled it Kaleb. I have a few questions for you, I said to Kaleb with s straight face. Are you going to interview me? Kaleb said with a small chuckle. You can say I am but you can to the same for me if you want, I said to him while I was playing with his man bun. What you doin-... Kaleb said trying not to let out a laugh. I'm just have the urge to do that and I can't believe you put your hair up, I like it but I'm surprised, I said to Kaleb while tucking one if his dreads in his bun.

Okay, first question, what's your natural hair color, I said while typing both the question and his answer.

You already type my answer, but it's dark brown, Kaleb said.

Second question, do you have any siblings and tell me their sex, age, name, birthday, I said to him while I kept sneaking a look at him.

I have s little brother who is 12 years, his birthday is August the second, and his name is Michael, Kaleb said.

What's your Birthday and please add your birth year, I said.

September the 15th, 2007, Kaleb said. A big smile appeared on my face. What, what is it, why do you have that cute grin on your face, Kaleb asked. You can ask me that when it's your turn, I said a smirk on my face.

Princess, Your regular is here and mister , your apple tart and espresso is done. After the waiter put the food down he gave me a brand new in used purple personal cup with the cafe logo on it so no one can tell what's inside it. Hey, what's in the cup, Kaleb asked. I quickly said juice and the waiters said tea at the same time then I said tea and the waiter said juice. Okay... Hey, can you also get us 3 bottles of water, she's dehydrated, Kaleb said being considerate.

When I started eating I completely forgot that I was asking Kaleb questions. I had two cups, 1 cup of my forbidden drink and a cup of orange juice. Some one of walking slowly pass my table and a caught a glimpse of a woman dropping 2 tablets of something in my orange juice. I knew that my body has been trained to resist any poison or harmful drugs so I drank the juice and continued to eat my food and I glanced at the woman who tried to poison me and when I smiled at her she quickly paid for her food and leave. I told Kaleb if you take a drink of my juice he will die and I was quite serious then I walked out the door following the lady and snagged her in the alley and then said tell your comrades if of them tries to kill me like your little attempt I will kill them all without blinking and if they obey they are welcome to join alliance and if it get to strike 3 I'm killing your whole army and destroying all your military equipment and I know where they're at. I I teleported back to the cafe in my seat sense I chase her a block over ( the woman have super speed ). I'm sorry, I had to make a call, I said. Hey, are you done asking questions, I want to ask you some questions, Kaleb said. You can go ahead and ask me something.

What was so funny when I told you my birthday, Kaleb said

It's just that my birthday is the first of September and your the 15th, I said

What's your favorite color, Kaleb said quickly.

Purple, Red, Black, sky blue, teal, rose gold, lavender, and violet, I said to Kaleb as fast he answer the question. Hey, its 3pm let's go to the park I said while sipping the double espresso. When I gave the waiter the check I slip I 20 dollar bill in his back pocket. We walked out and walked to the car. Hey, why did you tipped that dude in secret like. He did me a favor and I gave him his reward but if any of the employeesfound out he will get fired but it's not somethingyou can go to jail for, said to Kaleb. Okay, I believe you and lets go to the park now, Kaleb said while starting up the car. Before Kaleb pulled out, he got a text message from Brice saying dont be a reckless driver.

[ Sometimes the twins get separate visions of the future and Prince Brice had his vision of Kaleb speeding so fast and slammed the brakes because a cat was crossing the road and it ends there not showing what was happening in the car and what the Princess did in the same situation of when she killed many of her caretakers ]

Hey Chloe look it's a opean road, we might get there faster now, Kaleb said. I felt the car speeding up but I didn't mind. I can hear the car zooming and feel it too. I started to hold on the seat for dear life and close my eyes, after a minute of Kaleb speeding I opean my eyes and saw that cat on the road ahead.

Kaleb, slow down. KALEB, slow down, KALEB, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, I continue to tell. When the cat became in sight rang for Kaleb he slammed the brakes. The cat was going so fast that when Kaleb slammed the brake the car flew. When I screamed the car stopped just in time before it touch the road. While the car was still in the air, I started to have a panic attack and I set the car down at the same time. The ground started shaking, tornadoes came out of nowhere, it started raining. I couldn't calm my self down but a second later Kaleb kissed me and kept kissing me till everything went back to normal. When he stopped kissing me I heard Katie's voice saying kiss him or a will. Right before Kaleb was able to say he was sorry, I pulled his collar bringing his face closer to me then I kissed him and slapped him leaving my hand print on his face. Get out the car I'm driving, I said to Kaleb. But you dont have your driver's license, Kaleb said back to me. NIGA PLEASE, I SAID GET OUT THE FUCKING CAR AND IM DRIVING BITCH, NOW MOVE YOUR BLACK ASS, I said yelling at Kaleb while I unbuckled my seat belt. Kaleb look at me then crossed his arms then said, you think your from the hood now. Okay, let me say this I might be a Princess and I live in the mansion but I move around alot and my care takers barely took care of me so every day when I leave the mansion, I go down the streets where there's was only a black community and they helped raise me and the only black community that was there was the ghetto parts, I said. So now get out the FUCKING CAR OR I WILL SLAP THE BALCK OFF OF YOU, I said yelling at him again but this time he jumped out the car and wait for me to get out the passenger seat. When I hopped in the driver's seat I quickly checked everything to make sure everything is fully functional. When I started driving, I was serving at first but I got the hang of it. Hey Chlo, why do you not speak slang or something. I go to public events and places and dont do alot of greetings and talking there and when I'm at home with Brice during those times he thought its very improper and inappropriate of me so I do my best to speak clearly and try not to speak like that, I said. I know that Brice love me alot but I know he pity me because I have a weak mind when I was still a tot and almost every day, month, it year I get traumatized and he dont and one time when he was sleeping I peeped in his memories that I even traumatized in and he was only sleeping or playing around and walked over dead bodies while I watch all if them die, I said we hike starting to speed a little. Sometimes I catch him calling me a psycho, I said continue to speed faster. Kaleb grab my hand and told me to calm down. Hey, can you put a straw in my cup and hold it up while I drive, I asked trying to change the subject. Hey Chloe, its obvious now that you have feelings for me but do you want to my my girlfriend? Kaleb said it nervously while he help me with my drink. Sure, I be your GF and also I saw that arround the neighborhood that there's alot of abandoned houses and I can turn one if them in our secret hideout and I think that you might need it more than I do, I said with a giggle at the end.

I pusa s As lled up to the park grab my purse and my favorite big baby blanket tgat I got when I was 4 years old from my grandmother on my birth mom side if the family and ran out the car till found a bench with the perfect view. I sat the blanket down on the bench and pulled out my drawing tablet, my headphones, and my phone. Before I sat down I waited for Kaleb to sit down so I can sit on his lap the entire time while we was at the park we was listening to music and we was drawing and I gave Kaleb my spare drawing tablet because he wanted to draw something.

2 hours went by and I had Kaleb drive us to the anime convention and a saw alot of people cosplaying, a lot of manga books I cant find in stores or online, and cool stuff I never new existed.

Around midnight we went to a opean karaoke restaurant and Kaleb had signed us up for karaoke for 2 songs. the first song was a dou and I never sang the solo, the second song I was up there alone to sing. When I started singing, everyone was quiet and when it got to the rapping part they seemed more surprised from my singing. At the end of the song every one went wild, they was all cheering for me and one of the people from the crowd gave me a card and when I search his card online he was one of the most famous producers of all times and he gave Kaleb one too. I was so ecstatic I started floating.

When we went outside to hopped on the car and leave my oldest brother called me. Yes, Prince Frederick, what do you need, I said in a serious tone. The war is canceled and you my dear sister had saved us all you had showed the other kingdoms what you stand for and tomorrow at 2pm you are going to be on the news telling everyone what you did, Prince Frederick said in a happy tone. I hang up the phone the yelled, THE WAR IS OVER!!!!! I'm soo happy, I yelled while hugging Kaleb. Hey Kaleb I know the perfect abandon house and it's right around the corner from your home but it alot farther for me but I have meh powers dude. I teleport us to the car then teleported the car to the house. Kaleb stay right here till I get the place ready.

[ 5 minutes later]

okay come in and put your hand right here on the wall and you go down first, I said while I look how amazed Kaleb was to the scanner. I put my had on the wall after Kaleb to have my handprint be save with Kaleb's and only alow our hands to enter unless I choose to add another like Kaleb's little brother sense Kaleb said something about family problems. I head on down and asked him if he like it. You bet I you slim, Kaleb said while picking me up and entered a random bed room. I quickly kissed him on the lips then said slow your horses. I need to head home to my mansion because if I stay out longer than this Princess April will start gossiping stuff that she dont know or saying stuff the wrong way. Your house is right around the corner while my mansion is 2 or 3 blocks away so I'm dropping you of kk, I said to Kaleb while getting off his lap. I teleported us in the car and I drove Kaleb home then I went home while everyone was still asleep.i posted all the pictures I took today on all my social media's.

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