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54.54% The Supernatural Miracle Twin / Chapter 12: New School. Same War. New love?

Chapter 12: New School. Same War. New love?

Hey! Chloe, it's time for you to wake up, I have a gift for you, Brice said to me. My eyes shot open and I was perked up because I knew the surprised because if the link. I got up and down stairs to the guardian and saw the preserved corps of my fellow Emily, who was my first care taker and who I helped delivered a child from. I laid up next to her body then started talking to her while I can feel judgemental towards me from Zero and my twin.

Hey, sister I have to tell you a plan of how we can keep your energy and keep you stable, Brice said. I'm listening, I said while fixing Emily's dead body hair. You are going to stay asleep and only awake when needed to do an assignment, eat, or emergencies but Zero will carry you first thing in the morning and I do the rest. I got up and grabbed Brice's hand then ran to the dinning room to get some breakfast. Wow, Hey! why you so excited this morning? Zero asked to the Princess. My brother is here, I'm able to sit at the table and have breakfast with him, I said with a bright smile. I heard footsteps coming towards us from the kitchen. Hey Brice, who else is here? I asked. April, Princess April is here and she is fetching us our plates, Brice said. Oh, Okay, hey! I had unlinked our minds but we can still speak telepathically to each other, I said with a smile. When all of us got our plates and say our grace we all dig in. When I tasted the food, it tasted good but it was bland. I grab the hot sauce and poor a drop of it on my finger it tasted the same but lacked flavor like the food. I dump allot of hot sauce all over my food and started to eat it. Um, Chloe, are you good this morning, you don't usually put that much hot sauce one your eggs and you put it on your pancake and all the meat and veggies too, Brice said to me. Yeah, Yes! I'm perfectly okay, I'm magnificent, I said to them.

When I finished eating I had excuse myself to go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I started throwing up all the food a ate then went up stairs to get ready for school. Sense the school have uniforms in only one color so I decided to have a blue uniform on that represents my kingdom. I put on my sky blue skirt and button up my white dressed shirt and put on my sky blue jacket with blue flats. Sense war was going on, I have to participate in the war it would help if I have some went on me. When I was thinking about what weapon I should take I had a vision of numbers and intruders entering the school building looking for the twins armed with anti-ability weapons that has a strange stone on the barrel of the gun. I teleported to my brother who was still in dinner room. Brother! did you see that! I said to my brother in excitement. Use I saw too but why are you so excited, Brice said to me with worry. I thought about what he said and I couldn't figure out why, I'm just so intrigued. I dont know why, I said to Brice in the sorry tone. It's okay, but I think those numbers represent a date and its today's date, our predictions of our visions was never wrong so bring a weapon or two, Brice said while rubbing my head.

I went back up stairs and put long, long, hair in a side ponytail on the top of my head in nine separate bread that turn into 3 that turn into 1 big braid that hang down to my feet. I put a small tiara clip with diamonds in my hair at the beginning of the ponytail. I grab my holster for my Artemis ( a metal stick that can turn into a staff Princess Chloe named, the staff can turn into scythe and nunchucks) I place and tied it to my leg and put Artemis in with knives in their sleeves. I grab another holster for my thought but I put two pistols in it with more knives. I looked for my mini backpack then I put mags, clips, and also smoke grenades into it. I teleported 2 AR- 15 style rifles in both of our new lockers. Chloe! it's time to go! Brice yelled from downstairs. I'm Coming, I said while grabbing my bag and tie. I head downstairs while putting my tie on. Hey, why you chose to wear a tie instead of a bowtie dear sister, Brice said while fixing it. It's easier to tie, I said to him. Hey, sense we are at war the plan for you to stay sleep for the whole day has change. Brice, why did you wear blue like me today? I asked him. Well that's random, it's because we are going to be on television and I saw you wearing it.

[2 hours later]

Every one we are on lockdown and the royal twins, RUN AWAY A FAST AS POSSIBLE THEY HERE TO KILL YOU! The principal said very fastly.


Was that a gun shot? I student screamed. Every one get down us do what is like for a regular lock down, Chloe you are in charge to eliminate the enemy target, Brice said. Yes brother but I'm gonna do it from here, I can feel the power of the gems on the guns and if I get to close, my powers will be disabled till further notice, I said to Brice. Chloe, I know you want to have hand to hand combat so just teleported all the weapons that have those stones to the middle of the sea. Before we new it they had Strom the class room in our powers was disabled. I immediately put out my pistols and shot 2 of them in the head while Brice get another. Brother! I had put two AR's in our lockers. While I was telling him that another soilder tried to shoot Brice with a rocket launcher. I jumped in his way making it hit me.

Every thing went white then I saw flashes of the future of my life that haven't happened yet. I saw me sleeping with that boy, Kaleb and kissing him. Had four kids and one of them was Kalebs and 3 of them was Zero's.


I heard faded voices screaming my name and it sounded like Brice. I continue to play and watch my kids while I cuddle up with Kaleb and Zero.

Mommy! tell me about the WAR stories, kid 3 said to me. War... wAr.... WaR... WāR..... The word war kept on repeating in my head. Wait! I'm not supposed to be here! I need to get back, I said running towards the door. I couldn't open the door how mater I pulled but I grab a butcher's knife then started slashing at the door. When I finally was able to get through the door Every thing went white again.

I can hear my brother screaming in pain, banging on the floor. I saw how I was able to used the magical power I had left in my Artemis to create a force feild to protect him and the students. I looked down and saw that I was floating over my body and it looked like I was dead. I have gun shots wounds in my head, my arms, legs, and chest to my heart.

I looked up again seeing my brother, crying, missing his left leg and his right arm, bleeding out to death. i can see my force feild cracking and it won't hold much longer. I started screaming, hitting and banging at my body trying to get in.

While the princess was trying to get back in her body, her soul was finally emerge back in her own body. Princess Chloe body started to glow and shine a big light.

I stand up with my body drench in blood. I looked over my shoulder and saw I had had angle wings and my wings was the same color of my hair, a special light blue. I walked towards Brice and sat next to him while folding my wings back up then I took down my barrier shielding them.

I'm going to make you brand new brother, I said to him. I kissed him on the cheek then a glow of light appears around his missing limbs and when it went away his missing limbs was back and attached. I'm sorry brother but I can't give you back the lost of blood so I'm gonna put up a barrier so no enemy soilder's or objects can come in.

Before I was able to put a barrier up 5 enemy soilder's entered the room and point there guns at me.

I spread out my angel wings then pointed at one of the soilder's. I zapped his legs so he can get down of his knees. One of the female soilder's asked if I was an angel. No, I'm and untrained goddess and if you keep on pointing your guns at me I will kill you with out touching you, I said to her.

LIES! One of the soilder's yelled then started shooting at me. I used my wings to protect my self from getting hurt then slice of the soilder's head who had shoot at me. The other soilder's got down on their needs and beg for forgiveness and called me their goddess. My brethrens go spread the word to your comrades and if they don't believe me tell them to meet me, I have anger problems and when I get angry some one will get hurt and they usually dies, I said to them. They will believe us because we all have cameras on us with audio, the male soilder said.

[ Guns Shots Near By ]

I walked out the door with the soilder's following me out, only one stay by me while the others go tell their conrade's. When I reach the location of the gun shots a saw that Kaleb was the one you got shot and a female soilder had a riffle in her hands. Are you okay! Just stay still, your wounds are fatal. I lay Kaleb down and kissed him on the lips and use my telekinesis to pull all the bullets out of him while I heal him. I could've just kissed him on the cheek but I was just drawn to his lips. I felt Kaleb kissing back but I can feel my brother's presents in the room. I jumped back the yelled brother bout of surprised.

How are you able to use your powers sister mine is disabled, he said to me. Zeus and the other gods said that I have to come close to death but in come close with it every day but this time I died and came back stronger with my powers of a goddess, I said. How did you came back, Brice asked.

I was in some type of fantasy realm and I had kids and one of the asked about war then I realized I had to get out. When I finally got the door open I was standing over my body and I saw you, brother, crying in pain and bleeding out to death. I didn't wanted to see you like that every again and you was going to die from blood lost if I didn't came back so I been banging and hitting my body and I came back, I said to Brice.

Hey, Brice sit down while I teleport some transfusion tubes, I said. Chloe. did you forget that my blood regenerate too but my blood does it very slowly so if you didn't come back and have me back my arms and legs I would be dead, Brice said to me. Oh, Chloe I was only able to use on of my powers and it was my telekinesis but I was so week but I was strong enough to gather most of the pieces of your body and put them together but I guest you would find the biggest chunk of your body to entered and heal your self, Brice said while tearing up

I hugged Brice and busted out, while I was hug him I saw the soilder who shot Kaleb trying to sneak out the door. I let go of Brice then teleported in front of the female soilder. It's time for your punishment so come with me miss, I said to the soilder. I took her to the bathroom then instead of cutting her up, I had an urge to feast on her blood. I couldn't stop feeding, it felt so good, after I feed so hard on her neck, ripping her head off I started feeding on her other limbs till her body was in pieces. I saw Brice at the corner of my eyes and when I looked in his direction he ran with fears in his eyes.

I stopped what I was doing and started sewing her body up so she look more natural and clean her up, while I cry. I left her body there and was about to enter the classroom but I thought of the look on Brice face. I sat down a couple feet away from the door so I can cry with out them hearing me.

Brice I thought you went to check on the princess, Kaleb said. I- I don't know her anymore, Brice said. What do you mean? Kaleb asked. When we was twelve, Chloe was taken to the Greek gods and goddesses and we wasn't slow to talk are see each other, She was away for 2 years and many months and I had to build a robot to replace her so she won't be labeled as missing and she just got back a less then an week ago and I haven't had time to have fun with her.


I think she's crying, and you don't go out their she might destroy this entire school, trust me I know, Kaleb said. I'm too scared, my powers are disabled and I can't get I'm her head to calm her down or nothing, Brice said.


[ the school building started to shake like an earthquake with the princess crying louder ]

Sense you can't do it I'm going out there, Kaleb said.

I saw Kaleb walking closer to me then ask if I can put my wings away. I put my wings and looked the other direction wiping my face off. Kaleb sat down right behind me then pulled me back and hold me in his grasp. Hey, wanna tell me what's wrong or do you just want to talk, Kaleb asked. Am I a monster, an abomination, a- don't say such negative things, you are a gift to the world, Kaleb said to me. Any other questions? Kaleb asked. Why do you have dreads you would look more handsomer with a clean hair style but you also would look cute with your dreads in a pony tail or man bun, ugh I can't make up my mind, I said.

Hahhahahammah... I have dreads because my family was tried buying hair products for my hair, Kaleb asked. I got and sat down with me looking eye to eye to him. Ask me a question! I asked with a big smile. did you know that you had gotten darker, you was like a pretty tan color of a light skin compared to my skin but now your two shades away, Kaleb said to me. I didn't know, it probably happened when I was trying for almost 7 hours straight, I said. Wow, that's a long time and how come your mixed but both the Queen and king are white, Kaleb said. It's because the king wanted a daughter and my birth mother also wanted another daughter so the king anonymously donated his sperm and my birth mother husband is black and he still wanted to do it with her and some how both my dad's sperm and the king's was combined so I'm a quarter white but I mostly black, I said while staring at Kaleb's Brown eyes. Hey Princess, can I take you out on a date, Kaleb said bluntly.

[ in Kaleb's mind ]

Omg I just asked her that.

wait she has a boyfriend name Zero that's older than us.

But She doesn't know that I know that Chloe's part vampire and I know she knows that vampires can have to mates.



[ Back to reality ]

Umm, Sure, Yes, Wait, I barely know you that much but I can get to know you then, I said to him. Okay great, Kaleb said. Hey I'm gonna fix up the school then I'm gonna go outside to tell the soilder's to clear out and have one of the teachers go to the office and say that's locked down is over and for them to call the kids parents, I said to Kaleb. Wait! can I go with you and don't let my parents know, please, let's just say I don't have a functional family, Kaleb said while grabbing my hand. Okay but let me gets some paper and give my brother my task but I'm still gonna make sure the soilder's clear out and asked them to join the army, I said to Kaleb. I teleported out side then asked all the soilder's if they want to join my army for my kingdom and they all accepted. You guys have to leave you weapons here with me though, I said while teleporting to the front gate of my brother's Castle.

Hey guards please tell my brother's that they are joining our army and we they have no exceptions to say no do to how enemy numbers. I teleported back to Kaleb then said we are going to go to my place to fresh up and you can choose the place you want to go but we're going tomorrow and I'm making sure there will be no school tomorrow, I said. After I take a shower. and change clothes I'm gonna take you shopping.

6 hours later.

I hope I got you everything thing you need and and see you tomorrow and here's my number I said handing him a piece of paper and his bags.

I walked in my mansion seeing. Brice with their arms crossed. I looked at him then kiss him goodnight then I went ahead to take my shower and hopped and bed falling asleep thinking about Kaleb but I got up and asked Zero about it and he was fine with me dating someone else. I went back to sleep but I woke up in the middle of the night craving blood so I went out covering my bright colored hair while I feast on some one. I was able to control myself a little only because I was tired. I went back home to sleep and stayed asleep.

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