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50% The Supernatural Miracle Twin / Chapter 11: New home. New Problems (warning sexual content)

Chapter 11: New home. New Problems (warning sexual content)


Hey, Hey, Chloe, wake up, Zero said and a soft smile. I saw I was in my bed surrounded by cute fuzzy stuff animals and they weren't here before but I was mostly trying to look at Zeroes hot muscular abs sense he had no shirt on. What time is it and did I passed out again, I dont remember going to bed or my cute fuzzy new friends. I said while patting the stuff animals in my sleepy voice. I took you to bed and went out to get you some friends, Zero said while walking away and is nice smooth cold voice. I sat up then teleported Zero to me in my bed then gave him a big hug. Hey I think the older I get more my powers will be balance out naturally and also its only 6 AM so I would usually be picking out my outfit of the day but I can do that later and I just want to lay down and sleep on you while you hold me, I said in a quiet voice while I put my leg over his long legs to get closer to him. A second later we was teleported in Olympus. When the second I saw the figure who teleported us I kicked him in the nuts then I saw it was Zeus. Hey! give us a warning and give me your shirt, I barely have any clothes on right now, I said in a feisty manner. When I looked around the area I was at the stadium and theirs bot alot of people their but just enough of them to make me mad about that I'm only wearing and undershirt that goes above my belly, no bra, and just in my hot red color underwear while Zero only just dont have a shirt on. While I was telling Zeus to give me his shirt, Zero picked me up holding me like a baby while ime trying to hide from the cameras. Ares came down from the stadium and covered me with his shirt and it was like a dress on me then Zeus asked did you get a boob job or something. I looked at him then looked at Zero then Zero nod his head yes then I cracked a smile. I took a hug deep breath in then when I released it fire spread all over the stadium while I have Ares floating in the air, away from harm's way. When Zeues went to jump and fly in the air he couldn't I had set a barrier. When the fire went away Zeus clothes was basically almost gone but only one part of his clothing covered his private areas. Hey remember this it took us 2 years and a couple more to get out that portal and my body is still growing plus I just turn 15 like 2 days ago, I said.

I will be going back home to wash up and get my self together and get back to me in 3 hours because I have places to be. Now if you are going to bother me then get ready for me to unleash hell on you gods, I said while I was grabing Zeros hand then use the ring to teleport back home but leaving Ares shirt back on him.

Little do Princess Chloe know that the people in the crowds was the press and the newspapers team seeing who is their new queen going to be. The public now see that the Princess have a short temper but she might be able to take Aphrodite down not just by power by looks.

Back with the princess at home.

Okay what's today and today's year, I just want to make sure that this ring is different from that portal, I said. Before Zero was able to answer Brice answerd it for her. Its September 3rd, Sunday 2020, Bdoce said telepathically. Thanks bro, I said telepathically. I grab my phone and went to see what time it was and it was 6:15am. Hey Zeerro...! it's still 6 o'clock and we technically dont have to start being productive around 8am, I said while I dragged Zero to my bed and sat him down while I get my clothes out and but them on my desk. I teleported on Zeroes lap with my legs wrapped him then gave him a big. When I hug him he fell over on the bed and my shirt was hooked on Zero chan exposing my body. I knew I was not in a clear mimd state but I was just driven from his smell and my highten feelings. Even with my breast exposed I started to kiss his neck then his lips leaving behind my common sense.

When Zero finally came out of shock of what's happening he started to kiss the princess back, ripping the rest of the princess shirt off. Chloe used her speed and pushed him in the wall while still kissing him. Zero vamp speed picking her up and pushed her on the wall then started to lick and suck her nipples. Chloe pushed him down on the floor kissing him more but with tung while she teleported his pants away then started rub and tease his penis that made him have a bi. While the princess was still doing all of that stuff she accidentally bit his lip. When Chloe tasted his blood in her mouth she had backed away and teleported all of her clothes on then before the princess could disappear Zero grab Chloes hands and her thoughts came rushing out to him.

Princess Chloe thoughts:

What on earth was a doing, I'm only 15 years old but still have my 12 year old mind.

If this could've gone farther it would been un safe and I can get pregnant .

I need to get out of here, all I can think of is blood.

Zeros a vampire so it should be only barely craving for

Wait I been around other vampires blood and I have cravings or temptation from them.

I can't stay here any longer

Zero thoughts after hearing hers:

So she's drawn to my blood, that's weird.

What's more weirder I almost had sex with the teenager I love while my body is stuck in my twenties but my body looked like a 19year old.

The most weirdest thing is that I'm able to read her thoughts but I know that she didn't allow me to read her thoughts.

I think I can give her some space while I try to find away to get her to calm down when she comes back but were supposed to be at the high school at 10am so I would meet her there.

I can believe she said that her 12 year old mind.

She has a mind of one of the most intelligent people I know.

Meanwhile with Princess Chloe.

Okay, there's a empty park and there is no traffic, it's a good spot for me to cry alone. 20 minutes later still crying but the hunger had went away.

Aye! I'm trying sleep- oh sorry are you okay, A teenage boy said from up the tree behind the bench the Princess was crying at. The moment I looked up at the boy I froze then started to have a seizure and the boy was looking for the princess phone and when he finally did then to call Chloe's emergency contacts which was only one and it was Zeros. He failed the number then Zero answered, Oh, that was fast I thought you wasn't gonna talk to me sense you basically left screaming and trying also I'm might buy you a new shirt after tearing it off of you like that but you owe me a new chan. The boy quickly hung up the phone and when he did he saw that he tree that he was laying in was dying and so the grass around the princess then whole started to appear. When the princess came to everything went back to normal. When the boy sat Chloe on the bench he saw how she was dressed like she came from cool party wearing fish nets tights with red leather ankle boots an neon red leather shirt that are 4 inches above mid thigh, a black cropped top with neon red words say baby girl that is above the belly button. I'm sorry you have to see that but I thought my seizures went away unless it's from stress. I got up and walk away

while I was walking away I passed out. The teenager saw the princess collapse. He checked her watch then ran over towards her and then picked her then vampnspeed to his house and put her down in the teenage boy bed.

While the princess was out the teenage boy took Chloe's phone and use her finger print to see who is in her contacts of where he can try to find someone to get help. He only Found Zeroes number again. When she came to she said. if your kidnaping me I be very glad to kill you. I'm just here trying to help you, my name is Kaleb, what's yours, the teenage boy said. I quickly got up and asked wears the kitchen. It's right over there, Kaleb said pointing to the next room over full of beer bottles. I got up walked to the kitchen while Kaleb followed. I saw the knives and see which one is the sharpest then right when I was about to quickly plunge the knife in my throat but while Kaleb was screaming don't do it and before he was about to speed towards her Zero came out of nowhere and stopped me. So this is not a dream? I said. Zero shook his head yes. I grab the knife and ran to him, then start stabbing his shoulder. I didn't stop but a minute later I started to feel dizzy, then nauseous. when went over the the sink a start throwing up blood then pass out. Zero picked up the princess he felt the urge to lick the blood off of her face then kissed then just left the house grabbing her phone.

I woke up like 5 mins after so I just hopped on his back and sleep there. While I was sleeping I kept catching my self licking Zeros neck. When we made it to Hutson High, Zero had me used mind control on the principal so I can get in and that Zero can attend my classes and come to school with me or what we want then we went home.

Hey Chloe I, sorry for what happened earlier this morning and- it's not your fault it minds so dont worry, I said interrupting Zero. I'm gonna go to sleep and do now wake me till first period of class and that means you can change my clothes and bath me for your punishment, I said with a smirk while walking in my room. Chloe you know it's 1pm right now, Zero said. I need the sleep, I said.

Right after that last sentence we was teleported and the same exact stadium as before. You caught me at a good time Zeus, I said. I cannot train you in combat but I can train you to help control your powers and I realize when you mastered using your powers you will going to have to push your limits to make you stronger, Zeus said. I had one off the workers from the underworld to pull up every single ability you had displayed in your life time and even if

some of your abilities was unlocked through different metal state.

Meanwhile with Brice.

Brice honey, can you come heerree..., Princess April said. Ugh, fine, okayyy..., Brice said grunting and in upset voice while hopping on the sofa sitting next to April. What's wrong sweet heart, April said while moving closer to Brice then said, you are more grumpy then usual. Okay, soo, umm, you got to keep this a secret, if you dont mind I want to 100% sure to make sure no one get in your head and to make sure I make you happy, I said leaning towards April with our nose touching.

6 hours later (7pm) with the Princess.

Okay! You're done for the day! you can go home! Zeus yell down to me from the sky above the dismantled stadium. I fixed up the stadium and when ti was my hands from all of my blood off of it. While Zero was out and about I thought I should look for him sense he doesn't have an Olympian phone.

While I was looking for Zero, I came across Aphrodite. I stopped in my traps then introduce my self self to her and said, Nice to meet, and I absolutely adore your clothes your wearing, I hope we can be friends.

Awwwww.... thanks I love that you have been out there for almost 7 hours and you dont have a single dirt on you, Aphrodite said then tried to pour her milk shakes on me. Before she tried pouring in on me, I had dropped kicked her then slammed her head in the concrete and kept on smashing her head. I saw that a car was coming so I pushed her head in front of the cars way. But luckily for her the car slammed his brakes. I pulled her body towards me paralyzing her and said, I new about the news but I was just gonna let it go but noo.... you wanna be a bitch about it. I can be a crazy bitch and dont forget I dont mind getting my hands dirty also I tried being nice but after today I give you ALOT of chances for you to make it up to me-NEVER I WILL NEVER, Aphrodite yelled at me while she interrupting me. I stand her body up then teleported her outfit into my hands only leaving her in a bra and underwear then threw her out in the road then when I saw Zero about to walk around the corner I teleported us both home like sonic speed.

Hey I'm gonna go take a shower and got to sleep, I said to Zero. But its only 7:32pm, Zero said back. A second later Brice teleported in front of us. WHAT THE FUCK BRICE, WHY ARE YOU HERE! I said slapping him and hugging him. The Gods sent me here to watch over you because they had a vision of almost accidentally killing a whole hospital but I saved you from that, then I was order to come to you once a month to help you more but you had an emotional breakdown and my teleportation to you was messed up so I couldn't make it to you but then you killed this whole city and the city's around it, Brice said. The Gods said that you are allowed to talk and visit our family and show the world that you're princess, Brice continue to say.

One thing first, we are in a secret war and we cannot defeat them but I requested to join so we can when but they said I have to protect the royal families that I'm engaged with, Brice said. Wait! or we at war with multiple countries and kingdoms! I said to Brice in a worry tone. Yes- hold up, Fredrick had texted me and it say that...THE WAR INFORMATION HAS BEEN LEAKED!! AMD that they tried deleting the post but people are sending and sending it to multiple people, Brice said in worried. Hey turn on the News, I s aidede. it was all over the news, Brice said. Hey! Fredrick had texted and it a emergency press conference in it will be live on camera in 20 minutes, Broce said. The good thing you always wear suits. I put on a black pants suit and some black heels then brush my hair.

30 minutes later at the press conference.

Okay! Everyone! Settle down! Prince Fredrick yelled out.

Can you confirm that we are at war with multiple kingdoms and countries, A reporter said.

Yes, we are and this is going to be a WW111, Edward said.

How did this war started and How will we when this, A reporter said.

This war was started because a mole our kingdom had find the files and videos of the twins and they see them a threat but we are willing to show them to you, Fredrick said.

Yes please show the files and videos to us to clarify, the same reporter said.

Brice take your sister out of here we dont need an incident, Prince Fredrick said. No! I'm stayed and before I came here I went ahead to bring some tranquilizers with us and I gave it to Brice, I said. Okay then let start the video Brice will you do the honors. Brice grab the boxes of videos and projected it on the walls.

During the videos

Okay that's enough for now, Now do you guys see the background info but the worse video was this. Prince Fredrick showed a 3 minute video of the past war when I was 4 years old. I stand up, then started to walk towards the door. Brice grab my hand and when he did I started coughing up blood then I fell down on the floor, I couldn't feel my legs. Brother I can't feel my legs but I can't stay in this room while they show almost all the tragic events, I said to Brice. Wait! Sister! do you remember why I told you the only reason I was allowed in your home, Brice said. It was because I was going to get sick and my seizures was gonna kill everyone and it was all cause by a tumor and I remember that my doctor said if I continue to take my meds it will give me another tumor, I said to him. Hey I'm gonna teleported and Xray then see if you can get the tumor out sense your dominate then me, Brice said. Do what ever, but do it in the hallway! we are having a press conference right now. Too late! we both said with an X rap in Bruce hands and a werid squishy organ looking thing in my hands. I started to float a little then flew to my seat. Wow! Sense when you learned how to control that, Brice said. We are in a press conference right now, we already waisted these people time, I said.

I have a question for the Princess, a reporter said

Yes what is it, I said back.

In those videos it mostly shown you having a tantrum but I can tell its something mental, may I ask if not personal, the reporter asked.

Um, this is very personal but I think you all should know. I have I Multiple Personality Disorder but now days you can call it DID. Most of the videos you saw was me failing to commit suicide or someone either tried to attack me, made me very angry, or something triggered my ptsd. When it was my 3rd birthday, it wasn't even 1pm. A bunch of vampires, werewolves, and psychics barged in my home. All you can hear is screaming and gun shots. My caretaker was pregnant and she was due on the same day but she didn't want to go home so during the chaos she was able to sneak away to get me. The moment she walked in a sniper tried wooden shooting a spear at her and jump in front of it. I help deliver her baby and by the time Prince Fredrick and Prince Edward got here almost every one was dead and when he got to my room it was just me Brice, George, and the new born baby but the mother is dead. Here's a picture that was taken from the security cameras in the castle. This is what I looked like. A girl with bullets, spears, knives all over my body. That's the day I became suicidal, the day I stop being a child, the day I was being treated as a weapon. I have car anxiety issues from getting in to many car accidents but I'm able to travel in a vehicle now. Any more questions, I said crying out blood.

Yes, I have one more question for you, the reporter said.

Tell me your question.

What type of medication to you take, the reporter asked.

I had to take schizophrenia medicine and epilepsy pills but that came with my tumor I had and keep on getting because of the meds I take and I take pills for my PTSD but I have to take strong doses, some, some.. uh I dont remember.... I can see everything is getting dark and I feel so tired. What's wrong with her, Edward said running towards her. I'm gonna go in her head to see, dear brother but while I do so, please continue the conference. When Brice touch Chloes hands she fainted.

5 minutes later still being ask and answering questions.

Oh My God! look at the twins, one of the reporters yelled.

The twins hair started glowing then Brice quickly got up and his hair was pure white and straight while the princess lay unconscious with her teal blue hair with strips on both side of the front of her head had black curls of the color brown and down her teal blue hair look like theirs black arrows going down.

Brice why you sister not up? Fredrick ask. She not breathing and I can barely feel her heart rate, I got this okay, Brice said. Brice rub his hands together and place the on Chloes chest and zapped her real good. The first thing Chloe did was punch Brice in the face but Brice caught it. Ugh my hair feels extreme heavy and I just had a major hair cut the other day.

Do you guys have any questions about the war, Prince Fredrick asked.

Yes, we do. How will we win this war when you have one other country on our sides, the reporter asked.

Easy, I will have Princess Chloe out in the front lines while Brice gather all the political and important people and protect them, Fredrick says. Hey! you just gonna have me out on the front lines to kill everyone like you made me when I was four, could you at least have Brice out their with me while the Kurans can protect y'all.

A bunch of objects around me started floating while the air circled around me. Chloe! ITS OKAY! IT WILL BE FINE NOW CALM DOWN! Brice yelled while walking toward me. Can you let Penelope out for me, I think she will love to see me, Brice said. I'm here Brice, Chloe wouldn't let none of us out except to angry ones, Penelope ( Chloes Alters ) said. Hey can you do my a favor and help her calm down and remind her she not going to be used a tool and her emotions is her strength, Brice said. Okie, I will, Penelope said walking out the room.

I have a question, one of the reporters said.

This is about the Princess but scientifically I shouldn't be possible for her to switch so fast or communicate that easily of what I just seen, the reporter said to Brice.

Chloe had been using DID subliminal's, to people who dont have it can develop it but it's also can help people with DID to communicate and switch easily and she kinda mentality unstable but she getting better because of her alters but I'm gonna go make sure Chloe sleep while because she had been training for almost 7 hours straight and she has school, so have a good day.

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