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18.18% The Supernatural Miracle Twin / Chapter 4: A Day With Christian

Chapter 4: A Day With Christian

Wake up Chloe it's time for us to go shopping, Christian said. I open my eyes then I realized I was I my new room but I didn't understand why Christin was here, Wait! Christian is here right now in my room. What on earth are you at my house especially in my room, I said with a pissed off voice. Emma let me in and we're going shopping for school and you can call it a date, Christian said jokingly. I just met you and now It appears that I have a boyfriend and this is not going to be a date, just an outing with a new friend, I said to myself. Now get out my room so I can get dress and you would have to wait because sense Emma is new she hasn't learned my morning routine when it comes to food, I told him while shoving him out my room. I took a shower, wash up, and now ready to get dressed. I decided to wear my black skinny gean pants with my white crop top and my black leather jacket with a big black purse and black 2-inch heels to make me a little taller since I'm like 5"2 and put on mascara and lip gloss. I walk downstairs trying to find the kitchen since it's my second time being in this house. I finally found the kitchen and Emma had made herself and Christian breakfast, Princess what would you like for breakfast, Emma asked me. I would like to have a smoothie, please and thank you, I said. So, Chloe, we are going to go to the mall then Pallmart and someplace else. We all quickly finished our meals then head out to the car. We hopped in the car and Emma turned on the Gps and it said it would take us 30 minutes to get there. Well while we are in the car we can make a list of what we're re getting- already did that, I said interrupting him. Well, let get to know each other than, Christian said. I live next door to you but that's a huge gap between our homes, I like drawing, comics, books, and anime- wait, you like anime! I interrupt him with excitement in my voice. I love anime and drawing and other stuff, I said. Hey do you like maruto, Christian asked me. Yes, of course, everyone likes maruto. The two kids continue talking about it for the whole ride. Emma texts Prince Zach that Chloe and Christian are starting to be best friends. They better stay best friends nothing more, Prince Zach texted back to Emma's phone. Were here guys, Emma said to both Christian and Chloe. Christian got out the then he helps Chloe out the car he grabs her hand then casually started walking in the building. Emma could tell that he is very touche or trying to hit on the princess but it's obvious that the princess doesn't know. Emma caught up with them and when she tried to separate their hands but her hand was put on fire. Princess! why did you do that? Emma asked. I did it because I'm not comfortable with you touching me, I said. But Christian is a touching you, Emma said with a concerned look. I feel more relaxed when I feel the warmth of a person's hand and you are always ice cold and if you haven't forgotten I might be a part vampire but I come from a family that you can be born a vampire and not die to activate it unlike you I got a beating heart, I said coldly. Chloe and Christian continue to walk into the mall while Emma was text Prince Zachary that the Princess and Christian wouldn't stop holding hands. Prince Zach texted back and said what type of purse is she warring today? She has a big black purse, Emma texted. That purse should be on her right hand so I'm going to video call her so she is forced to stop holding hands, Prince Zach texted back. By the time Emma looked up from her phone, she had lost them. Hey, do you mind if we go 4ever22, I ask? Yes of course but why. I want a new purse and some shoes that the feetlocker doesn't have. Oh hey, my dad is a miracle worker he was only able to make you 5 custom school uniform in one night, and in your size and style thanks for your brother, Christian told her. Here some pictures of them, he said. Omg, I love them, thanks, right before Chloe was about to hug him Prince Zach started a video call. The Princess hesitate to answer the phone because she didn't want to ruin the moment but she answers the phone. Hey Chloe, where are you at? Zach asks. I'm at the mall with Christian I said with a smile. The mall? won't your ears hurt from all the sounds and the talking, he asked. Nope, you see the pins in my hair, there are actually antennas that cut down my powers and some abilities I can't control and I always have brothers ring with me to help with the mind-reading, Hey I got to go you know how clumsy I am so I don't want to drop my phone, I said before hanging up. Christian started to chuckle a little. Hey, why are you laughing I said when mildly punch him in the shoulder. When I punch him in the shoulder my hand turns to ice when I touch him. Oh, sorry about that I can't control that, it's just when my body sense a little danger it does that. I quickly thaw out my froze my hand. Are you a psychic or are you a warlock, I asked. I'm psychic but I only got 2 abilities, He said. Most psychics in this race have 1 ability but half of the psychics are going extinct because people with no powers that are just normal became more common in babies, I said. What about you? Christian asked. Well, you can say I'm everything, I said while laughing. I don't get it, he said while scratching his head. I'm part witch, vampire, werewolf, psychic, and a shrine maiden. My twin brother is the same except for the shrine maiden portion. Hey, do you want anything out of here, I asked. No, I don't why you ask. No reason, I'm just trying to be helpful I guess, I said with a sad smile. Hey, everything else I want is in Pallmark but is there a department store with arts and crafts also stuff animals. Well, they don't have good quality art supplies for a professional artist but at the famous craft store that's near Pallmark is there and for the stuff animals they have one whole store full of it, Christian said. When I followed Christian to the Stuff animals department a had lost my balance. I knew I was falling but Christian caught me. I didn't understand what was the warm fuzziness that was in my heart but it felt like the time when I was younger and always playing with Zach. Hey! Chloe! snap out of it, are you ok, Christian said repeatedly. Yeah, I'm fine, I said. Are you sure your face is red, Christian said with a smirk on his face. I pulled out my phone and my face was really red but I could tell it was me blushing and I had never blush before in my life. My phone started ringing, it was my oldest brother Prince Frederick. Thank God, he called at a good time.

I answered the phone. Hello brother, what is it? Prince Zach told me you are already best friends with the Christian kid, and that I can make an exception for him to be your suiter if you want. I don't even know what love is so I would give you an answer on my 13th birthday. I said then hung up on him frustratedly. Why am I so mad about maybe it's because I'm going to have my period soon I guess. Christian and I continue walking to the stuff animal department. When we got there I saw this huge bunny stuff animal and it was so cute. Without thinking, I grab Christain's hands and run to the stuffed animal said l. I said to him, OhmyGod itssocute!t itsseventallerthanmde. Umm English please, Christian said laughing. Sorry, I said that the bunny was so cute and that it was taller than me. Hey miss cashier lady, I want this one. Oh, are you sure you can afford it, the fabric and fur are super hard to make when it comes to this one? I walk over to the cash register then put my card down. Oh, My, God is that a super deluxe black and gold credit card, the lady said with her jaw-dropping. The stuff anime cost 600 hundred dollars, she said. Wait for 600 hundred, Christian said. Yes, 600 hundred its a good price because when I touched I got visions of where it came from and how it's made so it's a good price, others might say it too much but they don't know the labor they went through. I put in my pin number then use my telekinesis to carry it in the air. Everybody stared at us because of the huge stuff animal but a group of girls ran to me and asked I was Princess Chloe and I said yes I am. Omg did you really change your hair, I saw your post this morning I thought it would be longer but it's cute to have boob length hair, one of the girls said to me. Is he your boyfriend, you guys are holding hands, another girl asked. Wait no she dating Prince Zachary and look at this post of the two she sleeping on his shoulder but this guy is just playing games on his phone, another girl said. Hey! you boy, are you the guy is tag as @christain_duke23, another girl said. Yeah, that's me, Christian said. How did this picture get out on the internet, Christian asked? Well while we were hanging out, one of my Brothers snuck out the part to go outside and took a picture of us through the window then he sent it to me last night and I posted this morning, I said. Hey, can we take a selfie with you, I'm sure? The girls took selfies and I took a selfie with my phone to post that I met some of my admires. Girls! leave the princess alone. It was Emma who said that. Oh, Emma, you found us, there you are I thought we lost you. I said while walking away towards the front entrance of the mall. Princess I already got the car ready to leave to Pallmark.

We went into Pallmark but I told Emma to stay in the car and she did. It's almost 3 pm and more people start to go to the store. When we got in there the first thing I head to was the arts and crafts. I grab a bunch of plan notebooks, construction paper, fabric, and fabric tape. Then I went over and grab two plastic binders. Then a ran over to the technology section and get new cameras for my ViewTube channel. I went on a shopping spree all held up in my head and not even paying attention to Christain. I stared at the candy and started drooling and I bought half of the shelves of candy. Hey, Chloe doesn't forget that you need water for those Sweet, and Emma said you go through cases of water every day so get some more water as well. The princess carried everything using her telekinesis. Hey, princess, can I ask you something, Christian said. Yes, you can. My father travels a lot and barely is home, maybe my sister and I can come and go over your house whenever we want. Yes sure of course but I'm going to put a lock on my door where I have to open it with a key. Wow, thanks, Christian said surprisingly, while we were waiting in line I asked Christian where is his sister at. She's at her friend's house right now, Christian said. I pulled out my phone to make an appointment for someone to do the lock on my room. When I finally got off the phone, it was Christian and I turn to check out. Umm, Miss where are your Items. I pointed up then I drawn some of my items down on the banner and continue doing it then pick them up back in the air. We went out of Pallmark then we walk over to the arts and crafts store. When I saw a bunch of shades of red I wanted to buy them all but I decided not to because I think Christian might think I'm a freak. When Chloe was looking a the different type of shades of colors and art books you can see her eyes screaming I want it, I want it, but she walked away with a sad expression, Christian was thinking. When Chloe walked away he grabs all the stuff she was looking at and put it in a cart. Hey! Christian, Where are you! I yelled through the store. Christian quickly took off his jacket and put it over the cart so the princess wouldn't see what in the cart. The Princess only had more notebooks, big sketchbooks, name tags, and planers. Hey, after this can go by Mowes so I can get some stuff to change my new room up a little. Hey, I'm gonna stay in the store to get something, you go-ahead ok? Christian said to me. Okay, I can wait in the car but since it dark out and most cars look black but just look for the black Honda pilot with gold rems in the wheel I said to Christain. I walked out of the store after checking out then head to the car. Hey Princess, you should video call Zach sense you rudely hanged upon him earlier. I called Zach and he quickly picks up the phone. Umm, hi? I said nervously. How was your outing? Zach asked. It's going great so far. Hey, stay right there I need to teleport home because my new Chef had just arrived and my maids and butlers haven't moved here yet so brb. I teleport back to the mansion then let the cook in and gave him the list if my likes and dislikes then asked him if the home I'm providing for him is good then after that I teleported back in the car. When I got back, Christian was in the car already there and I thought I wasn't gone long. While Emma drives us to Mowes she told us to get what we need and don't go spend 3 hours in there it's almost 6 o'clock and I was told by all of your brothers that you, the princess needs to get on a good meal and sleep schedule. Hey Christian, can I call you Chris, I asked. Umm sure, he said while his face turning red. When Chloe asked Christian that question, Emma, slammed the brakes and she almost made us got into an accident if the Princess hasn't acted so quickly to stop the car in mid-air and that could've gone the wrong way. Chloe delayed putting the car down when fewer cars started to go by. By the time they got to Mowes Chloe was sweating and breathing hard while she was spacing out. Chloe, Chloe, hey snap out of it. When I finally came to I had put holes in the seats where I was griping my fingers at. The princess quickly got out of the car then ran inside. I looked for a bunch of smooth wood and a bunch of paint. I bought all the things I need then teleported back in the car then teleport the car home. I barge into the house and took all my things with me then went to my room. I started crying when I started to make my own costume made bookshelves then put my new notebooks in them. Hey, Christian, can you tell Chloe it's time to eat, I don't think she would want to talk to me right now Emma said. Why do you think she doesn't want to talk to you? Christian asked. So, every person that is in charge taker care of the princess has to read her file and I thought I heard something and without thinking, I had slammed the breaks. But one of the stuff on her files said that she has been in 2 car accident that was horrific in 1 year and the witches weren't able to erase that memory because one the accident was her 5th birthday. The Princess had been scared of any vehicles but she had only gotten better with it now but there have been reports that she nearly killed one of the caretakers because she slammed the break and the Princess had a super bad panic attack from it and she wasn't in control of her powers at the time. We were lucky that she had gotten more self-control and that her first reaction was to stop the car, Emma said telling the story. Ok, I get it more traumatic things, he said while walking away to get Chloe. The Princess left her door open and it was obvious that she was in distress. I, Christian walked over to her and sat next to her then I hug her. I took a couple of minutes but Chloe had hugged me back. It took her 10 minutes for her to calm down. Emma walked up the stairs the princess room to figure out what's taking so long. Before she was able to reach the room them two came out of the room but Christian was carrying her out.

When everyone got settled down at the table. Chloe heard someone knocking on the front door. I teleported to the door and it was Chris's little sister, Rachel with a box full of clothes. Hey let me get that for you and why don't you come in and have a seat with your brother. Umm, no thanks, I just came here to give you this I go home now, Rachel said. Do you want me to walk over there with you I asked? No thanks, Rachel said to me again. I teleported the box in my bedroom then went back to dinner. Hey Chris, here are my house keys ok, just don't come to the house in the middle of the night making noise. Princess! Emma yelled my name. Yes, Emma, I said in an annoyed voice. How dare you give him a spare key to this mansion and you only knew him for two days. So, If he ever tries to kill me in my sleep I would already know it by then, and I trust him, now, please excuse me from dinner, I said and a cold tone while I walk away. Hey, Chris see yourself out I'm going to sleep and feel free to ride with us to school tomorrow I said.

I went to take a shower and wash up and other crap for bed, I hopped in bed then closed my eyes another second I knew it, it was Emma she was waking me up so have to take my pills. I started to fall fast asleep again.

Anime_Novel_Nerd21 Anime_Novel_Nerd21


I misspelling half of the stores on purpose

Shrine maiden is for the supernatural terms

Let's hope I made it long enough

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