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80% Chained Fates / Chapter 4: "Guest" and Feathers

Chapter 4: "Guest" and Feathers

After a late lunch of takeouts, his head lays on the pillows and body rests on the bed. There was one thing he was curious about.

What triggers his dream to be attached to the other person's mind? Under what circumstances will he dream that specifically?

For the whole month, there was nothing specific had been different before or after he had that dream. At most, he was always woken up by his alarm. The old-school one that had been with him since he moved in this apartment. He had lived here since his college years, ever since he graduated high-school. Nothing weird has happened then or before, back when the previous owner had lived here. It isn't likely to be specific to this location. Either way, he couldn't test it out by sleeping outside. His anxiety will cause him to be thrown in a hospital before he was taken anywhere close to the gates of dreamland.

On a different note, he haven't had naps since forever. He used to take naps quite often since he pull all-nighters a lot. Since he lived off of the internet now, he could freely adjust his schedule and wrap things up before midnight. Even the past month, his dreams were always during night-time. Does that mean he can avoid hurting the other person by sleeping during the day?

The thought was one ray of hope in his situation.

His body slowly relaxed into the warm bed under the orange light of the afternoon sun. His eyelids fluttered to cover his tired grey eyes and his pale, teeth marked lips left a soft sigh. A nap sounds nice. He could also get away from everything in the world.

Sometimes, he even thought it'd be nice to sleep forever.

He fell asleep with that thought echoing inside his subconscious.

* * *

I jerk awake.

The surroundings were still the same. The jagged sand stone was left smooth and seamless under the magic I had used to take shelter by the cliff's side. The dying flames near my leg was from what little fire magic I could cast on a spare feather. I had stayed in a curled up position with my wings around me for too long.

The soft sound that woke me had disappeared.

With a frown, I unfurled my wings and stretched a hand to the smooth walls. My fingertips traced a faint pattern, using the little vibrations from around to sense what is happening outside. Since every inch of my skin had been scratched, bruised, cut, bashed, and ripped open, the faint traces of scars left me insensitive to everything. Except for my pristine hands, every inch was pale and smooth with powerful claws and the sensitivity of my body concentrated on each nerves there.

There was... a group of moving things somewhere not too far. It moved away from where I am.

I knew what I should do.

I can't let them catch me.

When I die, is when the world is doomed to stay fallen.

I pulled my hand back to my sides and opened my leather bag. There were many small things and survival tools inside. The little healing salve I had left was used to numb a scar on my waist. Then I used my magic to burn away the empty container. I glance back inside my bag. Colorful feathers, dull feathers, broken feathers, black and white feathers filled a majority of the bag's compartment. With grim determination, I point my forefinger to my forehead then my thumb to my throat as my silent prayer to the gods that have fallen. The ones that are NOT the god who have abandoned us.

May the past come back, for a future of no return.

After the brief prayer, I set forth to coming back to the surface. My wings had rested and they lifted behind me. It flapped down with strength to cause air turbulence forward and it made the smooth wall slide forward with the air. My magic flowed from the source and down my shoulders. It gathered at my hand and I splayed my fingers in front of me. My lips stayed shut, throat barely vibrates as I chanted in my mind instead.

'All space before me bows, all time before me stops. To the disobedient, I will disallow existence. To the subjects of my people, I call this creed and resist all fate. Dispose of the space that blocks this Majesty's way.'

The magic moves the space in front of me further away and, with the help of the gusts of wind, the rocks of the cliffs I once shaped had slid away. I fly out of the makeshift safe place and use the remains of magic to push the cylinder of rock back to its place. Those things won't miss these marks but placing it back to its place will buy some time nonetheless.

I leave no evidence of my stay and flew low on the ground. Once I could see a group of people with carts and Aenbarrs pulling them with a handful of solo riders surrounding it, I landed and struggled to stand on my feet for a little bit. The limbs that were barely used had lost a little strength but I easily regained them. My magic began to dissipate and gather around me like mists. Then they twist and turn, each thread of magic woven into fabric and fabric merges into a simple cloak. The cloak stuck on my back as if there were no extra appendages there and the large wings were invisible under the power of my magic.

I took a step, and then another.

I passed many boulders and desert remains, each step bringing me closer.

Then, I stopped in the middle of the road, blocking the way of what appears to be a band of merchants.

Those merchants halt and the solo riders slowly guide their Aenbarrs closer.

The cautionary gesticulation simply brought a wry smile.

I didn't move, I didn't speak.

I didn't have to.

"Who are you? What are you doing near the Realm Abyss?" the one who spoke was the solo rider with a scarf around his face and head.

I blinked, then tilted my head.

The innate ability of my race and my position allows me to easily adjust to this language system before formulating an answer. My lips were dry and my throat stung from the effort so I stopped. Instead, I raised both hands up leisurely in a wide shrug to show the rather skinny body underneath as well as the fact that I had no weapons. My leather bag was slipped far back between the hidden wings behind me. Uncomfortable, but well hidden. Combined with the few leather straps also wrapped around myself, it only looked like an extension of the harness I wore. I've already retracted my claws and they now appear like human fingers with long nails.

The people looked at each other before looking back at me. I pointed to my throat and then shook my head. That was enough for them to understand and ask another question.

"Why did you stop us? If you want our supplies, you need to earn it," the previous rider stated and I nodded. My hand pointed to a far-away boulder and they looked at it warily.

There was silence, then a few gasps of awe.

The boulder and many debris around it floated and revolved around each other. Then they began to melt as their color fades into a redder hue before a ball of liquid lava was all that's left. Then it dropped to create a puddle that hardens quickly under the dry desert winds.

Some sparks of flame left here and there, but everything in a desert was dead. It did not start a dangerous fire.

The solo rider nodded, "a mage. That ought to be useful, but we'll only take you to the next town in our list and drop you off."

I nodded and walked forward to near the group.

"You should get inside that cart for your supply and join the next shift of escorting," the voice had no special emotion, simply business-like.

In any case, I knew he'd accept.

Hiring a mage is always expensive and merchants could afford another mouth to feed.

They would prefer collecting useful people on the way or making deals with lost wanderers to gain the most profit while they are not selling in a fixed shop. They found a powerful "guest" to protect them in exchange of a bottle of water and three breads a day. It was a splendid deal. I did not mind these types of predictable people.

After receiving a loaf of bread and a water bottle for the day, I quietly sat in a corner of the cart.

MystenNoire MystenNoire

This chapter, we meet another dream scene! What do you think's happening? Why is the other person helplessly chased despite being powerful?

What is their role in the story?

I'm curious on your opinions, hint: It's related to the tags. Except the tags aren't set. Well, it'd feel better to keep some mystery for now. I'll change the question.

Between apocalypse, sweet love, knights&magic, evolution, litRPG, and comedy, which one's the plot going to be?

I appreciate any and all comments~

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