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57.14% Seven Stones / Chapter 8: Fear 0.4

Chapter 8: Fear 0.4

The dark haired bully Martha, studied her prey with interest, she noticed Pierce looked more alert and stiff than usual, she predicted it was due to an extra presence she had brought along with her, generally Martha would have asked her friends to knock out the extra if it wasn't an adult but the guy had an aura around him she wouldn't dare ruffle with.

"I am Martha Twain, who would you be?" she asked nicely, hoping she could get the guy to side with her, from wherever he was he must be very popular.

Vladius just kept on looking blankly at the girl who stood with arms crossed and a smirk on her glossy lips, her posture rivalled the models at ramp walk.

To Vladius she lacked perfection and presence both, he found nothing of interest in her. It was true her figure was very feminine with a slim delicate body and petite height although her caked face full of makeup and perfumed scent had him retching internally.

He noticed she was patiently waiting for him to speak and with each passing second she was getting angrier. He didn't like her, not at all, her existence radiated vulgar up-bringing.

Pierce saw the one sided interaction and wondered if the day could get anymore undesirable, because a pissed off Martha was worse than a raging bull. "He cannot speak so he -"

"Well, that doesn't matter to me, you can tell me his name."

"His name is Vla-" she silenced herself abruptly when a hand took hold of her wrist in a tight grip, to her utter shock it was Vladius. It was the first time he had initiated contact with her, so it had to be a warning. When she looked back at him he shook his head firmly, his eyes guarded.

Martha kept quiet about it but she didn't like the threatening vibes the guy was starting to send her way, it felt chilling when technically he wasn't even looking angry, his face was really calm and uncaring.

"What, you also not gonna speak now?" Martha asked with irritation and huffed slightly with frustration as she strutted towards them like a predator. Her eyes glaring dangerously at the two with a new found stubbornness, "I asked you a question bitch, would you or would you not answer. Remember who you are talking to."

When they didn't speak Martha pushed Pierce with her palms and heard her crowd laugh at their prey. Since they were standing at some distance from the eatery, people couldn't see them and thus they were partly safe, it gave the bully a slight advantage.

Pierce winced at the sudden contact and stepped back griping her fingers into a fist, she was scared for Vladius as he was their guest, she didn't care what happened to her as she went through it daily. She knew they were out numbered and even though he was a boy, looked tough and could also lodge a complain against the group, it would still be quiet a mess before anything could happen in their favor.

"Leave him out of this, this is between us."

"Pierce Pierce Pierce, are you that stupid, it may be between us but he got caught in this because he is siding with you. I am not scared of anything you know, since you already know who my father is and how much of an influence he has around here."

"Can't we just leave it as it is and stop this childish game?" Pierce was getting super annoyed with everything and above all she was scared for Vladius. Whatever the reasons for their feud might be, it gave her bully no freedom to just do as she liked. Still... judging from the smirking face and the angry tick on her forehead she was very angry for some reason and an angry Martha could go to any lengths to achieve what she wanted. Pierce felt the anger being directed more towards Vladius than her through the use of her sixth sense and it confused Pierce greatly. 'Is she angry because he didn't answer her authority?'

Pierce's dad was also influential if that was what she was wanting to compare but Pierce never took advantage of that or boasted about it to the whole world and she certainly wasn't a bully. She had been kind to everyone for almost all her life but if that kindness would in return hurt Vladius then she would fight back with all she had. He was an innocent lad who took pleasure in eating chocolates and if he was to get involved in some petty dispute because of her, she wouldn't forgive herself.

"Is that a glare I see Pierce, I didn't know you were capable of that," Martha mocked as her goons snickered to themselves.

"Martha let's get on with it, I am getting bored now," It was Ginny who said that, she was considered a rival of Martha in the earlier days but they soon saw something in common and got together as best of friends, that something happened to be the poor Pierce.

Martha considered her words and snatched away the packet Pierce had been holding, the contents fell down on the pavement like scattered beads. "Stop it Martha please, just take a look at what you are doing, this isn't right and certainly not what you want to become in the future."

The bully smirked some more as she stepped on the chocolate bar remorselessly, if Judith had seen it, he would be throwing a fit at the utter lack of respect for food, not to mention he would have lodged a complaint against Martha and her party. "You want me to stop this huh? Then make me."

Pierce was about to reply when she saw Vladius staring calmly at the ground, more specifically at the chocolate bar still stuck beneath the foot. In other instances she would have seen it as nothing more than just an expression yet in the situation they were currently stuck with, the calmness was nerve wrecking.

"Huh, you want something?" Martha asked him gleefully but what she missed was the clenching of the fist which Pierce did not. She just hopped this whole ordeal won't turn into a brawl and her chocolate loving friend just ignored it, or else the first day of freedom would turn into her last if they went to jail for it.

Vladius pointed downwards at the bully's foot as if asking her to remove it, but Martha just pressed further into the chocolate not caring that it was now torn and crushed.

What happened next was confusing for Pierce, she did not know the exact occurrence but Vladius was successful in scaring away Martha as she stepped back almost with a tremble. Since he stood in front of Pierce now she couldn't see his face but he must have glared or something for Martha and even Ginny to leave their stand like that, even the ones who were standing next to her shrank back in fear.

"Let's go."

Martha looked at Pierce briefly before leaving with half of the group who had taken a stand behind Pierce still as confused as Pierce, it seemed even they didn't catch just what happened. Pierce certainly didn't.

When they were out of sight Pierce bit her lips trying to hold back her questionings but her curiosity got the best of her. "What did you do?" She didn't see him punch, or push or speak, so what did he do for them to just leave like that? She was certain a glare couldn't do the trick. 'And I didn't catch when he stepped in front of me, wasn't he standing just next to me this whole time? I am sure I did not even blink.'

He didn't reply with any kind of action or even a scribble, he just picked up the all the fallen things from the ground into the packet, his acute focus on the task was slightly disturbing.


This time he looked up at her as if finally remembering where he was or what was going on, his senses appeared to be flooding back to him. Shaking his head for a while he smiled softly back at her and pouted while pointing towards one of his crushed choco bar. This action was enough to make her sigh with relief, the Vladius she knew was back on track and it was a good thing.

"I just wanted to know what you did back then, they looked almost scared of you. Tell me you don't happen to be some fallen angel or vampire in disguise." She didn't know what she was wanting but the answer seemed almost crucial to her. She found herself asking what part of the question was a joke because she hadn't been joking. 'As if vampires are real.'

He tilted his head as if contemplating what she said and processing the answer and then chuckled strangely. Handing over the poly-bag to her he took out the notepad from his pocket and started to jot gown quickly. "I just glared at them with my full potential."

Pierce laughed awkwardly, "I would like to learn it too, I certainly haven't achieved my full potential yet."

Vladius just smiled goofily.

The eatery they visited was packet full but still they were able to get a seat before it closed down. They ordered a hearty meal of burgers and pizzas as she decided they were going to eat all junk food and with the money she had with her it was all within her limit, to the observers it was astonishing to find how much Vladius ate but to her it was fast becoming a common knowledge. "Want to try some Chinese?"

Valdius grinned while still eating the pizza slice, his demeanor was so happy that she was sure he could light up the whole city. "Waiter!" she called politely.

Candy, the waitress rushed to them as soon as she heard the call, she looked very pleased with them as she complained why more customers couldn't be like them. "What else can I bring for you?"

"I would like 1 plate of chilli garlic noodles with red sauce. Also pack some brownies, I heard you introduced it this summer."

"Yes yes we did, our special brownies are a hit. So anything else honey?" she lovingly asked with a well placed warm smile.

Pierce returned the smile, "No that will be it."

Vladius raised an eyebrow at her when she grinned stupidly at him, "You are so gonna love the brownie."


He had loved the brownies the most as she had expected, he even went as far as not to share even an ounce of it with her despite her whines. She wanted to tease him about it but let it go after catching a glimpse of his smiling eyes. 'Such a kid he is,' she thought for the hundredth time that day as a small smile made its way on her lips.

Reaching home hadn't taken much time, the night had become more chilly as they walked out the cab. At distance she could see the lightening and the delayed sound of thunder. It must be her but she caught shadows flying in the sky. Shaking her head firmly she went inside the door as her father waited at the side, Vladius had already gone in so she didn't need to delay any further.

"How was today."

Pierce didn't even need to think before a reply was already forming, "It was more than fun."

Judith watched as she went in and up the stairs, her face brimming with happiness he had never seen in years. He hadn't liked the idea of a boy coming to stay with them, he had refused firmly, 'But if she is happy then...'

Looking outside he saw the sky grimly, "It seems... they have started moving, don't you agree Raado?"

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