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15.15% To Be Heard: A Mha Fan-Fic / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

"Nozomi? "

The woman did not react. She had her hands clenched together and was staring down at the documents on her desk. She had been like that for some time. She didn't even move safely for the tapping of her right foot. She was back at work but her mind was on Kuriko. It was her first day at a new school and Nozomi was very worried. There was so much that could happen. So many bad things that could take place. So many bad people out in the world. She couldn't focus on anything else. All she thought about was Kuriko and her safety. The teacher reassured her, but she couldn't believe her words. Her eyes moved to the watch on her wrist. Just one more hour. One more hour and she would have to leave to retrieve her from school. She hadn't gotten any calls, so that's good, isn't it? She hoped so.

"Nozomi "

Kuriko was probably scared. Her anxiety must be crippling. She would be around so many new people. Children. The memories of all the times she was treated poorly probably fill her mind every passing minute. She wanted her to make friends, but of course, she could not unless others give her a chance.


Maybe she should Homeschool her. She could come up with a schedule. She could find tu-

"Nozomi" a hand was placed firmly on her own and she snapped out of her thoughts. She looked up to met worried sky blue eyes. When did Nemuri get there? She blinked and tried to push her thoughts away. Nemuri was dressed in her hero suit. She was there on business. It could be serious and she was spaced out on the job. Focus. That was one of the most important things her father taught her. She was sure it came right after the calm.


Nemuri sighed and flicked Nozomi on the forehead. She winced and pulled away from her long time friend.

"You're not focused at work. Are you worried about Kuriko? "Nemuri asked, already knowing the answer. Of course, she was worried about the girl. Nozomi never loses focus at work. It was something that was drilled into her from a young age.

Nozomi had nodded to the question as she tried to distract herself by looking through her documents, trying to see if there was something in there what would tell her why Nemuri was visiting her in her suit.

"I'm not here on official business, don't worry" Nemuri reassured as she sat on her desk. "I just decided to stop by and check on you before heading home. But of course, if you want to help me out you can always tell me you have my special gadget"

Nozomi cracked a small smile and shook her head. "Work in progress"

"I see, well I can wait " Nemuri said with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Are you free? "

"More or less, but one can never be sure" Nozomi said. Business has been slow today. Hardly anyone came to see her and there wasn't much to do. But of course, she could not leave. There could always be an emergency. Something can always come up.

"let's get out of here"

"I can't do that"

"Yes, you can. Let's go get Kuriko. I'm sure she wouldn't mind getting out of there a bit sooner" Nemuri said as she tried to persuade Nozomi. She was sure she couldn't wait to go get her. She didn't like the thought of her getting hurt again. It was a hard situation to deal with. The other day she had a sit down with the parents of the ones who put Kuriko in the hospital. The doctor had all the proof they needed and they were quick to apologize once they realized who's kid their children had brought harm to. They didn't want any trouble. Nemuri was sure they tore into their no-good little bastards about what they did.

Nozomi sighed. She did want to go get Kuriko. She wasn't very happy this morning. She was hardly showing any emotion as she got her ready for school. She had her hood over her head the entire time. She refused to look at anyone. She was afraid again but at the same time, she was accepting. She accepted the fact that she had to return to school and she likely accepted the fact she'd be bullied again.

"Let's go"


Life is meaningless.

As she watched her fellow toddlers laugh and play on the playground that one thought went through her head. They were happy. Carefree. Not a care in the world. They don't have to worry about a thing. They just need to be children. What a life that must be. To not worry about a thing. To live with no fear. No anxiety. No trust issues. No depression. No pain. Nothing. Just a happy life with loving parents and dreams for the future. They probably want to be heroes. Everyone wants to be a hero. It's a kids dream. In this world, you're not likely to find a child that wishes to be anything else. Unless of course, they're quirkless but even then.

She looked at her hands. Would she have a quirk? Would she be quirkless? Did she even care about such a thing? Would it matter? Would she be treated differently if she did have one? Would they start to understand? Would she still be different?

The answer varies, doesn't it?

If she has none her treatment will remain the same. It might be worse than it already is. Those who do not possess a quirk are treated like trash. She was treated that way every day. Would having no quirk make it worse? Maybe.

If she did have a quirk and it ended up being insignificant and weak, her treatment would still be the same. She'd still be weak and defenceless. Useless. Worthless.

And what if she ended up with a strong quirk. How would she be treated? Would they see her any differently? Would they want to be her friend? Would the bullying stop. The pain. The sorrow? Would they change?

They would, wouldn't they? Some would be jealous. Some would be filled with admiration. They would want to be around her. But why? Because she has a strong quirk. That's about it. They wouldn't care about her. They wouldn't care about her problems. They wouldn't care about the pain. All they care about is power. If your rich people will like you and try to be your friend. But the minute you lose that wealth they'll all turn their backs on you. If your strong everyone will love you. When you lose that strength you're nothing. When you have power everyone admires you. Lose that and you're again nothing.

Nothing really matters, does it?

All people care about in this world is quirks. Strong quirks. That's all that matters to them. That's how humans are.

Shallow creatures.

She returned her eyes to the playground. She wasn't invited to play with anyone. They talked about her in class. They called her weird. Not the worst name she's been dubbed. She stopped caring in all honesty. What's the point? She's been asking herself that question for some time now. What's the point of anything? What's the point of life? What's the point of having friends? What's the point in anything we do? What's the point of our existence? What's the point of emotions? What's the point of it all?


"Aren't you going to play with the other kids? ".

She didn't even look at the teacher who came to crouch in front of her. She had been sitting under a tree since recess started. She made no move to join the activities. She didn't care after all. She shook her head no, hoping the woman would leave her alone. She didn't like her. She acts all nice to her, but she heard her complaining about the mute child and how hard it is to handle her. She questioned why Kuriko was even allowed into the school. Was there no special school she could attend?

The woman was like everyone else.

"You can't sit here by yourself  you need to try to make friends"

Kuriko abruptly stood and walked over to the other side of the tree. She sat back down, her back to the teacher. She wanted her gone. She didn't trust her. How could she?

She left.

Kuriko was alone again. She didn't mind it. She was always alone. She was starting to get used to it. She had one more hour to spend in this God-forsaken place. Time seemed slow. Of course, it did. Nothing ever goes her way.

"Hey you"

Kuriko hardly reacted to the older boy in front of her. Twenty minutes. That's how long she went without trouble. She was starting to think nothing would happen. Of course, she was wrong. Luck was never her friend.

"This is my spot" the boy glared at her.

She looked at him. His spot, huh? It's been twenty minutes. He's only now coming to his spot? She didn't believe that

She stood, ready to leave. He may be lying but  She would not remain there. He was clearly looking for trouble. And she was looking to get away from it. She didn't want to go home battered and bruised. Her head has fully recovered but anytime she thought of it there was a throb she hated so very much. She had a scar on her scalp. Never to be removed. A constant reminder of how much the world hated her. It wouldn't be the first scar on her body. There was one on her stomach. Her back. Her arms and legs. No one knew this of course. Nozomi was the only other person to know about them. Kuriko wished they would just go away.

She only took two steps before the boy put a leg in front of her a tripped her. Of course. She fell onto her hands and knees. She winced. Her knee hit something very hard. She hoped it wasn't bleeding. There goes any hope of getting home bruise-free.

"Can't talk and can't walk, you're useless arent you? "The boy laughed.

She gripped her fist. Fear. Sorrow and anger digging up inside her. She slowly stood. She stumbled. Her knee hurt. She felt tears in her eyes but blinked them away. She made to walk away again

"Don't ignore me you  little freak"

A push and she as on her knees again. A soundless whimper left her when the pain registered. The boy was laughing again. She hated it. She stood again and again she was pushed to the ground. The tears were threatening to overflow when the pain in her knee intensified. She didn't want to cry. She couldn't cry. He'll only laugh more if she did. It only made her weak. She always cries. Never fights back. She couldn't. Why couldn't she?

She was afraid.

"Kuriko! "

Nozomi? That was her voice, but what was she doing here? She wasn't supposed to come get her yet. She had an hour. Kuriko didn't lookup. Her eyes were glued to the ground. Nozomi would be worried again. At least she would have tried to fix herself up before she came and got her. She didn't want her to worry anymore. She always worries because she always gets hurt. She just brings her pain. She didn't want that but it kept happening.

"Hey kid, get away from her! What is wrong with you? "

Another voice she recognized. It was that woman that came to visit the other day. Kuriko had listened in on her conversation with Nozomi that day. She sounded like a nice person, but Kuriko still could not Bring herself to trust her.

Kuriko winced when Nozomi helped her stand. Her pant leg was rolled up to reveal her bruised knee. It was bleeding. She glared at her knee as if it committed the worst of crimes. She was bleeding. She always bleeds. Why is it always her blood being spilt? Why must she always be in pain? Why must she always feel this way?  How would they like it? To constantly bleed. To constantly be in pain. To constantly feel the way she does. She was sure that if they lost their voice they would suffer the most. They're already used to talking. Calling her dirty names, when they should be thankful they can talk in the first place. They don't know what it's like.

"Your knee" Nozomi added light pressure and Kuriko flinched. "It's more than a scrape. We need to visit the doctor again"

Hospital. Again. She hated that place. It made her uneasy. She's been spending a lot of time in that place lately. She should just live there.

Nozomi had carefully picked her up to get her into her car. She had spotted the purple-haired woman talking to her teacher. She wasn't happy with the supposedly sorry woman. Was Nozomi's friend angry with the teacher for allowing such a thing to happen?

"I would like the address and phone number of that boy's parents. We need to have a talk " she demanded.

The teacher nodded in defeat.

Kuriko watched the exchange, a feeling in her chest. Did that woman actually care about her too? She didn't know her. Why would she care? She found herself asking the same question she had asked when she met Nozomi.

Why do they care about her?


Kuriko was staring at her bandaged knee. She would be home from school for a few more days again. She would be moved to another as well. It's always the same. She didn't want to cause so much trouble for Nozomi. She was sure the woman could hardly focus on her worry. Why couldn't she be normal? Why was she born as she was? That's why no one wanted her. No one liked her. She was too much trouble.

"Hey, how are you feeling kid? "

It was that woman again. Her name was Nemuri she had heard. She tried to avoid her but she was always there. She was helping Nozomi and trying to help her, but she didn't trust her. She wanted to. She was making sure Nozomi was ok. She was happy to see someone caring for the woman that always cared for her. She had to try to be at ease around the woman. Try to trust her

She looked at her and nodded.

"You sure you're doing fine? "

Another nod

"Do you want some ice cream? I brought a whole tub of the stuff. It's vanilla flavoured, I heard you haven't tried that yet"

Another nod. A bit hesitant this time. Nemuri smiled kindly and stood.

"I'll be right back. "

When she left Kuriko sighed. Her heart was beating out of her chest and her anxiety was draining the energy out of her. She wasn't comfortable around others. She was trying to get used to Nemuri, but she couldn't. She was so nice to her that she just expected her to turn into another person when Nozomi wasn't around. But she remained the same.

She directed her attention to the TV. A news report on All Might. He saved a group of people. He was carrying around ten people with a massive smile on his face.

The symbol of peace.

Kuriko stared. The symbol of peace only brought more danger to the world. Many villains want to take him down. The most dangerous of them can cause damage, all because they want him dead. He represents peace. He is the one holding up society. He does a great job. He protects a lot of people and always makes them feel save.

But Kuriko knew better.

He was the symbol of peace. He and him alone. He was the lone pillar holding up society.

What will happen when he falls?

That one pillar holding up the building. When it crumbles Everything will come crashing down. Society will crumble. Villany will rise. Society won't feel save anymore. It won't matter how many other heroes there may be. They are not the symbol of peace. All Might is. They all rely on him. Civilians and heroes alike. They lean on him too much. The other heroes can't compare to him in strength. They most likely never will.

Why not have a society with multiple symbols of peace? Multiple pillars. If one crumbles there will be others to hold up the building and at some point, another will be built to take the place of the fallen.

Kuriko turned away from the TV. Such a flawed ideology that will do more harm than good.

What's so great about being a hero?

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